Crisis in CK9++ City [Serial Killer Wins]

Maybe we should mass claim? I think thats the only way to for sure help clear my name. If we are in 3T there will be one other unclaimed pr and if we are 2T we shod have 2 unclaimed pr. If we are 3T, which I think more likely due to n1 kills, then my role is useless since Im the only target for roleblocker. However, if they had a roleblocker than I think role blocking me and then going for more obv town like panic station would be their best move. Since they targeted somi, I'm leaning on no roleblocke
651 looks slippy when you don't check and see Fenrir was litrally talking to Thunder about Jalmont

Massclaim? I don't think so outside of vig. The goon info reduces us to four possible setups and all of them have at least one unclaimed Town PR.

There is one more claim related question I think is safe to ask becuase 1) the PR in question is unlikely to get killed and 2) we wouldn't even be asking said PR to claim:

Has anyone received a piece of fruit?
Okay, I think Fenrir is likely Town. The main association activity from U-Turn was white knighting Jalmont and positing Somi and Fenrir as scumbuddies. He had to give up on both those things, mainly because Somi claimed by Mason proxy. Plus I don't think Fenrir openly says "Is this a real thing? Seems like it could be scum setting up." if U-Turn was setting up for a T/S equivalency.

The passing references are Smogon ("I forgot his posts") Crabbo ("o rite he exists", "why are there votes on him"), Heury ( "he's suss", "he can clear himself"), and maybe some more evidence to consider Thunder spewed clear ("Fenrir steered him onto Jalmont").

Of the four, Crabbo seems posibly sus, though it's tempered by U-Turn white knighting another player.

And again, Heal gets little to no mention despite engaging with U-Turn.
I wanna go back and do a compare and contrast on associations from the two scum, but It's getting late. If I went with my gut, I'd be voting Heal rn becuase the tinfoil lobe says there's distancing going on there. And I should know, I spent two game days mostly not saying a damn thing about Somi.
vote hueryalone

I'm not stopping till one of us is dead.

But for the sake of caution, let's assume it's true that he's BG.

Then it means we have 3T or 2T or 1T

If it's 1T we should massclaim, but we have no way of knowing it's 1T until at least 2 more claims so eh, claim away. The chance of 1T is very low anyway.
If it's 2T vig should claim
If it's 3T the remaining PR should claim

Life'd be easier if there's just 1 more claim
Remaining scum is an RB or a JOAT. Asking for evidence of blocking isn't feasible becasue 1) with Heury claiming targets for both nights, the only players who could say they've been blocked are hidden PRs and 2) JOAT also has a roleblock shot.

So the only way we're going to narrow down the remaining setups is 1) if Vig claims or 2) someone answers my setup question from earlier.
One more thing before I head out for the night, because my brain has not been able to let go of this.

I wanna go back and do a compare and contrast on associations from the two scum, but It's getting late. If I went with my gut, I'd be voting Heal rn becuase the tinfoil lobe says there's distancing going on there. And I should know, I spent two game days mostly not saying a damn thing about Somi.

You do remember that I was actively going after explosion for quite some time, right?