Tapu Fini (Ø)
Nature: Timid
OT: Rokudo
Ability: Misty Surge
IV's: 31/xx/31/HT/31/HT
EV's: HP 248, Def 8, Speed 252 (LV 100)
Moves: Moonblast, Defog, Taunt, Nature's Madness
(I can trade this. You can't)
(Powersave: To give 240 Health Wings & 250 Swift Wings)
Silvally - Normal (Ø)
Nature: Adamant
OT: Rokudo
Ability: RKS System
IV's: 31/HT/31/31/HT/HT
EV's: HP 4, Atk 252, Speed 252 (LV 100)
Moves: Crunch, Double-Edge, Parting Shot, Explosion
(I can trade this. You can't)
(Powersave: To give 4 Health Wings, 252 Muscle Wings, & 252 Swift Wings)
Silvally - Poison (Ø)
Nature: Relaxed
OT: Rokudo
Ability: RKS System
IV's: HT/HT/31/31/HT/31
EV's: HP 252, 252 Def, SpD 4 (LV 100)
Moves: Flamethrower, Rest, Sleep Talk, Multi-Attack
(I can trade this. You can't)
(Powersave: To give 252 Health Wings, 252 Resist Wings, & 4 Clever Wings)
Silvally - Fairy (Ø)
Nature: Naive
OT: Rokudo
Ability: RKS System
IV's: 31/HT/HT/HT/31/31
EV's: Atk 252, SpA 4, Speed 252 (LV 100)
Moves: Flamethrower, Parting Shot, Rock Slide, Multi-Attack
(I can trade this. You can't)
(Powersave: To give 252 Muscle Wings, 4 Genius Wings, & 252 Swift Wings)
Silvally -Ghost (Ø)
Nature: Jolly
OT: Rokudo
Ability: RKS System
IV's: 31/31/HT/31//HT/HT
EV's: Atk 252, Def 4, Speed 252 (LV 100)
Moves: Multi-Attack, Swords Dance, Parting Shot, U-turn
(I can trade this. You can't)
(Powersave: To give 252 Muscle Wings, 4 Resist Wings, & 252 Swift Wings)
Silvally - Steel (Ø)
Nature: Calm
OT: Rokudo
Ability: RKS System
IV's: HT/31/31/HT/HT/31
EV's: HP 252, Def 4, SpD 252 (LV 100)
Moves: Flash Cannon, Sleep Talk, Flamethrower, Rest
(I can trade this. You can't)
(Powersave: To give 252 Health Wings, 4 Resist Wings, & 252 Clever Wings)
Silvally - Ice (Ø)
Nature: Timid
OT: Rokudo
Ability: RKS System
IV's: 31/31/HT/HT/31/HT
EV's: Def 4, SpA 252, Speed 252 (LV 100)
Moves: Ice Beam, Surf, Parting Shot, Thunderbolt
(I can trade this. You can't)
(Powersave: To give 4 Resist Wings, 252 Genius Wings, & 252 Swift Wings)
Silvally - Rock (Ø)
Nature: Jolly
OT: Rokudo
Ability: RKS System
IV's: 31/31/HT/31/HT/HT
EV's: Atk 252, Def 4, Speed 252 (LV 100)
Moves: Rock Slide, Iron Head, Thunder Wave, Parting Shot
(I can trade this. You can't)
(Powersave: To give 252 Muscle Wings, 4 Resist Wings, & 252 Swift Wings)
(Clone of the Jolly one)
Silvally - Psychic (Ø)
Nature: Jolly
OT: Rokudo
Ability: RKS System
IV's: 31/31/HT/31/HT/HT
EV's: Atk 252, Def 4, Speed 252 (LV 100)
Moves: Multi-Attack, Sword Dance, Crunch, U-turn
(I can trade this. You can't)
(Powersave: To give 252 Muscle Wings, 4 Resist Wings, & 252 Swift Wings)
(Clone of the Jolly one)
Silvally - Ground (Ø)
Nature: Jolly
OT: Rokudo
Ability: RKS System
IV's: 31/31/HT/31/HT/HT
EV's: Atk 252, Def 4, Speed 252 (LV 100)
Moves: Multi-Attack, Sword Dance, Crunch, Rock Slide
(I can trade this. You can't)
(Powersave: To give 252 Muscle Wings, 4 Resist Wings, & 252 Swift Wings)
(Clone of the Jolly one)
Silvally - Flying (Ø)
Nature: Jolly
OT: Rokudo
Ability: RKS System
IV's: 31/31/HT/31/HT/HT
EV's: Atk 252, Def 4, Speed 252 (LV 100)
Moves: Multi-Attack, Swords Dance, Fire Fang, Iron Head
(I can trade this. You can't)
(Powersave: To give 252 Muscle Wings, 4 Resist Wings, & 252 Swift Wings)
(Clone of the Jolly one)
Silvally - Fighting (Ø)
Nature: Jolly
OT: Rokudo
Ability: RKS System
IV's: 31/31/HT/31/HT/HT
EV's: Atk 252, Def 4, Speed 252 (LV 100)
Moves: Multi-Attack, Sword Dance, Fire Fant, Rock Slide
(I can trade this. You can't)
(Powersave: To give 252 Muscle Wings, 4 Resist Wings, & 252 Swift Wings)
(Clone of the Jolly one)
Silvally - Dark (Ø)
Nature: Jolly
OT: Rokudo
Ability: RKS System
IV's: 31/31/HT/31/HT/HT
EV's: Atk 252, Def 4, Speed 252 (LV 100)
Moves: Multi-Attack, Pursuit, Parting Shot, U-turn
(I can trade this. You can't)
(Powersave: To give 252 Muscle Wings, 4 Resist Wings, & 252 Swift Wings)
(Clone of the Jolly one)
Silvally - Bug (Ø)
Nature: Jolly
OT: Rokudo
Ability: RKS System
IV's: 31/31/HT/31/HT/HT
EV's: Atk 252, Def 4, Speed 252 (LV 100)
Moves: Fire Fang, Return, Parting Shot, U-turn
(I can trade this. You can't)
(Powersave: To give 252 Muscle Wings, 4 Resist Wings, & 252 Swift Wings)
(Clone of the Jolly one)
Silvally - Water (Ø)
Nature: Timid
OT: Rokudo
Ability: RKS System
IV's: 31/31/HT/HT/31/HT
EV's: Def 4, SpA 252, Speed 252 (LV 100)
Moves: Surf, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Parting Shot
(I can trade this. You can't)
(Powersave: To give 4 Resist Wings, 252 Genius Wings, & 252 Swift Wings)
(Clone of the Timid one)
Silvally - Grass (Ø)
Nature: Timid
OT: Rokudo
Ability: RKS System
IV's: 31/31/HT/HT/31/HT
EV's: Def 4, SpA 252, Speed 252 (LV 100)
Moves: Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Parting Shot
(I can trade this. You can't)
(Powersave: To give 4 Resist Wings, 252 Genius Wings, & 252 Swift Wings)
(Clone of the Timid one)
Silvally - Fire (Ø)
Nature: Timid
OT: Rokudo
Ability: RKS System
IV's: 31/31/HT/HT/31/HT
EV's: Def 4, SpA 252, Speed 252 (LV 100)
Moves: Flamethrower, Surf, Thunderbolt, Parting Shot
(I can trade this. You can't)
(Powersave: To give 4 Resist Wings, 252 Genius Wings, & 252 Swift Wings)
(Clone of the Timid one)
Silvally - Electric (Ø)
Nature: Timid
OT: Rokudo
Ability: RKS System
IV's: 31/31/HT/HT/31/HT
EV's: Def 4, SpA 252, Speed 252 (LV 100)
Moves: Thunderbolt, Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Parting Shot
(I can trade this. You can't)
(Powersave: To give 4 Resist Wings, 252 Genius Wings, & 252 Swift Wings)
(Clone of the Timid one)
Silvally - Dragon (Ø)
Nature: Timid
OT: Rokudo
Ability: RKS System
IV's: 31/31/HT/HT/31/HT
EV's: Def 4, SpA 252, Speed 252 (LV 100)
Moves: Draco Meteor, Flamethrower, Flash Cannon, Parting Shot
(I can trade this. You can't)
(Powersave: To give 4 Resist Wings, 252 Genius Wings, & 252 Swift Wings)
(Clone of the Timid one)
Dhelmise (Ø)
Nature: Adamant
OT: Rokudo
Ability: Steelworker
IV's: 31/31/31/xx/31/31
Moves: Absorb, Growth, Rapid Spin, Shadow Claw
(I can trade this. You can't)
Mimikyu (♀)
Nature: Jolly
OT: Rokudo
Ability: Disguise
IV's: 31/31/31/xx/31/31
Moves: Sword Dance, Scratch, Shadow Claw, Copycat
(I can trade this. You can't)
Marshadow (Ø)
Nature: Jolly
OT: MT. Tensei
Ability: Technician
IV's: HT/31/HT/xx/31/31
EV's: Atk 252, Def 4, & Speed 252 (LV 100)
Moves: Spectral Theif, Close Combat, Rock Tomb, Shadow Sneak
(I can trade this. You can't)