"Nazis... I hate these guys!"
Pokemon: Indiana Jones
Indiana Jones
Ability: Defiant, Long Reach, Emergency Exit
Notable Moves: Bullwhip, Vine Whip, Power Whip, Stealth Rocks, Spikes, Taunt, Sucker Punch, Knock Off, Rock Tomb, Rock Climb, Acrobatics Play Rough, Fire Lash, Parting Shot
Bullwhip: 80 BP | 100% Accuracy |
| 10(16) PP | Prevents target from fleeing | disables opponent from using a move that causes a switch such as U-Turn
Stats: 81 / 118 / 93 / 53 / 82 / 107 (534 BST)
Reasoning: Indiana Jones has a nice hat. And a nice whip. Sometimes he's really good at running away from things. He also has shown to be a capable fighter in hand-to-hand combat and perform various acrobatic feats throughout his adventures. While Indiana Jones is not raiding lost arks or dooming temples, he is a world renowned archeologist. This gives him his typing and access to a variety of rock- and ground-type moves includingartefacts and debris entry hazards. Just like in that other movie where George Lucas type casted Harrison Ford to be a rogue-ish, devilishly handsome renegade, Indiana Jones has his fair share of comeback, one liners and cheap shots. But most importantly he didn't leave his hat behind.

Ability: Defiant, Long Reach, Emergency Exit
Notable Moves: Bullwhip, Vine Whip, Power Whip, Stealth Rocks, Spikes, Taunt, Sucker Punch, Knock Off, Rock Tomb, Rock Climb, Acrobatics Play Rough, Fire Lash, Parting Shot
Bullwhip: 80 BP | 100% Accuracy |

Stats: 81 / 118 / 93 / 53 / 82 / 107 (534 BST)
Reasoning: Indiana Jones has a nice hat. And a nice whip. Sometimes he's really good at running away from things. He also has shown to be a capable fighter in hand-to-hand combat and perform various acrobatic feats throughout his adventures. While Indiana Jones is not raiding lost arks or dooming temples, he is a world renowned archeologist. This gives him his typing and access to a variety of rock- and ground-type moves including