OC Elden Ring Mafia Game Thread D9 Deadline 30/08/24 @ 10pm GMT+1

Votecount 6.1

ariariadne, aura guardian, yeti, former, dkkoba, lechen, bluedoom, hydro, mekkah, sb, celever, sunny, m2h
Gummy bear: stupidflandrs
Day 6 Flips

Brother Corhyn

“The Golder Order has bestowed me, talentless as I am, the great duty of documentarian.”

You are Brother Corhyn, holy practitioner of The Golden Order. You look up to the great scholar Goldmask, and set out from the Roundtable Hold to find him, in hopes you can learn from him deeper truths of The Golden Order. You set yourself the task of recording the thoughts of Goldmask who is mute, but who can communicate with you through the movement of his fingers. However, when Goldmask reaches the conclusion that The Golden Order is not perfect, as you want to believe, you turn against him, declaring him a madman.

Scribe (Passive): You set yourself the task of scribe for the noble Goldmask.

At the end of every day phase, you will learn what alias came second in the Tarnished vote. If this is a tie, you will learn all in the tie, unless the tie would consist of all remaining aliases.

Tarnished: As a Tarnished, you may participate in the Tarnished vote during the day phase by voting privately to the host. Each day phase, the Tarnished vote will run alongside the main vote in private. The person who receives most Tarnished votes at day end will take damage along with the main day vote.

When only one Tarnished (excluding npcs) is left standing, they will be crowned as the Elden Lord. An announcement “An Elden Lord has been crowned” will be made. At this point, the Tarnished vote will cease and The Elden Lord will instead receive an infinite vig they may use during the day OR night. If used during the day, it will still resolve at day end.

The Golden Order: You are aligned with The Golden Order (Town) and win when The Crucible (Mafia) has been eliminated.

Your alias is Waffle.

Waffle took no damage as it was protected.

Tarnished vote:

Brownie - Star0chris (Tarnished npc)
N6 Flips:

Honey - Silveius (Tarnished npc) ((aka Seluvis if I was able to spell during game design))

Phase Shift:

An Empyrean has escaped their flesh.
all things considered, a reasonably good night

!vote Donut

Mekkah (claimed Honey, look two posts above for that one) and realiti (claimed Gummy Bear, pretty confidently untrue) are basically confirmed mafia, so it's all about finding them for real now. that is easier said than done because there are so many aliases in this game, but we're narrowing things down at least, and Donut accounts for one of the two we have the absolute least info on. for the other, i would like to ask for the Tarnished to vote for Truffle please. if we're lucky one might even be a hit, but if not, at least we have some player info on who not to trust
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Votecount 7.1

: ariariadne, bluedoom, yeti, stupidflandrs, blazade, former, aura guardian, nightemerald, sunny, hydrogenhydreigon, m2h, sb, lechen, koba, celever