It was really a joy to play this game and to have the opportunity to win with M2H. I’ve said what I wanted to him.
In addition to winning, dealing a loss to Whiny, Dickhead, and Childish is a very satisfying bonus.
I found all three of you deeply unlikeable on personal levels. From the way y’all bitched at the game and at the host, to the way y’all tried to verbally bully your way into alliances, to the way y’all emotionally blew up in my chat over a board game, to the salty and pathetic way y’all lost — by saying you didn’t care to begin with, by saying certain wins aren’t really wins, by trying to diminish our success and your failure by claims of self sabotage.
On top of being losers, you also have no understanding of the game! There are no stalemate lines! There is just nukes. The whole game is nukes. There is no stab before nukes gets rolled and used — if you do, if you’re ever a solo threat, you can only ever control one nuke. If you ever get nuked, you lose the game. So the only way you can solo in this game is after nukes are gone.
The way to win the game is to have a nuke, and have the other guy who has the nuke not target you. Then, you can target that guy, or you can target an area where you gain more SC’s than the other nuke holder. Otherwise, you are putting yourself at the whim of RNG. Why would a better player with a better position want to do that?
You agreed to a draw I didn’t want, that I couldn't be the only person declining since my ally was the one who proposed it, at a time when people can't stab without exposing themselves to bad rolls, and then spend hours bitching about how the “culture sucks”. My god, get a grip on yourselves.
Good riddance to bad rubbish.