Monotype Dragapult (Ghost)


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name: Choice Band
move 1: Dragon Darts
move 2: Phantom Force
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Outrage / Sucker Punch
item: Choice Band
ability: Infiltrator / Clear Body
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Dragapult is a great offensive Pokemon on Ghost teams because of its amazing Speed, allowing it to outspeed the majority of the metagame, coupled with its good offensive stats. Phantom Force hits Ghost- and Psychic-type Pokemon such as Mimikyu and Bronzong for super effective damage, although it is recommended to be used while under Dynamax, as taking one turn to charge up is undesirable otherwise. The last slot can either be Outrage to hit bulkier targets such as Toxapex for more damage or Sucker Punch to avoid a Speed tie with opposing Dragapult. Infiltrator is good for avoiding Substitute users while using Dynamax, while Clear Body can be useful against teams with Sticky Web. Maximum Attack and Speed investment along with a Jolly nature ensures Dragapult hits as hard and fast as possible. U-turn should be used constantly in order to grab momentum against Pokemon that Dragapult may have a hard time beating such as Hippowdon. Be careful when using Dynamax, as Dynamaxing Dragapult actually makes it weaker, but the bulk is great for making sure it survives hits it otherwise wouldn't be able to and deal heavy damage back with moves like Max Phantasm, which therefore turns Dragapult into a good mid-game wallbreaker.

Entry hazard setters such as Corsola, Froslass, and Runerigus pair up well with Dragapult, as Dragapult appreciates their entry hazards, helping it to wallbreak more easily. Sableye is a great partner because of its ability to break down Pokemon that Dragapult can't beat easily by itself such as Hippowdon, Toxapex, Ferrothorn, and Corviknight. Dragapult is also great with other offensive Pokemon like Polteageist, Mimikyu, and Gengar, as they all support each other offensively to break down shared checks and counters.

- Written by: [[Decem, 362454]]
- Ghost analysis by: [[Decem, 362454]]
- Quality checked by: [[Izaya, 311872], [Eien, 100418]]
- Grammar checked by: [[deetah, 297659]]
Last edited:
- I think you can cut down on explaining some of the more obvious stuff, like the Dragon Darts explanation. Even the "Maximum Attack garuantees Dragapult hit as hard as possible" can be cut out. Honestly even U-turn is kinda obvious but if you want you can reword it in a more usage tips way.
- Although the final sentence in the first paragraph can work as a usage tip, it's also pretty much a regurgitation of stuff you've mentioned earlier, so you can cut that out too if you wish.

Rest is good though 1/2
I think less Moves / Set Details focus and more a mixture of that combined with Usage Tips. Probably not worth explaining Jolly for Speed ties. For example, I'd like to see something on pivoting around with U-turn. We can talk if you want some more specific stuff too.

Worth noting that Dynamax actually makes Dragapult weaker, but the bulk is what truly makes it great to enable Dragapult to survive important hits and dish back respectable damage (particularly with Max Phantasm). It's also what makes Dragapult better at being a mid-game breaker than a late-game sweeper as other Dynamax users can find themselves relegated to.

QC 2/2
Talked about grabbing momentum with U-turn and axed talking about the Dragapult Speed tie but still kept details about the spread since I think thats fine in a mini. Implemented this, going to put this into GP.
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Be sure to do credits

GP 1/1


name: Choice Band
move 1: Dragon Darts
move 2: Phantom Force
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Outrage / Sucker Punch
item: Choice Band
ability: Infiltrator / Clear Body
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Dragapult is a great offensive Pokemon on Ghost teams because of its amazing Speed, allowing it to outspeed the majority of the metagame, coupled with its good offensive stats. Phantom Force hits Ghost- and Psychic-type Pokemon such as Mimikyu and Bronzong for super effective damage, although it is recommended to be used while under Dynamax, (AC) as taking one turn to charge up is undesirable otherwise. The last slot can either be Outrage to hit bulkier targets such as Toxapex for more damage or Sucker Punch to avoid the Dragapult a Speed tie with opposing Dragapult. Infiltrator is good for avoiding Substitute users while using Dynamax, while Clear Body can be useful against teams with Sticky Web. Maximum Attack and Speed investment along with a Jolly nature ensures Dragapult hits as hard and fast as possible. U-turn should be used constantly in order to grab momentum against Pokemon that Dragapult may have a hard time beating such as Hippowdon. Be careful when using Dynamax, (AC) as Dynamaxing Dragapult actually makes it weaker, but the bulk is great for making sure it survives hits it otherwise wouldn't be able to and deal heavy damage back with moves like Max Phantasm, which therefore turns Dragapult into a good mid-game wallbreaker.

Entry hazard setters such as Corsola, Froslass, and Runerigus pair up well with Dragapult, (AC) as Dragapult appreciates their entry hazards, (AC) helping it to wallbreak more easily. Sableye is a great partner because of because of its ability to break down Pokemon that Dragapult can't beat easily by itself such as Hippowdon, Toxapex, Ferrothorn, and Corviknight. Dragapult is also great with other offensive Pokemon like Polteageist, Mimikyu, and Gengar, (AC) as they all support each other offensively to break down shared checks and counters.

- Written by: [[<username1>, <userid1>]]
- <Type> analysis by: [[<username1>, <userid1>]]
- Quality checked by: [[<username1>, <userid1>], [<username2>, <userid2>], [<username3>, <userid3>]]
- Grammar checked by: [[<username1>, <userid1>], [<username2>, <username2>]]