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Eevee Friendly

Finished 9-1.
Fucked up against someone where I spent too much time screening and wishing and setting up while the other guy just got leafeon to +4 and swept from there.

Found two hyper beam sylveons, both of which let me set up against them.
Also a bunch of Dig and Bite on random things. Mostly flareon. Also god damn people stop using physical jolteon, it's shit

So many people using status moves when it should be obvious that espeon is going to set screens, it's unreal
I'm yet to start my battles, I got demolished by Leafeons in rotation free battles which has made me rethink everything. I really like a starting 3 of Espeon, Vaporeon and Leafeon. Espy leads by setting screens, bring in Leafeon to grab a swords dance boost or 2 then set up sun with Vappy to let Chloro-Leafeon sweep. Paired with a scope lens, +2 Leafeon can ohko everything (including Flareon if it isn't a bulky variant). Vaporeon is great with it as it stops Flareon wrecking you (Leafeon's main check) and can carry Baby-doll Eyes to soften opposing Flareon, Eevee and Leafeon's blows. Espeon can benefit from sun too with Morning Sun + Screens it can be very hard to take down. So yeah, kinda re-thinking my whole life at this point...
5-5 on day 2... 14-6 altogether...

Let's see I got demolished by... Flame Orb Facade Sylveon, Curse Last Resort Sylveon with a bulky Trick Room Espeon teammate, a CM Psyshock Espeon, a Swagger (probably to Swagger Espeon's Magic Bounce, how meta) Last Resort Sylveon, and something else. There was also that interesting Retaliate Sylveon when one if its teammates fell I think I may of won that game though.

Any Sylveon that cannot hit Def is a bad Sylveon in this meta.

Its been so long since I've laughed so much when I've lost.

I love Retaliate's animation in this game... It is so anime cliche, but I sense it is immensely satisfying to pull off successfully.

Every team that has used Umbreon against me has lost... Ugh, its one of my favorite mons, but man it sucks in this meta.

My Vaporeon's Scald did not burn once today... I used it at least 5 times (not against Flareon).
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Let's see I got demolished by... Flame Orb Facade Sylveon, Curse Last Resort Sylveon with a bulky Trick Room Espeon teammate, a CM Psyshock Espeon, a Swagger (probably to Swagger Espeon's Magic Bounce, how meta) Last Resort Sylveon, and something else. There was also that interesting Retaliate Sylveon when one if its teammates fell I think I may of won that game though.

Were they japanese players?
After this battle I will always have Sub Jolteon in my back while dealing with Umbreon. Leafeon and my predicts xD saved me. MGCQ-WWWW-WWW8-HWLC Toxic + protect stall is solid.
Just want to quickly confirm before I lock my battle box - Pokemon below level 30 will be raised to 30 temporarily, right?
THIS WAS THE BIGGEST 50/50 OF MY LIFE, I BATTLED THIS GUY TWICE AND BEAT HIM TWICE I AM SO FREAKING HAPPY. So, my Jolteon is really well trained and Vaporeon's Wish + Substitute Jolteon is awesome. 6SEW-WWWW-WWW8-H496. 1670 rating so far and 17-4, going to hit 1700 man. EDIT: Umbreon surviving that Hydro Pump almost killed me for real ;-;
Ended with 20-10... I'm not too happy about it, but its okay, I guess...


Anywho.... Here are some of my battles. To those who are waiting until the very last day to points shark... Feel free to use these :3
So between trying to rebreed a bunch of stuff and irl catching up I only just started with about 10 hours to go, it's really hard to find matches so I assume most people have finished all theirs, it's also the middle of the night here for me so I guess I'll see how many I can fit in before I pass out but it's not looking good...

From the very few matches I've played so far I've noticed that physical Sylveon wrecks, and that I don't know how to stop Echoed Voice once it gets going. Nearly every Sylveon I've run into has Curse and Last Resort and it does a whole lot of damage too! I just ran into one running Rest+Talk with Curse and Last Resort which swept me. Echoed Voice took me by surprise as Light Screen stopped my attempts at using it in its tracks, but I was unable to stop a team of Jolteon, Espeon and Sylveon from spamming it to victory.. Anyway I'm mostly just rolling with Espeon, Flareon and Leafeon; set screens, swords dance, put up sun with Flareon then hope the 50% crit rate from Scope Lens + Leaf Blade can slice through my opponents screens and curses! I stuck Return on Leafeon as a fourth move but I really wish it was Quick Attack
Busy weekend so playing 22 matches today lol. 8-0 so far

Jolteon is such a deadweight. I just killed one guy's through Light Screen with a turn 2 Echoed Voice. I only brought mine for one match and it didn't do very much even with LO. I guess everything else is too damn bulky for it to break through and it's fragile. How are you all with the Sub Petaya doing? Fuck I should have done screens and sub. I guess the only real niche it has is revenging Leafeon with LO.

cant say Echoed Voice resets upon rotating if that helps.

Edit: lost to a fucking JPN player....how a CB Sylveon survives a +2 Leaf Blade at half health idk. And got destroyed by their Scarf Leafeon. Seriously I hope Pokecheck comes out with Battle Video analyses soon so I can check out their EV spreads.
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Got it finished. Age of Kings Petaya Jolteon is incredible you can get some nices sweeps. I pair it with Wish Vaporeon so it got some health and boosts. I am done for today, couldn't see my final rating LOL.
Time for the big post-battles analysis and team dumping!

Finished 21-9 but probably barely broke 1650 rating (was 1639 before my last game + win). My peak was ~1680 but I essentially threw some games because I was playing like shit. I didn't intentionally put off my games but it was hardly points farming because all the higher rated players probably finished their matches sooner. Either way, I didn't do terribly since I had no practice and my entire team was the product of theorymoning.

Here is my team, in order of importance to my play:

David Bowie (Sylveon) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Pixilate
Level: 30
EVs: 230 HP / 252 SpA / 24 Spe
Modest Nature
- Moonblast
- Echoed Voice
- Psyshock
- Shadow Ball

MVP by far and brought nearly every game. Specs Xerneas was very fun to play with in the April Friendly and I decided to run the little baby version. Specs Echoed Voice is seriously incredible and swept entire teams on its own on multiple occasions. My last match I had someone repeatedly Protect until it became powerful enough to OHKO his entire team lol. I hardly ever used Moonblast, but it was there for burst if I needed a quick KO. I never understood the Hyper Beam craze especially on account of poor accuracy (as the sole Hyper Beam Sylveon I faced found out before its swift demise) and that you're giving your opponent a free turn for a KO you could've gotten if you were just patient and spent a few more turns setting up a favorable position for you.

The only thing that I didn't realize is that this is base 60 instead of 65, and thus is the second slowest mon in the tier after Eevee itself. Led to a few oops moments and feeling like I wasted those speed EVs but no big deal in the end.

fork road (Espeon) @ Light Clay
Ability: Magic Bounce
Level: 30
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Psyshock
- Dazzling Gleam
- Reflect
- Light Screen

Brought this every single game as my lead to set up screens. Screens were invaluable to me as they helped me check and outmaneuver SD Leafeon, Flareon, Sylveon, and kept my low health Eevees alive. When screens were down, it was basically a moment of panic since my play decisions were centered on them, and there were a few occasions where Espeon went down on turn 1 and it was an uphill battle for me (I won one game and lost the other two). Espeon herself (from this post) however wasn't terribly when screens were safely up on the field. She could break Sylveon subs and deal some decent damage to Flareon so it could be brought low enough to stall Toxic or revenge, but other than that, she was kept in the background or offered as a late game sacrifice.

elfie! (Leafeon) @ Lum Berry
Ability: Chlorophyll
Level: 30
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Leaf Blade
- Return
- X-Scissor
- Swords Dance

I forgot about Scope Lens but in the end, Lum Berry was the best accident I could have asked for. Lum Berry saved me from all kinds of situations (and in many allowing me to get an SD in), from recovering from paralysis to get in a kill, eating poison to boost, eating Yawn, and even the one WoW Flareon I faced. I would pick this as the co-king of this tier alongside Sylveon because although it isn't as versatile, it has solid physical defense and a good sweeping repertoire on the physical side that are really rare positive traits to be found amongst Eevees. Unfortunately +2 Jolly was sometimes not enough to punch out enemy Leafeon and really bulky other things but I still prefer having had Lum Berry over Scope Lens.

Fountaine (Vaporeon) @ Leftovers
Ability: Water Absorb
Level: 30
EVs: 252 HP / 168 Def / 64 SpD / 24 Spe
Bold Nature
- Surf
- Toxic
- Wish
- Protect

Thank you to Bedlington for the EVs, I really liked them so I had to steal the spread :P

I talked shit about this at first and honestly I originally just put this on the team because I didn't want to run Glaceon or Umbreon and this won out being the sole real Flareon check. This really impressed me with its performance and won me a few games because Toxic Vaporeon dominates the field when there is no Umbreon, Espeon, or Leafeon on the field. Wish was ok, the problem is that nothing else I ran had Protect and so its healing properties were limited to "can it survive the next turn? probably not". Best check to support Sylveon imo, I can buy a few turns against offensive ones due to its incredible bulk as well. I ran Surf over Scald because Leafeon is an unfavorable matchup you don't want to gamble against, Flareon can't be burned, Umbreon burns you right back, and Vaporeon is immune if you get too trigger-happy. Also, I would prefer to maintain Toxic over a burn because of the lack of turn resetting. All in all, I am happy with this set and exceeded expectations.

Summer Wool (Flareon) @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Guts
Level: 30
EVs: 152 HP / 252 Atk / 104 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Facade
- Quick Attack
- Flame Charge

Flareon is a great Pokemon in this tier who is really hard to use and play properly. Toxic Orb and Flame Charge look great on paper but in practice, recoil, poison damage, and the occasional Rocky Helmet made life short for it. As a result, if I expected the game to last somewhat long, I didn't take Flareon. Flareon's best niche is to check the fucking ribbon bastard, Flare Blitz scores an OHKO on most variants. I stuck with Toxic Orb because I didn't want to rely on enemy status and I thought AV wouldn't hit hard enough so idk. It's by no means bad, just this tier's equivalent of 4th/5th gen DDMence.

The EVs given were the most efficient ones I could concoct on my own: 104 Speed outruns Leafeon after a Flame Charge, I forgot about Espeon but I didn't feel it was necessary to run more Speed EVs. Running Adamant with more Speed didn't score any additional OHKOs or 2HKOs so I felt it was more efficient to stick with Jolly instead of Adamant for that extra bulk by spending less EVs in Speed and more in HP.

In the end, I found this unreliable because its sheer fragility means that it often couldn't do the things I wanted it to. Leafeon and Sylveon ended up carrying the offensive burden of the team. Some people ran defensive sets with this, or ones that didn't use Toxic Orb so if there is ever an Eevee tournament again I'll likely experiment with those instead.

be the leaf (Jolteon) @ Life Orb
Ability: Volt Absorb
Level: 30
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Shadow Ball
- Hidden Power [Bug]
- Protect

Utter piece of shit, brought this a total of one match out of 30 only to die and only do 40% to everything with LO. I probably should have run a different set but overall, there were almost no situations where running a Jolteon was advantageous. Actually fuck running another set, I should have run Umbreon or AV Glaceon instead.

Some interesting games (with summaries since it would be narcissist of me to expect people to watch all the videos, admit it!):

Already posted the first one but it was still my favorite match:
I have no fucking words for this match. Well, I have many but I am in utter shock. I can say without exaggeration that this was one of the most exhilarating games I have ever played in the 8 years I've been into competitive Pokemon. Return CB Sylveon is scary as fuck and almost kicked my ass. And that Vaporeon/Flareon stall at the end. I was outmatched team composition wise (seriously wtf JPN players and their crazy EVs???) but to be immodest, my opponent made a good number of mispredictions that cost him/her the match. Still I am humbled that JPN players never cease to amaze me with their incredible setups that would be dismissed as gimmicks in the general Western fandom and yet our standards and optimal sets just crumble in the face of their ingenuity.

Brought back from the brink of defeat from sloppy playing that cost me Espeon and Leafeon, it was down to 2v4 with my Vaporeon and Sylveon. I managed to eke out a win because Echoed Voice went through sub and KO'd his Leafeon; Vappy tanked an Eevee Double-Edge and Flareon's assaults until they killed themselves with recoil. This match really highlighted Vaporeon's staying power and Sylveon's....strength power. The end part where my Vaporeon Toxi-stalled their Sylveon featured rage-timer stall lol.

I successfully defeated a status team featuring the likes of Thunder Jolteon, Attract female Sylveon, and Toxic everything. Thunder paralyzed my Leafeon twice, which was the key to my victory. His Umbreon and Vaporeon couldn't really damage me without Toxic, so I was free to set up SD even if I was fully paralyzed with the help of my poisoned Vaporeon sending out a last minute Wish.

Echoed Voice vs Echoed Voice lol. Don't use Echoed Voice on anything other than Sylveon. Then you lose the 1690 rating you worked so hard for.

I only saved one of my losses, there was sloppy playing on my end that wouldn't be interesting to watch at all.

I might type up another analysis talking about what I faced and how I dealt with them but for now I never want to see another fucking Eevee for the rest of my life.
So y'all liked my Jolteon set, eh?

I surprisingly didn't fight any other Petaya/Charge Beeem Jolteons (either that or I offed them too quickly). Jolteon's Speed only falls behind Leafeon in the Sun, so it makes a great cleaner and offers a lot of mindgames even if you're at low health and your opponent is trying to Quick Attack you. Then you can rotate to something bulkier to not only take the Quick Attack, but take a good amount of health off of the opponent. That mindgame has actually won me at least two or more games this event.