I don't see a Simple Questions thread (may be blind, currently wear really thick glasses) so I figured I'd ask here. Is there a reason Tyranitar is such a poor choice in the current meta? I've been getting a lot more into DOU, it's really a great tier and I wanted to use a mon that I could never find a real use for in singles, Mega Tyranitar.
I've found his usefulness pretty incredible, he's often a win condition. With really good natural bulk, and a wonderful redirection partner with Togekiss, setting up a DD is often pretty trivial. Intimidate obviously bugs him, which is of course everywhere in the meta, but the DD is more 75% for the speed than the attack. Even then, getting off two is hardly that difficult with the switches he forces, as well as Togekiss's bulk itself. Rock Slide is probably the best move in the meta, so having STAB Rock Slide off a monstrous attack has been a blast. And additionally, the mega form also having Sand Stream has been a huge blessing as well, nullifying Rain and Sun alike when timed correctly.
So I think I am missing something big here, or perhaps am simply playing to poor players to discern correctly.
I saw this post on the front page, and obviously the point is saying that Terrakion is better choice. I definitely see why Terrakion is a better choice than regular Tyranitar, the immediate speed and power is certainly what you'd want, but I think Mega Tyranitar plays differently. Terrakion can SD and RP, but doesn't have a DD option, and the smaller amount of bulk means he often can't take a hit to get the DD up if necessary, or in the middle of an attempted sweep.