Does anyone still care about 4th of July Fireworks?

Oh no Houston allows it, it's Sugar Land that doesn't. And I know how coincidental it sounds with you calling my city fat and it's called SUGAR LAND. =/
When i was younger i was sure to never miss the fireworks in our city. We have a park called Morgans Park(JP Morgan Banking; his estate when he was alive), and it's about 50 acres or so of land where one can go walking and biking and skating, and all the way at the bottom, since the entrance is on a hill, there is the beach. Even though fireworks are banned in New York State, all the cities, towns and golf courses usually get permission to fire them off. What makes our location so cool though, is that there is land about 5-10 miles away from the beach that is another town, so we have our fireworks show, and then they have their fireworks show. They used to do them both at once, but our former mayor was really cheap and minimized the shows time from like 40 minutes to 22 =[. I didn't go this year, but it was just a lousy day and i was almost certain it was going to rain. Didn't work out half bad though, since there's a golf course about 2 minutes from my house and i got to watch that from my bedroom window. Still relly enjoy the fireworks though.
I don't live in the USA.

But having an independence day thing, there are some fireworks as well and yeah, i like them, i like fireworks in general actually.
I never really cared for Fireworks even when I was younger. I guess I'd have to blame some of my cousins for that. When the 4th came along we'd go see the fireworks and my cousins for some reason were afraid of the fireworks and cried though them.

I don't have the desire to go see them because I really don't feel like being annoyed by crying.
I went to the fireworks for the first time in awhile this year with my friends (I'm 20, nearly 21). They really weren't a big deal for me since grade school, but I had fun there this year.
Well, at my grandma's old apartment where she used to live in Virginia, there is this really big field outside and a small parking lot on the outskirts of it. Every fourth, a ton of black people would come out there and have a party, all the while setting off fireworks in the field and in the parking lot. I try to go down there from California every year, this year I didn't get the chance. Because I would go there every year, the guys that come down there often know me. But yeah... fireworks rule, especially when you're with friends.
I agree fireworks are pretty much eh same every year. I enjoy them, but I go to more or less because of all the events surrounding them. My town puts on a huge Fourth of July celebration, that has a flea market, parade, rides (majority for younger children), food, a free concert, and of course fireworks.

Honestly, it's about the only thing my town does right and it is still pretty cool. Everybody comes out in my town that isn't on vacation, so it's basically an excuse to hangout with my friends. Pretty awesome. Plus the fireworks are still cool, even if I may not go for just them.
Man guys. I have to agree with Basics on this one. This 4th was a great night and one I will (try to) remember for many years to come. Setting off fireworks with some friends, going to watch the city's display from a hill in the projects and seeing all the ghetto kids playing with fireworks, then going back for a mexican fiesta, then making my way to a bitching pool party where the girls forgot swimsuits so WHOOPS! i guess they'll have to swim in their underwear! was great. And it's all because of AMERICA!