ty :)
Sorry! There's more people that I failed to respond just because of request overflow. As I allow you to take your time, allow me that as well.
Yup, I can trade you Ditto for Klefki and Sachet
Thank you! I will do my bestIf it helps at all. I'm more than willing to wait for you to finish all the others before you get to consider my offers. I'm not in any rush.
Interested in Timid Porygon and Regenerator Tangela =)CMT for the 30 ditto?
Sorry! There's more people that I failed to respond just because of request overflow. As I allow you to take your time, allow me that as well.
Yup, I can trade you Ditto for Klefki and Sachet
Item needed for Spritzee to evolveSachet = Focus Sash? Or is it the aromatisse evolution?
Sounds good, what ability on porygon and nature on tangela?Interested in Timid Porygon and Regenerator Tangela =)
I want to help but I can't because in Pokemon games Russia counts as English-speaking region. Sorry =(hey have a request . can you breed pokes for me. i need foreign pokes to matsuda and was wondering if you could help me. i have timid ditto and jolly ditto for perfect ivs to breed and will provide pokes with egg moves and will provide the two dittos. ill will just need a foreign 5 iv baby??
= ( darn its ok do you know anybody who can ??I want to help but I can't because in Pokemon games Russia counts as English-speaking region. Sorry =(
im interested in your 6*30iv dittoStatus: lol no one cares, it's trade thread with Dittos
Привет от русского Покемон-сообщества!
Hi, everyone! I'm Elveman, famous Pokemon player and RNGer in Russian community. This is Semi-Joined Pokemon shop. Why? Because I have couple of friends that allowed me to trade their Pokemon as they don't have Smogon account. This is my first trade thread so excuse me if I'm doing it wrong.
IGN: Elveman (in all games)
Black ID: 17434/48611
White 2 ID: 27008/8582
X ID: 37532/30017
1. I always offer legit pokemon. Hope you do so.
2. Sometimes I don't have much time to breed/RNG. Please, give me one week. I will do my best to get your pokemon. Also about time: I live in GMT +4 timezone.
2.5 I will do no more than 3 breeding requests at one time. Please be patient.
3. I accept clones. Hope you do so. Sometimes my pokemon are cloned, they will be marked as "cloned".
3.5 All my pokemon are Fully-Redis by default if not stated that they are not. Just give me a credit if you want to place it in trade threads, etc.
4. Have fun =)
What I can offer:
Ability: Imposter (DW)
Nature: Gentle (crap, I know)
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Cloned (6 available. Will be cloned more. After Pokebank cloning will go faster)
Notes: RNG'd in my White 2. Should have gone for different nature
Ability: Imposter (DW)
Nature: Bold
IVs: 30/30/30/30/30/30
Cloned (6 available)
Ability: Trace
Nature: Timid
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
Ball: Dream Ball
Egg moves: Destiny Bond
In stock: 1 Male
Note: have 2 6*31 parents so also have TON of 5*31 spitbacks and even one 6*31 but it has Synchronize
Ability: Magic Guard (DW)
Nature: Timid
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
Breedable upon request
Notes: Have only 4*31 female parent, will try to breed 5*31
Ability: Immunity (DW)
Nature: Jolly
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
Ball: Net Ball
In stock: 1 Female
Notes: have 2 6*31 parents, 5*31 spitbacks will be available
Ability: Defiant
Nature: Adamant
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
Egg Moves: Sucker Punch
Breedable upon request
Bunnelby (Diggersby tho?)
Ability: Huge Power (DW)
Nature: Adamant
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
Ball: Luxury Ball
Breedable upon request
Ability: Gale Wings (DW)
Nature: Adamant
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
Breedable upon request
Competitive gen 6 pokemon/pokemon with Gen 6 egg moves/move combos
HP Ice Lightning Rod Manectric
Some female stuff in cool balls
Battle Items (80-96 for 5*31 Pokemon, 112-144 for Ditto) Less priority than Pokemon trades.
Porygon, Whimsicott,Extreme Speed Dratini