Tournament DOU SV Home “No Johns” Kickoff Tournament [Won by Yoda2798]

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waited more than an hour for my opponent, but they havent showed, so i will attempt to claim the activity win.
calling activity, opponent didn't show up first time after waiting for him for 1h30, and didn't show up for the reschedule
Calling act maybe I’m not sure if I can but I’ve been online for a while waiting for a response or challenge from my opponent we’ve both been very lackadaisical with scheduling so I’m ok with any judgement y’all have for our set
Round 1 has concluded! Activity calls below, if there are any discrepancies please let me know ASAP!

PigWarrior19 vs eragon11145 - Pigwarrior19 has made more scheduling attempts and claimed activity, so gets awarded the activity win.

Feyy vs Concept Everything - Concept Everything is the only one who publicly attempted to schedule, and neither player called activity, so win goes to Concept Everything. I was informed they attempted to schedule over discord with that info the game will be flipped:

Sanjay das vs papiloco - Both player initially tried to schedule, but did not follow through, game will be flipped:

PandaDoux vs Bless - Neither player publicly attempted to schedule, game will be flipped:

PikaSpark vs MZB - This one is honestly slightly my fault, they scheduled for 3 hours before deadline and I didn’t specify the deadline was PM. I’d advise scheduling for a specific time, but since I’m partially to blame I will grant this an emergency extension. Please try to get the game done in the next 36 hours, so by Noon Sunday the 4th GMT -4.

Round 2 to follow.


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Round 2 is live! Please not that Urshifu is now illegal.

How to schedule. Please schedule ASAP.


Yoda2798  vs  Ruby4
bage1  vs  Farfromani
Z Strats  vs  Yellow Paint
Neblina  vs  sir jelloton
Fluore  vs  Greedy_eb
Sanjay das  vs  waffle2O2O
Fangame10  vs  LoSconosciuto
Éric  vs  tyo
Nudisto  vs  Akaru Kokuyo
(Winner of PikaSpark vs MZB ) vs  Concept Everything
qsns  vs  Bless
PigWarrior19  vs  Actuarily
Licenciado Pan  vs  paolode99
Spurrific  vs  Gasz
Terekusai  vs  raf
zee  vs  SMB

The deadline for this round is Monday June the 5th at 10:00 PM GMT -4.

Annihilape has been quickbanned from Dounles OU. As this is a mid round change, Annihilape will remain legal for the rest of round 2. If the change is implemented before the round ends, players can challenge using the following code:
/challenge gen9doublesou @@@ +Annihilape
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