Electra Ball: The Reverse Gyro Ball

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How many Electric types are going to be hitting slower walls with an Electric move? The only thing I could think of is Specs Jolteon vs Tyranitar / Heatran / Scizor, which is pretty useful I guess, but I didn't see the move in Jolteon's movepool.
Damn I was hoping Jolteon got this move. Electrode is fast but is also a little weak. Jolteon would be the perfect candidate for this move.
It doesn't even matter if Jolteon gets it. If it follows Gyro Ball's formula (reversed) it's going to do crap damage to anything with decent speed.
It doesn't even matter if Jolteon gets it. If it follows Gyro Ball's formula (reversed) it's going to crap to anything with decent speed.

I don't think what you said makes any sense...

Jolteon is fast as hell, If he got it... it would be amazing clearly but he doesn't :(

Sigh.. damn you Gamefreak.

Oh well plenty of new electric pokes to use this move and play with though :)
As other people said, it's disappointing to see Jolteon without this move; it outspeeds a lot of OU Pokes, tying with Aerodactyl and Crobat, and outsped by Electrode, Ninjask and Deoxys-S.

But I can't help but wonder: Whose Electra Ball is stronger? Denchura's or Electrode's? (the former has more Special Attack; the latter has more Speed) I'm no good at damage calculations for this.
If anyone is curious, the damage formula for Electra Ball (taken from the research thread) is:
A) 150 base power, if target´s speed is lower or equal to 1/4 (25%) of user´s speed
B) 120 base power, if target´s speed is greater than 1/4 (25%) of user´s speed and lower or equal to 1/3 (33%) of user´s speed
C) 80 base power, if target´s speed is greater than 1/3 (33%) of user´s speed and lower or equal to 1/2 (50%) of user´s speed
D) 60 base power, if target´s speed is greater than 1/2 (50%) of user´s speed
So, assuming Jolteon's 394 Speed (Timid, 252 EVs - also, I know Jolteon doesn't get this move, it's just an example), it would need to be facing a pokémon with 98.5 or lower Speed in order to do maximum damage. The only non-Trick Room pokémon who have speed this low in Gen IV's OU Speed Tier would be Slowbro, Snorlax and Steelix.

Also, some other "calcs": Electrode (+Speed, 252 EVs, again) would need to use it on a pokémon with 106 or less Speed for maximum power, and 86.5 for Dentula. So, to sum this up, it won't be particularly useful without paralysis support.

Whose Electra Ball is stronger? Denchura's or Electrode's? (the former has more Special Attack; the latter has more Speed) I'm no good at damage calculations for this.
That depends on the target. :)
Electra ball will have to be used with Thunder wave or Agility support if not even Jolteon could do decent damage with it if it had it, look at these numbers:

A) 150 base power if target has less than 98 speed.
B) 120 base power if target has between 98 and 131 speed.
C) 80 base power if target has between 131 and 197 speed.
D) 60 base power to anything with over 197 speed.

That means that anything with more than 131 speed would be receiving less damage than with Thunderbolt, but with Thunderwave all these numbers are multiplied by four, and with Agility by 2. Of course, Jolteon doesn't even get it, but it's just an example, and it'll probably be able to learn it in the third game or beyond.
Well it turned out to better than I initially though. Agility Denchuraa / Raichu can use it slower mons hard, but on average I'd say it's dealing with around 80 damage.
Stun Spore Erufuun can spread para around fairly easily.

Imo, there is no better user of this move than timid Denchuraa with Tailwind support. Not only does it resist Steel/Fighting priorities with no weakness to other priorities, it smashes everything with a speed of 173 or lower at 150 base power and everything, it nails everything with a speed of 230 or lower at 120 base power. Everything with a speed of 346 or lower take only base 80.

Motor Drive Electivire, Agility Ampharos, and Agility Lanturn also can use this move fairly well.

Actually, the fake-Pachirisu evo can run an Agility/Electra Ball set extremely well, with 1 Agility and Motor Drive it'll nail all pokemon with 279 speed for at least 120 power (209's the 'sweet spot'). And, the squirrel also resists Fighting/Steel priority.

It's plausible to set up a UU gimmick Tailwind/Para team around this move and luring/eliminating the pokemon that are immune to it.
This has likely already been said 9000+ times, but this could work well with T-Wave support. Or Agility. Actually, I think Lanturn could use this move quite well. Bulky enough to utilize T-Wave, but can also use Agility if you want. AND, it has Surf/Boiling Water to deal with pesky ground-types that are immune to the move.
Some more numbers for you to interpret.

The only "realistic" instant high damage for this is Scarfed Timid Electrode, who reaches the colossal speed of 624

However, divide this by 4 and we get 156. This is the absolute min for base 60 speed pokemon, meaning if they dump the last 4 EVs into speed, you will be knocked down a power level.

This also forces you to use a neutral nature on special attack, so it is basically the equivalent of Castform using Hyper Beam.

Take from that what you will

EDIT: Denchura (Electula)

for denchura to gain an advantage by using Electra Ball over its neat Compoundeyes Thunder, it would have to have at least 3 times as much speed as the opponent.

After one Agility, Timid Denchura deals 120/150 damage to all pokemon with lower than 230 speed. I don't know what this implies, but it is certainly better than scarf electrode.
Rain Dance is still bad; everyone's just going to use Specs Starmie and Crocune and whatnot in Drizzle. Electrode still has terrible Special Attack, and because of this move's BP calculation, it'll only be 150 BP against TR sweepers. Like PK Gaming said, it'll be 80 BP on average, making Thunderbolt more useful, and the stuff that it does get over 100 BP on can probably take a hit from 80 base Special Attack.
What you wnat to do is not spam it as soon as you come out but spread paralysis around. It's like a move that rewards you for paralyzing as much of the opponent team as possible. Manectric is a prime candidate for this, being fast himself with good special attack and you can easily raise it further by drawing in an electric attack for lightningrod. However you probably don't want to be paralyzing with the actual pokemon that will be using Electroball since they're too frail for it.
Electrode sure got a boost. That Electra Ball is gonna hurt much more than stuff like Thunderbolt did.

Agility + Electra Ball is also cool on some Pokes.
1. Volbeat
2. Tail Glow BP
3. Scarf Electrode
4. Electra Ball
5. ????
6. 6-0! Profit!

I have no idea whether this would work but I'd love to try.
1. Volbeat
2. Tail Glow BP
3. Scarf Electrode
4. Electra Ball
5. ????
6. 6-0! Profit!

I have no idea whether this would work but I'd love to try.

What if the opponent switches in a Ground type or any other pokemon with volt absorb/motordrive/lightningrod etc.. All that build up would have been wasted. Possible, but really unreliable IMO. You'd have to get rid of all those pokemon and even then a profit wont be guaranteed.
Butterfly Dance Venemoth Baton Pass to Life Orb Electrode...

I love when people use LO on their sweepers. It has saved me from being swept too many times to count by having them faint themselves, regardless of whether I just switch around on resistances or sacrifice pokes and/or status them.

And yeah, this combination looks pretty good in UU. For sure a deadly cleaner.
Wouldn't using Drizzle+Thunder be superior to para support/agility+electra ball in almost any situation?

Jolly Agility Denchura has a speed of 692 at +2. Standard skarmory has a speed of 176. 176/692=0.254. So how does PO round? Considering that Skarmory is relatively fast for a tank (base 70) speed, I'd say electa ball gets the edge against stall team. Except that Blissey still beats it and most good physical walls are ground (hippowdon and Gliscor)

Offensive teams: Thunder is superior.
its time to start trolling fools with choice scarf electrode!

Timid/ hasty @choice scarf
252 sp att/ 252 speed
Hidden power Ice
volt change
signal beam/ explosion

electrode still has a shitty movepool, and to be honest, most of his utility in uu is based around his stupidly fast taunt (FU agiruda and teasing heart!) but this thing has 624 to troll fools with. volt change lets you scout and also gets STAB (and can help against faster threats, like agiruda. HP ice can help you revenge kill stupid stuff, and explosion because electrode still has trouble filling up its moveslots.
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