Pet Mod Fakemon Frontier

Fakemon Name: Embeluga
Set Number: 1
Weight: 4 kg
Stats: 90 / 104 / 80 / 108 / 100 / 48 (520 BST)
Typing: Water / Fire
Abilities: Rain Dish / Flash Fire (Unaware)
Movepool: Gen 9 Universals, Will-O-Wisp, Torch Song, Hydro Pump, Surf, Ice Beam, Flip Turn, Heat Wave, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Flame Wheel, Flame Charge, Overheat, Flare Blitz, Inferno, Lava Plume, Fire Spin, Sunny Day, Water Gun, Water Pulse, Aqua Ring, Muddy Water, Life Dew, Razor Shell, Liquidation, Chilling Water, Bubble Beam, Aurora Beam, Haze, Aurora Veil, Snowscape, Rain Dance, Hyper Voice, Echoed Voice, Disarming Voice, Sing, Slack Off
Flavor: A beluga whale that's on fire.
Description: Skeledirge unaware type beat. It even has Torch Song! Basically, just your standard Unaware fare with a unique typing, a pivot move in Flip Turn, and has the ability to make progress between WoW and Torch Song. The downsides, like with most Unaware mons, is poor speed, generally low offenses, and passivity.

looks like sand’s back on the menu
Fakemon Name: Harletritus (based off Tyranitar)
Set Number: 2
Weight: 60 kg
Stats: 100 / 134 / 110 / 95 / 100 / 61
Typing: Fairy / Rock
Abilities: Sand Stream / Unnerve
Movepool: Gen 9 Universals, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Spirit Break, Thunder Wave, Rock Slide, Rock Blast, Toxic, Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam, Baby-Doll-Eyes, Psychic, Psyshock, Zen Headbutt, Confusion, Psybeam, Will-O-Wisp, Tickle, Acrobatics, Aerial Ace, Magnet Rise, Stealth Rock, Trick Room, Encore, some more flavor stuff I’ll do if it wins
Flavor: A sandy harlequin. Pretty simple flavor, but this is a pretty simple mon.
Description: TYRANITAR IS BACK BABY HELL YEAH!!! Unfortunately while crossing the sands of time, Tyranitar’s grit has generally been lost in the stream. But Harletritus is a new Tyranitar for a modern audience! No longer is it limited by a genuinely bottom tier defensive typing! Harletritus aims to do just about everything that Tyranitar once did- that is, not only being the definitive sand setter and the single driving force defining sand as a style, but also as a pretty damn solid mon even outside of sand. It has great bulk under sand, an okay defensive typing, great EdgeQuake coverage- it ends up just being a great option, both defensively and offensively.

based and normal pilled
Fakemon Name: Titamoton
Set Number: 3
Weight: 999 kg
Stats: 130 / 120 / 80 / 100 / 70 / 115 (615 BST)
Typing: Normal / Steel
Abilities: Stall
Movepool: Gen 9 Universals, Body Slam, Double-Edge, Core Enforcer, Iron Head, Heavy Slam, Bulk Up, Earthquake, Headbutt, Work Up, Last Resort, Iron Defense, Facade, Steel Beam, Flash Cannon, Magnet Rise, Hyper Voice, Metal Sound, Bulldoze, Gyro Ball, Headbutt, Metal Claw, Earth Power, Stealth Rock, some more things probably
Flavor: A giant, Regigigas-esque robot.
Description: Stall giveth and Stall taketh away. On one hand, Stall Core Enforcer is very peak, and gives it a cool thing to do beyond just being a bulky Steel. On the other hand, you can't use Gyro Ball because you still have 115 base speed, even if you always move last. Oh well. Titamoton serves as a strong, bulky mon. Strong and bulky enough to hopefully make up for its bad ability in Stall. It has powerful STABs in max weight Heavy Slam and Body Slam, a fairly good coverage move in Earthquake, the billion resistances afforded by Steel, and of course, Stall Core Enforcer for guaranteed ability suppression. rip the original idea (850 BST slow start)
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Fakemon Name: Opalina
Set Number: 1 (Everything)
Type: Rock / Ghost
Abilities: Dancer / Defiant | Competitive (HA)
Stats: 80 / 104 / 80 / 108 / 80 / 110
Movepool: Universal TMs
Physical: Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Rock Blast, Spirit Shackle, Earthquake, Close Combat
Special: Power Gem, Shadow Ball, Hex, Revelation Dance, Earth Power, Dazzling Gleam, Thunderbolt, Energy Ball, Giga Drain
Status: Will-o-Wisp, Thunder Wave, Swords Dance, Nasty Plot, Taunt, Encore, Parting Shot, Rock Polish, Pain Split
Flavor: Astonish, Ominous Wind, Shadow Claw, Rock Tomb, Rock Throw, Ancient Power, Bulldoze, Stomping Tantrum, Brick Break, Charge Beam, Thunder, Draining Kiss, Disarming Voice, Double Edge, Hyper Voice, Mega Punch, Mega Kick, Giga Impact, Hyper Beam, Memento, Curse, Captivate, Attract, Confuse Ray, Mimic, Imprison, Swagger, Charm
Description: Spin blocker / Defog punisher, and unpredictable mixed attacker. Could either function as a wall breaker with Nasty Plot / Swords Dance, or a Scarf user. Will-o-Wisp is also an option to cripple pokemon it can't deal with. I left off hazards to not encroach on the niche of Wyverock.

Fakemon Name: Bulrish
Set Number: 2 (Stats and Abilities of Dragonite)
Type: Water / Grass
Abilities: Inner Focus | Multiscale (HA)
Stats: 91 / 134 / 95 / 95 / 100 / 80
Movepool: Universal TMs
Special: Scald, Surf, Hydro Pump, Whirlpool, Giga Drain, Leaf Storm, Energy Ball,
Physical: Liquidation, Leaf Blade, Bullet Seed, Earthquake, Superpower,
Status: Synthesis, Defog, Parting Shot, Whirlwind, Leech Seed, Encore, Curse
Flavor: Aqua Tail, Bubblebeam, Dive, Waterfall, Chilling Water, Petal Blizzard, Razor Leaf, Leafage, Seed Bomb, Mega Drain, Aerial Ace, Icy Wind, Double Edge, Body Slam, Nature Power, Giga Impact, Hyper Beam, Aqua Ring, Soak, Rain Dance, Grassy Terrain, Worry Seed, Tailwind, Hail, Sweet Kiss, Charm, Misty Terrain, Psych Up, Safeguard, Helping Hand, TIckle, Captivate, Confide, Attract
Description: Mixed Defensive Pivot and hazard remover. Taking an attack with Multiscale and clicking Parting Shot is a get out of jail free card, but it could leave Bulrish in a difficult position for the rest of the match. Curse is an option too, although it's vulnerable to status and walled by some existing pokemon.

Fakemon Name: Chromasail
Set Number: 3 (Stats and Type)
Type: Normal
Abilities: Color Change
Stats: 60 / 90 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 60 | 570 BST
Movepool: Universal TMs
Special: Hyper Voice, Ice Beam, Earth Power, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Surf, Focus Blast, Aura Sphere, Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse, Energy Ball, Meteor Beam,
Physical: Double Edge, Body Slam, Super Fang, Knock Off, Body Press, Dragon Tail, Flip Turn, Earthquake,
Status: Morning Sun, Stealth Rock, Parting Shot, Roar, Heal Bell, Thunder Wave, Taunt, Yawn, Curse,
Flavor: Tri-Attack, Weather Ball, Terrain Pulse, Crunch, High Horsepower, Dig, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Rock Tomb, Superpower, Blizzard, Ice Fang, Avalanche, Icy Wind, Fire Fang, Thunder, Thunder Fang, Psychic Fangs, Iron Tail, Gyro Ball, Iron Head, Aqua Tail, Dragon Claw, Scale Shot, Take Down, Nature Power, Rock Climb, Headbutt, Slash, Tackle, Giga Impact, Hyper Beam, Skull Bash, Bite, Assurance, Lash Out, Solar Beam, Solar Blade, Outrage, Breaking Swipe, Flame Charge, Iron Defense, Stockpile, Spit Up, Swallow, Pain Split, Camouflage, Reflect Type, Skill Swap, Sunny Day, Rain Dance, Chilly Reception, Snowscape, Sandstorm, Grassy Terrain, Electric Terrain, Psychic Terrain, Tail Whip
Description: Defensive pivot with Color Change. Instead of Revelation Dance / Boomburst it just has really good coverage and utility. Stealth Rock, Thunder Wave, Knock Off, and Parting Shot are the main attractions. Ice/Ground coverage is always great but there's plenty more if it wants to target a particular threat. Curse is a niche possibility also.
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Fakemon Name: Burndrill
Set Number: 1 (Competitive + Will-O-Wisp)
Weight: 36 kg
Stats: 103 / 77 / 86 / 101 / 93 / 80 | 540

Competitive / Frisk / Magician (HA)
Movepool: Overheat, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Incinerate, Ember, Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam, Fairy Wind, Psychic, Psybeam, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Energy Ball, Shadow Ball, Flare Blitz, Fire Punch, Flame Wheel, Play Rough, Earthquake, Bulldoze, Rock Slide, Rock Tomb, Thunder Punch, Close Combat, Superpower, Drain Punch, Brick Break, Will-O-Wisp, Sunny Day, Light Screen, Reflect, Teleport, Trick, Trick Room, Stealth Rock, Bulk Up, Slack Off, Swords Dance
Description: Fire/Fairy is an excellent typing offensively and defensively, which combined with a well-rounded stat spread and movepool makes an all-around solid Pokemon. Bulky sets provide support such as Stealth Rock and Teleport, while also not being passive with its good coverage and STAB combo. However, there are flaws with Burndrill. Its mediocre speed hampers offensive sets, while especially defensive sets suffer from a weakness to Rocks.
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Pokemon: Joulmanta (Joules + Jamanta)
Set: 1

Stats: 76/104/80/108/79/103 (550)
Weight: 70kg (not that heavy)
Abilities: Competitive/Overcoat

Notable Moves: Discharge, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Volt Switch, Wild Charge, Power Gem, Rock Slide, Stealth Rock, Stone Axe, Stone Edge, Earth Power, Earthquake, High Horsepower, Scorching Sands, Spikes, Flare Blitz, Heat Wave, Overheat, Will-o-Wisp.
Flavor Moves: exist

Description: Fast Mixed attacker. Has good STAB options for both typings and either go all special with moves like Thunderbolt, Discharge, Thunder, Power Gem, which is complemented with good coverage such as Heat Wave, Overheat, Earth Power, etc, but it can also go mixed with moves like Stone Edge, Earthquake, Stone Axe, Flare Blitz and cripple the opponent team with Thunder Wave and Will-o-Wisp, while also keeping momentum with Volt Switch. Finally, Competitive offers a nice way to counter stat nerfs.

Flavor: Desert Manta-Ray that transforms the movement it does in the sand into heat that can be released. Lives with Garchomp, ig.
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Fakemon Name: Cloapent
Set Number: 1
Weight: 2,6kgs
Stats: 80/60/65/95/90/110 (500 BST)
Typing: Water/Ghost
Abilities: Competitive
Viables Moves: Destiny Bond, Glare, Haze, Hex, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Psychic, Recover, Shadow Ball, Surf, Taunt, Will-O-Wisp, Gen 9 Universal TMs
Flavor Moves: Agility, Air Slash, Astonish, Aqua Jet, Aqua Ring, Aqua Tail, Bite, Blizzard, Chilling Water, Coil, Confuse Ray, Crunch, Curse, Disable, Dive, Flail, Flash, Giga Impact, Hyper Beam, Hyper Voice, Ice Fang, Icy Wind, Infestation, Leech Life, Leer, Night Shade, Pain Split, Perish Song, Phantom Force, Rain Dance, Reflect Type, Screech, Shadow Sneak, Snowscape, Soak, Tail Whip, Tailwind, Waterfall, Water Gun, Water Pulse, Whirlpool, Wrap
Description: Semi-Offensive Spinblocker/Defog Blocker. Has a pretty decent defensive typing which it can make use of with Recover and Will-O-Wisp. Wisp is also useful to boost Hex which is otherwise rather underwhelming off of 95 base SpAtk. I don't feel like writing a lot about this so that's about it.

Fakemon Name: Shifteor :minior::stakataka:
Set Number: 3
Weight: 10,0kgs
Stats: 60/60/130/80/85/90 (505 BST)
Typing: Rock/Psychic
Abilities: Serene Grace

Viables Moves: Body Press, Diamond Storm, Earth Power, Esper Wing, Foul Play, Lumina Crash, Mystical Fire, Mystical Power, Power Gem, Psychic, Psyshock, Shadow Ball, Stone Axe, Stored Power

Flavor Moves: Bulldoze, Confusion, Earthquake, Explosion, Fire Spin, Flare Blitz, Fly, Giga Impact, Gyro Ball, Heavy Slam, Hyper Beam, Psybeam, Psywave, Rock Blast, Rock Slide, Rock Throw, Rock Tomb, Rollout, Self-Destruct, Smack Down, Stone Edge, Terrain Pulse, Weather Ball, Wild Charge

Description: Only has attacking moves. Serene Grace+Diamond Storm is a guaranteed doubled defense which you can then pair with Body Press. You can also use Lumina Crash to start dealing damage on the special side. Lumina Crash also forces switch-ins which you can use to boost with Diamond Storm, Mystical Power or Esper Wing. From there, you can start blasting with Stored Power. All that being said, boosting into Stored Power is probably more gimmicky than just breaking with Lumina Crash+Earth Power or DiamondPress. It can also set Rocks with Stone Axe. Up to you whether you want to run AV or Lefties, I could see both working, this is not very good at using choiced items though. Overall, kind of a gimmicky sub, tries to use a lot of secondary effects to accomplish what it wants to do.
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Fakemon Name: Magmeid
Set: 1
Weight: 132.0 kg


Water Bubble
Water Absorb

H: Solar Power

HP: 71
Attack: 71
Defense: 71
Sp. Attack: 121
Sp. Defense: 111
Speed: 111
Total: 556

Lava Plume, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Mystical Fire, Eruption, Fire Spin, Power Gem, Meteor Beam, Ancient Power,
Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam, Scald, Flip Turn, Earth Power, Flash Cannon, Steel Beam, Focus Blast, Calm Mind, Rock Polish, Light Screen, Reflect, Stealth Rock, Toxic, Morning Sun, Haze, Will-o-Wisp
Flavor: Standard Pokemon that inverts the stereotype of one species, this time being a Mermaid who swims in lava rather than water.
Role: Fast Special Attacker with a support niche

Fakemon Name: Sleepea
Set: 2
0.001 kg


Cute Charm
Magic Gaurd

H: Unaware

HP: 101
Attack: 55
Defense: 77
Sp. Attack: 90
Sp. Defense: 77
Speed: 78
Total: 501


Same as Clefable
Flavor: A monster found under a bed, though it's more of a sleeper than a monster.
Role: Physically Defensive Ghost-type

Fakemon Name: Noman
Set: 2
22.13 kg


HP: 97
Attack: 145
Defense: 108
Sp. Attack: 98
Sp. Defense: 68
Speed: 121
Total: 539

Icicle Crash, Ice Spinner, Icicle Spear, Ice Shard, Body Slam, Double-Edge, Explosion,
Stone Edge, Wild Charge, Elemental Punches, Shadow Claw, Body Press, Storm Throw, Circle Throw, Knock Off, Flip Turn, Shore Up, Bulk Up, Haze, Spikes, Pain Split, Destiny Bond, Glare
Flavor: A totally dejected snowman
Role: Ice types don't last long, especially with a quad Fighting weakness and such a bad ability, so this is my way of making a Pokemon go beyond it's stereotypes and make something that can be a great nuke in the right hands.
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Fakemon Name: Dizmuth
Set Number: 1
Weight: 5.7kg
Stats: 90/104/80/108/55/112 (549)

Abilities: Clear Body / Own Tempo / Competitive
Movepool: Blazing Torque, Combat Torque, Drill Run, Earth Power, Explosion, Flash Cannon, Focus Blast, Mystical Power, Power Gem, Psychic, Rapid Spin, Spikes, Stealth Rock, Stone Edge, Taunt
Ally Switch, Ancient Power, Bulldoze, Confusion, Fire Spin, Flame Charge, Flame Wheel, Gyro Ball, Harden, Iron Defense, Light Screen, Psybeam, Reflect, Rain Dance, Rock Throw, Rock Polish, Rock Slide, Rollout, Sand Tomb, Sandstorm, Self-Destruct, Skill Swap, Smack Down, Spin Out, Sunny Day, Tackle, Take Down, Trick, Trick Room, Gen 9 Universal TMs
Description: Offensive mon that can run either physical or special sets. Has access to the vaunted hazards game if you want to run a suicide lead set or some kind of hazard setting pivot set that can dissuade Defog attempts.
Flavour: Bismuth spinning top!

Fakemon Name: Laguya
Set Number: 2 (Latias)
Weight: 1kg
Stats: 80/80/90/110/130/110

Abilities: Levitate
Movepool: Amnesia, Draining Kiss, Energy Ball, Expanding Force, Heal Bell, Leech Seed, Lunar Blessing, Lunar Dance, Moonblast, Moonlight, Power Gem, Psychic, Psyshock, Springtide Storm, Stored Power, Trick, Wish
Aurora Beam, Charm, Confuse Ray, Confusion, Cut, Disarming Voice, Encore, Fairy Wind, Giga Impact, Hyper Beam, Hyper Voice, Icy Wind, Leaf Blade, Light Screen, Magical Leaf, Mist, Misty Terrain, Rain Dance, Razor Leaf, Play Rough, Pound, Psychic Terrain, Psycho Cut, Safeguard, Slash, Sweet Kiss, Swords Dance, Sunny Day, Tail Whip, Teeter Dance, Trick Room, Gen 9 Universal TMs
Description: Specially bulky special attacking mon. Eats up Galvanite's Dragon STAB, and can take a hit from its Electric STAB too. Has a bunch of supportive cleric type moves to support its teammates.
Flavour: Little green moon rabbit wielding a bamboo sword.

Fakemon Name: Chromalien
Set Number: 3
Weight: 20kg
Stats: 101/67/83/109/97/113 (570)

Abilities: Normalize
Movepool: All Weather/Terrain setting moves, Calm Mind, Judgment, Heal Bell, Ice Beam, Meteor Beam, Scald, Skill Swap, Sludge Bomb, Stealth Rock, Teleport, Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Toxic, Volt Switch, Wish
Acid, Acid Spray, Astonish, Body Slam, Bubble Beam, Charge Beam, Copycat, Disable, Expanding Force, Foresight, Gastro Acid, Giga Drain, Knock Off, Lick, Light Screen, Mega Drain, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Power Whip, Psybeam, Psychic, Psyshock, Reflect, Rising Voltage, Screech, Solar Beam, Swift, Sucker Punch, Surf, Tackle, Terrain Pulse, Thief, Tri Attack, Weather Ball, Gen 9 Universal TMs
Description: weirdo normalize mon that functions as a specially bulky attacker, as well as packing a bizarre assortment of utility moves. judgment gives it precisely One (1) powerful coverage move
Flavour: weird, fucked up space chameleon ultra beast type creature
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Fakemon Name: Obsidiaunt (Obsidian + Haunt)
Set Number: 1 (all restrictions)
Weight: 140kg
Typing: Rock/Ghost
Stats: 100/104/80/108/52/106 (550 BST)
Abilities: Competitive / Flash Fire / Dazzling
Movepool: Accelerock, Ancient Power, Astonish, Body Slam, Curse, Dazzling Gleam, Earth Power, Earthquake, Ember, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Flame Wheel, Flare Blitz, Flash Cannon, Gravity, Helping Hand, Imprison, Infernal Parade, Meteor Beam, Mud-Slap, Nasty Plot, Ominous Wind, Poltergeist, Power Gem, Psyshock, Rock Polish, Rock Smash, Rock Throw, Sandstorm, Shadow Ball, Shadow Claw, Shadow Punch, Shadow Sneak, Smack Down, Spikes, Spirit Break, Spite, Stone Axe, Stone Edge, Sunny Day, Taunt, Trick, Trick Room, Universal TMs, Will-O-Wisp, Wonder Room, Zen Headbutt
Comp. Description: speedy hazard setter which forces Defog thanks to Ghost typing, physically tanky enough to spread wisp okay, has a pretty varied amount of coverage and options for offensive sets too. Held back by its many weaknesses and very beatable speed in tandem with garbage SpDef
Flavor Description: golem made of obsidian shards barely held together by volcanic spiritual energy (so like orange and purple swirls kinda) (the volcano connection is why it gets Flash Fire, fire moves, and ground moves)

Fakemon Name: Nitriguana (Nitrogen/Nitro + Iguana)
Set Number: 2 (Based off Latias)
Typing: Electric/Ice
Stats: 80/55/70/120/70/105 (500 BST)
Abilities: Levitate
Movepool: Latias’s Movepool
Comp. Description: strong, decently fast special attacker with STAB BoltBeam, held back by its frailty and being an Ice type. Intended to either use choice items or capitalize on forced switches with Calm Mind to sweep
Flavor Description: little gray and white lizard with black/yellow magnetic field patterns running down its body. Its a living superconductor, which is why it has Levitate thematically speaking

Fakemon Name: Virulunder (Virulent + Lunge + Salamander)
Set Number: 3 (2 restrictions)
Typing: Fighting/Poison
Stats: 117/112/82/85/65/89 (550 BST)
Abilities: Merciless / Defiant / Poison Touch
Movepool: Acid Armor, Aqua Jet, Assurance, Barb Barrage, Bulk Up, Bulldoze, Close Combat, Double-Edge, Drain Punch, Earthquake, Fake Out, Focus Blast, Focus Punch, Gunk Shot, Karate Chop, Liquidation, Low Sweep, Mach Punch, Mortal Spin, Night Slash, Parting Shot, Play Rough, Poison Fang, Poison Gas, Poison Jab, Poison Sting, Poison Tail, Quick Guard, Rock Smash, Sludge Bomb, Smog, Sucker Punch, Surf, Tackle, Take Down, Throat Chop, Toxic, Toxic Spikes, Venom Drench, Waterfall, Wide Guard
Comp. Description: Each ability should be viable in its own way on different sets and teams (Defiant on hazard setters, Merciless if you have some tspikes support or want to abuse your own tspikes, Poison Touch for pivot sets) Low SpDef and meh speed keep it in check
Flavor Description: funky blue and pink quadrupedal wrestler salamander who will kick your ass and also poison you
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Fakemon Name: Spookozolt
Set Number: 2
No. of Restrictions: 2
Weight: 49 kg
Stats: 55 HP / 73 Atk / 101 Def / 100 SpA / 101 SpD / 90 Spe | BST: 520
Typing: Electric / Ghost
: Serene Grace / Infiltrator | HA: Static
Movepool: Rotom's Movepool
: Heavily inspired by a FlashCAP a few years ago, Spookozolt utilizes Discharge + Hex to break teams while also serving as a form of speed control thanks to spreading paralysis.

Fakemon Name: Crustbunny
Set Number: 1
No. of Restrictions: 3
Weight: 99 kg
Stats: 100 HP / 104 Atk / 80 Def / 108 SpA / 103 SpD / 75 Spe | BST: 570
Typing: Ground / Rock
: Competitive | HA: Sand Force
Movepool: Work Up, Rock Blast, Rock Slide, Aura Sphere, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Spikes, Meteor Beam, Power Gem, Earth Power, Smack Down, Rock Polish, Swords Dance, Sandsear Storm, Calm Mind, Trailblaze, Superpower, Psychic, Teleport, Scorching Sands, Bounce, Flash Cannon, Sludge Bomb, Poison Jab, Grass Knot, All Universal TMs
Description: Offensive Rock with a pretty solid bulk line and good offensive power. Meteor Beam + Sandsear Storm smacks around the tier particularly well.

Fakemon Name: Spritefite
Set Number: 3
No. of Restrictions: 3
Weight: 73 kg
Stats: 105 HP / 101 Atk / 98 Def / 99 SpA / 97 SpD / 100 Spe | BST: 600
Typing: Fairy / Fighting
: Color Change
: Taunt, Moonblast, Play Rough, Close Combat, Extreme Speed, Boomburst, Recover, Calm Mind, Dazzling Gleam, Aura Sphere, Encore, Agility, Yawn, Hypnosis, Swords Dance, Victory Dance, Knock Off, Gunk Shot, Nasty Plot, Focus Blast, Cross Chop, Fairy Wind, Draining Kiss, Heal Bell, Life Dew, All Universal TMs
Description: Also inspired by a CAP, Spritefite attempts to be the viable Color Change user without copping out with Revelation Dance. Big stats and it's initial Fairy Fighting typing gives it a lot of innate defensive utility prior to it's ability triggering, while still having weaknesses to exploit (Status cripples it hard).
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Fakemon Name: Peacrylic (Acrylic + Peacock)
No. of Restrictions: 3
Stats: 80 HP / 50 Atk / 80 Def / 130 SpA / 80 SpD / 105 Spe | BST: 525
Typing: Fighting / Electric
Abilities: Color Change
: Oricorio's Movepool with the following changes:
+ Aura Sphere, Focus Blast, Shock, Shock Wave, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Volt Switch
- Quiver Dance, Roost
Description: Trying something with a weird Revelation Dance abuser. Essentially a decent specs / scarf user which switches into a lot of mons like the dragons or ghosts, turns into a ghost / dragon itself and uses the newly typed move to hit them supereffectively. Otherwise has already decent special moves;
Fakemon Name: Pristinidae
Set Number: 2
No. of Restrictions: 2 (Abilities and Typing)
Weight: 23 kg
Stats: 114 / 90 / 73 / 85 / 73 / 111 [BST: 538]

Pristinidae Stats.png


Cute Charm, Magic Guard, Unaware (HA)
Movepool: Gen 9 universals +
Crunch, Double-Edge, Drain Punch, Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Knock Off, Play Rough, Rapid Spin, Thunder Fang, U-turn...
Aura Sphere, Dazzling Gleam, Draining Kiss, Flamethrower, Focus Blast, Hyper Voice, Moonblast...
Aromatherapy, Calm Mind, Coil, Court Change, Encore, Healing Wish, Light Screen, Memento, Morning Sun, Parting Shot, Reflect, Stealth Rock, Taunt, Tidy Up, Toxic, Trick, Wish...
Covet, Cut, Dig, False Swipe, Fury Cutter, Fury Swipes, Giga Impact, Headbutt, Strength, Tackle...
Disarming Voice, Dream Eater, Echoed Voice, Hyper Beam, Magical Leaf, Misty Explosion, Uproar, Water Pulse...
After You, Ally Switch, Attract, Charm, Copycat, Defense Curl, Fake Tears, Follow Me, Growl, Heal Pulse, Helping Hand, Life Dew, Misty Terrain, Sweet Kiss, Tickle...
Description: Disgustingly effective form of hazard removal wrapped up in a tight knot known as Magic Guard. Very solid Magic Guard mon that (hopefully) isn't too good that utilizes Court Change and Tidy Up to remove hazards from the field. Magic Guard synergizes well with this since it makes Pristinidae immune to different forms of hazards. Due to Magic Guard, it also makes Pristinidae a very good source of role compression, its expansive movepool can be utilized to the fullest with utility like Knock Off, Wish and Healing Wish for healing, U-turn and Parting Shot for pivoting, some form of recovery in Morning Sun, setup with Calm Mind and even Coil, and even dual screens is an option.

On other hand it also has Unaware, but just like Clef throughout basically every generation it's Unaware sets are mostly just outclassed by Magic Guard in basically all circumstances.

Flavor: Pristinidae is based on certain species of Mongoose that are actually cleaners that remove ticks and lice from Warthogs, the name being a combination of Pristine (as in squeaky clean or in top condition) + Herpestidae, which is the family of mammals in the order Carnivora composed of Mongoose and Meerkats. That was what this entire mon is based around. I started around the idea with Magic Guard and the thought process of "wouldn't Magic Guard + Court Change be kinda cool" as the basis behind the entire mon. I added more utility so that Pristinidae could be as versatile as it could be with what it wanted to do, while also trying to keep it balanced by sticking to lower offensive stats and lower defenses. I also decided to give it above average HP and Speed to make use of Wish stuff and to allow its Speed to be its most defining characteristic.
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Pokemon: Ghastaur (Ghast + Taurus) :tauros:
Set Number: 1

Abilities: Frisk / Forewarn / Competitive(HA)
Stats: 80 / 104 / 80 / 108 / 80 / 88 [BST:540]
Weight: 224kg
Movepool: Double Edge, Gen 9 Universals, Encore, Disable, Horn Leech, Raging Bull, Close Combat, Shadow Claw, Shadow Ball, Hyper Beam Giga Impact, Trailblaze, Torment, Counter, Mirror Coat, Judgement, Hyper Voice, Tail Slap, Mean Look, Bulk Up, Calm Mind, Nasty Plot, Swords Dance, Take Down, Thief, Heavy Slam, Body Press, Head Smash, Hex, Howl, Night Shade, Curse, Dark Pulse, Focus Blast, Double Kick, Mega Kick, Poison Jab, Ice Spinner, Phantom Force, Skull Bash, Agility, Brutal Swing
Description: We have no normal types so lets make the classic normal/ghost combo

Based off of :gengar:
Pokemon: Umbrawl (Umbra + Brawl) :urshifu:
Set Number: 2

Abilities: Cursed Body
Stats: 60 / 65 / 60 / 130 / 75 / 110 [BST:500]
Weight 169kg
Movepool: Dark Pulse, Focus Blast, Shadow Ball, Ice Beam, Fiery Wrath, Nasty Plot, Hex, Dynamic Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Dream Eater, Close Combat, Shadow Claw, Clear Smog, Sludge Bomb, Hypnosis, Wicked Blow, Mean Look, Glare, Bulk Up, Fire Punch, Extrasensory, Psychic, Psybeam, Gen 9 Universals, Taunt, Torment, Disable, Encore, Parting Shot, Leer, Growl, Sunny Day, Haze, Curse, Thief, Take Down, Double Edge, Expanding Force, Trailblaze, Agility, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Mirror Coat, Counter, Body Press, Mega Punch
Description: Special-oriented dark brawler
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okay duo tapped two blue mana to cast counterspell on that last post, nvm, only gonna do 1 so its easier on our good man
Malash (Malice + Ash)
Dark / Fire
Set: 1
Abilities: Berserk / Competitive
105 / 65 / 88 / 125 / 97 / 55
Moves — Bitter Malice, Fiery Wrath, Will-o-Wisp, Fire Blast, Night Slash, Smog, Glare, Mean Look, Scary Face, Tar Shot, Fiery Lash, Slash, Gen 9 Universals, Toxic, Brutal Swing, Acid Armor, Snarl, Heat Wave, Burning Jealousy, Scorching Sands, Scald, Fiery Dance, Torment, Taunt, Sandsear Storm, Nasty Plot, Earth Power, Sludge Bomb, Muddy Water
Artist Comments — so I imagine her being a very angry pile of molten ash and what not, or somethin like that mountain thing from Moana, ironically enough
Description: bulky sweeper moment? also this is really just bad, I was mainly going for angi flavor, I'm not a competitive expert lmao
Vetos! Apologies for being late I have NOT felt good these past two days lmao

Fakemon Name: rock
Set Number: 1
No. of Restrictions: 4
Weight: 200 kg
Stats: 80 / 104 / 80 / 108 / 80 / 118 | 570
Typing: Rock / Flying
Abilities: Pressure / Competitive
Movepool: Acrobatics, Aerial Ace, Agility, Air Cutter, Air Slash, Ancient Power, Attract, Block, Body Slam, Brave Bird, Brick Break, Bulldoze, Captivate, Confide, Curse, Defog, Dig, Double Team, Double-Edge, Dual Wingbeat, Earth Power, Earthquake, Endure, Facade, Flamethrower, Flare Blitz, Fly, Frustration, Giga Impact, Gust, Harden, Headbutt, Heat Wave, Hurricane, Hyper Beam, Iron Defense, Iron Head, Iron Tail, Meteor Beam, Mimic, Mud-Slap, Mystical Fire, Natural Gift, Ominous Wind, Pluck, Power Gem, Protect, Rain Dance, Rest, Return, Roar, Rock Blast, Rock Polish, Rock Slide, Rock Smash, Rock Throw, Rock Tomb, Rollout, Roost, Round, Sand Tomb, Sandstorm, Secret Power, Sky Attack, Sleep Talk, Smack Down, Snore, Stealth Rock, Steel Wing, Stomping Tantrum, Stone Edge, Strength, Substitute, Sunny Day, Superpower, Swagger, Swift, Tackle, Tailwind, Take Down, Taunt, Thief, Toxic, Twister, U-Turn, Uproar, Will-o-Wisp, Wing Attack, Work Up, Tera Blast
Description: the combo of bh aero and bh rockceus is here. cm + wow + roost makes it very difficult to break through, although having all three makes you very walled by rock or flying resists.

Fakemon Name: bagonite
Set Number: 2
Weight: 200 kg
Stats: 91 / 134 / 95 / 100 / 100 / 80
Typing: Electric / Fighting
Abilities: Inner Focus / No Guard
Movepool: Dragonite's movepool
Description: makes use of dragonite's extensive special movepool to deal good damage to everything. suffers from low speed especially because ddance is pretty bad on it.

Fakemon Name: hoopagigas reference
Set Number: 3
No. of Restrictions: 4
Weight: 200 kg
Stats: 200 / 160 / 65 / 95 / 50 / 100 | 670
Typing: Psychic / Fighting
Abilities: Klutz
Movepool: Psyblade, Zen Headbutt, Psyshield Bash, Psycho Cut, Mirror Coat, Future Sight, Psychic, Expanding Force, Psyshock, Psybeam, Confusion, Counter, Seismic Toss, Reversal, Focus Punch, Focus Blast, Low Kick, Superpower, Cross Chop, Hammer Arm, Dynamic Punch, Jump Kick, Sacred Sword, Aura Sphere, Body Press, Submission, Brick Break, Drain Punch, Circle Throw, Force Palm, Revenge, Karate Chop, Power-up Punch, Rock Smash, Vacuum Wave, Knock Off, Dark Pulse, Fire Punch, Mystical Fire, Ice Punch, Aurora Beam, Thunder Punch, Discharge, Gunk Shot, Sludge Bomb, Shadow Punch, Shadow Ball, Iron Head, Flash Cannon
Description: his ass has no status or item! great bulk and fantastic offenses however.
name these and you're good

Fakemon Name: Sleepea
Set: 2
0.001 kg
View attachment 532662

Cute Charm
Magic Gaurd

H: Unaware

HP: 110
Attack: 55
Defense: 107
Sp. Attack: 90
Sp. Defense: 87
Speed: 78
Total: 510


Same as Clefable
Flavor: A monster found under a bed, though it's more of a sleeper than a monster.
Role: Physically Defensive Ghost-type

Fakemon Name: Noman
Set: 2
22.13 kg
View attachment 532664/View attachment 532665

HP: 97
Attack: 165
Defense: 108
Sp. Attack: 98
Sp. Defense: 68
Speed: 131
Total: 569

Icicle Crash, Ice Spinner, Icicle Spear, Ice Shard, Body Slam, Double-Edge, Extreme Speed, Explosion,
Stone Edge, Earthquake, Wild Charge, Elemental Punches, Shadow Claw, Close Combat, Body Press, Storm Throw, Circle Throw, Knock Off, Flip Turn, Shore Up, Bulk Up, Haze, Spikes, Pain Split, Destiny Bond, Glare
Flavor: A totally dejected snowman
Role: Ice types don't last long, especially with a quad Fighting weakness and such a bad ability, so this is my way of making a Pokemon go beyond it's stereotypes and make something that can be a great nuke in the right hands.
Sleepea is very fat for something that can do all of the stuff Clefable can, which is most apparent with the abilities. I'd reduce the bulk by a fair amount, using other non-Dondozo Unaware Pokemon for reference.

Noman is also a bit crazy for something with Defeatist. I get trying to compensate for the problems Archeops has but this is a bit much. This ability's kind of a difficult balancing act as is but I'd again drop the stats a bit and also get rid of ExtremeSpeed.

Fakemon Name: Laguya
Set Number: 2 (Latias)
Weight: 1kg
Stats: 80/80/90/110/130/110

Abilities: Levitate
Movepool: Amnesia, Cosmic Power, Draining Kiss, Energy Ball, Expanding Force, Heal Bell, Leech Seed, Lunar Blessing, Lunar Dance, Moonblast, Moonlight, Power Gem, Psychic, Psyshock, Springtide Storm, Stored Power, Trick, Wish
Aurora Beam, Charm, Confuse Ray, Confusion, Cut, Disarming Voice, Encore, Fairy Wind, Giga Impact, Hyper Beam, Hyper Voice, Icy Wind, Leaf Blade, Light Screen, Magical Leaf, Mist, Misty Terrain, Rain Dance, Razor Leaf, Play Rough, Pound, Psychic Terrain, Psycho Cut, Safeguard, Slash, Sweet Kiss, Swords Dance, Sunny Day, Tail Whip, Teeter Dance, Trick Room, Gen 9 Universal TMs
Description: Specially bulky special attacking mon. Eats up Galvanite's Dragon STAB, and can take a hit from its Electric STAB too. Has a bunch of supportive cleric type moves to support its teammates.
Flavour: Little green moon rabbit wielding a bamboo sword.
The big concern here is boosting sets. It's good that this doesn't have Calm Mind or Nasty Plot but Cosmic Power of all things might be a bit concerning on this, I'd get rid of that.

Based off of :gengar:
Pokemon: Umbrawl (Umbra + Brawl) :urshifu:
Set Number: 2

Abilities: Cursed Body
Stats: 60 / 65 / 60 / 130 / 75 / 110 [BST:500]
Weight 169kg
Movepool: Dark Pulse, Focus Blast, Aura Sphere, Shadow Ball, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Fiery Wrath, Nasty Plot, Energy Ball, Hex, Dynamic Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Dream Eater, Close Combat, Shadow Claw, Clear Smog, Sludge Bomb, Hypnosis, Wicked Blow, Mean Look, Glare, Bulk Up, Fire Punch, Extrasensory, Psychic, Psybeam, Gen 9 Universals, Taunt, Torment, Disable, Encore, Parting Shot, Leer, Growl, Sunny Day, Haze, Curse, Thief, Take Down, Double Edge, Expanding Force, Trailblaze, Agility, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Mirror Coat, Counter, Body Press, Mega Punch
Description: Special-oriented dark brawler
Gengar's already not a bad Pokemon, you'd hear a lot more about it if there weren't better Ghosts out there, but this has a better typing for its intended role in my opinion alongside significantly better coverage options. I'd reduce the movepool a bit.

Also Glubbfubb Loginator Candelia - you threes' Set 1 subs have Will-o-Wisp as one of their two restrictions but we don't think they'll want to run the move competitively. Each might need a different amount of changes because the subs are all different but lowering the offensive capabilities of your mons and making sure they have healing moves if they don't already will help. If you want help with specifics feel free to ask.

That's about it! You all have 24 hours to make changes!
Glubbfubb Loginator Candelia - you threes' Set 1 subs have Will-o-Wisp as one of their two restrictions but we don't think they'll want to run the move competitively. Each might need a different amount of changes because the subs are all different but lowering the offensive capabilities of your mons and making sure they have healing moves if they don't already will help. If you want help with specifics feel free to ask.

That's about it! You all have 24 hours to make changes!
in response ignore Malash lmao
106 / 125 / 69 / 75 / 70 / 140
Abilities: Defeatist
Movepool — Gen 9 Universals, Flamethrower, Poison Jab, Barb Barrage, Flare Blitz, Fire Fang, Cross Chop, Dual Chop, Stone Axe, Iron Tail, Dragon Tail, Slash, Scratch, Poison Sting, Flame Charge, Flame Wheel, Trailblaze(if that isn't universal), Brick Break, Palm Thrust, Body Slam, Poison Tail, Night Slash, X-Scizzor, Heat Crash, Volt Switch
Evolves from Infecubator, ignore that idiot.
Set 1: Mossy Sandwich, G-Luke, anaconja
Set 2: LordFernando, G-Luke, Scoopapa
Set 3: Gekokeso, G-Luke, anaconja