Ender and Ian's Joint Trade Thread (ft. Competitive Shinies)

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#517 Sassy Telepathy Munna
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/0
Egg Moves: Helping Hand
Notes: I will provide a Munna with the right Ball/Nature/Ability.


#559 Brave Intimidate Scraggy
IV's: 31/31/31/x/31/0
Egg Moves: Dragon Dance, Quick Guard, Fake Out, Drain Punch
Notes: I currently don't have a Scraggy, but if you really need help I can try to get one with the Ball, Nature, Ability for you. If you need help with the 0 speed I can get you a parent for that.

Hi! I saw your breeding projects section, and I'm interested in doing these two breeding projects for you. PM me if you're okay with this please, and we can sort out the details there ^^
Interested in a female Adamant and or Jolly Gale Wing Fletchling

Any interest in 5 IV Perfect Calm Chlorophyll Bulbasaur with Giga Drain
Or 5 IV Perfect Timid Protean Froakie with Toxic Spikes?
Interested in a female Adamant and or Jolly Gale Wing Fletchling

Any interest in 5 IV Perfect Calm Chlorophyll Bulbasaur with Giga Drain
Yup, I'll take the Bulbasaur. I have a fletchling all ready to go. Just let me know when you can trade for it. I will also need your FC and OT.
Worth 2 credits

#090 Adamant Skill Link Shellder
IV's: 31/31/31/x/31/31
Egg Moves: Rock Blast, Icicle Spear, Rapid Spin
Notes: I will get you an Adamant Skill Link female in a Dive Ball.

Is the Shellder worth 2 credits or the Pokemon above? Anyway, I'm interested in the Shellder project.
Is the Shellder worth 2 credits or the Pokemon above? Anyway, I'm interested in the Shellder project.
Wow that is really confusing. Thanks for pointing that out. Anyways the Shellder is only worth 1 credit. I'm afraid I don't have a Cloyster safari or much help to offer since the Water 3 egg group is kind of obscure. I have a flawless Binacle that is adamant but it is female so you would have to do a little extra breeding to make it usable. Anyways I'm afraid thats all I have to offer in the way of help. If you're still interested let me know.

Edit: I'm gonna double check my safaris and make sure I don't have a Cloyster since I would really like to get you the HA female to get you started.
Wow that is really confusing. Thanks for pointing that out. Anyways the Shellder is only worth 1 credit. I'm afraid I don't have a Cloyster safari or much help to offer since the Water 3 egg group is kind of obscure. I have a flawless Binacle that is adamant but it is female so you would have to do a little extra breeding to make it usable. Anyways I'm afraid thats all I have to offer in the way of help. If you're still interested let me know.

Edit: I'm gonna double check my safaris and make sure I don't have a Cloyster since I would really like to get you the HA female to get you started.

I have a Cloyster safari. Getting Rapid Spin is annoying... Would you consider making it 2 credits because of that?
I have a Cloyster safari. Getting Rapid Spin is annoying... Would you consider making it 2 credits because of that?
Lol you're right. How about we just cut it out all together. Rapid spin that is, I'm never gonna use it as a spinner anyways.
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Hey :)
I'm interested in a male 5IV Snorunt with Weather Ball and Spikes. Don't care about its ability, as I will just use it for an MM hunt.

All my PKMN are german, so they can be used to breed shinies (Masuda Method). Don't worry about their german names though, they change, once they evolve. Did you use Instacheck to check eggs? If so, ignore this post.

- Tyrogue (Hitmontop, Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee), Adamant, Guts (Intimidate Hitmontop), 31/31/31/x/31/31, egg moves: High Jump Kick, Bullet Punch, Mach Punch,
Can only be bred with Ditto (100% male ratio, Poke Ball only) and has to evolve to be able to mate with other PKMN.

- Axew, Mold Breaker, Jolly: 31/31/31/x/31/31, Luxury Ball, 1F, 1M

- Noibat, Timid, Frisk: 31/x/31/31/31/31, Quick Ball, 1F, 1M

- Liwick, Timid or Modest, Flame body: 31/x/31/31/31/31, Hyper Ball, 1F, 1M

- Eevee, Bold, Run Away/Adaptability, 31/x/31/31/31/31, egg moves: Wish, Poke Ball, males only, 3M

- Sneasel, Jolly, Pickpocket, 31/31/31/x/31/31, egg moves: Pursuit, Icicle Crash, Counter, Fake out, Premier Ball, 3F

- White Flabébé, Calm, Flower Veil, 31/x/31/31/31/31, Dive Ball (for shiny Flabébé), 10+F, 100% female ratio

- Mareep, Modest, Static, 31/x/31/31/31/31, Premier Ball, 1M

- Gligar, Impish, Immunity, 31/31/31/x/31/31, egg moves: Batton Pass, Luxury Ball, 1F

- Trapinch, Jolly, Arena Trap or Hyper Cutter (both become Levitate), 31/31/31/x/31/31, egg moves: Quick Attack, Fury Cutter, Nest Ball, 3M, 2F

- Froakie, Naive, Protean, all possible spreads (always 5IV), Luxury Ball, 30+M, ~6F (no x in defense spread available)
Hey Ender 198, im interested in the phantump, im willing to give you a pentaflawless adamant torchic, adamant gale wind fletchling, or a jolly binacle.
Would u be interested in a 5iv timid HA nidoran, 5iv modest HA whismur, or foreign quiet 31/31/31/31/31/x honedge (mixed attacker and useful for mm) for riolu?
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