Project Fantasy League: RBTT Edition!

Dark Pulse

mid skill, god luck
is a Forum Moderatoris a member of the Battle Simulator Staff
Fantasy RBTT Logo(1).png
Original logo by sharpclaw | redraw by Dark Pulse

~Standings Spreadsheet~

Welcome to the 2nd ever Random Battles Fantasy League! a challenge where YOU are the team manager!
This side project is a fun opportunity for you to become a mock manager throughout this edition of RBTT, vicariously participating in the tournament, cheering on your friends, and trying to predict which players will stand out above the rest. And it's not limited to just spectators! Players and active managers are welcome to join in on the fun!

This time around, things will be a little different. Initially signing up is going to be very similar to last time, and if that's how you want to enjoy your league, you can do just that! However, we will be adding in a Dynamic mode to make things more interesting!
Signing up is simple:

1. Make a copy of this google sheet by clicking File -> Make a Copy. Change its name to your smogon name, or come up with your own team name!

2. Add names of the players you'd like to buy in the "Signup" tab. You can do this by typing their name, using the drop-down, or copy/pasting from the Player List Tab.

3. Once you have completed the sheet, and get a nice green "Lineup is valid!" down the bottom, post a link to your sheet in the thread! You're now signed up!

Here's a team I made using a random number generator (names used are dummy data)
You will have 210000 points to build a team. Each player will be worth a certain number of points, based on at what point they were drafted (earlier picks being worth more points than later ones). Your team will consist of 14 starters and 4 subs, just like a real RBTT team! However, Format does not matter - this means if you draft 8 players who play gen 9, that is totally okay and allowed! Additionally, you may not have more than 5 players from any one team.

As the tournament progresses, game wins will be recorded, and used to track scores. When a player wins a set, they will get 1 point, and an additional 0.2 points for every unplayed game This means that while a 2-1 or 3-2 is worth 1 point, a 2-0 or 3-1 is worth 1.2 points, and a 3-0 is worth a whopping 1.4!
Points will be tallied up across the entirety of the tournament (from round 1 through to the grand final!), and be used to determine the winner.

If one of your players does not play
on any one given week, then they will automatically be replaced by your first substitute for that week. Meaning you'll still have the chance to earn points even if This is the same for your 2nd, 3rd, and 4th subs. If you somehow have 5 players not playing, you will simply miss out on points (IE automatically given a loss)

Roster changes
During the course of the tournament, you will also be able to re-submit your roster to swap starters and subs, or buy/sell players for your roster. We will have a winner for both first-submission rosters, and for those who play week by week.
1. Go to the "Rebuild" tab of your roster

2. Make sure that the "Old Lineup" column matches your lineup (if it doesn't, change it!)

3. In the "New Lineup" section, write down how you want your new lineup to look.

4. Once you get that green "Lineup is valid!" down the bottom, Post that you are making a change, re-linking your sheet

This is about the most changed you could make a roster. I randomised everyone on the list, and then bought 1 new player
You may swap players around within your roster as much as you like, however you may only buy/sell 1 player per week. Additionally, you will only be allowed to perform a buy/sell 3 times across the entirety of the tournament
Any roster change submissions will not take effect until the next week meaning if you submit a roster change after week 3 pairings are posted (even if no games have been played yet) your current roster will be used for week 3, but your new/changed one will be used from week 4 onwards.

If you have any questions, please feel free to DM me here or on Discord, and I'll update with more details/information as soon as I can!


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