elDino vs jas61292 - A 3 v 3 singles ~ REF = DF44

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You can call me Jiggly
is a Forum Moderatoris a CAP Contributoris a Top Community Contributor Alumnus
Welcome one and all! We welcome you to a fight to the death 3 v 3 singles! Joining the scene we see a huge colosseum, an area rivalling that of the Roman one, a plain sandy circle approximately 140 metres in diameter. Surrounding this huge plain are staiirs all the way around, protected by some flimsy looking glass.

In the centre of this sandy spectacle, there lies a moat 50 metres by 50 metres. This surrounds a maze of walls, which looks like the aging ruins of an old city, varying in height from 1 foot to 10 feet. Who knows what secrets lie in it and below it.

In the audience is a huge number of people dressed in desert themed clothes. Amongst the audience are also some Pokémon spectators.

Before we proceed onto rules and stuff, remember that I reward creativity. I also reward people who have fun!



DQ is 3 Days
No Items
1 ability per mon.
Switching = KO




Cyndaquil(*) (M)
Nature: Naïve (A 15% increase (rounded up) in Base Speed and a +5% increase in accuracy (e.g. 85 becomes 90) on this Pokemon's attacks; Subtracts * from Special Defense)

Type: Fire
Fire: Fire STAB; immune to burn, 50% reduction in freeze chance, emit a low glow in dark places, takes additional damage if active open flames are exposed to a water attack. Solarbeam has Energy Cost reduced by one (1).

Blaze: (Innate) When this Pokemon’s HP is lower than 33%, the base damage of any fire attack is increased by two (2). (eg Flamethrower goes from 10 to 12, Fire Blast from 12 to 14)
Flash Fire (DW): (Innate) This Pokemon thrives in high temperatures, and takes the energy of any fire attack, nullifies the damage, and uses the additional power to boost its own fire attack’s Base Attack Power by two (2).

HP: 90
Atk: **
Def: **
SpA: ***
SpD: * (-)
Spe: 75 (65 * 1.15 = 74.75 rounds to 75)

EC: 1/9
MC: 0
DC: 1/5


Tackle (*)
Leer (*)
Smokescreen (*)
Ember (*)
Quick Attack (*)
Flame Wheel (*)
Defense Curl (*)

Extrasensory (*)
Flare Blitz (*)
Foresight (*)

Double Team (*)
Flame Charge (*)
Will-o-Wisp (*)


Riolu(*) Ike (M)
Nature: Mild (Adds * to Special Attack; Subtracts * From Defense)

Type: Fighting
Fighting: Fighting STAB; ignore weight restrictions of throwing/grappling moves, Meditate and Work Up have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).

Steadfast: (Innate) If this Pokemon is flinched, it becomes aware of the speed difference and increases speed by one (1) stage to make up the difference.
Inner Focus: (Innate) When an opponent attempts to flinch this Pokemon, it stands firm and continues its attack. If it has another ability that would be activated by flinching, that ability activates.
Prankster (DW): (Innate) The Pokemon is always prepared for engaging in sneaky tactics and trickery, giving its non-damaging attacks an increase in priority level.

HP: 90
Atk: ***
Def: *(-)
SpA: ***(+)
SpD: **
Spe: 60

EC: 2/6
MC: 0
DC: 1/5


Quick Attack (*)
Foresight (*)
Endure (*)
Counter (*)
Force Palm (*)
Feint (*)
Reversal (*)
Screech (*)
Nasty Plot

Agility (*)
Blaze Kick (*)
Vacuum Wave (*)

Focus Blast (*)
Shadow Claw (*)
Work Up (*)


Ducklett(*) BigPecks (F)
Nature: Quirky (No Effect on Stats)

Type: Water/Flying
Water: Water STAB; Can breathe and have excellent mobility when underwater, are less capable on land unless they are entirely amphibious. Splash and Ice Moves have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).
Flying: Flying STAB; immunity to Ground attacks outside extremely odd circumstances even for ground-based flying Pokemon, Heat Wave, Icy Wind, Ominous Wind, Silver Wind, Twister, Whirlwind have have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).

Keen Eye: (Innate) This Pokemon has extremely good vision and cannot have its accuracy lowered by any means. Its attacks are still affected by an opponent’s evasion.
Big Pecks: (Innate) This Pokemon's sturdy wings prevent its defense from being lowered. The rate its natural defense drops after a boost is also halved from one every round to once every two (2) rounds.
Hydration (DW): (Innate) This Pokemon absorbs water during the rain to heal any status effects afflicting this Pokemon.

HP: 100
Atk: **
Def: **
SpA: **
SpD: **
Spe: 55

EC: 1/6
MC: 0
DC: 1/5


Water Gun (*)
Water Sport (*)
Defog (*)
Wing Attack (*)
Water Pulse (*)
Aerial Ace (*)
BubbleBeam (*)
Feather Dance (*)
Aqua Ring (*)

Me First (*)
Mirror Move (*)
Steel Wing (*)

Facade (*)
Ice Beam (*)
Scald (*)


Gastly * (Male)
Nature: Naive (A 15% increase (rounded up) in Base Speed and a +5% increase in accuracy (e.g. 85 becomes 90) on this Pokemon's attacks; Subtracts * from Special Defense)

Ghost: Ghost STAB; brief intangibility that nullifies Normal and Fighting-type attacks, Pain Split, Psychic, Sucker Punch, Telekinesis, Trick, and Will-o-Wisp have Energy Cost reduced by one (1). (Gengar line and pure Ghosts only: moving through walls.)
Poison: Poison STAB; immunity to Poison/Toxic, see and breath through smog/smokescreens uninhibited. Dasutodasu, Muk, and Weezing inflict Toxic Poisoning with Solid/Liquid/Gaseous Poison attacks (respectively), Wrap, Haze, and Glare have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).

Levitate: This Pokemon naturally floats above the earth when released or easily takes flight, evading Ground moves like Earthquake, Level Ground, and Magnitude. Other Ground moves can still hit.


HP: 90
Atk: **
Def: **
SpA: ****
SpD: * (-)
Spe: 92 (+)

EC 1/6
MC 1
DW 1/5


Mean Look*
Night Shade*
Confuse Ray*
Sucker Punch*

Clear Smog*
Fire Punch*

Sludge Bomb*


Riolu * (Male)
Nature: Naughty (Adds * to Attack; Subtracts * From Special Defense)

Fighting: Fighting STAB; ignore weight restrictions of throwing/grappling moves, Meditate and Cheer Up have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).

Steadfast: If this Pokemon is flinched, it becomes aware of the speed difference and increases speed by one (1) stage to make up the difference.
Inner Focus: When an opponent attempts to flinch this Pokemon, it stands firm and continues its attack. If it has another ability that would be activated by flinching, that ability activates.
Prankster: (DW)The Pokemon is always prepared for engaging in sneaky tactics and trickery, giving its non-damaging attacks an increase in priority level. (DW)


HP: 90
Atk: **** (+)
Def: **
SpA: **
SpD: * (-)
Spe: 60


Quick Attack*
Force Palm*

Hi Jump Kick*

Swords Dance*
Shadow Claw*


Gible * (Male)
Nature: Naughty (Adds * to Attack; Subtracts * From Special Defense)

Dragon: Dragon STAB; Roar has have Energy Cost reduced by one (1). (Dragonite line can breathe underwater.)
Ground: Ground STAB; Immune to all electrical attacks, Evasive Digging reduced from 3 per action Energy Cost to 2 per action, superior senses in darkened cave surroundings. Knock Down, Rock Slide, Sandstorm, and Stealth Rock have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).

Sand Veil: This Pokemon is used to reacting in desert conditions and gets a 20% evasion boost during Sandstorms. Pokemon with this ability are immune to Sandstorm damage.
Rough Skin: (DW)When struck with a contact attack, this Pokemon’s abrasive skin causes pain to the opponent, dealing 25% of the damage received to the opponent. (DW)


HP: 100
Atk: **** (+)
Def: **
SpA: *
SpD: * (-)
Spe: 42


Dragon Rage*
Take Down*
Sand Tomb*

Iron Head*
Body Slam*

Stone Edge*
Dragon Claw*

I believe that's everything ^_^.

elDino, your Pokémon and it's ability for this match please!
OK, lets start this one off.

Gastly, lets do this!
Use your Levitate ability to your advantage.
OK then, Cyndaquil lets show them you Blaze.

So, lets start this off with a bang. And I mean a bang like the kind you hear when a volcano blows its top. That's right I want an Eruption. And lets keep Erupting all over Gastly until it damages you. But once you take any damage lets back off of that and go for type advantage instead with an Extrasensory or 2. Lets just see how much of a beating that ball of gas can take.

Eruption - Eruption/Extrasensory - Eruption/Extrasensory
(Use Extrasensory only if any damage was taken previously)
OK Gastly lets do this thing.
First off, put him to sleep with Hypnosis. Then hit him hard with a Sludge Bomb, and then hit him again with Thunderbolt
elDino OOO
Gastly (M)

90 HP / 100 EN
Hyposis ~ Sludge Bomb ~ Thunderbolt​


jas61292 OOO
Cyndaquil (M)

90 HP / 100 EN
Eruption ~ Eruption/Extrasensory ~ Eruption/Extrasensory​

WELCOME! We are proud to welcome you to the Unova Colluseum. Just West of the Desert ruind found north of Castelia, this gargantuam stadium plays host to a battle. Well, it would, but you're actually in a very detailed simulation to prevent too much damage. Oh well...

And we begin with jas61292 releasing a Cyndaquil, whereas elDino sends out a Ghastly... I mean Gastly. But it seems as if beauty (or lack of) is only skin deep, as a very strong Hypnosis puts Cyndaquil into 37 Dream Street, Sleepingville.

Noticing a good time to strike, Gastly coughs up a large liquid sludge bomb. Impressive for an entity of Gas. Less impressive for Cyndaquill who finds that sludge bomb pushes him incredibly close to that moat in the arena centre. If he was awake, he would know the perilous position. Instead, Cyndaquil simply sleeps.

Continuing the assault, Gastly launches a nasty thunderbolt at Cyndaquil. It runs through its veins, and the sheer power behind it makes it roll in his sleep.

The round reaches a finale, as Cyndaquil wakes up paralyzed by that last hit.

elDino OOO
Gastly (M)

90 HP / 77 EN
Awwww, it woke up ;-;​

jas61292 OOO
Cyndaquil (M)

58 HP / 100 EN
Paralysis 10%
Between a moat and a spooky place​

The RNG hates you jas. Luckily, you didn't get critted.
Cyndaquil is RIGHT next to the moat, whereas Gastly is floating near to it.

Hypnosis = 10 EN
Sludge Bomb = 16.5 Damage = 17 Damage, 6 EN
Thunderbolt = 14.5 Damage = 15 Damage, 7 EN

elDino, you're up.
Ok Gastly, that was GREAT! Now, while he's paralyzed, float over, into the maze and try to knock him into the water with Sludge Bomb dousing out his flames. Then go into the maze itself, and once your in, use Mean Look to keep him in trapped in the water or around it. Finally, put a Curse on him, making him take constant damage each turn.
Well, that was rather unfortunate, to say the least.

We really need to get away from that water before you get knocked in, so use Quick Attack to run inside the maze before he hits you with the Sludge Bomb. Once you are a safe distace away from the water, sense out his location and him with your Extrasensory. Then lets finish up by filling the maze with Smokescreen. He won't be able to hurt you if he can't find you in the maze, and adding a little smoke can't hurt.

But remember, if at any point something goes wrong and you look like you are headed for the water, put out your flames. You might not be good in water, but at least that way you won't get hurt by it.
elDino OOO
Gastly (M)

90 HP / 77 EN
Sludge Bomb ~ Mean Look ~ Curse​


jas61292 OOO
Cyndaquil (M)

58 HP / 100 EN
Paralysis 10%
Quick Attack ~ Extrasensory ~ Smokescreen​

Welcome back folks! and it's Gastly who holds the lead, and tries to add onto it with a repulsive Sludge Bomb. The attack bores into the ground, but it seems Cyndaquil has a brain on him and has leaped over the moat with a Quick Attack.

Gastly is now really pissed off, and gives Cyndaquil such a mean look from the corner of his eye that Cyndaquils flames burn faster, no longer wanting to escape. In fact, forget escaping, that Extrasensory pulled all sorts of faulty memories out of Gastly. He is not amused.

Gastly then promptly curses in anger, causing Mother Genger to teleport in and wash out his mouth with soap, then promptly teleport out. Gastly then, at a great cost to himself, places an actual curse on Cyndaquil, who simply obscures the arena in a smokescreen. Great, now barring Gastly's shadow and the illuminating flame from Cyndaquil, I can't see anything in this maze.

elDino OOO
Gastly (M)

28 HP / 38 EN
Soap tastes terrible!​

jas61292 OOO
Cyndaquil (M)

53 HP / 87 EN
Paralysis 5%
Cursed (5 damage per action)!
Cigarette abuser.​

Much more fun, and less haxxy. Large reversal... for now!
Both players are in the maze on the northern edge - which is gonna be filled with smoke for a while. Cyndaquil will probably have a better view of the smoke due to the way it would be exhaled.

Sludge Bomb: 6 EN
Quick Attack: 3 EN

Mean Look: 6 EN
Extrasensory: {[8 + 3] * 1.5 = 11 * 1.5 = 16.5} ~ 17 Damage ; 6 EN

Curse: 45 HP from self ; 27 EN (OUCH, that's steep. thanks for making sure I don't do that ^_^')
Smokescreen: 4 EN

Cyndaquil takes 5 damage via curse for the one action whilst cursed.

Jas61292, you're up!

Lets try to stay in the maze for now, sticking in the Smoky areas. So basically, don't move. Try to sense out Gastly with your mind and hit it with another Extrasensory. Then lets make it even harder for Gastly to hit us by creating a pair of clones with Double Team. Finally keep using that your brain, and hit it with one more Extrasensory. However if Gastly ever comes close enough for you to easily hit it with a physical move, slam it with a Flame Charge instead, but only do that one time max.
OK Gastly, first off, hit him hard with a Sludge Bomb, then use Disable, after he uses Extrasensory the first time, and then finally hit him with a Sludge Bomb again. Maybe the Sludge Bomb's will do more damage through the smoke, and since Gastly looks like smoke, perhaps it will be even harder for Cyndaquil to hit me...
elDino OOO
Gastly (M)

28 HP / 38 EN
Sludge Bomb ~ Disable ~ Sudge Bomb​


jas61292 OOO
Cyndaquil (M)

53 HP / 87 EN
Paralysis 5%
Cursed (5 damage per action)!
Extrasensory ~ Double Team (2 Clones) ~ Extrasensory​

And we welcome you back to the [Virtual] Colosseum. And as we look in the maze, we see a huge pile of smoke. Using heat vision goggles, I can see Gastly fire off a Sludge Bomb (6 EN), but it veers off to the left in this smoke. Seems ike it can't hit, as Cyndaquil peers into Gastly's mind and plays around witu the memory cells. The memory of Gastly's step dad and events at a swimming pool severa years ago now forcfully merged into one memory, Gastly cringes from that Extrasensory (17 Damage / 6 EN).

Gastly reconfigures its memory to use a Disable (6 EN) screw up Cyndaquil's, who promptly loses the knowledge of how to use Extrasensory for 6 actions. The Cyndaquil would rather spend this valuable time making Double Team (8 EN) copies of itself in the smoke.

Gastly goes in for another Sludge Bomb (17 Damage / 6 EN), which finally hits, despite the clones. Cyndaquil tries to conjure up another Extrasensory, but simply Struggles instead (5 Damage, 2 Recoil / 5 EN).

The smoke slowly clears, as the full force of the curse takes it's toll on Cyndaquil (15 Damage).

elDino OOO
Gastly (M)

6 HP / 20 EN
The tables shall turn!​

jas61292 OOO
Cyndaquil (M)

21 HP / 68 EN
Cursed (5 damage per action)!
Memory Malidies!​

elDino, you're up!
Wow, lots of damage so far. But we have the advantage (sort of) so lets win this match up. Get in close to it and hit it with a Flame Charge. If that doesn't finish it off fire a Flamethrower, and if somehow it is still not Knocked out, hit it again with Flame Charge.
elDino OOO
Gastly (M)

6 HP / 20 EN
Sludge Bomb ~ Night Shade ~ Sludge Bomb​

jas61292 OOO
Cyndaquil (M)

21 HP / 68 EN
Cursed (5 damage per action)!
Flame Charge ~ Flamethrower ~ Flame Sharge​

Returning again, Gastly fires another Sludge Bomb at Cyndaquil, who drops down to a very low HP (17 Damage / 6 EN). Cyndaquil however, fire blazing, blasts Gastly with a Flame Charge, easily knocking him out (10 Damage / 3 EN).

As Gastly Falls, 1 rounds worth of Curse activates on Cyndaquil, who collapses as well (5 Damage).

elDino OOO
Gastly (M)

0 HP / 0 EN
Who needs Destiny Bond Anyway?​

jas61292 OOO
Cyndaquil (M)

0 HP / 0 EN

elDino, releases, then Jas, release and attack.
As fun as Riolu vs Riolu sounds, I think I'll pass for now. So BigPecks (Ducklett) get out there and show them your... Big Pecks. Lets use your flying type to our advantage, so keep to the air, and shoot it with some Scalding hot water from above. Then, lets blow it around a little with a Hurricane. Finally, keep him in hot water with another Scald. However, if you ever see it preparing a Swords Dance, get in there and do a dance of your own, a FeatherDance, to cancel it out.

Scald - Hurricane - Scald
FeatherDance any Swords Dances
elDino OOO
Riolu (M)

90 HP / 100 EN

jas61292 OOO
Ducklett [BigPecks] (M)

100 HP / 100 EN

And as the new mon come out, they stand on the edge of the maze, with BigPecks in the moat, and Riolu just outside the island maze. Riolu begins with a Swords Dance (6 EN), but as he spins Feathers fall into him as BigPecks fles into the sky and does his own FeatherDance (5 EN), which drops a ton of ticklish wings on the lead dancer.

Repeat Ad Nauseum (10 EN Riolu / 9 EN BigPecks)

*sighs* (14 EN Riolu / 13 EN BigPecks)

elDino OOO
Riolu (M)

90 HP / 70 EN
Step, turn and pirouette!​

jas61292 OOO
Ducklett [BigPecks] (M)

100 HP / 73 EN
np: Swan Lake​

elDino, you're up! Could we take off the ballroom shoes this round?
Right, basically, Riolu is gonna evolve, and it becomes Lucario, listed here.
Then Destruction is gonna use Nasty Plot, and then Dark Pulse.

Evolve - Nasty Plot - Dark Pulse
Heh, didn't see that one coming.

If we don't work fast that Lucario is going to easily over power us, so summon a Hurricane to blow it around while it evolves. Then lets Scald it. Maybe we'll get lucky and score a burn. Finally hit it with another Hurricane.

Hurricane - Scald - Hurricane
elDino OOO
Riolu (M)

90 HP / 70 EN

jas61292 OOO
Ducklett [BigPecks] (M)

100 HP / 73 EN

Hi guys, I'll be temporarily taking over unless dogfish wants me to take it completely over. So as Riolu gathers some energy within himself and evolves, BigPecks summons a raging Hurricane! Due to Riolu's lower Speed, BigPecks gets the hit in before he fully evolved!

Now bigger, stronger, faster, and tougher than before, Lucario gets into action by nastily plotting some mischievous scenes. How to cook my BigPecks? How to slaughter water birds? BigPecks isn't liking that! From his mouth, He uses a Scalding attack of extremely hot temperature that washes over the fighter. This successfully gave Lucario a 2nd degree burn on the face!

Lucario isn't using any physical attacks, however! He emits an eerie Dark Pulse that strikes everything in the arena, including BigPecks! BigPecks was able to ignore the pain and summon another angry Hurricane! This smashes Lucario for big damage, but it's not enough to put him down!

A1: Evolve > [20 Energy]
A2: Nasty Plot > [7 Energy]
2 burn damage
A3: Dark Pulse > 8 + (4-2 x 1.5) + (2-0 x 1.5) = [14 Damage/6 Energy]
2 burn damage


A1: Hurricane > 12 + 3 + (2-3 x 1.5) = [14 Damage/7 Energy]
A2: Scald > 8 + 3 + (2-3 x 1.5) = [10 Damage/5 Energy]
A3: Hurricane > 12 + 3 + (2-3 x 1.5) = [14 Damage/7 Energy]

elDino OOO
Lucario (M)

58 HP / 37 EN
+2 SpA
2nd degree burn on face
jas61292 OOO
Ducklett [BigPecks] (M)

86 HP / 54 EN

jas61292, let's roll!
Nice. Did some good damage there. It's going to be hitting pretty hard now that it evolved, but we need to just keep hitting back. Not that there is much else you can do with this movepool. So lets start out by Scalding it again, then another Hurricane and another Scald. Maybe we can burn some other part of its body.

Scald - Hurricane - Scald
Right Lucario, here's what you're gonna do. Detect on the first Scald to give yourself some breathing room. Then use Dark Pulse once more, and then Dark Pulse again.

Detect - Dark Pulse - Dark Pulse
elDino OOO
Lucario (M)

58 HP / 37 EN
+2 SpA
2nd degree burn on face
jas61292 OOO
Ducklett [BigPecks] (M)

86 HP / 54 EN

Sensing danger, Lucario stays on his guard and awaits for BigPeck's move. It seems like BigPecks is falling for the plan as he sprays a Scald that splashes onto... nothing! This must have been a Detect from a ninja-like Lucario! From behind, Lucario comes and launches a Dark Pulse that pulverizes BigPeck's behind from haunting memories of BigPeck's slain mother! This doesn't necessarily flinch the bird though! He turns around and launches a Hurricane assault! The attack connects and deeply damages Lucario's eardrums... to the point that he's slightly confused! And it's not good to know that Lucario slips and falls down in confusion! To add in the pain, BigPecks creates a hot Scald that burns Lucario with fury!

A1: Detect > [10 Energy]
2 burn damage
A2: Dark Pulse > 8 + (4-2 x 1.5) + (2-0 x 1.5) = [14 Damage/6 Energy]
2 burn damage
A3: Hit Self > 4 + (5-2 x 1.5) = [9 Damage/3 Energy]
2 burn damage


A1: Scald > 8 + 3 + (2-3 x 1.5) = [10 Damage/5 Energy]
A2: Hurricane > 12 + 3 + (2-3 x 1.5) = [14 Damage/7 Energy]
A3: Scald > 8 + 3 + (2-3 x 1.5) = [10 Damage/5 Energy]

elDino OOO
Lucario (M)

19 HP / 18 EN
+1 SpA
2nd degree burn on face
1 more action of confusion
jas61292 OOO
Ducklett [BigPecks] (M)

72 HP / 37 EN

elDino's actions! Gotta step up yo game! (Or it's that Lucario doesn't want to cooperate.)

(Or it's that you're getting haxed.)
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