Tournament DFL I - Player Signups [Auction 22nd @ 1 PM -4]

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User name: Tera2NormalYT

Time Zone GMT-4

Discord Tag tera2normalyt

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, ORAS, SV VGC

Availability Weekends and holdiays

Player Info Played in multiple independent leagues, along with getting to Round of 32 in the ORAS Cup II.
User name: Techno

Time Zone GMT-5

Discord Tag p2techno

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SS Galar, USUM, ORAS

Availability No Life is my middle name

Player Info Been rapidly improving over the past few months. Recently won TBC ralts, went 6-2 in seasonal, and made finals in WPF PB last season. Not playing any other leagues right now, so I'm putting full focus into this. Feel free to dm me if you have questions. SV >>>> SS > ORAS > USUM are my preferences.
User name: dtGray

Time Zone GMT-5

Discord Tag dtgray

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SS Galar, ORAS

Availability Highly available during the week, have one obligation on Saturday afternoon/evening but free otherwise.

Player Info Been around draft for about 6 years now. Captained tdt s1, placed top four in TH tournament 1, and recently had team tour success in winning SAL, going 5-2. Was also part of WPF’s best(?) PGP run last season. I’m always happy to support the team with mocks and team building, and provide good vibes for the crew.
User name: Gengar_Mask

Time Zone GMT+5.5

Discord Tag charizard_mask

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SS Galar, USUM, ORAS

Availability Available throughout the tournament duration

Player Info Started playing at Smogon draft in the 2024 circuit.
Presently #40 on the circuit leaderboard. Best runs are top 16 ORAS and top 32 USUM. Presently in Summer seasonal top cut.
Loves to build teams.
User name: Msousa

Time Zone GMT+1

Discord Tag msousa

Tiers Preferred All

Availability Busy with University, should be chill tho

Player Info Signed up cause Mishmesh asked me to, next time gonna make sure he doesn't chicken out of captaincy
User name: E Man

Time Zone GMT-4

Discord Tag e_man.

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SS Galar, USUM, ORAS

Availability mostly evenings gmt-4

Player Info been playing draft since gen 7 have done well in all main gens for smogon least experienced in gen 6 but did well in most recent oras tour getting top 32
User name: Azery

Time Zone GMT+1

Discord Tag azery

Tiers Preferred All

Availability free any time. love unemployment

Player Info been playing draft on and off for about 4 years. hycrox made me sign up to this
User name: Abocado24

Time Zone GMT-4

Discord Tag abocado24

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SS Galar

Availability Weekday evenings, Weekend most times

Player Info 4 years of draft league experience through smaller leagues, consistently scoring high division placements and playoffs runs/wins. Looking to branch into bigger scale leagues to see how I stack up. As a point of reference for my skill, I entered WPF's Defense division this season and went undefeated all the way to finals (Also have a positive record against Kachurin - I started out in his old draft leagues and learned fast). Can pick up other tiers and flex into them if needed (One of my chips is in a LC league, so I'm not a one-trick pony).
User name: Reaper Dude

Time Zone GMT+8

Discord Tag reaps1825

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SS Galar, USUM, SV VGC

Availability Weekends +Mon,Thurs

Player Info Trust me bro
User name: reggg

Time Zone GMT-4

Discord Tag _reggg

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SS Galar, USUM, ORAS

Availability In Grad school

Player Info I play standard little cup mainly and have had a few experiences playing draft leagues in little cup and ubers to pretty solid success, and would enjoy getting the chance to try out and learn about other formats. My experience is limited in draft but try to be a good team player and always happy to provide support / mocks
User name: GoldenCyber

Time Zone GMT-4

Discord Tag goldencyber

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SS Galar, USUM

Availability Might be busy with classes and other commitments but I can probably squeeze in some time to help out and play matches

Player Info Played draft for a few years now and been pretty successful in this year's circuit run
User name: Mom Lover

Time Zone GMT-5

Discord Tag _yzy

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SS Galar, USUM, ORAS

Availability anytime i’m not working

Player Info have 4 ish yrs experience and have played in leagues like CoK Trickhouse Colo and several others that are escaping my mind currently. haven’t done DL in a bit but thought i’d give it a go
User name: Sad Skooma Cat

Time Zone GMT+1

Discord Tag sadskoomacat

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, USUM, ORAS, SV VGC

Availability I have three half-day shifts a week but otherwise am free all the time.

Player Info I've won or have placed well in many smaller draft leagues and am looking for more experience.
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User name: sasha

Time Zone GMT-7

Discord Tag sakurabloodfloor

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SS Galar

Availability am available

Player Info Hacker sis what does this mean
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User name: N_Chuuya

Time Zone GMT+5.5

Discord Tag storm_emperor

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SS Galar, USUM, ORAS

Availability my schedule's been kind of tight as of late but i can still try to put some time into this, at least an hour a day.

Player Info i'm pretty familiar with the viability, movesets, and strategies of most pokemon as i've played ou ladder in sm and oras, and i have a decent idea about the lower tiers in those gens despite not getting the chance to play those. i've also played every tier in SS and SV. i'm also participating in the masked draft league currently, and that is actually my first DL so i'm kinda new but still learning the ropes in draft and intend to learn and play more drafts in the future
User name: TONE

Time Zone GMT-5

Discord Tag tone

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SS Galar, USUM, ORAS

Availability mainly evenings EST, but can be flexible

Player Info been doing this for 9 years, nothing much else to say
User name: Rae

Time Zone GMT+8

Discord Tag tidalatte

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SS Galar, USUM, ORAS

Availability have some other tournaments going on + 3 jobs + uni but I should still be active!!

Player Info I’m gogoated
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User name: Crysite

Time Zone GMT-4

Discord Tag crysite

Tiers Preferred SV Paldea, SS Galar, USUM, ORAS

Availability Saturdays are for college football. Sunday is for the NFL (esp if the lions are playing).

Player Info Played pokemon since gen 4 and competitively since gen 5. Started playing draft in May and have since garnered many notable wins, making playoffs in a couple leagues, but not winning any outright yet.

DMs are open, I am happy to provide replays that demonstrate my skill level.
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User name: Mewizard113

Time Zone GMT-7

Discord Tag mewizard

Tiers Preferred SV VGC

Availability School Mon-Fri from 7am-3pm, Basketball practice on Tues-Thurs from 6-8pm

Player Info I'm ok at VGC, have my own low tier VGC league, and have some solid accomplishments throughout, such as making playoffs, 9th in WPF, and Top kill leader in WPF.
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