
I wonder how this would work for swimming goggles. If Swimming Goggles Ditto comes in on Gyara, does it fall asleep, or does it transform and get the speed boost?

That'd be quite the risk you're taking. If the opponent doesn't have a water poke your ditto is trash outside of looking at the opponent's moves
I wonder how this would work for swimming goggles. If Swimming Goggles Ditto comes in on Gyara, does it fall asleep, or does it transform and get the speed boost?

Probebly the last. But it doesn't make the best item. You would have to switch to water types only. Kinda of a waste...
That'd be quite the risk you're taking. If the opponent doesn't have a water poke your ditto is trash outside of looking at the opponent's moves

But maybe the only thing preparedto stop your sweeper in the wings is a strong water type, so if your opponent doesn't have one you'll chalk it up as a win anyway.
The fact we're actually discussing Ditto in OU...

This is the best generation ever.

my thoughs exactly. Now championships may be won depending on the outcome of speed ties. Cookies for you.

Also, what about life orb? Less risky than other items, and stall pokemon would have more hp than ditto anyway.
And does zoarark have higher hp? If so, using him as a ditto would be awesome because he may accomplish even more.
my thoughs exactly. Now championships may be won depending on the outcome of speed ties. Cookies for you.

Also, what about life orb? Less risky than other items, and stall pokemon would have more hp than ditto anyway.
And does zoarark have higher hp? If so, using him as a ditto would be awesome because he may accomplish even more.

If I read the description for illusion right, then zoarark is only going to LOOK like ditto. It doesn't get it's autotransform abillity.
my thoughs exactly. Now championships may be won depending on the outcome of speed ties. Cookies for you.

Also, what about life orb? Less risky than other items, and stall pokemon would have more hp than ditto anyway.
And does zoarark have higher hp? If so, using him as a ditto would be awesome because he may accomplish even more.

You don't understand. Choice Scarf avoids speed ties, unless they also run Choice Scarf or you switch in on Dragon Dance. If you switch in after a KO (a REVENGE killer) you will copy their speed boosts + your own Choice Scarf boost, thus meaning you will be faster than everything. Most sweepers are capable of KOing a clone of themself so you will always wreck the opponent.
At a certain point this becomes ridiculous...

-lead with Ditto to copy Azelf's Stealth Rock before it can

-Salamence will not use Outrage because the second it does it dies to Scarf Ditto

-Lucario either becomes worthless or will no longer use Close Combat

-Letting your opponent's Gyarados get up to +4 Dragon dance so you can sweep their own team with Stone Edge
So if you slap a choice-scarf on ditto, it's not even a 50/50 chance of revenging (assuming the opponent has moves to KO itself), but your alway's able to? That's interesting. Lol magnezone (just be sure to catch a ditto with HP-ground, I beleive HP-type doesn't get copied right?)

According to the link, IVs are coppied for HP purposes, so the HP-type is the same.
At a certain point this becomes ridiculous...

-lead with Ditto to copy Azelf's Stealth Rock before it can
Lead Azelf hold an item that is useful for its specific purpose. Why would you want to be that Azelf holding a Scarf?

-Letting your opponent's Gyarados get up to +4 Dragon dance so you can sweep their own team with Stone Edge

Transform doesn't copy stat boosts. After one DD, you can only speed tie.
I think you are ignoring this part:

The stats are copied exactly

Also Bulbapedia says:

Transform changes the user's current type(s), current stats, current stat levels, current move(s), current species, current cry, and current catch rate to that of the target's.

So yeah, it does.
I think there is a bit of misunderstanding. Transform copies any boosts that are present at the time of transforming. If Ditto's new ability works like this, then what could happen is that you switch in Ditto, who transforms and copies stats and the opposing pokemon uses something like DD or SD. Ditto will not have the boost from the move just used, which give that pokemon some leverage over Ditto.
I think there is a bit of misunderstanding. Transform copies any boosts that are present at the time of transforming. If Ditto's new ability works like this, then what could happen is that you switch in Ditto, who transforms and copies stats and the opposing pokemon uses something like DD or SD. Ditto will not have the boost from the move just used, which give that pokemon some leverage over Ditto.

And, again, its a REVENGE killer. It can't switch in on everything, but should something of yours die Ditto is going to come in all pissed off and possibly ready to sweep.
OMG Ditto will also copy stat changes to imagine transforming into 2 time DD with a choice scarf that is really dangerous
He could be a nice check to Stat-Boosting Pokemon and Weather-Abusers. Although it's hard to switch him in without letting one your Pokemon die, I think he might be viable now.

Other than that, Ditto just became my favourite pokemon all over again. Been waiting for the little tyke to get a niche like this, and here we go. Wham. From a joke to potentially one of the most dangerous revenge killers in the entire game. Hell, stat boosting will probably decline as fast as throwing a dump truck down a cliff with this guy around... Just losing the set-up turn has theoretically made him absolutely incredible.
I think something some of you are forgetting is that he can also come in on Blissey/Vaporeon and Wish Pass or use Aromatherapy. He still has to be weary of status, but it just adds another dimension to him. Quick question, though: Does he also copy abilities? If so, he can also revenge kill Shadow Tag Shanderaa with it's own Shadow Ball. I think a surge in Ditto will make Shadow Tag a little less appealing.

Either way Scarf Ditto has been added to my team-in-making.
I think something some of you are forgetting is that he can also come in on Blissey/Vaporeon and Wish Pass or use Aromatherapy. He still has to be weary of status, but it just adds another dimension to him. Quick question, though: Does he also copy abilities? If so, he can also revenge kill Shadow Tag Shanderaa with it's own Shadow Ball. I think a surge in Ditto will make Shadow Tag a little less appealing.

Either way Scarf Ditto has been added to my team-in-making.
If two Pokemon with Shadow Tag are on the field, both of them can switch out normally.
So Ditto isn't just a whore now?

Nice. Very nice.

If transform copies stat boosts... hell, Ditto could have a spot on nearly every damn team.
Competitively, Ditto will be about as useful as it has been in the past 4 generations. However, it is now the easiest Pokemon to train. Catch it. Fully Trained. No RNG abuse or EV training needed :)