Board Game Diplomacy at the Roulette Wheel - GAME OVER [2-way Germany + France draw]

France [+4 builds] - gained Venice, Rome, Naples, and Tunis
Austria [+2 builds] - gained Bulgaria and Munich
Germany [+1 build] - gained London and lost Munich, but had a unit forcibly disbanded last year
Russia [0 builds] - gained Sevastopol, but already had 6 units
England [0 builds] - lost Liverpool, but disbanded a unit this year
Germany [0 builds] - gained London, but lost Munich
Turkey [-2 disbands] - lost Bulgaria and Sevastopol
Why are there two Germanies? It's too early for the Cold War.
Spring 1905.
Screenshot 2025-01-08 215939.png

Build A Mar
Build A Par

Build A Bud
Build A Tri

Build A Kie

Disband F Con
Disband A Smy

With the fall of Italy, we are reduced to just six powers at the negotiation tables, with one of them looking to be in pretty rough shape hanging on with just one center. France and Austria get ready to attack into the eastern front around Munich, while Germany looks to try and retake the fallen city with an army in Kiel. Meanwhile, Turkey elects for the bold plan of leaving all of their home centers open - better hope that Austria still wants to ally after this one, otherwise that's a losing play. How will things shape up this year?

This year's modifier is:

Human Flight
Any army can now convoy itself over one space of water (but it cannot land on water) for this cycle. The army can be convoyed over any body of water, including occupied ones.

Send your orders in by Sunday, January 10th, 2025 at 7 PM GMT-5.
Fall 1905.
Will be here soon

It’s turning into all-out warfare very soon! France, with some sneaky maneuvering, takes Trieste from a fleeing Austrian army, while Turkey and Austria swap hands of Ankara and Bulgaria respectively. Meanwhile, in the North, chaos occurs as nearly every move fails - can Germany and Russia hold the front?

Extending this deadline to Monday, January 13th due to real-life commitments. Get your orders in, or be NMRed.

GM’s notes
I used the wrong set of orders for Austria, who updated before deadline - that should be fixed in the updated map.
Last edited:
Fall 1905 [Retreats].
Screenshot 2025-01-13 213034.png

F Edi -> NTH [bounced]

F AEG S F ION -> Gre
F ION -> Gre
F EAS -> Smy
A Bul -> Ser

A Mun -> Kie [bounced]
A Boh S A Tyr -> Mun
A Tyr -> Mun [self-bounced]
A Ser S F Gre -> Bul(sc) [support cut]
A Rum S F Gre -> Bul(sc)
F Gre -> Bul(sc)
A Ank S F BLA -> Con

A Lvn -> War
A Pru -> Ber [bounced]
A Sil S A Pru -> Ber
F Nwy S F Edi -> NTH
A Swe -> Den [bounced]
F BLA -> Con

A Lvp -> Edi
F NTH S A Lvp -> Edi
A Ruh S A Ber -> Mun
A Ber -> Mun
A Kie -> Ber
F BAL S A Kie -> Ber
A Den -> Swe [bounced]

A Pie -> Tyr
A Ven S A Pie -> Tyr
F Tun -> ION
F TYS -> Nap
F Nap -> Apu
A Tri S A Bul -> Ser
A Bur S A Ber -> Mun
A Yor S A Lvp -> Edi

Another power has fallen and this time it is the poor Englishmen, not too used to the spicy cuisine (read: anything but salt) over here. Meanwhile, the Balkans see the power struggle emerge, with the home centers of Turkey and Austria looking to swap hands between the two owners and a large multicolor splash covering the area. Meanwhile, Germany crucially removes Austria from Munich without recourse, seemingly locking up the Western front. How will Russia and Austria deal with this setback? Can the Balkans unite under one color? We'll have to see in Winter.

Thank you for playing, England (ImaginaryNeon) - I know, from first-hand experience, that non-Western triples where you're the one left in the cold are brutal for any chances you may have. Thanks for playing the game and sticking around to the end.

Austria (StupidFlandrs48), please submit your retreat orders for A Ser and A Tyr. Once these are done, Winter phase will begin.


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    Screenshot 2025-01-13 212906.png
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Winter 1905.
Screenshot 2025-01-14 215032.png

A Tyr retreats to Vie
A Ser retreats to Bud

Winter has set in, and with it a new set of builds. Germany finds itself the beneficiary of England's demise, while the power struggle in the South continues to France's delight. We'll see how the powers play this year with their builds.

Germany [+2 builds] - gained Edinburgh and Munich
Russia [+1 build] - gained Constantinople
France [+1 build] - gained Trieste
Turkey [-1 disband] - gained Greece and Serbia, but lost Rumania, Ankara, and Constantinople
Austria [-1 disband] - gained Ankara and Rumania and had Munich forcibly disbanded, but lost Serbia, Greece, Munich, and Trieste

Orders by tomorrow at 7 PM EST (GMT-5).
Spring 1906.
Screenshot 2025-01-15 202016.png

Build A Mar

Build A Ber

Build F Stp(sc)

Disband A Ank

Disband F Smy

We're set for a chaotic year as the Turkish mainland sees itself with 3 colors painted on it with just one troop occupying it, while the Germans and French look to stave off Russia and Austria's combined assault. The Scandinavians in particular look fragile, but then again so does the Munich and Berlin line that Germany is trying to hold. What will brew in the Balkans? Will RA break through? We'll have to see.

This year's modifier is...
  • The French Experience: A Revolution occurs in a random country.
    • A non-affiliated, hostile army spawns in said country's capital, if it is unoccupied.
      • If the capital is occupied, the army occupying it is destroyed.
    • The supply center will be inaccessible for the time being.
    • CLARIFICATION: The supply center will not be counted as owned by the country that lost it due to this modifier.
    • The unit must die to access the supply center - however, it will be destroyed for 1 cycle.
What unfortunate country has this happened to?
Well, quite ironically, it seems France has been afflicted!
Screenshot 2025-01-15 203021.png

Get your orders in by 7 PM EST (GMT-5) on Friday the 17th, please.

GM's Notes
The army in Paris is not considered Turkish - rather, it is simply a placeholder army and belongs to nobody.[/B]
Fall 1906.
Screenshot 2025-01-18 130206.png

A Yor -> Lon
A Bur S A Ruh -> Mun
A Mar -> Pie
A Tyr -> Vie [fails, forcibly disbanded]
A Tri S A Tyr -> Vie [support cut]
A Ven S A Tri
F Apu -> ADR
F ION -> Alb [fails, bounced]
F Nap -> ION [fails, bounced]

F AEG -> Gre [fails, bounced]
F Gre -> Alb [fails, bounced]
A Ser S A Bud -> Tri

A Boh -> Tyr
A Bud -> Tri [fails, bounced]
F Bul(sc) -> AEG [fails, bounced]
A Rum -> Bul [fails, bounced]
A Vie S A Boh -> Tyr

F BAL -> BOT [fails, bounced]
A Ber H [invalid order submitted]
A Den -> Swe [fails, bounced]
A Mun -> Boh
A Ruh -> Mun
A Kie S A Ber

F Con -> Smy
F Nwy S A Swe
A Pru -> Ber [fails, bounced]
A Sil S A Pru -> Ber
F Stp(sc) -> BOT [fails, bounced]
A Swe H
A War -> Lvn

A bit of a disappointing Spring as no major centers fall, but they may start to crumble this season as all of Scandinavia, Turkey's homeland, and Germany's backside are in range of enemy troops next year! Indeed, London gets occupied by the French, while Russia steals Smyrna in what is set to be multiple fronts of this line opening up! Could a stab disspell what looks to be a RAT alliance? Or could a knife be driven into the Gluten-Free friendship? We'll see this fall.

Deadline is at 7 PM GMT-5 (EST) on January 20th - I will not accept late submissions, so get your orders in!
Fall 1906 [Retreats].
Screenshot 2025-01-20 210205.png

F NTH S F SKA -> Nwy
A Lon H
A Bur S A Mun
A Pie - Tyr
A Ven S A Tri [fails, support cut]
A Tri S A Pie -> Tyr [support cut, forcibly disbanded]

A Mun S A Pie -> Tyr
A Boh -> Vie
A Ber H
A Kie S A Ber H
A Den -> Swe
F BAL S A Den -> Swe
F SKA -> Nwy
A Edi H

A Vie -> Tri
A Bud S A Vie -> Tri
A Rum -> Gal
A Tyr -> Ven [fails, forced to retreat]
F Bul(sc) H

F Gre -> Alb
F AEG S F Smy -> EAS
A Ser S A Vie -> Tri

F Nwy S A Swe [fails, forced to retreat]
A Swe S A Nwy [fails, forced to retreat]
A Pru S A Sil -> Ber
A Sil -> Ber [fails, bounced]
A Lvn S A Pru
F Stp(sc) -> BOT
F Smy -> EAS

Disaster for the RAT as Scandinavia falls! It was bound to happen at some point, but these losses set up the triad in a very shaky spot against the German-French alliance currently knocking at their front door. Meanwhile, while French troops are destroyed in Trieste, a gain of Tyrolia and London as well as Germany's gain of Vienna and the Scands should be cause for jubilation in the FG camp. Can the RAT alliance hold the line? Or will it crumble?

Russia (LonelyNess and sunny004) and Austria (StupidFlandrs48), please submit your retreat orders as soon as possible - official deadline will be at 7 PM tomorrow, but the quicker we finish this the more time we have in winter.
Winter 1906.
Screenshot 2025-01-21 204149.png

A Tyr retreats to Boh

F Nwy retreats to BAR
A Swe retreats to Fin

A critical winter dawns as the RAT alliance struggles to stay alive against the onrushing German and French forces! Austria slips back into Bohemia to attempt to break through the German home center line, while Russia turns tail from the Scandinavian SCs after being bested by Germany.

France [+1 build] - gained London and has a deferred build, but lost Paris to the Revolution modifier
Germany [no changes] - gained Norway, Sweden, Vienna, and has a deferred build, but lost London and has all home centers occupied
Austria [no changes] - gained Trieste but lost Vienna
Turkey [no changes] - did not gain or lose any centers
Russia [-2 disbands] - lost Sweden and Norway

Get your orders in by 7 PM GMT-5 tomorrow (1/21/25).
Spring 1907.
Screenshot 2025-01-22 192954.png

Build F Mar

Disband F BOT
Disband F BAR

Russia turns tail on defending Scandinavia and instead looks to launch a last-ditch attack against Germany and France with Austrian support, but the line appears to be holding strong. We could be nearing the end here.

Screenshot 2025-01-22 193401.png

This year's modifier is...
Global Recession.
  • All countries must disband 2 units of their choice for 1.5 years.
Before we get started this winter, please send in your disbands by tomorrow at 7 PM.
The draw is successful!


[@M2H and Alice Kazumi]: 11 SCs, 8 units [Joint draw - victory]
France [@apricity and pulsar512b]: 9 SCs, 9 units [Joint draw - victory]
Russia [@LonelyNess and sunny004]: 5 SCs, 5 units [Survivor, not included in draw]
Austria [@StupidFlandrs48]: 5 SCs, 5 units [Survivor, not included in draw]
[@Lechen and bluedoom]: 3 SCs, 3 units [Survivor, not included in draw]
England [@ImaginaryNeon]: Eliminated - Fall 1905
Italy [@CrreamyKitty]: Eliminated - Fall 1904

Thank you to everyone for playing - I'll be the first to admit this game was scuffed and the modifier list was, shall we say, not optimal, but I hope it was fun for everyone up to a certain point. This was my first time hosting, so inexperience played a part, but there were definitely some big oversights that should have been rectified before the game started. You live and you learn, anyways. Congrats to Germany and France. Keep an eye out for a poll on what our next game should be!

If you'd like to join our next game, see how this game (or its predecessors) unfolded, or just hang out with this subsection of the Circus community, join the Discord server: - we hope we'll see you there.

All negotiations channels will be made public in a bit.
It was really a joy to play this game and to have the opportunity to win with M2H. I’ve said what I wanted to him.

In addition to winning, dealing a loss to Whiny, Dickhead, and Childish is a very satisfying bonus.

I found all three of you deeply unlikeable on personal levels. From the way y’all bitched at the game and at the host, to the way y’all tried to verbally bully your way into alliances, to the way y’all emotionally blew up in my chat over a board game, to the salty and pathetic way y’all lost — by saying you didn’t care to begin with, by saying certain wins aren’t really wins, by trying to diminish our success and your failure by claims of self sabotage.

On top of being losers, you also have no understanding of the game! There are no stalemate lines! There is just nukes. The whole game is nukes. There is no stab before nukes gets rolled and used — if you do, if you’re ever a solo threat, you can only ever control one nuke. If you ever get nuked, you lose the game. So the only way you can solo in this game is after nukes are gone.

The way to win the game is to have a nuke, and have the other guy who has the nuke not target you. Then, you can target that guy, or you can target an area where you gain more SC’s than the other nuke holder. Otherwise, you are putting yourself at the whim of RNG. Why would a better player with a better position want to do that?

You agreed to a draw I didn’t want, that I couldn't be the only person declining since my ally was the one who proposed it, at a time when people can't stab without exposing themselves to bad rolls, and then spend hours bitching about how the “culture sucks”. My god, get a grip on yourselves.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.
It was really a joy to play this game and to have the opportunity to win with M2H. I’ve said what I wanted to him.

In addition to winning, dealing a loss to Whiny, Dickhead, and Childish is a very satisfying bonus.

I found all three of you deeply unlikeable on personal levels. From the way y’all bitched at the game and at the host, to the way y’all tried to verbally bully your way into alliances, to the way y’all emotionally blew up in my chat over a board game, to the salty and pathetic way y’all lost — by saying you didn’t care to begin with, by saying certain wins aren’t really wins, by trying to diminish our success and your failure by claims of self sabotage.

On top of being losers, you also have no understanding of the game! There are no stalemate lines! There is just nukes. The whole game is nukes. There is no stab before nukes gets rolled and used — if you do, if you’re ever a solo threat, you can only ever control one nuke. If you ever get nuked, you lose the game. So the only way you can solo in this game is after nukes are gone.

The way to win the game is to have a nuke, and have the other guy who has the nuke not target you. Then, you can target that guy, or you can target an area where you gain more SC’s than the other nuke holder. Otherwise, you are putting yourself at the whim of RNG. Why would a better player with a better position want to do that?

You agreed to a draw I didn’t want, that I couldn't be the only person declining since my ally was the one who proposed it, at a time when people can't stab without exposing themselves to bad rolls, and then spend hours bitching about how the “culture sucks”. My god, get a grip on yourselves.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

If you didn't want to draw, you shouldn't have drawn.

And if you feel as though you couldn't not draw, then you shouldn't have allowed the board state to get to a point where you felt you couldn't.

As for your personal attacks, you're the only one here making judgements on people's character based on a board game. If anyone needs to get a grip, it's you. The rest of us will all gladly continue to play games with one another and let whatever transpired during this game stay with this game.
As for your personal attacks, you're the only one here making judgements on people's character based on a board game. If anyone needs to get a grip, it's you. The rest of us will all gladly continue to play games with one another and let whatever transpired during this game stay with this game.
From the way y’all bitched at the game and at the host, to the way y’all tried to verbally bully your way into alliances, to the way y’all emotionally blew up in my chat over a board game, to the salty and pathetic way y’all lost — by saying you didn’t care to begin with, by saying certain wins aren’t really wins, by trying to diminish our success and your failure by claims of self sabotage.

yeah, if i was any one of you three, i'd certainly also be begging to let this behavior be forgotten and confined to the past.

i hope you're able to achieve that! everyone deserves a second chance.