NOC Fallout New Vegas NOC [GAME OVER - Wastelanders Win]

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Just to point out right now that we're presently sitting on a god damned tie and no one is going to be lynched right now unless there is a mayor. Which I think we agree is unacceptable. So in before the mafia hammers someone but it would be nice if we got rssp1 to vote and Jalmont & Amianki to look at their votes again since they're going alone.

Haunted Diamond: 3 [ ButteredToast, vonFiedler, Mithril ]

PokeguyNXB: 3 [ Haunted Diamond, sunny004, Fatecrashers ]

Fatecrashers: 2 [ Spiffy, PokeguyNXB ]

sunny004: 2 [ Celever, Serious Bananas ]

vonFiedler: 1 [ Jalmont ]

Jalmont: 1 [ Amianki ]

Not voting: 0 [ rssp1]
Well, for the people up for lynch....
HD's responses to the pressure on him honestly seems town to me, but I agree that the power role claiming is kind of fucky and I think he should claim (and someone should unlynch if he claims a useful PR, I won't be able to since i'll be at school or asleep) if we're going to lynch him today.
I think pokeguy is just a non contributive townie. However, his bandwagoning in most, if not all, of his votes is definitely pretty strange. Then again, sunny is also doing that, and they both could just be agreeing with the points said in addition to having nothing to say.
I agree mostly with the points on Fate except he hasn't been completely nonconfrontational; he's gone after Spiffy a decent amount, and Jalmont a bit too iirc.... but that OMGUS on pokeguy is weird. I guess it could be slotted to him wanting to make sure he isn't lynched.
I think von is town based on his interactions with others and I really don't know about Jalmont.

I'm not sure.
I'll think about it and then place a vote on one of the former 4 that I talked about.
I have been keeping my eye on the users viewing thread. If Haunted shows up and doesn't claim I think that closes the book with me. If not I still think he is the best lynch candidate tonight. But a lot of the support is indicative on his claim so I dunno. Not lynching is unacceptable.
I'll be up for like an hour or two but after that won't be awake in time for deadline. I agree that Haunted Diamond needs to claim. If he posts and doesn't claim while I'm still awake I will vote for him.
I get more scum vibes from PokeguyNXB than sunny so I don't get why sunny is the more popular target.
I'm glad we saved this wagon til the end of the day so when Haunted Diamond claims BG or some shit we can all freak out. If only we had someone to talk some sense and try to make him claim earlier.


It makes absolutely no fucking sense that people were so on my case for asking him to claim after implying he was a power role but then lynching him when he is likely going to claim anyway. The only difference is that we will have less time to come up with a different target and probably fuck it up by lynching noobtown sunny.

Go team!

This strikes me as odd. Why is Spiffy this freaked out about a sunny lynch? While I understand sunny is under a bit more pressure and it could make him a target, a case could easily be made against Pokeguy. In fact, this first post seems to be a precursor to make the case in case (hue) we decide to unclench HD after his claim...
I'm probably reading too much into this. I may not be, and I might have found a scumteam.

lynch sunny004


Also idr if I mentioned this but I wholeheartedly agree with BT's post #923; if HD claims a role that directly cc's you, don't out yourself. It means we have a 100% scum lynch the second you die (if you do) and when it's likely that he's the last scum, that'd be a perfect time to claim your role and get him lynched (all of this is assuming HD is scum and he fake claims a role in the game)
The main problem I have with my idea is that I think Spiffy is town. Obviously, if we lynch sunny and he flips scum, i'd be heavily reconsidering that read.
If he flips town, we could look at people who were targeting him a lot while not targeting pokeguy as much (essentially, tunneling sunny). While not necessarily saying anything about pokey's alignment, it could give us hints for scum players.
The main reason I spoke out against the sunny lynch (and Pokeguy lynch earlier on) is because I feel like they both would end up similar to Cancerous and nothing would be gained from the main topics of discussion that occurred today. Then I was wondering that if people were lynching an inactive, why sunny over Pokeguy when I deemed the latter to be scummier. I still feel that lynching an inactive is not the best idea. I'd probably switch to either of them in a "we have no other options" scenario but I don't see that happening before I go to bed.

The second post you quoted was my ranting at everyone who mutilated me for wanting Haunted Diamond to claim immediately because we're in a really shitty spot right now if his claim checks out or he isn't online in time for deadline.

Speaking of which, assuming he logs on before deadline, can we please agree to unvote and vote Haunted Diamond if he refuses to claim?
God damn, I want to look more at Sunny and see if he bandwagons with Fate and HD more than right now with the Pokeguy lynch. I don't think they are that stupid but there are probably 3 mafias out there and they all have banded together even they are top candidates...
I'm really conflicted when it comes to Haunted rn because his responses seemed towny to me but I also think that he shouldn't use the "i'm a power role, you can't lynch me" thing.
We're in another situation where none of the lynches are really going to give us large amounts of info :/
I honestly don't know what to do at this point.
I really don't want to get on the Haunted bandwagon in case he claims an important role and nobody's online to unclench him...
in case you guys haven't realized yet, autocorrect thinks that "unlynch" should always be corrected to "unclench." .-.

Spiffy's explanation seems plausible but I really don't think any of the other options are better... I don't know what to do.
The main reason I spoke out against the sunny lynch (and Pokeguy lynch earlier on) is because I feel like they both would end up similar to Cancerous and nothing would be gained from the main topics of discussion that occurred today. Then I was wondering that if people were lynching an inactive, why sunny over Pokeguy when I deemed the latter to be scummier. I still feel that lynching an inactive is not the best idea. I'd probably switch to either of them in a "we have no other options" scenario but I don't see that happening before I go to bed.

The second post you quoted was my ranting at everyone who mutilated me for wanting Haunted Diamond to claim immediately because we're in a really shitty spot right now if his claim checks out or he isn't online in time for deadline.

Speaking of which, assuming he logs on before deadline, can we please agree to unvote and vote Haunted Diamond if he refuses to claim?
I can't tell if my iPad is working properly or not, no one seems to be responding to my posts!

Well, for a new point: Why are you buddying sunny Spiffy?
Spiffy, please reexplain the argument on Fate.
Actually, just say if there's anything other than what I saw was the main point: general neutrality with a large amount of posts (which I personally don't think is true, but that's irrelevant to the question i'm asking).

A deadline extension at this point would be great, but I doubt we're getting one.
Celever I said "DO NOT LYNCH SUNNY" because "I think we have better options". You're trying to unearth something that's not there lol

Arguments I have presented against Fate:
Day 1
Spiffy said:
- His post #275 in response to von acknowledges his total focus on Jalmont but does not make an effort to comment about other aspects of the game (other than the recent Cancerous thing)
- Post #328 flips his vote to Cancerous. There is precedent for him finding Cancerous scummy. However, this could be scumcrashers realizing that the Jalmont wagon is losing traction and jumping on to the one gaining momentum.
- His immediate reaction to my accusation of him is to vote for Haunted Diamond with no explanation. He has explained himself on this account numerous times but it is still worth mentioning.

Day 2
Spiffy said:
Here he mentions that he isn’t comfortable with my wagon, but made no effort to defend me or even explain why he was uncomfortable with it. He seemed content with letting everything play out, only jumping in to defend himself when he was brought up.
- He and von are so determined to keep saying that I fabricated his entire connection with Haunted Diamond when I made like one mistake about a bandwagon that didn't happen on like the 4th page. Literally everything else was true.

His track record is the most scummy to me along with von and Haunted Diamond. However, I acknowledge that sunny and Pokeguy don't have a track record at all because of their lack of contribution and am realizing that's kind of a flaw in my thinking. I'd still prefer Fatecrashers over anyone else for now though.
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