Hi, I noticed you didn't have this ball... are you interested in a female NET BALL 4IV Adamant Totodile (DD, Ice Punch, Crunch, Aqua Jet)?
You also mentioned you might be interested in males with good/rare egg moves; I have 2 different 5IV male Chikorita (both are Calm) with [Leaf Storm, Leech Seed, Ancient Power, Grassy Terrain] and [Aromatherapy, Leech Seed, Heal Pulse, Ingrain]. Also have a 5IV male Cyndaquil (Timid) with [Double-Edge, Flare Blitz, Crush Claw, Extrasensory].
I want the following:
Lépidonille ♀ Lv. 1
OT: EV♥ | 27765
Timid | Shield Dust
Tackle - String Shot
Also, are you interested in KB shinies? If so, I have a shiny 6IV Modest Magician Fennekin (male) with [Wish, Hypnosis, Heat Wave, and Magic Coat].