Pet Mod Crossover Chaos Expanded - Part II

Slate 37: Road Trip
(mina's book has a noticeable dearth of illustrations)

Congratulations to Mygavolt, Mygavolt, and Pika Xreme for winning with Ruby Rose, Iris Freyja, and Mina Harker. Honorable mention to The Main Mon with Puck, who would have won if I had made the tiebreaker rules.

This slate is for characters who are associated with vehicles or travel! (actual use of roads not required). So your standard aimless wanderers, people who go on worldwide journeys, sapient spaceships, sapient non-space ships, sapient non-ship vehicles... A lot of characters actually. Show your character fits the slate like so: **Ghost Rider**

This slate will end on May 8th. Have fun! Or don't have fun, I don't control your life. Having fun usually isn't bad, though. Except when people are heavily mourning. Not to say fun is unacceptable at all funerals, but you should probably check with the guys running it. It might be in the will of whoever died, too, I'd probably check that first actually. You probably shouldn't have fun while killing someone, either. That's a worrying sign for your mental health. Are there mob therapists? I'm getting off track here. Again, voting starts on May 8th!​
Pika Xreme suggested I resub this guy on this particular slate, so what the heck.

"One shall stand, one shall fall."

Robot Form


Disguised Form


Pokémon: **Optimus Prime**
Franchise/Origin: Transformers
Type: Steel/Electric
Ability: Justified/Robot in Disguise (HA)
Signature Ability: Robot in Disguise- Upon using an attacking move, switches from to Robot Form. Upon using a status move, switches to Disguised Form. Basically a reskinned Stance Change with a more lenient transformation condition.
Notable moves: Smart Strike, Zing Zap, Slash, Protect, Shift Gear, Ion Blaster, Flash Cannon, Close Combat, Focus Blast, Steel Beam, Earthquake, Earth Power. Does not learn Hidden Power.
Signature move:
Ion Blaster: Electric-type, 85 BP, 100 Accuracy, 10 BP, Special. Can damage Ground-type Pokemon.
Stats: 120 HP/130 Atk/90 Def/130 SpA/90 SpD/90 Spe (Robot Form)
120 HP/90 Atk/130 Def/90 SpA/130 SpD/90 Spe (Disguised Form)
BST is 650 regardless of form.
Optimus Prime starts battles in Robot Form.
Reasoning: Leader of the Autobots. Bearer of the Matrix of Leadership (Which, by the way, is a conduit for the power of Primus, the creator of the Transformer race). That guy who's infamous for dying and coming back to life constantly. All of these and more are apt descriptions for perhaps the most famous of the Transformer race, good ol' Optimus Prime. Optimus is bascially the strongest of the Autobots, and has no real weaknesses. His stats are all pretty high across the board (Though when you've basically got a fragment of a creator god's power inside you, that's no surprise), and a decent movepool. His strict code of honor is the basis for Justified, and his Hidden Ability, Robot in Disguise, provides a means for Optimus Prime to do as Transformers do and, well, transform. Optimus' Disguised Form is his classic truck form (hence the slate bonus). So as to not make it completely redundant (In canon, Optimus basically never fights in vehicle form, because the robot form is just better), I decided to go for the Aegislash route and make his Robot form offensive, and his Disguised form defensive.

Optimus' typing should be pretty obvious, at least as far as the Steel-typing goes. For the Electric-typing, though, this is based on the energy source Transformers use to live: Energon. While it's pure energy (which would typically suggest a psychic-typing), its effects in practice are closer to the Electric-type. He's got decent skill in Hand-to-hand combat, but if that's not enough he can always rely on his trusty weapons, including the Ion Blaster, (basically a laser rifle, hence why Ground-types aren't immune- this is also the source for Flash Cannon), an Energon Axe or Energon Sword (The basis for Smart Strike, Zing Zap and Slash), and the Matrix of Leadership can also emit beams of energy, as seen when Optimus obliterated Unicron in the comics, hence why he also gets access to Focus Blast and Steel Beam. Earthquake and Earth Power come from his ability to create localized shockwaves with his stomps (as he shows in the videogame Transformers: Devastation). His status moves are pretty self-explanatory, really. Shift Gear in particular might be the thing that lets Optimus stick around in Ubers, as it does patch up the one area he could be considered lacking: his middling speed. Though you may have noticed Optimus doesn't really have much in the way of passive damage. This is on purpose, as trying tricks like that would violate his code of honor (which is a big no-go for him- Optimus once killed himself because he sacrificed NPCs to win in a video game, an act he saw as cheating). This also prevents Optimus from learning ANY Dark-type moves, INCLUDING Hidden Power.
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This is meant for Ubers.

Pokémon: Silver Surfer
Franchise: Marvel

Ability: Pressure
Moves: Flash Cannon, Steel Beam, Metal Burst, Iron Head, Meteor Mash, Bullet Punch, Aerial Ace, Fly, Dazzling Gleam, Focus Blast, Heat Wave, Electroweb, Surf, Sacred Sword, Brick Break, Storm Throw, X-Scissor, U-turn, Drill Run, Night Slash, Psycho Cut, Extrasensory, Mirror Coat, Future Sight, Discharge, Explosion, Extreme Speed, Quick Attack, Iron Defense, Cosmic Power, Light Screen, Reflect, Barrier, Heal Pulse, Teleport, Sunny Day, Hail, Electrify, Flash, Refresh, Swords Dance
Stats: 90 HP/90 Atk/95 Def/130 SpA/110 SpD/165 Spe (680 BST)

Swift Surfboard |
| 50 BP | 48 PP | 100% | Has +1 priority.
Silver Surfer @ Choice Specs
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Flash Cannon
- Extrasensory
- Focus Blast
- Surf

Silver Surfer @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Meteor Mash
- Sacred Sword
- Drill Run
Reasoning: Silver Surfer was made a herald of Galactus, being powered up by the Power Cosmic. He has a metallic body and surfboard, which he rides on at incredible speeds, easily flying through galaxies and lightyears. The surfboard can change shape into a sword or drill, and shock someone who touches it. It can separate from him for hits of its own. The Silver Surfer can control matter and energy. He has powerful energy projection and can produce barriers. He can create webs, explosions and small suns, and absorb and redirect energy. He can produce waves and walls, and transmute things into energy. Silver Surfer has cosmic senses and can heal others. He can see the future and teleport.

This is meant for Ubers.

Pokémon: Magic School Bus
Franchise: The Magic School Bus

Ability: Adaptability | [HA] Heatproof
Moves: Iron Head, Flash Cannon, Steel Wing, Fly, Bounce, Brave Bird, Drill Peck, Air Slash, Power Whip, Fell Stinger, Megahorn, Surf, Liquidation, Waterfall, Aqua Tail, Aqua Jet, Crunch, Dragon Tail, Dragon Claw, Flare Blitz, Flame Charge, Heat Wave, Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam, Head Smash, Discharge, Thunderbolt, Charge Beam, Thunder, Seed Bomb, Bullet Seed, Ice Beam, Drill Run, Hyper Voice, Quick Attack, Autotomize, Shift Gear, Iron Defense, Roost, Defog, Tailwind, Quiver Dance, Sticky Web, Spider Web, Aqua Ring, Rain Dance, Cosmic Power, Moonlight, Charge, Thunder Wave, Leech Seed, Shell Smash, Whirlwind
Stats: 80 HP/80 Atk/90 Def/80 SpA/108 SpD/162 Spe (600 BST)

Magic School Bus @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Heatproof
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Roost
- Leech Seed
- Air Slash
- Thunder Wave

Magic School Bus @ Life Orb
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Brave Bird
- Iron Head
- Drill Run
- Roost

Magic School Bus @ Life Orb
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Quiver Dance
- Air Slash
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
Reasoning: The kids ride on the Magic School Bus, that can take them virtually anywhere. It has multiple methods of flying, able to travel hundreds of lightyears in hours. It can shapeshift to adapt to the situation. It has shapeshifted into many different animals.
  • Bat: Hyper Voice, Roost
  • Frog: Bounce, Power Whip
  • Duck: Brave Bird, Drill Peck, Roost
  • Butterfly: Quiver Dance, Roost
  • Spider: Spider Web, Sticky Web
  • Bee: Roost, Fell Stinger
  • Triceratops: Megahorn
  • Dolphin: Surf, Waterfall, Liquidation, Aqua Jet, Aqua Tail, Aqua Ring
  • Cheetah: Quick Attack, Crunch
  • Lizard: Dragon Tail, Dragon Claw
  • Tortoise: Shell Smash
It has also shapeshifted into various other things.
  • Space Shuttle: Cosmic Power, Flame Charge
  • Moon: Moonlight, Moonblast
  • Asteroid: Head Smash
  • Comet: Flare Blitz
  • Lightbulb: Dazzling Gleam
  • Battery: Charge, Discharge, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Charge Beam
  • Dandelion Seed: Seed Bomb, Bullet Seed, Leech Seed
  • Drill: Drill Run
The bus can swim in lava without being affected by it.

Some say that on really warm days he sheds his skin like a snake, and that for some reason he’s allergic to the Dutch. All we know is he’s called The Stig.
Pokemon: The Stig
Top Gear

Ability: Motor Drive, Speed Boost
Notable Moves: Petrol Head, Power Lap, Shift Gear, Gear Grind, Gear Up, Heavy Slam, Clear Smog, Heat Crash, Extremespeed, Accelerock, Head Charge, U-Turn, Overdrive, Agility, universal moves such as Subsitute.
Petrol Head: 90 BP | 90% Accuracy |
| 10(16) PP | 30% chance to poison target.
Power Lap: -- BP | --% Accuracy |
| 10(16) PP | User switches out and incoming Pokemon gains +1 speed.

Stats: 82 / 122 / 73 / 38/ 76 / 149 (540 BST)

Reasoning: The Stig is a breed of driver who has unsurpassed racing abilities. Speed is the only thing he knows. Petrol is the only thing he drinks. Cats are the only thing he talks to. The Stig is a character from Top Gear who showcases the performance of fast cars in what is known as a Power Lap. Steel type because he is very rarely seen outside of a car (and was likely to have been born in one) as well as most of his known moves involve him driving or cars in general. His secondary typing is Poison due to him only drinking petrol to fuel himself. Petrol Head is a common term used to racing car drivers and he does have an actual head full of petrol. A Power Lap on Top Gear is a fast lap that The Stig performs in some of the fastest cars ever produced. It involves speed and driving away. His abilities, Motor Drive and Speed Boost, should be self explanatory as well as several of his moves such as the 'Gear' moves and moves like Heat Crash and U-Turn. Clear Smog is a reference to a car's exhaust emissions.
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Pokémon: Hector Barbossa
Franchise/Origin: Pirates of the Caribbean
Type: Dark/Fighting
Ability: Defiant / Analytic / Treasure Mastery (Ignores harmful effects of items. Same as Wario from CCV2)
Notable moves:
Physical: Thief, Sucker Punch, Night Slash, Knock Off, Fling, Beat Up, Pursuit, Slash, Thrash, Frustration, Double-Edge, Guillotine, Low Kick, Sacred Sword, Brick Break, Close Combat, Shadow Bone, Shadow Claw, Poison Jab, Cross Poison, Dive, Razor Shell, Aqua Jet, Aerial Ace, Gunshot, Bone Rush, Bone Club, Anchor Shot, Wood Hammer, Power Whip, Wrap, Bind
Special: Surf, Whirlpool, Air Slash, Hurricane, Grass Knot, Thunder, Thunderbolt
Status: Trick, Switcheroo, Swords Dance, Nasty Plot, Curse, Taunt, Torment, Snatch, Memento, Moonlight, Rain Dance, Defog

Changes form in Isla de Muerta, similar to Rotom changing forms in Rotom's Room.
Form: Hector Barbossa-Cursed
Type: Dark/Ghost
Ability: Defiant / Cursed Body / Magic Guard

G-Max Move: G-Max Black Pearl Crash (Variable BP | Dark | Physical | Sets Tailwind for 5 turns)
Signature Move: Gunshot (Steel | Physical | 80 BP | 15 PP | Identical to Snipe Shot excluding typing and category. It's also blocked by Bulletproof.)
Signature Item: Sword of Triton: If held by Hector Barbossa, his Water- and Flying-type moves have 1.5x power and he will take half damage from Anchor Shot or attacks from the undead (currently only Ghost-types, Parasect and Sayaka Miki).
Stats: 140/110/75/70/75/80 (550)

  • Type: Dark because he's a treacherous pirate. According to the screenwriters, his character was conceptualized to be a "dark trickster" and counterpart to Jack Sparrow. Also (Bobsican will absolutely love this) his type in Kingdom Hearts card game is "Dark/Villains." Fighting because he's a very skilled swordsman. "When he pulled his sword out, even big guys cower away." In Cursed form, Ghost because he becomes immortal with the Aztec curse, but in reality he is unable to feel anything like an undead, and when under moonlight, his appearance changes to that of a zombie/skeleton.
  • Abilities: At first, Barbossa had the opposite of Treasure Mastery, as he didn't believe in the Aztec gold curse and suffered because of it. However, as the series went on, Barbossa became an expert on many treasures, mythical weapons and other items. Partly because he didn't want to suffer the same fate as with the gold, and partly because those items could be used by him to achieve his goals. As for the other abilities, Defiant because, well, he is defiant and insolent. Analytic because of his cunning genius and skill in battle, second only to Jack Sparrow, probably. Cursed Body is quite obvious. Magic Guard because of his immortality and inability to feel pain, cold, burns, hunger, etc. or be affected by poison. This is due to the curse which is kinda magical.
  • Moves: Most of them are obvious stuff that a trickster and swordsman would have. Some weirder choices are bone moves, this is due to both his cursed skeleton form and the ability to control dead matter with the Sword of Triton. He also has Poison moves from the time he poisoned his sword to battle someone. The last 5 moves listed under Physical, his entire Special movepool and Rain Dance+Defog come from the Sword of Triton again, which is able to control the ship's anchor, ropes and wood to perform attacks, and also control the sea's water and wind (Blackbeard, another user of the Sword of Triton, shrinked then bottled an entire ship and a storm).
  • Cursed Form: Comes from the first movie. See Type section.
  • Gigantamax Form: One of the Sword of Triton's many abilities is shrinking things and returning them to normal size. Barbossa's Gigantamax is his own ship, the Black Pearl, which he kept in a bottle for some time. The Gigantamax move effect comes from the Sword of Triton's ability to create wind for ships to sail.
  • Item: See Moves section. One thing of note is Blackbeard, another user of the Sword of Triton, killed his own crew and controlled them with the Sword of Triton as zombies, so controlling "dead matter" extends to dead people too, not just dead trees in the form of wood.
  • Stats: HP is high because of his incredible ability to survive, even somehow escaping a takeover of his ship in the middle of the ocean, after cutting his own leg off. Low SpA because all his Special moves come from his signature item, and the sword already increases the damage of most of those.
Pokemon: Bill "CIA" Wilson
Origin: Dark Knight Rises
Typing: Fighting/Normal
Ability: Justified / You Don't Get To Bring Friends (Shadow Tag clone)
Signature Moves:
My Aircraft - Steel-type Smack Down clone
Pull That Off - Fighting-type Knock Off clone
You're a Big Guy - Status move, Normal-type, 40 PP. Doubles opponent's weight and lowers their Speed by 2.
Z-Move: Shoot a Man Before Throwing Him Out Of a Plane (105 BP | Steel | must know My Aircraft | Hits twice. First hit is blocked by Bulletproof. Second hit has Smack Down effects.)
Other Moves: Low Kick, Knock Off, Celebrate
Stats: 95/95/95/50/55/80 (470)
Two new subs real quick.

"That's impossible - no one can just deflect the Emerald Splash!"
Pokémon: Noriaki Kakyoin
Origin: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders
Type: Rock/Water
Ability: Infiltrator / Scrappy / Analytic
Stats: 100/70/70/100/100/115 (555)
Notable Moves: Power Gem, Hydro Pump, Scald, Surf, Sludge Wave, Flash Cannon, Sticky Web, Power Whip, Wrap, Infestation, Minimize
Reasoning: Everyone's favorite cherry donut! He's a Stand User who went to the same school as Jotaro until he decided to go on the same adventure as Jotaro instead. His signature technique is the Emerald Splash, which is a burst of glowing gems and liquid. This is why his type and most of his moves are as they are. His Stand, Hierophant Green, can also turn into a web of tentacle (Sticky Web, Power Whip, Wrap), which can also enter people's bodies (Infiltrator, Infestation). Scrappy because Cookie Butter will murder me if I don't give it to every Stand user, and Analytic because he analyzes a thing in a notable scene near the end of the Part he appears in. Minimize due to the events of the "Lovers" arc.


Pokémon: Scooby Doo
Origin: Scooby-Doo
Type: Normal
Ability: Wimp Out / Rattled / Gluttony
Stats: 79/97/89/61/71/127 (524)
Notable Moves: Return, U-Turn, Stockpile, Spit Up, Swallow, Bite, Crunch, Odor Sleuth, Sacred Sword, Slash, Aerial Ace, High Jump Kick, Fell Stinger, Machine Gun (see Austin in CCv2), Camouflage, Knock Off
Reasoning: Shaggy's best friend, a talking dog who somehow managed to go unexplained for years on a show all about solving mysteries. He shares a lot of moves and abilities with Shaggy which he gets for the same reasons. He also gets biting moves because, y'know, dog, and Odor Sleuth because he does that (which is also because he's a dog.) Gluttony because he has a free ability slot Shaggy doesn't. His stats are close to Shaggy's, including having the exact same total. Sacred Sword, Slash, and Aerial Ace from that magic katana he had for a bit. Machine Gun because he also had one of those once. High Jump Kick and Fell Stinger come from the finale of Scooby-Doo: Mystery Incorporated, where he kicks a spear so hard that a god dies. While in midair. An extradimensional god, to be specific, of the same species who Scooby has a bit of ancestry from (hence his ability to talk... and in this sub, his prime stats). Note that Fell Stinger is given to plenty of things with pointy things that aren't actual spears.

Also a resub, why not.

"I can't handle reality...! It's too frightening...!"
Pokémon: Strength / Yuu Koutari
Origin: Black Rock Shooter (2012)
Type: Psychic
Ability: Anger Point / Iron Fist / Wimp Out
Stats: 100/160/90/90/25/105 (570)
Notable Moves: Ally Switch, Strength, Mega Punch, Bullet Punch, Dynamic Punch, Fire Punch, Focus Punch, Hammer Arm, Mach Punch, Shadow Punch, Thrash, Outrage, Lash Out, Court Change, Lava Plume, Eruption, Dragon Pulse, Flail, Machine Gun (see Austin in CCv2)
Reasoning: Some schoolgirl who decided it was easier to fight constantly than actually deal with her problems, and so swapped places with her alternate self from the emotional pain dimension (who had become self-aware because Yuu suffered that much) and started living on a giant Rubik's Cube. Psychic because Yuu and Strength are the characters with the best understanding of the Otherworld and Strength-as-Yuu has a bunch of weird powers and shit. Anger Point, Thrash, Outrage, and Lash Out because she's gotten pretty easy to piss off after not dealing with her feelings for a whole decade. Iron Fist and a bunch of punching moves because of her big metal gauntlets. Wimp Out because, like I mentioned, she fled to another world rather than deal with any more of her genuinely awful life. That's also why she has low Special Defense (according to Disarming Voice's description, "emotional damage" is an acceptable form of special attack). Her high Attack is because she's really fucking strong and also partially to compensate for not having STAB. Court Change because Strength-as-Yuu is a B-Ball player with mysterious powers. Fire moves and Dragon Pulse because of the weird flame dragons that burst out of the ground when she's fighting Insane Black Rock Shooter. Machine Gun because her gauntlets are also guns because why the fuck not I guess. Ally Switch because of the whole "Yuu and Strength swapping places" thing and Strength because duh.

For the slate bonus, Strength either is or has the only known method of transport between the normal world and the other world.
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Slate 38: no theme

Congratulations to Cookie Butter, Neosonic97, and Pika Xreme for winning with Hector Barbossa, Optimus Prime, and Noraki Kakyoin!

You guys better give me a VERY good reason to do another theme slate after this because they are clearly not working

Voting starts on May 22nd!​
"Some say they are products of Sith alchemy. Others think they were simply rancors twisted with dark-side energy. Regardless, they are aggressive and deadly."―Luke Skywalker

Pokémon: Terentatek
Franchise/Origin: Star Wars

Ability: Tough Claws/Poison Point/Moxie
Notable moves: Night Slash, Poison Jab, Poison Fang, Knock Off, Earthquake, Leech Life, Bulk Up, Drain Punch, Close Combat
Signature move: Brutal Tusk - Dark - 70 BP - If this move knocks out a pokemon, raises attack one stage.
Signature Z-Move / G-Max Move: Forceblood Feeding Wrath - 160 BP Requires Brutal Tusk powered by Terentium Z. The user regains all health that has been done to the target. (Like a stronger Giga Drain)
Stats: 90/140/90/50/70/75 (515)

Reasoning: Terentateks are brutal beasts created by the Sith as weapons, and they feed exclusively on the blood of Force sensitives. Also, they're bites, claws, and tusks are venomous.
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Pokémon: Shin Godzilla
Franchise/Origin: Godzilla (2016)
Type: Poison/Water
Ability: Mirror Armor/Regenerator (HA)
Notable moves: Surf, Dive, Sludge Wave, Crunch, Tail Whip, Recover, Dragon Tail, Dragon Claw, Poison Tail, Aqua Tail, Tail Slap, Black Smoke, Thermal Flame, Radiation Heatray, Dorsal Plate Beams, Sludge Bomb, Acid, Dragon Pulse, Aqua Jet, Liquidation
Signature move: Black Smoke [0 BP] [Poison] Fire Power 1.5x.
Signature Move 2: Thermal Flame [50 BP] [Fire] 30% chance to burn.
Signature Move 3: Radiation Heatray [100 BP] [Poison] Combines fire in its type effectiveness.
Signature Move 4: Dorsal Plate Beams [20 BP] [Poison] guaranteed to hit 5 times.
Stats: 120/60/100/135/125/60 (600 BST)


"In Shin Godzilla, it is proposed that Godzilla is some kind of prehistoric sea creature that found itself surrounded by nuclear waste on the seafloor in the 1950s and rapidly adapted to withstand it. As the creature evolved and began feeding on radioactive material, it gradually grew over a period of 60 years before taking on a form able to come onto land. After coming ashore, the creature continued evolving and growing until it sprouted arms and began standing upright.

An essay written by Goro Maki that is included in The Art of Shin Godzilla further discusses Godzilla's possible origin. The essay states that Godzilla's base form must have possessed large claws and fangs to be able to feed on the canisters of radioactive waste. It goes on to suggest that the creature must have spent its entire life underwater, and is "in all likelihood, closely related to prehistoric marine reptiles, which first emerged in the Paleozoic Era." -Wikizilla

Shin Godzilla retains the character's trademark atomic breath. This Godzilla's signature weapon initially takes the form of a cloud of smoke exhaled from his mouth and then a stream of fire, called the Super Thermal Radiation Particle Belt Flame (超高熱放射性粒子帯焔 Chō Kōnetsu Hōshasei Ryūshi-taien) or Thermal Flame (熱焔 Netsuen) for short, which is capable of burning through entire city blocks at high speed. From there, he focuses the fire into a narrow purple Radiation Heat Ray (放射熱線 Hōsha Nessen), which slices through buildings and strikes distant targets. When firing the heat ray, Godzilla's body emits a purple glow, which is concentrated around his dorsal fins. Godzilla's upper jaw then unhinges from his lower jaw, which splits apart to make room for the beam to be fired. After expending a lot of energy, Godzilla's beam weakened back to a stream of fire before petering out. -Wikizilla again

Shin Godzilla can also redirect his atomic energy to fire numerous purple beams from in between his dorsal fins. These beams are capable of destroying objects thousands of meters around Godzilla and are comparable to his atomic breath in power. -Wikizilla x3, again.

When the JSDF dropped bombs on his head, Godzilla deployed silvery nictitating membranes to shield his eyes, both from direct damage and from bright light sources that could affect his eyesight, such as the explosions caused by the detonating weaponry. He used them again when he first unleashed his heat-ray. -Wikizilla x4

Ability explanation: mirrorarmor due to Godzilla's reflective eyes. Regenerator due to its surprising regenerative capabilities, tho i could not find that on Wikizilla.

Movepool Explanation: Shin releases black smoke, wich he then lights up with his flames, he then focuses the fire into a narrow purple line of energy, the Radiation Heatray. he can also fire said beams of energy throught his dorsal fins. (tail beam was not included), the rest is mostly flavor.

type reasoning: godzilla is a aquatic creature in this incarnation, and NOT a lizard. and well, he has radioactive abilities.


Pokémon: Bagan
Franchise/Origin: Super Godzilla
Type: Dark/Electric
Ability: Pressure/Intimidate (HA)
Notable moves: Charge Beam, Dragon Pulse, Dark Pulse, Parting Shot, Fly, Dark Pulse, Diamond Storm(2), Plasma Beam, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Draco Meteor, Wild Charge, Thunder Punch, Psycho Cut, Cut, Slash, Crunch, Recover, Toxic, Hidden Power, Frustration, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Surf, Hydro Pump, Protect
Signature move: Diamond Storm (not to be confused with Diancie's signature move) [35 BP] Guaranteed to hit 3 times, 20% chance the paralyze opponent.
Signature Move 2: Plasma Beam [100 BP (less than diamond storm)] 20% chance to raise Bagan's SpA by 1
Stats: 110/110/115/130/90/70 (625 BST)

Reasoning: Bagan was conceived for a new Godzilla film titled Resurrection of Godzilla, proposed by TomoyukiTanaka in 1980. Bagan would combat the JSDF in the early part of the film, shifting between his three forms before battling Godzilla once the latter arrived in Godzilla. Godzilla would defeat Bagan, then become the primary antagonist for the remainder of the film. Bagan was retained in Akira Murao and Hideichi Nagahara's 1983 proposal for the film, though with an added ability. After failing to defeat Godzilla with his three forms, Bagan would transform into the "Demon Beast" form, a totem-like amalgamation of his other forms. Despite this new ability, Bagan met the same fate in this draft. Eventually, Resurrection of Godzilla was reworked into The Return Of Godzilla, which excised Bagan and focused almost entirely on Godzilla. -Wikizilla

  • In Super Godzilla, Bagan could shoot white star-like objects from his horns. This ability is called either the Horn Laser (角レーザー) or Diamond Storm. -also Wikizilla

  • In Super Godzilla, Bagan fires a Plasma Beam, also known as the Mouth Beam (口ビーム). -Wikizilla x3

    Type reasoning: one of Bagan's titles is the God of Darkness, and electric because of all his electric abilites.

    Movepool reasoning: fly because of his other form (wich i for some reason didnt include here), all the cut moves because of his claws, and the rest is mostly just for STAB.

    Ability reasoning: Pressure is just a random legendary ability, and legendaries are ancient, something that Bagan is. and intimidate due to his intimadating nature and appearance.
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Pokémon: Vritra-Draconic (Uber form)
Type: Dragon/Flying
Ability: Wind Barrier (renamed Delta Stream) / Regenerator
Moves: Mew's movepool since Gen V + Draco Meteor
Stats: 100/120/130/120/130/90 | 690 BST

Using a key item called the Dark Matter Compressor (similar to the Prison Bottle), Vritra can change form between Draconic and Humanoid.

Form: Vritra-Humanoid
Type: Dragon/Normal
Ability: Synchronize / Regenerator
Stats: 100/80/70/120/130/100 | 600 BST

Reasoning: "Black" Vritra is the originator of dark matter—the essence of dragons, a mysterious material capable of being transmuted into just about anything. She is the asexual mother of Kili Surtr Muspelheim, who uses dark matter as a means of creating counterfeit DNA (hence Vritra's relation to Mew) and healing wounds (thus Regenerator). (Volume 1 of the light novel was published mid 2013, i.e. during the fifth generation.)
At first, she wrought havoc in a gargantuan draconic form capable of flight (i.e. part Flying), but in Volume 7 of the light novel, she appeared to the Brynhildr class as a human (Normal) girl ironically resembling a smaller Kili (after creating a wind barrier, hence her signature Ability in Draconic form) in order to negotiate with Tia Lightning, the successor of "Green" Yggdrasil.


Pokémon: The S Is for Sucks Dragon
Type: Dragon/Fighting
Ability: Guts / Intimidate
Moves: Acupressure, Blaze Kick, Coil, Dragon Rush, Earthquake, Facade, Glare, High Jump Kick, Iron Tail, Jaw Lock, Knock Off, Low Sweep, Mach Punch, No Retreat, Obstruct, Poison Jab, Quash, Roar, Spikes, Taunt, U-turn, Vacuum Wave, Waterfall, X-Scissor, Yawn, Zen Headbutt
Stats: 120/120/100/80/80/100 | 600 BST
Reasoning: What started out as a failure preceding the creation of Trogdor, Strong Bad celebrated five years later. Dragon typing is obvious, Fighting typing and Guts represent its beefy limbs, and its angry eyebrows and daunting physique bring Intimidate to mind. It has a move for every letter of the alphabet because the aforementioned celebration was in the form of an alphabet song.