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Pet Mod Crossover Chaos Expanded - Part II

Frick it, Rock-type George
George the Volcano.png

Pokémon: George the Volcano
Type: Water/Rock
Ability: Volcanicity* / Rain Dish / Harvest
*Grants the user the resistances of a Fire-type (including Fire, downgrading the quad)
Signature Move: Wild Minerals - Rock, Special, 85 BP, 100% Acc, 10 PP | If the target is Water-type, its Special Defense is lowered by 1 stage.
Other Moves: Water Spout, Steam Eruption, Hydro Pump, Scald, Liquidation, Ancient Power, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Earth Power, Earthquake, Bulldoze, Energy Ball, Hyper Voice, Hidden Power, Mega Punch, Smelling Salts, Wake-Up Slap, Natural Gift, Nature Power, Stockpile, Swallow, Spit Up, Life Dew, Wish, Attract, Captivate, Sweet Scent, Recycle, Refresh, Purify, Rain Dance, Soak, Stealth Rock, Spikes, Roar, Swagger, Confide
Z-Move: Grab Life by the Conkers - Water, Other | The user recovers up to 50% max HP and has all stats boosted. Affects adjacent allies in Doubles/Triples. | Base: Life Dew | Z-Crystal: Volvium Z
Stats: 150/80/100/90/75/5 | 500 BST
Reasoning: An iconic character in the YouTube Poop fandom, George here is a strange type of volcano that spews filtered water instead of lava. (Volcanoes are ordinarily fiery, hence the effect of Volcanicity.) I tried to make it Ground-type last time, but now that the meta has gained a fair few Ground-types, I'm fine with going by the "handsome volcano rocks" line and making it Rock-type. (Prior to that, "rain filters down" explains Rain Dish.) Thus, his Rock-type signature move is obligatory because Ancient Power is rubbish and Power Gem doesn't fit. As for his coverage: he gets Ground moves due to being stuck in the ground; Mega Punch because he has big fists; Hyper Voice and Roar after the first commercial; natural, healing, and status-cleansing moves from the idea behind filtered water; and personality-related moves (Attract, Swagger, and the like) from how he behaves in the second commercial. Speaking of the second commercial, the fruit he happens to have in the beginning of it is the inspiration for Harvest and Recycle.
(Sorry for the potato quality, but it gets the point across.)
Commercial 1
Alan: Raaaaaaaaah! Whaddya doing, Mr. Volcano?
George: Hello, Tyrannosaurus Alan! I'm filling my water with volcanicity!
Alan: Eh?
George: Rain filters down through my handsome volcano rocks to create a wild mineral water that grabs life by the conkers and hydrates you until you shout, "Come on, world; I'll have you for breakfast!" Try some!
Alan: *drinks* Hmm, yeah, I do feel hydrated. Come on, world! I'm Tyrannosaurus Alan, and I'll have you for breakfast! Raaaaaaaaah!
*A nearby spinosaurus quivers in fear*
George: Raaaaaaaaah! *erupts with water*
Narrator: Volcano filtered so it's full of Volcanicity.
George: Yes.

Commercial 2
Alan: George, are you still filling your water with volcanicity?
George: And making it tasty for the ladies.
Alan: George, so suave.
George: Well, my birds do like a twist with their water.
Alan: Your birds!? You can't say that!
George: My birds! They like a fruit flavor when they're hydrating! *points upward to swirling pterodactyls* Look! Birds! Tasty Volvic!
Pterodactyl: Zis water is délicieuse!
George: *erupts with water* I'm the daddy now!
Narrator: Volcano filtered so it's full of Volcanicity.

Commercial 3
George: Busy day, Alan?
Alan: Yes. I'm planning to snuff out all the sabretooth tigers, and the plotting involved is astronomical! I happen to be using graphs, charts, and flow diagrams, and I merely got a brain the size of a pea!
George: How do you do it, Alan? Do you perhaps drink new, hydrating Volvic Revive? It's got ginseng and guarana and will help keep you alert!
Alan: Yes I do! Now, I'm off to eat someone's parents.
George: Well done to revive! *erupts with water*
Narrator: Volcano filtered so it's full of Volcanicity.
George: Yes.

Commercial 4
George: Stimulating new Volvic Revive will help keep Alan alert for all his busy carnivorous plotting. Right, Alan?
Alan: *mouth full of stone* Mmm, yeah!
George: New Volvic Revive.

Also throwing in more resubs because I can

Pokémon: Deen
Type: Steel/Fairy
Ability: Forever Functioning - Deen is immune to status conditions. (Hard-coded)
Moves: Meteor Mash, Heavy Slam, Spirit Break, Earthquake, Superpower, Hammer Arm, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Crush Grip, Knock Off, Fling, Stealth Rock, Spikes, Protect, Block
Stats: 200/100/100/50/100/50 | 600 BST

Gigantamax: Deen-Gigantamax
G-Max Move: G-Max Core Fuel - Fairy | Boosts the Attack, Defense, and Special Defense of the user.

Reasoning: Deen is described as a mobile doll crafted from Rare Sacred Iron by the Colony of Faeries. It stands over 30 feet tall, and each of its hands is the size of two humans. Even if it was infected with a disease it would not fall; the forever functioning magic being will always stand up. (Source: light novel, Volume 2)
Its Gigantamax form is a reference to how Asuka Kudou uses her Gift, Authority, to augment its size and power such as in Volume 4.
Filolial Queen.png

Pokémon: Fitoria-Avian
Type: Flying/Psychic
Ability: Queenly Majesty / Magic Guard / Aerilate
Signature Move: Turbulent Cage - The user traps the target in a prison of razor-sharp winds. | Flying-type Whirlpool clone
Other Moves: Brave Bird, Fly, Sky Attack, Psycho Cut, Hurricane, Aeroblast, Air Slash, Psychic, Psyshock, Earthquake, Close Combat, Brick Break, Aura Sphere, Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam, Double-Edge, Body Slam, Extreme Speed, Quick Attack, Nature Power, Razor Wind, Hidden Power, U-turn, Tailwind, Defog, Feather Dance, Work Up, Agility, Barrier, Cosmic Power, Light Screen, Reflect, Recover, Roost, Heal Pulse, Protect, Block, Imprison, Teleport
Z-Move: Filolial Army - Flying, Other | Halves damage taken by the user's party for eight turns. This effect cannot be cleared like screens can (as in, only by trash man's signature move), but it can be bypassed by Infiltrator. | Base: Tailwind | Z-Crystal: Filolium Z
Stats: 100/100/100/100/100/100 | 600 BST

Bird Blanc.png

Using a key item called the Royal Plume (similar to the Gracidea), Fitoria can change form between Avian and Humanoid.
Form: Fitoria-Humanoid
Stats: 100/100/85/125/90/100 | 600 BST

Reasoning: Fitoria is known as the Filolial Queen, once a companion of Naofumi's predecessor (the former Shield Hero). Filolials are basically Chocobos an avian race in the Shield Hero universe, the heiresses of which have humanoid forms.
She meets Naofumi and co. in a bid to prevent Naofumi from using his cursed power against a rampant T-rex. Initially in avian form, she becomes humanoid to test Filo's mettle and convince Naofumi to get along with the Sword, Spear, and Bow Heroes. In the former case and the T-rex battle, she demonstrates prowess with might, magic, offense, and defense alike, all while boasting notable agility unbefitting her enormous avian form.
Her signature move was used on Melty Q. Melromarc to take her hostage, resulting in the duel with Filo. Her Z-Move refers to how she was introduced to Naofumi and co.: in the company of Filolial masses.
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I said I would, so here we go.

"I will survive in this world!"


I should warn you right now: There are going to be spoilers for the Alicization Arc of Sword Art Online in this submission.

Pokémon: Kirito
Franchise/Origin: Sword Art Online
Type: Dark
Ability: Sword of Swords
Notable moves: Slash, Night Sky Sword, Blue Rose Sword, Sacred Sword, Leaf Blade, Fire Lash, Liquidation, Detect, Swords Dance, Tailwind.
Signature Moves:
Night Sky Sword:
Dark-type, Physical, 90 BP, 100 Accuracy, 10 PP. High Critical Hit Rate, ignores abilities. Does neutral damage to Fairy-types. Slash-based. Fails unless used by Kirito.
Blue Rose Sword: Ice-Type, Physical, 90 BP, 100 Accuracy, 10 PP. High Critical Hit Rate, 10% chance to Freeze. Slash-based. Fails unless used by Kirito or Eugeo.
Signature Z-Move / G-Max Move: Has two Z-Moves and a G-Max Form.
Gigantamax Form changes Kirito's appearance to that of his SAO Avatar (Except he dual wields the Blue Rose Sword and Night Sky Sword):

Enhance Armament- Night Sky Sword: Upgraded from Kirito's Night Sky Sword with Kiritonium Z. Dark-type, Special, 200BP. Physical if user's Attack is higher than Special Attack. Super-Effective against Fairy-types. Slash-based.
Enhance Armament- Blue Rose Sword: Upgraded from the user's Blue Rose Sword with Eugeonium Z. Ice-Type, Special, 190 BP. Hits both enemies in a Double Battle. Physical if user's attack is higher than Special Attack. Deals either Grass- or Ice-type damage, depending on which would do more damage. 50% chance to freeze the target. Applies Leech Seed to targets hit. Slash-based. Users: Kirito, Eugeo (if he gets subbed and wins).
G-Max Starburst Stream: A Normal-Type G-Max Move unique to Gigantamax Kirito. Only has two thirds of the power of the equivalent Max Move but hits twice. Has a high critical hit ratio. Slash-based.
Stats: 70 HP/120 Atk/60 Def/50 SpA/50 SpD/130 Spe (BST: 480)
Reasoning: And here we have perhaps one of the most divisive characters in anime history, Kirito, the main character of Sword Art Online. Kirito's moveset here is mostly taken from what we can see in the Alicization Arc of SAO. Fire Lash, Liquidation and Tailwind come from Sacred Arts in the Underworld, which allow manipulation of elements such as fire, water, light, darkness, ice and wind. Slash comes from his sword skills, Sacred Sword comes from the fact that his swords are classed as Divine Objects, and Swords Dance is there because... well, yeah.

But now we get to the real meat of Kirito's moveset. His signature moves: Night Sky Sword and Blue Rose Sword. These are based on the two blades he wields in Underworld. The Night Sky Sword is his main one (Though for the longest time, it was simply called 'The Black One'). Forged from the branches of the Gigas Cedar, a gigantic light-absorbing tree (Yes, this does make it a wooden sword rather than a metal one- hence Leaf Blade), it retains its light-absorbing properties, which lets it hit neutrally against Fairy-types, the type most associated with light outside of Psychic (which is already hit super-effectively). The other weapon is where the spoilers come into play. See, the Blue Rose Sword originally wasn't Kirito's sword, but he took ownership of it after its original wielder, Eugeo, was killed in battle. This is also why the Z-Crystal for the Blue Rose Sword's Z-Move equivalent is Eugeonium Z (It also future-proofs it in case somebody submits Eugeo later!). Also, since these are Divine Objects, Archer cannot copy them.

Speaking of Z-Moves, in Underworld, the place where the Alicization arc takes place, Divine Objects (like Kirito's swords) can have a command used to unlock their full capabilities, which comes in two stages, enhancing and releasing. Kirito only ever used the first stage, signalled by the command "Enhance Armament", hence the name. The Night Sky Sword's Enhance Armament fires a beam of darkness that consumes any light it hits to grow more powerful, so it now hits Fairy-types super-effectively. The Blue Rose Sword's enhance armament encases the target in a block of ice, then causes life-draining blue roses to bloom around the frozen target, draining their vitality. Given the affinity for both ice and plants, it only made sense for it to adapt between the Grass- and Ice-typings.

Lastly, there's his G-Max Form. Another function in SAO is Incarnation, where one's soul can influence a VR environment around them through sheer force of will. The most common way this manifests for Kirito is causing a vision of his SAO avatar to appear, if not becoming said avatar outright, and gaining all his abilities from SAO, including his Dual Blades skill, which naturally translates very well to Gigantamax. His signature G-Max move that replaces Max Strike is of course based on Kirito's signature move and most famous sword skill, the sixteen-hit Dual Blades skill, Starburst Stream. It trades off the Speed Drop of Max Strike for an approximate 1/3 increase in power (and ability to bypass Substitutes).

Kirito's ability is pretty self-explanatory, given he's a swordsman, and his stats are typical glass cannon fare- which describes Kirito to a T, really: he's a glass cannon. Dark-typing is because the element Kirito is mostly associated with in Underworld is darkness.
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Meant to remove one of his types then voting happened, now I resub him without that type.

Pokémon: Bill Cipher
Type: Psychic
Ability: Prankster / Analytic
(His ultimate form only has Bad Dreams.)
Moves: Telekinesis, Psychic, Psyshock, Psychic Fangs, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Crunch, Shadow Claw, Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse, Mind Reader, Foresight, Taunt, Torment, Miracle Eye, Future Sight, Signal Beam, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Flamethrower, Thunder, Blizzard, Fire Blast, Sludge Bomb, Dazzling Gleam, Moonblast, Flash Cannon, Energy Ball, Solar Beam, Charge Beam, Thunder Wave, Will-O-Wisp, Toxic, Confuse Ray, Outrage, Protect, Double Team, Stealth Rock, Gravity, Stone Edge, Rock Tomb, Water Pulse, Growth, Minimize, Swagger, Mega Punch, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Hyper Beam, Mean Look, Nasty Plot, Nightmare, Dream Eater, Hypnosis, Wake-Up Slap, Confuse Ray, Double Team, Trick Room, Wonder Room, Magic Room, Foul Play, Trick, Moonlight, Embargo, Iron Defense, Expanding Force, Poltergeist
Stats (Base form): 80/100/60/150/110/80 [BST 580]
Stats (With physical form; Holding the Dimensional Rift turns him into this form upon switch-in.): 80/110/100/190/120/80 [BST 680]

Reasoning: A Dream Demon from whatever Multiverse Gravity Falls lays in. (which may or may not include our own universe... oh dear) The dude's clearly nuts, and is quite the big-time prankster with a VERY dark sense of humor. Psychic because he haunts dreams and knows "LOTS OF THINGS", to quote the thing itself. He's focused on Special Attack because he's the master of Dreams, and come Weirdmageddon he can VERY CASUALLY rearrange people's faces. Still, while he's nowhere even CLOSE to his full power in the Dream World, he telekinetically yanked out a deer's teeth before returning them to the deer in question. Considering he's extremely powerful in the Dream World, he has all those moves on hand. However, once Weirdmageddon breaks out, Bill's immense power leaks into the Real World, and Weirdmageddon probably would've wrecked Earth if not for that barrier which stopped his progress. He even casually vaporized Time Baby, of all people! And Bad Dreams in his ultimate form because Weirdmageddon was caused via breaking a hole between dream and reality, and that he's still, well, a Dream Demon. Also he can apparently morph his eye into a mouth and at some point in Weirdmageddon became a giant red pyramid thing with two mouths (both across the entire body) in order to pursue Dipper and Mabel.

Pokémon: Lum Invader
Franchise: Urusei Yatsura

Ability: Cute Charm | Lightning Rod | [HA] Technician
Moves: Slippery Soap of Separation, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Shock Wave, Discharge, Volt Switch, Charge Beam, Rising Voltage, Electro Ball, Thunder Punch, Wild Charge, Thunder Fang, Nuzzle, Fly, Aerial Ace, Sky Drop, Acrobatics, Wood Hammer, Bite, Crunch, Dark Pulse, Pursuit, Lash Out, Signal Beam, U-turn, Dazzling Gleam, Smart Strike, Boomerang (see Sokka), Jump Kick, Brick Break, Ice Shard, Icicle Crash, Icy Wind, Ancient Power, Super Fang, Thunder Wave, Bulk Up, Cosmic Power, Amnesia, Calm Mind, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Sticky Web, Taunt, Torment, Refresh, Block
Stats: 68 HP/82 Atk/68 Def/120 SpA/97 SpD/100 Spe (535 BST)

Slippery Soap of Separation |
| 16 PP | 85% | The target's contact moves are disabled.
Lum Invader @ Red Card
Ability: Lightning Rod
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Spe or 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty or Jolly Nature
- Nuzzle
- Sticky Web
- Super Fang
- Volt Switch / U-turn

Lum Invader @ Leftovers
Ability: Lightning Rod
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Nuzzle
- Block
- Super Fang
- Taunt / Slippery Soap of Separation

Lum Invader @ Assault Vest
Ability: Technician / Lightning Rod
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Charge Beam / Icy Wind
- Thunderbolt / Thunder
- Dark Pulse
- Ancient Power / Dazzling Gleam

Lum Invader @ Choice Band
Ability: Technician
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Aerial Ace
- Wild Charge
- Bite / Alien Disk
- Jump Kick
Reasoning: Lum is an Oni alien who comes to Earth and falls in love with Ataru. Her appearance gets all the boys to fall in love with her. She can fly, and use powerful electric shocks. She can also absorb electricity, making her own shocks stronger. Her horns can relieve the symptoms of diseases. She uses various alien devices, including strength pills, fossil revivers, air conditioning ice blocks, memory erasers, weather controllers, boomerang disks, sticky guns, soap that prevents contact, and attachable attractors.

Pokémon: Theresa
Franchise: Class of the Titans

Ability: Anticipation | [HA] Phantom Rising (When hit with a super effective attack, transforms (see the spoiler).)
Moves: Psychic, Psyshock, Extrasensory, Zen Headbutt, Brick Break, Power-Up Punch, Shadow Ball, Shadow Punch, Shadow Claw, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Heat Wave, Fire Punch, Surf, Waterfall, Liquidation, Night Slash, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Calm Mind, Amnesia, Telekinesis, Teleport, Reflect, Light Screen, Barrier, Aqua Ring, Rain Dance, Wish
Stats: 70 HP/82 Atk/60 Def/103 SpA/103 SpD/82 Spe (500 BST)

Reasoning: Theresa is the descendant of Theseus. She has a sixth sense that lets her sense danger, and she also develops telekinetic and telepathic abilities down the line. She is also trained in martial arts. She helps fight against Cronus, the villainous god of time.

Pokémon: Phantom Theresa

Stats: 70 HP/122 Atk/90 Def/143 SpA/143 SpD/82 Spe (650 BST)

Reasoning: Theresa eventually became tired of fighting Cronus, causing her to awaken a phantom inside of her that stole the powers of the gods, giving them to her. These powers included pyrokinesis, hydrokinesis, lightning bolts, portals, and barriers. She eventually merged with the phantom itself.

Theresa @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Phantom Rising
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Psyshock
- Shadow Ball
- Fire Blast
- Thunderbolt

Theresa @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Phantom Rising
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Zen Headbutt
- Shadow Claw
- Liquidation
- Brick Break

Pokémon: Vinsmoke Sanji
Franchise: One Piece

Ability: Black Leg (Kick and stomp moves have 1.2x power.) | Levitate | [HA] Swift Swim
Moves: Jump Kick, High Jump Kick, Low Kick, Rolling Kick, Low Sweep, Close Combat, Blaze Kick, Flame Charge, Bounce, Acrobatics, Stomping Tantrum, Lash Out, Rapid Spin, Mega Kick, Stomp, Quick Attack, Agility, Barrier
Stats: 75 HP/120 Atk/75 Def/64 SpA/70 SpD/130 Spe (534 BST)

Sanji can transform into Soba Mask using a Raid Canister, which works like a Mega Stone.

Pokémon: Soba Mask

Ability: Black Leg
Stats: 75 HP/140 Atk/105 Def/74 SpA/90 SpD/150 Spe (634 BST)
Vinsmoke Sanji @ Choice Band
Ability: Black Leg
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Blaze Kick
- Close Combat
- Stomping Tantrum
- Quick Attack

Vinsmoke Sanji @ Raid Canister
Ability: Black Leg
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Blaze Kick
- Close Combat
- Stomping Tantrum
- Rapid Spin
Reasoning: Sanji is trained in Black Leg, a fighting style that involves powerful kicks that can be delivered quickly. He displays a lot of mobility in battle, and has even developed Sky Walk, where he kicks off the air in order to fly, and Blue Walk, where he kicks off the water in order to swim. Using Diable Jambe, Sanji can light his legs on fire to enhance his kicks. Sanji can use a Raid Canister to become Soba Mask, with a technological suit that increases his stats, lets him fly, and lets him create barriers.
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Pokémon: Zenitsu Agatsuma
Franchise: Demon Slayer

Stats: 70 / 113 / 71 / 77 / 60 / 149 | BST: 540
Abilities: Wimp Out / Lightning Rod | HA: Comatose
Movepool: Swords Dance, Slash, Psycho Cut, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Discharge, Boomburst, Close Combat, Thunder Wave, Smart Strike, Razor Wind, Air Slash, Sacred Sword, Aerial Ace, Endure, False Swipe, X-Scissor, Quick Attack, Volt Switch, Ion Deluge, Magnet Rise, Hypnosis, Electric Terrain, Rising Voltage, Focus Blast, Snore, Vacuum Wave
Signature Moves: Thunderclap |
| Physical | 15 BP | 5 PP | 5% chance to raise speed. Hits 6 times.

God Speed |
| Status | - | 5 PP | Dramatically raises speed and applies Charge to the user. Only can be used once per switch-in. The boosts from the move disappears after 4 turns, then user loses its Electric type.
Signature Z-Move: God of Fire and Lightning |
| Physical | 180 BP | Base Move: Thunderclap | 20% chance to burn. 30% chance to paralyze. Hits Dragon types supereffectively. Requires the crystal Zenitsium Z.
Flavour/Design: Zenitsu is one of the companions (and future brother in law) of the main protag Tanjirou in Demon Slayer. He practices the Thunder Breathing style (hence his typing) and its comically known to be a womanizing coward. He usually is too afraid to confront demons throughout most of the series (Wimp Out) and would rather scream about how he doesn't want to die a virgin. When his fear overwhelms him though, he is put into a state of unconsciousness where his reflexes and instincts take over (Comatose), turning him into a potent and wickedly fast fighter. His signature moves comes from his use of the first technique of the the Thunder Breathing style and refining it until he can use it six times in a row. God Speed is a technique he mastered to boost his sole breathing attack Thunderclap. His signature Z-Move is a callback to the seventh form of Thunder Breathing he invented to defeat his training rival turned Demon Lord.
Competitive Analysis: Zenitsu is a very very fast Pokemon, and is best suited for revengekilling or cleaning up weakened teams. he is all about speed, and with both of his signature moves boosting his speed, it shouldn't be hard to realise. It can even you its powerful Z-Move to break past checks like Latios, which it otherwise has means of significantly damaging.


Pokemon: Kyoka Jiro
Franchise: My Hero Academia

Ability: Earphone Jack
Earphone Jack: Boosts the power of Sound moves by 50%, but takes 50% more damage from them in return.
Notable Moves: Sing, Boomburst, Hyper Voice, Uproar, Supersonic, Bug Buzz, Parting Shot, Heal Bell, Synchronoise, Chatter, Echoed Voice, Round, Metal Voice, Disarming Voice, Overdrive, Sparkling Aria, Taunt, Superpower
Stats: 90 / 75 / 80 / 100 / 95 / 100 (540 BST)
Justification: Kyoka Jiro is a member of Class 1-A and her whole shtick is that she is the classic punk rock chick in high school. Her quirk, Earphone Jack amplifies her heartbeat to able to be used as a sonic attack, while also allowing her to be extremely keen to sounds in general. While her quirk has massive offensive potential, she usually uses its reconnaissance features to gain intel on missions. She is an exceptional singer, and since her whole thing is sound, she gets all of the sound moves that actually matter.


"Only weaklings join teams!"
Pokemon: Mirko
Franchise: My Hero Academia

Ability: Scrappy | Defiant
Notable Moves: Superpower, High Jump Kick, Mega Kick, Rolling Kick, Bounce, Blaze Kick, Moonlight, Moonblast, Work Up, Close Combat, Knock Off, Quick Attack, Triple Kick, Pursuit
Stats: 74 / 139 / 93 / 36 / 76 / 119 (540 BST)
Justification: Mirko is the 5th ranked hero in Japan within the MHA verse, and is also the only one to not be apart of a hero agency, opting to work solely on her own. She is the highest ranked female hero, and the fact that she is as high as she is with no agency is a testament to just how hard she works in crimefighting. she is an extremely adept combatant, and her quirk Rabbit gives her the attributes of the namesake, giving her lovely legs very high attacking power, hence why most of the moves listed here are kicking attacks. Her lore revolves around being inspired by the moon rabbit of japanese folklore, hence why she knows the moves Moonlight and Moonblast. Quirks are superpowers, yadda yadda.
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"I yearn for for true gender equality. I have no patience for one who talks about female privilege when it suits them, and then complains about someone 'not being a man' when it's convenient."
Pokemon: Satou Kazuma
Franchise: KonoSuba
Typing: Normal
Abilities: Super Luck/Serene Grace/Adventurer
Signature Ability: Adventurer | Attacks not boosted by STAB deal 1.2x damage
Moves: Air Slash, Body Slam, Defog, Double-Edge, Drain Punch, Earth Power, Earthquake, Facade, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Freeze Dry, Headbutt, Horn Leech, Hydro Pump, Knock Off, Nasty Plot, Quick Attack, Shadow Sneak, Smart Strike, Sticky Web, Stone Edge, Strength Sap, Sucker Punch, Surf, Swift, Switcheroo, Thief, Taunt, Whirlwind, Will-o-Wisp
Stats: 70/75/68/90/82/85 (BST: 470)
Reasoning: After a pathetic accident involving a slow-moving tractor, former hikikomori Satou Kazuma was reincarnated into a fantasy world to defeat the fearsome Demon King. Unfortunately, even in an alternate universe, Kazuma is still an ordinary guy, with mediocre stats (apart from a high luck stat) and no special abilities or weapons. Because of this, he was forced to take on the adventurer class, the most generic class. However, the Adventurer class allows Kazuma to learn the skills of every other class. Throughout his journey, Kazuma learns skills such as Steal (Knock Off, Switcheroo, Thief), Lurk (Shadow Sneak, Quick Attack), Detect/Disarm Trap (Defog), Bind, Drain Touch (Drain Punch, Strength Sap), Tinder (Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Will-o-Wisp), Create Earth (Earth Power, Earthquake, Stone Edge), Create Water (Hydro Pump, Surf), Wind Breath (Air Slash, Whirlwind) and Freeze (Freeze-Dry, Ice Beam). He also uses several tools to his disposal, such as a specially-smithed katana (Smart Strike), bow and arrow (Swift), Using his versatility, underhanded tactics (Nasty Plot, Taunt), and assistance from his dysfunctional party, Kazuma has taken down some of the toughest enemies of this strange world. also sorry if i mixed some LN stuff in there i was going off the list of abilities on the fandom wiki

Pokemon: Aqua
Franchise: KonoSuba
Typing: Water/Fairy
Abilities: Misty Surge/Drizzle/Archpriest
Signature Ability: Archpriest | While this Pokemon is active, a Fairy move used by any Pokemon has 1.33x power. (Fairy Aura clone)
Moves: Aromatherapy, Aqua Ring, Calm Mind, Dazzling Gleam, Decorate, Encore, Energy Ball, God Blow, Heal Pulse, Helping Hand, Hydro Pump, Life Dew, Light Screen, Liquidation, Moonlight, Play Rough, Quiver Dance, Reflect, Scald, Stored Power, Surf, Swords Dance, U-turn, Waterfall, Water Spout, Wish
Signature Move: God Blow | Fairy | Physical | BP: 100 | Acc: 100% | PP: 16 | Special if user's Sp. Atk > Attack
Signature Z-Move (while knowing God Blow and holding Axinium-Z): God Requiem | Fairy | Physical | BP: 180 | Acc: - | PP: - | Special if user's Sp. Atk > Attack. Summons Misty Terrain.
Stats: 80/92/82/100/120/96 (BST: 560)
Reasoning: The Goddess of Water worshiped by the Axis cult, formerly in charge of guiding young souls of Japan to the fantasy world. However, she was sent to the fantasy world with Kazuma when he chose her as his "cheat" weapon. To Kazuma's dismay, Aqua turned out to be a whiny, alcoholic mess who has no choice but to stick with him for the rest of his journey. Despite constantly labeled "useless" by her companions, Aqua possesses valuable abilities as a goddess and archpriest. She has access to a ton of support magic, allowing her to buff her allies or her own stats. She also has powerful water magic, allowing her to instantaneously summon floods. Also, she has healing magic that can heal herself and her allies, even resurrecting the dead. As a goddess, she attracts undead monsters and can purify/exorcise them with holy magic. God Blow and God Requiem are attacks that afflict the undead and purify anything it touches, so I let God Requiem summon Misty Terrain.

Pokemon: Megumin
Franchise: KonoSuba
Typing: Fire/Psychic
Abilities: Explosive Magic
Signature Ability: Explosive Magic | All attacks become Special Attacks and break protection (bypasses Damp)
Moves: Explosion
Stats: 50/55/65/170/95/105 (BST: 540)
Reasoning: Raised in the village of the Crimson Demons, home of the strongest mages, Megumin boasts incredible prowess as an archmage, but is complety devoted to mastering Explosion magic, refusing to learn any spell other than Explosion. While her explosions are indeed powerful, being able to take out large hordes and giant monsters, a single Explosion completely depletes her mana, rendering her unable to move after attacking. Because of this, the party mainly relies on Megumin as a last (or sometimes a first) resort.
252+ SpA Choice Specs Megumin Explosion vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Toxapex: 307-362 (100.9 - 119%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252+ SpA Choice Specs Megumin Explosion vs. 252 HP / 160+ SpD Mandibuzz: 442-521 (104.2 - 122.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252+ SpA Choice Specs Megumin Explosion vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Ferrothorn: 240-283 (68.1 - 80.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252+ SpA Choice Specs Megumin Explosion vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Eviolite Chansey: 348-410 (49.5 - 58.3%) -- 98.8% chance to 2HKO
252+ SpA Choice Specs Megumin Explosion vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Blissey: 421-496 (58.9 - 69.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
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zxgzxg give satou headbutt n body slam so i can justify using him on a team
to nitpick, absolutely no one calls him "satou", you should call him "kazuma" if you are to stick to one name
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"I yearn for for true gender equality. I have no patience for one who talks about female privilege when it suits them, and then complains about someone 'not being a man' when it's convenient."
Pokemon: Satou Kazuma
Franchise: KonoSuba
Typing: Normal
Abilities: Super Luck/Serene Grace/Adventurer
Signature Ability: Adventurer | Attacks not boosted by STAB deal 1.2x damage
Moves: Air Slash, Body Slam, Defog, Double-Edge, Drain Punch, Earth Power, Earthquake, Facade, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Freeze Dry, Headbutt, Horn Leech, Hydro Pump, Knock Off, Nasty Plot, Quick Attack, Shadow Sneak, Smart Strike, Sticky Web, Stone Edge, Strength Sap, Sucker Punch, Surf, Swift, Switcheroo, Thief, Taunt, Whirlwind, Will-o-Wisp
Stats: 70/75/68/90/82/85 (BST: 470)
Reasoning: After a pathetic accident involving a slow-moving tractor, former hikikomori Satou Kazuma was reincarnated into a fantasy world to defeat the fearsome Demon King. Unfortunately, even in an alternate universe, Kazuma is still an ordinary guy, with mediocre stats (apart from a high luck stat) and no special abilities or weapons. Because of this, he was forced to take on the adventurer class, the most generic class. However, the Adventurer class allows Kazuma to learn the skills of every other class. Throughout his journey, Kazuma learns skills such as Steal (Knock Off, Switcheroo, Thief), Lurk (Shadow Sneak, Quick Attack), Detect/Disarm Trap (Defog), Bind, Drain Touch (Drain Punch, Strength Sap), Tinder (Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Will-o-Wisp), Create Earth (Earth Power, Earthquake, Stone Edge), Create Water (Hydro Pump, Surf), Wind Breath (Air Slash, Whirlwind) and Freeze (Freeze-Dry, Ice Beam). He also uses several tools to his disposal, such as a specially-smithed katana (Smart Strike), bow and arrow (Swift), Using his versatility, underhanded tactics (Nasty Plot, Taunt), and assistance from his dysfunctional party, Kazuma has taken down some of the toughest enemies of this strange world. also sorry if i mixed some LN stuff in there i was going off the list of abilities on the fandom wiki
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Pokemon: Aqua
Franchise: KonoSuba
Typing: Water/Fairy
Abilities: Misty Surge/Drizzle/Archpriest
Signature Ability: Archpriest | While this Pokemon is active, a Fairy move used by any Pokemon has 1.33x power. (Fairy Aura clone)
Moves: Aromatherapy, Calm Mind, Dazzling Gleam, Decorate, Dragon Dance, Encore, Energy Ball, God Blow, Heal Pulse, Helping Hand, Hydro Pump, Light Screen, Moonblast, Moonlight, Play Rough, Reflect, Scald, Surf, Swords Dance, U-turn, Water Spout, Wish
Signature Move: God Blow | Fairy | Physical | BP: 100 | Acc: 100% | PP: 16 | Special if user's Sp. Atk > Attack
Signature Z-Move (while knowing God Blow and holding Axinium-Z): God Requiem | Fairy | Physical | BP: 180 | Acc: - | PP: - | Special if user's Sp. Atk > Attack. Summons Misty Terrain.
Stats: 75/92/72/100/120/96 (BST: 550)
Reasoning: The Goddess of Water worshiped by the Axis cult, formerly in charge of guiding young souls of Japan to the fantasy world. However, she was sent to the fantasy world with Kazuma when he chose her as his "cheat" weapon. To Kazuma's dismay, Aqua turned out to be a whiny, alcoholic mess who has no choice but to stick with him for the rest of his journey. Despite constantly labeled "useless" by her companions, Aqua possesses valuable abilities as a goddess and archpriest. She has access to a ton of support magic, allowing her to buff her allies or her own stats. She also has powerful water magic, allowing her to instantaneously summon floods. Also, she has healing magic that can heal herself and her allies, even resurrecting the dead. As a goddess, she attracts undead monsters and can purify/exorcise them with holy magic. God Blow and God Requiem are attacks that afflict the undead and purify anything it touches, so I let God Requiem summon Misty Terrain.
View attachment 264916
Pokemon: Megumin
Franchise: KonoSuba
Typing: Fire/Psychic
Abilities: Explosive Magic
Signature Ability: Explosive Magic | All attacks become Special Attacks, but the user faints after using any attack (bypasses Damp)
Moves: Blast Burn, Calm Mind, Expanding Force, Explosion, Final Gambit, Fire Blast, Flame Burst, Flare Blitz, Focus Blast, Fusion Bolt, Fusion Flare, Hyper Beam, Mind Blown, Misty Explosion, Moonblast, Psycho Boost, Self-Destruct, Solar Beam, Work Up
Stats: 50/55/65/170/95/105 (BST: 540)
Reasoning: Raised in the village of the Crimson Demons, home of the strongest mages, Megumin boasts incredible prowess as an archmage, but is complety devoted to mastering Explosion magic, refusing to learn any spell other than Explosion (I gave Megumin other moves besides Explosion cuz just giving her Explosion would look stupid). While her explosions are indeed powerful, being able to take out large hordes and giant monsters, a single Explosion completely depletes her mana, rendering her unable to move after attacking. Because of this, the party mainly relies on Megumin as a last (or sometimes a first) resort.
252+ SpA Choice Specs Megumin Explosion vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Toxapex: 307-362 (100.9 - 119%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252+ SpA Choice Specs Megumin Explosion vs. 252 HP / 160+ SpD Mandibuzz: 442-521 (104.2 - 122.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252+ SpA Choice Specs Megumin Explosion vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Ferrothorn: 240-283 (68.1 - 80.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252+ SpA Choice Specs Megumin Explosion vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Eviolite Chansey: 348-410 (49.5 - 58.3%) -- 98.8% chance to 2HKO
252+ SpA Choice Specs Megumin Explosion vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Blissey: 421-496 (58.9 - 69.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
given that this is Megumin we're talking about, I think her having just Explosion "looking stupid" is the exact opposite of an issue

also isnt kazuma in canon basically just smeargle
to nitpick, absolutely no one calls him "satou", you should call him "kazuma" if you are to stick to one name

given that this is Megumin we're talking about, I think her having just Explosion "looking stupid" is the exact opposite of an issue

also isnt kazuma in canon basically just smeargle
Kazuma is able to learn any skill, but he doesnt end up learning every skill, nor is he able to learn skills on the fly (I think).

As for Megumin, I agree with you, the whole point is that the whole Explosion thing is stupid, and some Pokemon do end up only learning one move (Smeargle (technically), Unown), so I don’t think giving Megumin just Explosion would be too out of line.
Kazuma is able to learn any skill, but he doesnt end up learning every skill, nor is he able to learn skills on the fly (I think).

That's correct. In fact, Kazuma often needs to be taught more advanced skills (For instance, he had to train with Wiz to learn Drain Touch).

Attacking Moves:Drain punch, Close combat, Mach punch, Play rough, Spirit break, Fire punch, Flare blitz, Thunder punch, Ice punch, Icicle crash, Psycho cut, Zen headbutt, Meteor mash, Throat chop, Knock off, Wood hammer, U-turn, X-scizzor, Retaliate, Facade
Status Moves: Bulk up, Milk drink, Swords dance, Wish, Yawn, Universal Moves (tect, sub...)
Uh, wrong thread. Undertale's a game, and this is for non-game characters. Post him when the voting phase in that thread is over. (also why does he have stuff like Wood Hammer, U-Turn, Ice moves, and the like? That doesn't sound right.)
Uh, wrong thread. Undertale's a game, and this is for non-game characters. Post him when the voting phase in that thread is over. (also why does he have stuff like Wood Hammer, U-Turn, Ice moves, and the like? That doesn't sound right.)
Also, quick question. I saw that this Pet Mod was on Dragon Heaven, so I was wondering if the winning submissions of this gen are available on there, or if it's only the gen 7 ones. Also, is there a spreadsheet listing out all the available mons and their stats/abilties/etc? Sorry to all those who thought this would be a submission
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Also, quick question. I saw that this Pet Mod was on Dragon Heaven, so I was wondering if the winning submissions of this gen are available on there, or if it's only the gen 7 ones. Also, is there a spreadsheet listing out all the available mons and their stats/abilties/etc? Sorry to all those who thought this would be a submission
some of the gen 8 ones are one there, not the latest ones though. some abilities and moves aren't coding.... most of the abilities actually.

there's a discord, i feel like it'd be better to discuss things there if you have an account
“My revenge is just begun! I spread it over centuries, and time is on my side. Your girls that you all love are mine already; and through them you and others shall yet be mine—my creatures, to do my bidding and to be my jackals when I want to feed. Bah!”
Pokémon: Dracula
Origin: Dracula (Bram Stoker novel, not any other version)
Type: Ghost
Ability: Vampire (see Dio Brando) / Telepathy
Stats: 120/100/90/120/50/70 (550)
Notable Moves: Shadow Claw, Leech Life, Giga Drain, Crunch, Bite, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Psychic Fangs, Brave Bird, Weather Ball, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Whirlwind, Hurricane, Icy Wind, Blizzard, Sunny Day, Rain Dance, Hail, Recover, Nasty Plot, Mist, Haze, Hypnosis
Reasoning: The most iconic vampire of them all... er, the movie version is, at any rate, but I'm doing the book version instead. Ghost because he's an undead (or "Un-Dead" as the book would say) who has some traits of a not-fully-material being. Vampire because he is that. Telepathy because of the weird telepathic link he and Mina have going on. I took a chunk out of his Special Defense because of his many more esoteric weaknesses compared to his physical strength. Shadow Claw because he's got sharp nails. Draining moves I feel should be obvious. Biting moves for both said obvious reasons and also his less-obvious wolf transformation. Brave Bird because of the bat transformation (Crobat gets it). He gets a bunch of weather-related moves because he can control the weather. (Yeah, I know Sunny Day sounds odd, but he can prevent bad weather, plus he's not actually *hurt* by sunlight). Recover because of the whole immortality and how he gets younger and stuff. Nasty Plot because he's got a... nasty plot. Mist and Haze because he can turn into mist and dust and stuff. Hypnosis because he can do that too.
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Pokémon: Virgo Shaka
Typing: Psychic
Ability: Serene Grace / Telepathy
Moves: Psychic, Expanding Force, Psyshock, Luster Purge, Magical Leaf, Petal Dance, Stored Power, Extrasensory, Aura Sphere, Phantom Force, Shadow Claw, Shadow Ball, Ominous Wind, Last Resort, Force Palm, Metal Burst, Athena Exclamation, Block, Mean Look, Miracle Eye, Calm Mind, Cosmic Power, Meditate, Instruct, Telekinesis, Psychic Terrain, Grassy Terrain, Confuse Ray, Nightmare, Magic Room, Trick Room, Wonder Room, Magic Coat, Barrier, Reflect, Light Screen, Protect, Treasure of Heavens
Signature Moves: Treasure of Heavens (- BP | Psychic | Special | 20 PP | - Accuracy | Sets the Ring of the Treasure of Heavens condition on Shaka. During this condition, randomly disables the foe's 4 moves and ability, one by one, at the end of the turn, over the course of 5 turns.)
Athena Exclamation (300 BP | Psychic | Special | 15 PP | 100 Accuracy | Can only be used in Triples, when two other Pokemon on the user's side of the field also selected this move. The move is then combined like a Pledge move and hits only once.)
Stats: 115/115/115/120/120/115 (700)
Reasoning: The Man Closest to God
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The most famous of them all
Pokemon: Mona Lisa
Renaissance Art

Ability: Masterpiece
Masterpiece: On switch in, Mona Lisa copies the highest base stat (excluding HP) of the opposing Pokemon and applies it to all of her own base stats. If attacked, reverts to own stats and opposing Pokemon highest base stat is minimised (al la reverse Belly Drum). Cannot be Traced.
- eg: if Mona Lisa switches in on a Dracovish, her stats will change to 100/100/100/100/100/100 since the opposing Pokemon's highest base stat is 100.

Notable Moves: Mysterious Smile, Impenetrable Protection, Sketch (can only learn once at a time). That's it. She's a painting. What else did you expect her to learn?

Mysterious Smile: -- BP | 100% Accuracy |
| 10(16) PP | Inflicts a random volatile status condition on the target

Impenetrable Protection: -- BP | 100% Accuracy |
| 5(8) PP | +1 Priority | Any move targetting this Pokemon to have all effects redirected to the user including damage | fails if used consecutively

Stats: 50 / 50 / 50 / 50 / 50 / 50 (300 BST)

Reasoning: The Mona Lisa is arguably one of the most recognised pieces of media in the entire world. Perhaps her most striking feature is her enigmatic smile, which is a contentious subject among the most knowlegable art scholars and unshowered Lourve tourists alike. Her smile is said to give off a knowing aura as if she let off a silent but deadly fart and is waiting to see the variety of reactions that will soon unfold. As an exhibition, the Mona Lisa rests behind bulletproof glass and is contained in an atmospherically controlled chamber that protects her from the crowds, slight changes in temperature, vibrations in the air caused by talking and tactical ballistic teacups. Her cryptic expression, the culture contained within her history and the unparalleled levels of security that protect her make the Mona Lisa a very unique combatant on the field.

Attacking Moves:Drain punch, Close combat, Mach punch, Play rough, Spirit break, Fire punch, Flare blitz, Thunder punch, Ice punch, Icicle crash, Psycho cut, Zen headbutt, Meteor mash, Throat chop, Knock off, Wood hammer, U-turn, X-scizzor, Retaliate, Facade
Status Moves: Bulk up, Milk drink, Swords dance, Wish, Yawn, Universal Moves (tect, sub...)
You can post Asgor in this Pet Mod.

Pokémon: MonsterVerse Godzilla

Ability: Poison Heal / Regenerator
Moves: Atomic Breath, Aqua Tail, Liquidation, Aqua Jet, Dive, Surf, Superpower, Body Press, Submission, Heavy Slam, Iron Tail, Earthquake, Throat Chop, Crunch, Dragon Claw, Dragon Tail, Double Edge, Stomp, Tail Slap, Slack Off, Rest.
Signature Move: Atomic Breath (140 BP |
| 8 PP | - 90 % Accuracy | The first time this move is used, takes 1 turn of charge. During this turn, the attack of the opponent(s) will be lowered by one stage.
Stats: 120/140/110/140/100/90 (680)
Reasoning: Deadass only subbed this because Pika asked me if fairy type Godzilla would actually make sense The 2nd American recon of the Japanese monster, unlike a large number of previous versions of the character, Monsterverse's Godzilla is a naturally evolved organism whose main mission is that of securing the balance of Earth, ence the Fairy typing. Water because he spends most of its life underwater and is a very capable underwater fighter. Regenerator represents his regenerative abilities and Poison Heal represents how radiation enhances these abilities. Atomic Breath is Godzilla's signature attack and as seen in the movies, it only needs to charge the first time it has been used in battles. Godzilla has also shown the ability to use the glow of his spines during the "charging" period to intimidate the crew of Castle Bravo. The rest of his moveset is almost purely physical aside from Surf (due to the tsunami he caused in his entrance to Honolulu) in reference to how the Atomic Breath seems to be a last resort weapon while physical combat usually takes priority. Slack Off and Rest are references to his inbernation-like state that allowed him to survive several extinction events.