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Welcome to Fakemon Frontier! This is another micrometa-based mod as we've seen quite a few of before, but for this meta, you can submit any BALANCED Fakemon that you want, so long as you're able to fit two of four restrictions defined by its current slate.
Each slate, I'll post 3 different sets. Set 1 will include four custom restrictions for stats, moves, abilities, and typing, set 2 will force you to choose a Pokemon from a group of some kind and copy two of its stat spread, moves, abilities, and typing, and set 3 will generate those four things randomly. You only have to use TWO of the four restrictions in each set. For set 1, I'm often straightforward about what I want, and set 2 you just have to make the two restrictions match the Pokemon you choose. For set 3's move or ability, then you have to make the Pokemon want to viably run it as opposed to just having it as an option, so if it mentions Intrepid Sword, the Pokemon should want to run the ability Intrepid Sword. You can't just give it Huge Power and say that it fits because it has Intrepid Sword as an option, there's no way it's going to want to run a strictly worse ability.
Try to make your submission unique. If you take the options that seem the most obvious, then your submission may not stand out.
Below, I have an example if none of that makes sense...
- (Choosing Stats + Type) A fast, special Ghost/Fairy-type that isn't particularly strong but can greatly abuse Choice Specs.
- (Choosing Stats + Move) A mixed attacking Steel/Water-type that isn't fast enough to outspeed common Scarfers after a Clangorous Soul, but has a multitude of coverage options.
- (Choosing Move + Ability) A physically-bulky Electric-type Pokemon with Ice Scales to find many easy setup opportunities, but lower attacking stats so it'd require a good amount of support.
- (Choosing Ability + Type) A bulky pivot Ghost/Steel-type that uses Ice Scales to switch in easily, but it lacks recovery so it has little staying power.
- You may vote for up to three (ordered) of your favorite submissions in each set each round.
- Points are distributed as follows - 5 for your first vote for each set, 4 for second, 3 for third. These will be tallied for a winner to be decided.
- For self-votes, you can put each of your subs in third completely for free. For every sub you make that you do not self-vote for at all, you may move a sub you do self-vote for one placement to the left (e.g. one in second, one in third, one left off if you sub for all three, or one in first and two left off).
- Ties will be broken by the council.
Miscellaneous Rules:
- You can only submit one Fakemon for each set of restrictions I post, meaning you have 3 in total each slate.
- Custom moves, abilities etc. will not be allowed at all.
- For the first few slates, try comparing your sub to the current gen's OU just for the sake of balance. Existing Pokemon will be banned but that example exists to set an idea for power level.
- I'm allowing people to submit sprites for this. You can make sprites specifically for this, or you can put in sprites that already exist. Nothing stolen or used without permission obviously.
- Tera is banned because nobody likes it and also it sucks
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