Signups [Draft CA] NPA 14 Signups!

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Username: Scraw

Name Skraw

Timezone GMT-5

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Top 64 NAIC 2023
Worlds Qualification 2024
Baltimore 2025 Day 2 (top 64)
Louisville 2025 Day 2 (top 128)

Hi! Im Jacob, or Skraw. I’m always looking to improve at VGC and to do so with a community of people! I hope I can work with some like minded folks to make a deep run in NPA! :)
Username: ShmonBe

Name Simon Van der Borght (Shmon)

Timezone GMT+1

Relevant Social Media
Twitter: @Shmonstah

Top 16 Barca
Worlds 2024

Being known as one of the few Belgian players LOL

Username: BelugaVGC

Name Beluga

Timezone GMT+0

Relevant Social Media
@BelugaVGC on twitter

Top 32 July 2023 VR

I am a showdown grinder who is pretty consistently near the top. No plans to go to IRL events to get results, but you can be assured I’ll be a consistent high level player on any team
Username: Yvar

Name yvar vlieger

Timezone GMT+2

Relevant Social Media
yvar. on discord

utrecht 2024 11th place, malmo 2023 23th place, dortmund 2025 35th place, i went to worlds 2024 4-4, and recently got 25th on big online tour

squawkabilly strongest soldier
Username: CertainLight

Name CertainLight

Timezone GMT+0

Relevant Social Media

2x Regional T8, 2x Regional T16

Hey, Sam here - VGC oldhead and trying to engage with the game with a growth mindset a bit more successfully than I previously have. I think a big part of that is likely to be immersion, so I'd like to be part of NPA this year to give some structure to the extra time I'm devoting to VGC and work towards something concrete. Hope to bring some enthusiasm, experience, and British banter to a team :)
Username: Mx3

Name Mark Mullender

Timezone GMT+1

Relevant Social Media
qstnmark on discord
@MarK_bscrew on twitter

26th Dortmund 2024, 21st GC 3, top 16 for mvp award in world cup and 46th in EU cp atm

just a chill guy
Username: orange32

Name orange

Timezone GMT-8

Relevant Social Media
My discord is orange02261

I've made it to semifinals in a few draft leagues by catching my opponents off guard with some wacky tech.

I'm a college student looking to join the competitive scene! I'm willing to work with anyone and everyone to improve upon my playstyle! Also my showdown is orange32
Username: Yuanyo

Name Juan Mejía

Timezone GMT-5

Relevant Social Media
YuanyoMT at X

-Top8 Lima Spe 2023
-Day1 Worlds Competitor 2023
-Top16 Santiago Reg 2024
-Top32 Lima Spe 2025
-Day2 Worlds Competitor 2024

Perurvuan vgc player. I like to play HO teams though I can play other archetypes. I would like to get into a team to have further practice into Reg G and also do my best
Username: K1ng$layer

Name Ioannis Berikakis

Timezone GMT+3

Relevant Social Media
Discord kingslayer

Top32 malmo regional, top128 lille regional, top128 Stuttgart regional, worlds 2024 , 4x Premier League winner , VCL champion , day2 VR series, No1 ranked, MT moon champion, players cup top128 *3 times

I'm player with exprerience, I like play for team and cooking with my teammates
Username: magma_man

Name magma man

Timezone GMT-5

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love to have fun, test new teams, and tournaments
Username: Corn.exe

Name Corn.exe

Timezone GMT-6

Relevant Social Media
Discord and Instagram at home, Email and emotion while

I made it to the quarterfinals in the most recent Spotlight cup in rands. Also I made top 20 in survivor last year as far as top seasonal points

I'm corn. I'm mediocre as it comes to battling but I thought it'd be fun to give it a shot and possibly get drafted
Username: balakay97

Name Andrew Block

Timezone GMT-6

Relevant Social Media
Balakay97 on twitter

Top 32 Indianapolis 2024, Top 64 Los Angeles and NAIC 2024, Made day 2 in the first Victory Road reg H tour, Competed in 2024 worlds, LAIC Travel Award 2025

My name is Andrew and I’m a Chicago vgc player. I got into vgc during sword and shield; however, last year is when I started going to events and competing. I’m so happy I joined this community by going to events and meeting new people. I’m trying to get more involved by signing up for tournaments like this!
Username: PenglinHeHe

Name Penglin

Timezone GMT+8

Relevant Social Media
Youtube: @Penglin
Twitter: @ThePenglin

Philippine National - Top 16
Premier Ball League - Top Cut
Victory Road Tour - Day 2
Multiple 1st Place and Topcut in Limitless
TeraSquare - Top 8

Coming From the Philippines, I'm pretty much a player who likes to Build and play teams that are "fun", Mainly Known for my Swamp Team in Reg H and "TeraPenglin" Terapagos team in Reg G
Username: Kwantum

Name Joe Kwan (Kwantum)

Timezone GMT-5

Relevant Social Media
Twitter- @_kwantum

T64 - LAIC 2025
World's competitor 2024
T8 - Bogotá Special Event 2024
T128 - (Day 2) EUIC 2024
T32 - Knoxville 2024
T32 - NAIC 2023
NPAA Ecruteak Rainbows 2024

Hi, I'm Joe and I'm hoping to be drafted in NPA to build further upon my skills as a VGC player. I started competing at Hartford 2023 and since then have grown to love the game and the community. I have experience in VGC team leagues having participated in NPAA last year and being selected for team DMV in USPA this year. My experience in team esports teams also expands beyond VGC having played on and led teams for Overwatch and Rainbow 6: Siege. This year in VGC, I want to expand my horizons in learning more about the game from new people while pushing for another world's invite.
Username: Waallp

Name Waailp

Timezone GMT-6

Relevant Social Media

Fortnite Fncs no pokemon accomplishments but have competed in tourneys

Like smeargle and garganacal just rly want a custom avatar
Username: Meldyfreld

Name Meldyfreld

Timezone GMT+10

Relevant Social Media
Twitter: @Meldyfreld_
Twitch: @Meldyfreld_

A few limitless tour wins, top cut in majority of Himmy tours/Nino tours participated in. Only been to one regional and made top 64 after playing for 5 months!

Just a chill guy that enjoys mons and has way too much time on his hands
Username: SHONE


Timezone GMT+5.5

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Username: Staraptor

Name Luiz Lima

Timezone GMT-4

Relevant Social Media

Top 4 Joinville regional, Top 16 São Paulo Regional 23 and Top 32 Grand Challenge III

I don't know why, but I play BSS well and I even won two team tours here at Smogon. Jokes aside, I would like to have the experience of playing in a prestigious tournament like this
Username: cantpass

Name combtay

Timezone GMT-8

Relevant Social Media

Won a local cup & 2nd at two local challenges

New to VGC as of September, but looking to get deeper into the hobby if anyone wants to draft me for (probably) free ^^
Username: djchoi

Name Dong-june Choi

Timezone GMT-5

Relevant Social Media
Twitter: @djchoiii
Discord: dj.choi

2024 Baltimore Regional Day2
2020 Korean official online tournament Top12
2019 Korean National Top16
2017 Korean League Autumn Top8
2011 Seoul(Korea) Regional Top16

Hi, I am a Korean VGC player who now live in Columbus, Ohio. I am recently back to VGC and I hope to have fun time with all of you around the world. I was in team East Asia for WCOP 2019 and team Korea for WCOP 2021.
Username: AmazeMaker

Name AmazeMaker / Jong Dae-Jung

Timezone GMT+7

Relevant Social Media
X: @AmazeMaker
Discord: amazemaker

2025 Thailand Premier Ball League Champion
2023, 2024 Thailand National Semi-Finalist
2022 Victory Road WCUP Champion (Thailand)

I want to improve myself and practice Regulation G, as I believe this could be the Regulation for Master Ball League. I have participated in multiple team tournaments and truly enjoy the experience. I will be active in helping and providing as much support as possible to contribute to the team.
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