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"That has to be the worst mistake I've made this whole battle. Forgetting the most obvious Gen I move on a Gen I mon. Well, time for a show of true skill!"
Skillz the Mr.Mime #Odd Incense enters the battle!
Iron Head - Iron Head - Iron Head
IF Encore A3 THEN Meteor Mash A2 IF Counter THEN Sludge Bomb
IF Asleep THEN Sleep Talk (Iron head - Meteor Mash - Metal Claw - Bullet Punch)
tg for paying attention to how you beat me in AOT
Also, I'm bad for not buying HP Fire on a Mr. Mime sooner
"Impressed is what you shall receive then! Let's see what our final stand looks like!"
Mr. Mime #Odd Incense
------ Thunder Wave | Torment | Reflect
IF you flinch when you are to use Thunder Wave, THEN start action string Thunder Wave | Reflect next action
Reflect should cost 1 less EN because STAB EN cost reduction
Mega Metagross should only have a 10% Full Paralysis chance due to end of round decay
"Alright. Phase 1 worked brilliantly. Let's keep the ball rolling why don't we?"
Mr. Mime #Odd Incense Encore | Infestation | Fake Out
IF Mega Metagross uses a P/E move A1, THEN initiate action string (Chill | Encore | Infestation)
IF you have less than 69 HP when you are to act A1, THEN Power Split A2 AND Infestation A3 [ONCE] IF Mega Metagross is fully paralyzed AND NOT A2, THEN Thunder Wave the following action and push back all actions starting from the next action
Frosty up jayelt413 to die trying to beat Frosty's haymakers
@me to ref ;_;
@me asks why am i reffing the entire fairy quals lolmao (no worries not complaining)
Taunt - Iron Head - Iron Head IF p/e AND this sub wasn't activated on the action prior THEN Phantom Force and push back IF Magic Coat THEN Meteor Mash AND push back IF Fake Out AND in a combo AND the action is NOT a Normal-Typed Damaging Combo AND Mr. Mime is not under cooldown THEN Protect
Damn, I knew Foul Play | Shadow Ball| Foul Play had its merits last round. Well, I can't think of a single way around this damned High Speed Taunt, so let's try my other resource!
Icy Wind | Foul Play | Foul Play
IF Foul Play is disabled when you are to use it, THEN Shadow Ball that action instead
After my LoA all my reffings were due at the same time and I am currently swamped in homework as well. Thus, Someoneelse has kindly offered to subref both quals.
Round Nine
With little more than damage racing, Mr. Mime does a satisfactory amount of damage whilst slowing Kitsunoh down, but is getting into KO range of any of Frosty's Pokemon, and cannot pull shenanigans out of a hat thanks to Taunt. Jayel will have a tough time pulling himself anywhere respectable here, although a single KO wouldn't be inviable.
Action One
Kitsunoh: Taunt (-10EN ~ 10)
Mr. Mime: Taunted (6a)
Foul Play | Foul Play | Foul Play
IF you are tormented, THEN Psywave first time, Shadow Ball second time, Psywave third time IF Foul Play is Imprisoned when you are to use it, THEN Shadow Ball that action IF Foul Play is Disabled when you are to use it, THEN Shadow Ball that action
Round Ten
So, Frosty takes out Mr. Mime in one of the 20 billion ways possible, much to the astonishment of absolutely no-one, finishing the battle 3-0. Now all that's left is no-one to be appointed gym leader the other candidate's battle to start finish.
Action One
Mr. Mime: Foul Play (-15EN ~ 15)
Crit: <=625
=6609 (N)
Kitsunoh: [10+7.5-4.5]*1.5
=19.5HP ~ 19.5
Cursed Body: <=3000
=939 (Y)
Mr. Mime: Disabled (Foul Play, 6a)
Kitsunoh: Bulldoze (-5EN ~ 5)
Crit: <=625
=7036 (N)
Mr. Mime: [6+7.5-6]
=7.5HP ~ 7.5
Mr. Mime: -1 Spe (51)
Action Two
Kitsunoh: Phantom Force (-6EN ~ 11)
Kitsunoh disappeared.
Mr. Mime: Shadow Ball (-6EN ~ 21)
Kitsunoh was who knows where.
Kitsunoh: Phantom Force (-5EN ~ 16)
Crit: <=625
=8624 (N)
Mr. Mime: [9+3+1-2+7.5-6]*1.5
=18.75HP ~ 26.25
Action Three
Kitsunoh: Phantom Force (-8EN ~ 24)
Kitsunoh disappeared.
Mr. Mime: Shadow Ball (-10EN ~ 31)
Kitsunoh was who knows where.
Kitsunoh: Phantom Force (-7EN ~ 31)
Crit: <=625
=3799 (N)
Mr. Mime: [9+3+1-2+7.5-6]*1.5
=18.75HP ~ 45
Mr. Mime fainted.
Mr. Mime: -45HP, -31EN
Kitsunoh: -20HP, -31EN
Field: Nothing
Candidate jayelt413
Mr. Mime (F) @ Odd Incense
Ranks: 1/4/5/6/51
Size / Weight: 3 / 4
Ability: Filter | Soundproof | Technician
Other: -1 Spe, Disabled (Foul Play, 4a), KO
Mawile (M) @ Mawilite
Ranks: 7/5/1/4/50
Size / Weight: 2 / 2
Ability: Hyper Cutter | Intimidate | Sheer Force | Huge Power
Other: KO
Azumarill (M) @ Sea Incense
Ranks: 6/4/2/4/43
Size / Weight: 2 / 3
Ability: Thick Fat | Huge Power | Sap Sipper
Other: -10% Evasion, KO