Tournament DWCoP V - Quarterfinals (tie breaks post #37)

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>>Administrative Decisions Thread<<


US Central (4) vs APAC (4)

Paraplegic vs Idyll
Nails vs Exotic64
Zeal vs Feyy
DaAwesomeDude1 vs raf
laptops vs trace
bagel vs Razachu
Spurrific vs Terekusai
Croven vs Test Bots


Europe (5) vs LATAM (3)

Larry vs Ann
Amaranth vs Akaru Kokuyo
Hugo vs oh the guilt
NinjaSnapple vs luisin
MADARAAAA vs papiloco
entrocefalo vs Mako
waffle2O2O vs Enzonana.
Yoda2798 vs Lucky-Sama


US West (6) vs Brazil (2)

eragon vs Brg
KeanuVGC vs ChainlessJoe
srvoltmike vs Staraptor
EternalSnowman vs Seraphz
emforbes vs Japacama
shiloh vs LpZ
Schister vs elodin
Lemurro vs Skyiew


China (2) vs Iberian Peninsula (5)

Nakano Nino vs Éric
xqiht vs Shiritu
binu vs SMB
SeaLife vs Kreksu
tianlengmeihou vs SusejVGC
BforBlaaa vs Voltix
Qianqiuxue vs Frixel
Poca_Ursus vs JRL

deadline: November 24th, 11:59pm gmt-5​
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US Central (5) vs APAC (3)

Paraplegic vs Idyll : raging bolt fan vs garganacl fan
Nails vs Exotic64 : hype scl rematch
Zeal vs Feyy : Zeal been playing a lot this year
DaAwesomeDude1 vs raf : i hesitated, it's close, too close
laptops vs trace : click click
bagel vs Razachu : not predicting an upset
Spurrific vs Terekusai : predicting upsets is fun
Croven vs Test Bots : sees Regidrago, clicks rocks

Europe (4) vs LATAM (4)

Fran vs Ann : ann good
Amaranth vs Akaru Kokuyo : akaru leaking half his builder to the other teams shows confidence, we like confidence
Hugo vs oh the guilt : vibes
NinjaSnapple vs luisin : that guy subbing for larry plays well
MADARAAAA vs papiloco : madaraaaa good
entrocefalo vs Mako : superior SV DOU experience
waffle2O2O vs Enzonana : mozamos
Yoda2798 vs Lucky-Sama : yoda looking better rn than he has in months

US West (6) vs Brazil (2)

eragon vs Brg : eragonna be serious
KeanuVGC vs ChainlessJoe : no more skibidi
srvoltmike vs Staraptor : 3-0 momentum
EternalSnowman vs Seraphz : esm win
emforbes vs Japacama : superior SV DOU experience due to Stealth Rock-related crimes, this prediction has been changed (edit)
shiloh vs LpZ : shiloh karma
Schister vs elodin : 30% chance for schister to load something too strange
Lemurro vs Skyiew : i don't remember the skyiew games

China (3) vs Iberian Peninsula (5)

Nakano Nino vs Éric : EEEEEric
xqiht vs Shiritu : i hesitated
binu vs SMB : 4-0 ?
SeaLife vs Kreksu : i don't remember kreksu from last year
tianlengmeihou vs SusejVGC : voting against registeel
BforBlaaa vs Voltix : last chance winner
Qianqiuxue vs Frixel : more dwcop experience
Poca_Ursus vs JRL : go jrl
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US Central (7) vs APAC (1) - on paper central is heavily favored but I think this set can easily be very close

Paraplegic vs Idyll - :blobnom:
Nails vs Exotic64 -
Zeal vs Feyy
vs raf - feels too close to call
laptops vs trace
bagel vs Razachu
Spurrific vs Terekusai - most hype game of this playoffs for me
Croven vs Test Bots

Europe (4) vs LATAM (4)

Fran vs Ann
Amaranth vs Akaru Kokuyo
vs oh the guilt - think hugo's team selection is favorable towards guilt's picks
NinjaSnapple vs luisin
vs papiloco
entrocefalo vs Mako
waffle2O2O vs Enzonana - el nana clutch factor
Yoda2798 vs Lucky-Sama

China (4) vs Iberian Peninsula (4)

Nakano Nino vs Éric
vs Shiritu
binu vs SMB - tipping point game
SeaLife vs Kreksu
tianlengmeihou vs SusejVGC
BforBlaaa vs Voltix
Qianqiuxue vs Frixel
Poca_Ursus vs JRL
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