Original idea by Angry2
Taken over by dsm77777, then by TimeZone, currently managed by smellslikememe
Approved by drampa's grandpa and The Immortal.
One of the main aspects of Pokémon is evolving. Since the very beginning, back in RBY, we saw our Pokémon evolve to the next stage of what we call "evolutionary line". They give Pokémon new moves/abilities/typing and also stats! But what if we could cross these evolutionary lines? That's what you can do here!
You can switch it by nicknaming your mon the name of the line you want. It gives the new stats and access of a maximum of 2 moves from the evolutionary lines' movepool. Abilities are replaced by the final form abilities. If the evolution gets a new secondary typing, the cross-evolved Pokémon will get it too (or replace its old second type).
Complicated? Want an example? Ok!
Klang is a Stage 2 that can evolve into a Stage 3, so it can "cross-evolve" with a Stage 3 Pokémon such as Gallade. Gallade has +30 HP, +90 Attack, +30 Defense, equal Special Attack, +60 Special Defense and +30 Speed than Kirlia. Its abilities are Steadfast and Justified, and it gains a secondary Fighting-type. The result of cross-evolving Klang into Gallade is as follows:
Klang (cross-evolved into Gallade)
New Abilities (completely replaces old ability pool): Steadfast/Justified
New Stats: 90/170/125/70/145/80
New typing: Steel/Fighting
In addition to this, Klang will gain access to 2 moves of your choice from Gallade's movepool.
To cross-evolve in the teambuilder, nickname the base Pokemon after the evolution. In the case of Klang-Gallade, for example, give a Klang the nickname "Gallade". If you want to see the stats of any cross-evolution, the /ce command is very helpful!
Standard Ubers Clauses
Dynamax Clause
Evolutionary Clause (Each evolution can only be used to crossevolve once per team)
2-Ability Clause - (A player cannot have more than two Pokemon with the same Ability on a team)
Pokemon bans:
Type: Null
Evolutionary Restrictions:
Ability bans:
Huge Power
Pure Power
Gorilla Tactics
Ice Scales
Arena Trap
Shadow Tag
Item bans:
King's Rock
Razor Fang
Move bans:
Baton Pass
Q: How does Eviolite work?
A: Eviolite does not work on any cross-evolved Pokémon.
Q: What about signature items, such as Light Ball or Thick Club?
A: They only work on vanilla Pikachu and vanilla Cubone/Marowak (and their Alolan forms), respectively. Again, they don't work on any cross-evolved Pokémon, even if it's nicknamed "Marowak", or it's Pikachu with another nickname, etc.
Q: Is weight affected? What if my cross-evolution's weight drops below 0?
A: Weight changes weren't considered for the initial metagame, yet they are implemented. If weight drops below 0 when cross-evolving, it is set to 0.1 kg.
Q: Why is _____ moveset illegal?
A: Make sure you didn't inherit more than 2 moves from the cross-evolution.
Q: How do I view cross evolution data on Pokemon Showdown?
A: The /ce [base], [evolution] command will show you the complete stats of a given cross evolution, while the /showevo [evolved Pokemon] command will show you the stats, abilities, and typings provided by any given evolution.
Date Format: DD/MM/YY
Updated 1 June 2022
Taken over by dsm77777, then by TimeZone, currently managed by smellslikememe
Approved by drampa's grandpa and The Immortal.
Premise |
One of the main aspects of Pokémon is evolving. Since the very beginning, back in RBY, we saw our Pokémon evolve to the next stage of what we call "evolutionary line". They give Pokémon new moves/abilities/typing and also stats! But what if we could cross these evolutionary lines? That's what you can do here!
You can switch it by nicknaming your mon the name of the line you want. It gives the new stats and access of a maximum of 2 moves from the evolutionary lines' movepool. Abilities are replaced by the final form abilities. If the evolution gets a new secondary typing, the cross-evolved Pokémon will get it too (or replace its old second type).
Complicated? Want an example? Ok!
Klang is a Stage 2 that can evolve into a Stage 3, so it can "cross-evolve" with a Stage 3 Pokémon such as Gallade. Gallade has +30 HP, +90 Attack, +30 Defense, equal Special Attack, +60 Special Defense and +30 Speed than Kirlia. Its abilities are Steadfast and Justified, and it gains a secondary Fighting-type. The result of cross-evolving Klang into Gallade is as follows:

Klang (cross-evolved into Gallade)
New Abilities (completely replaces old ability pool): Steadfast/Justified
New Stats: 90/170/125/70/145/80
New typing: Steel/Fighting
In addition to this, Klang will gain access to 2 moves of your choice from Gallade's movepool.
Mechanics |
To cross-evolve in the teambuilder, nickname the base Pokemon after the evolution. In the case of Klang-Gallade, for example, give a Klang the nickname "Gallade". If you want to see the stats of any cross-evolution, the /ce command is very helpful!
- You can "cross-evolve" your Pokemon by naming them after the intended Pokemon.
- Stat, typing, and ability changes granted by any evolution are determined by their respective changes from their prevo. For example, Corphish has 43/80/65/50/35/35 stats and is pure Water while Crawdaunt has 63/120/85/90/55/55 with a Water/Dark typing. If you
- were to evolve something into Crawdaunt it would gain +20 HP, +40 Attack, +20 Defense, +40 Special Attack, +20 Special Defense, and +20 Speed as well as a secondary Dark-type.
- Evolution is limited so that only Pokemon that are able to evolve may do so, and they must follow evolutionary stages. Stage 1's encompass most of the LCs and may only evolve into Stage 2's, while Stage 2's are primarily NFE and may only evolve into Stage 3. Ponyta-Galar is a Stage 1 Pokemon and can evolve into any Stage 2 but it cannot evolve into a Stage 3, so you couldn't evolve it into a Stage 3 like Gallade or Charizard, but you use Stage 2's like Umbreon or Charmeleon. This applies to Stage 2's as well.
- In case of confusion, both EV and tehy worked on these awesome visuals which might help you out:
This is a legal evolution because Charmander is a Stage 1 and can evolve under normal circumstances.
This is an illegal evolution because Charmeleon is a Stage 2 and cannot evolve into another Stage 2.
This is an illegal evolution because Charizard cannot evolve under normal circumstances.
This is a legal evolution because Dusclops is a Stage 2 and can evolve under normal circumstances.
This is an illegal evolution because Snorlax cannot evolve under normal circumstances.
This is an illegal evolution because Munchlax is a Stage 1 and cannot evolve into a Stage 3 Pokemon. - Cross-evolved Pokémon get the abilities from the line they chose. So for example, crossing Haunter with Hydreigon or Clefable, respectively, you gain access to Levitate if you choose hydreigon or Magic Guard/Unaware/Cute charm as possible abilities if you choose Clefable and so on.
- Cross-evolved Pokémon have the movepool of the base Pokémon. You can inherit up to 2 moves from the cross-evolution as well.
- Move and ability illegallities are ignored on cross-evolved Pokémon.
Ruleset |
Standard Ubers Clauses
Dynamax Clause
Evolutionary Clause (Each evolution can only be used to crossevolve once per team)
2-Ability Clause - (A player cannot have more than two Pokemon with the same Ability on a team)
Pokemon bans:

Evolutionary Restrictions:

Ability bans:
Huge Power
Pure Power
Gorilla Tactics
Ice Scales
Arena Trap
Shadow Tag
Item bans:

Move bans:
Baton Pass
F.A.Q. |
Q: How does Eviolite work?
A: Eviolite does not work on any cross-evolved Pokémon.
Q: What about signature items, such as Light Ball or Thick Club?
A: They only work on vanilla Pikachu and vanilla Cubone/Marowak (and their Alolan forms), respectively. Again, they don't work on any cross-evolved Pokémon, even if it's nicknamed "Marowak", or it's Pikachu with another nickname, etc.
Q: Is weight affected? What if my cross-evolution's weight drops below 0?
A: Weight changes weren't considered for the initial metagame, yet they are implemented. If weight drops below 0 when cross-evolving, it is set to 0.1 kg.
Q: Why is _____ moveset illegal?
A: Make sure you didn't inherit more than 2 moves from the cross-evolution.
Q: How do I view cross evolution data on Pokemon Showdown?
A: The /ce [base], [evolution] command will show you the complete stats of a given cross evolution, while the /showevo [evolved Pokemon] command will show you the stats, abilities, and typings provided by any given evolution.
Resources |
- Cross Evolution is currently playable in the ROM server, and is also available on Showdown as a challenge-only format!
- The VR, set compendium, and sample teams can be found in the reserved posts below.
- A lot of analytical work was done for Gen 6, you can find the resources here. Some is still valid, but mostly outdated since it doesn't include the new Gen 7 or Gen 8 data.
- Gen 8 Cross Evolution Spreadsheet [Direct link to copy to your own drive]
Anaconja and smellslikememe (Gen 8 spreadsheet)
Sasha the Sylveon (Gen 7 spreadsheet) - Gen 9 Cross Evolution Spreadsheet (nominal)
Council |
Past Metagame Changes |
Date Format: DD/MM/YY
05/02/17 - Cross Evolution re-approved for Gen 7.
15/02/17 - Sneasel is quickbanned from Cross Evolution.
17/02/17 - Solgaleo and Lunala as cross-evolutions suspect announced.
6/3/2017 - Unanimous ban on both Solgaleo and Lunala as cross-evolutions.
30/04/17 - Gligar's suspect test announced.
15/05/17 - Gligar avoids ban with a 33.33% ban vote.
30/07/19 - Cross Evolution selected for LCotM for August 2019.
19/08/19 - Type:Null's suspect test begins.
22/08/19 - Removal of the rule that didn't allow cross-evolved pokemon to go over or under 255/1 will now cap at 255/1 instead of becoming illegal.
15/02/17 - Sneasel is quickbanned from Cross Evolution.
17/02/17 - Solgaleo and Lunala as cross-evolutions suspect announced.
6/3/2017 - Unanimous ban on both Solgaleo and Lunala as cross-evolutions.
30/04/17 - Gligar's suspect test announced.
15/05/17 - Gligar avoids ban with a 33.33% ban vote.
30/07/19 - Cross Evolution selected for LCotM for August 2019.
19/08/19 - Type:Null's suspect test begins.
22/08/19 - Removal of the rule that didn't allow cross-evolved pokemon to go over or under 255/1 will now cap at 255/1 instead of becoming illegal.
08/12/19 - Cross Evolution re-approved for Gen 8.
06/09/19 - Type:Null receives an unanimous ban.
30/06/20 - Cross Evolution voted in as OMotM for July 2020.
07/07/20 - Chansey as an evolution, Ice Scales, and Moody are quickbanned from Gen 8 Cross Evolution.
12/07/20 - Sneasel, Corsola-Galar, and Arena Trap are quickbanned from Gen 8 Cross Evolution.
08/03/22 - Implemented 2-Ability Clause
06/09/19 - Type:Null receives an unanimous ban.
30/06/20 - Cross Evolution voted in as OMotM for July 2020.
07/07/20 - Chansey as an evolution, Ice Scales, and Moody are quickbanned from Gen 8 Cross Evolution.
12/07/20 - Sneasel, Corsola-Galar, and Arena Trap are quickbanned from Gen 8 Cross Evolution.
08/03/22 - Implemented 2-Ability Clause
Updated 1 June 2022
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