Gen 6 Creative / Underrated Ubers Sets: v4 (Gimmicks not welcome)

resttalk geoxern isnt considered a standard set but its very very common in tournament play nowadays and somebody posted it but itwas deleted. Me posting standard support pdon is just me makin fun of that post lol. I hope smogon bans me for plagiarizing tho.
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Panther5001 is my nigga.

Gonna get this thread back on track by posting about 4 attacks Grass Arceus.


Arceus @ Meadow Plate
Ability: Multitype
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Grass Knot
- Fire Blast
- Stone Edge
- Ice Beam

This set is legit as hell compared to other Arceus that try to run such a set because Grass Knot is an awesome STAB to have to smack both Primals, as well as stuff like Water Arceus, Ground Arceus, and Tyranitar. You are walled by Dialga and get set up on by stuff like CM Arceus, but it is not like either of those things are super common anyway. By the way, Xerneas appreciates this sets ability to smack Klefki and Ho-Oh, on top of other Xerneas checks. The defensive typing is pretty bad and getting this thing in safely can be a chore, but it's still fun. It is probably the "best" set Grass Arceus can run, which isn't saying much.
resttalk geoxern isnt considered a standard set but its very very common in tournament play nowadays and somebody posted it but itwas deleted. Me posting standard support pdon is just me makin fun of that post lol. I hope smogon bans me for plagiarizing tho.

yes, i deleted it for some guys that want to troll but they arent too funny n_n.
Also, sorry if the set was standart, the metagame evolves every day so, i only can say sorry n.n
Hi I'm VERY new to Ubers but am having a lot of fun laddering up. :]

A set that came to mind was sucker punch on Darkrai to nail M-Mewtwo Y who would otherwise force you out. While you are weaker vs. fairy Arceus and Xerneus, I feel that if your team is prepared to deal with those threats, this set could work for teams who hate M-Mewtwo Y. You could also opt to remove nasty plot, but I feel that this is the inferior option, as you lose a win condition with its removal Here is the set:


Darkrai @ Life Orb
Ability: Bad Dreams
EVs: 72 Atk / 184 SpA / 252 Speed.
Naive Nature
- Dark Pulse
- Dark Void
- Nasty Plot / Sludge Bomb
- Sucker Punch

The given EV spread allows Darkrai to OHKO Mega Mewtwo Y ~80% of the time after rocks:

72 Atk Life Orb Darkrai Sucker Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Mega Mewtwo Y: 299-354 (84.7 - 100.2%) -- 81.3% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock.

Taking the EVs off special attack rather than speed allows Darkrai to still outrun Arceus forms in particular, and a naive nature is used to allow Darkrai to take extreme speed better, meaning that it won't KO itself with life orb recoil. I hope this isn't a gimmick, but if it is then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ .

Arceus @ Leftovers
Ability: Multitype
EVs: 252 Hp / 200 Def / 56 Spe
Bold Nature
- Recover
- Wil-O-Wisp/ Toxic
- Judgement
- Defog/Roar/Reflect

Wallceus is Super underrated! This thing only has one uncommon weakness(fighting) and able to hold leftovers is a HUGE plus over a similar support Arceus form like Water or Dragon. It can perform the defog duties of said Water and Dragon Arceus. I usually prefer Wil-O-Wisp over Toxic as it can burn anything not name Groudon or Ho-oh, such as Mega-Kanga and Salamence, but Toxic can still be used to hit the two mons. If your team don't need defog support, you can use sth else like roar to phaze or reflect to troll physical Monster. Every time you stall with recover or switch in to shadow force, you also get Leftovers recovery. Really, I cannot emphasize how useful the leftovers is. I think the reason why this wasn't used more often is because of Taunt Mega-Gengar. But Taunt isn't very common on Gengar these day, also you should always pair this with a Tyranitar to pursuit trap it. I found this is best used in a full stall team, with Lugia as partner you theoretically wall everything physical. Also, most opponent I faced don't expect Wil-O-Wisp or a SUPER bulky Normal Arceus, and so you can surprise your opponent too.Try this on your team with Arceus Water or Dragon, you maybe surprised by its performance!

Ability: Drought
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD
Nature: Calm
IVs: 0 Atk
~ Lava Plume
~ Rest
~ Sleep Talk
~ Roar

Groudon defensive Primigenio special help to counter Xerneas and Kyogre, two major threats metagame, the latter makes as much as 30% with Ice Beam and Rest allows me to recover when necessary, Xerneas on the other side makes less than 50% after Geocontrol and thanks to Lava Plume with Desolate Land and the "infinite" sun while Groudon follow in combat can do constant damage with 30% burn, the only disadvantage is that there is nothing to prevent Kyogre-P between receiving nothing and only I can phazearlo, as against other rivals Groudon but generally does a good job and well used holds virtually all combat foot thanks to the support of hazards is quite annoying, Dragon Tail is another option on Roar but thus can not take a Xerneas.
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Probably not the inventor of this set, but I feel like it needs to be bought out of the dark and some discussion of it a while back among a few friends.

Reflect Water Arceus


Arceus-Water @ Splash Plate
Ability: Multitype
EVs: 248 HP / 136 Def / 124 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Judgment / Ice Beam
- Recover
- Reflect
- Toxic

Reflect is pretty cool right now, helps out against recent threats to Balance like Swords Dance Rocks Primal Groudon that tend to tear apart common builds consisting of Water Arceus, reflect relieves a ton of pressure from the threatening groudon set. along with other common threats such as Rayquaza. Reflect can even help out against ExtremeKiller/ SD Ghostceus. EVs are pretty standard for Water Arceus now in my opinion, enough speed for max speed Base 90's, most notably Jolly SD Groudon, to get toxic followed by reflect safely.
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Tyranitar @ Choice Band
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Pursuit
- Stone Edge
- Crunch / Low Kick
- Earthquake

Love this set rn, pursuit trapping giratina-O / lati@s can rip open holes for offensive variants of both primals and the rock resists in this tier are p much all specially defense steels like klefki and aegislash that get murdered by earthquake (and aegislash, spec def ferrothorn and bronzong hate crunch). Stone Edge does like 40+% to standard Groudo, so suffice to say that Geomancy Xerneas is another good partner for this. CB Tyranitar cannot really come in on much except Yveltal, Dark Arceus, and Darkrai after it sleeps something (Ho-Oh in a pinch but it is risky) but this is a pretty cool set, especially for the aforementioned Pursuit trapping. Ground Arceus is a huge problem so make sure ttar has teammates that can deal with it. Bear in mind that people expect defensive ttar, so stuff like Klefki loves to come in and try to set up Spikes in its face, so even if your opponent has something like Water Arceus, they might not go to it before TTar gets to strike.
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Tyranitar @ Choice Band
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Pursuit
- Stone Edge
- Crunch / Low Kick
- Earthquake

Love this set rn, pursuit trapping giratina-O / lati@s can rip open holes for offensive variants of both primals and the rock resists in this tier are p much all specially defense steels like klefki and aegislash that get murdered by earthquake (and aegislash, spec def ferrothorn and bronzong hate crunch). Stone Edge does like 40+% to standard Groudo, so suffice to say that Geomancy Xerneas is another good partner for this. CB Tyranitar cannot really come in on much except Yveltal, Dark Arceus, and Darkrai after it sleeps something (Ho-Oh in a pinch but it is risky) but this is a pretty cool set, especially for the aforementioned Pursuit trapping. Ground Arceus is a huge problem so make sure ttar has teammates that can deal with it. Bear in mind that people expect defensive ttar, so stuff like Klefki loves to come in and try to set up Spikes in its face, so even if your opponent has something like Water Arceus, they might not go to it before TTar gets to strike.

May I know why max Spd? Also, I think you forgot to mention trapping Mega-Gengar, it may have wil-o-wisp but even a burned crunch or pursuit will do good damage
To creep defensive Yveltal so they cannot Roost stall your stone edges; you also jump slight sped crep donner / defensive kyogre / ho-oh. I considered Adamant but imo the 243 speed can be clutch.
Adding on to that, Gengar mostly run focus blast, which ohkos. So it can only get lucky vs Gengar, not actually beat it reliably.
I'm also using choice band ttar in a prototype TR team (so yh a Brave one), and this is a really awesome pokemon when well used. Pursuit trapping while outspeed and one shot Ekiller with low kick is priceless.
Rip hoopa-u :(

Arceus @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Multitype
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Toxic
- Stealth Rock
- Recover
- Roar

When it comes to innovation, this being so varied pokemon gives much play with each type, above normal. Arceus full hp defense allows me scratch Rocky Helmet great physical presences life to make contact. also count on the support of Toxic + Recover. Roar to cause damage once the Stealth Rock are. It is a set that can be gay, but for the surprise factor is good.
Hello everyone The set I present to you is to go against the standard geo-god pokemon as well as give a great lead not named primal groudon.

Jirachi @ Mental Herb
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 212 HP / 100 Atk / 152 SpD / 44 Spe
Careful Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Thunder Wave
- Iron Head
- U-turn

Mental herb gives you a almost 100% rocks. T-wave for speed control, iron head cause of para-flinch and with 100 Atk it's 100% 2hko after rocks on the goat god. U-turn to pivot. The speed investment means your faster then Xerneas before the geomancy.

Xerneas @ Choice Band
Ability: Fairy Aura
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Close Combat
- Rock Slide
- Megahorn
- Horn Leech / Night Slash / Outrage

This set is always a nasty surprise for the opponent, mainly because Ubers players often prepare for Geomancy Xerneas and never expect a physical variant. Close Combat nails any Steel type switch ins hard and normal Arceus. Horn Leech provides a possible OHKO against Kyogre and provides Xerneas with much needed recovery. Megahorn is another powerful move there for coverage. The last move is another toss up. Night Slash is for nailing specific Pokemon, Aegislash and Mega Gengar/Jirachi. Both of which wall this set otherside. Outrage is a nasty surprise for Dragons, although most of the time one would be a fool to leave a Dragon in on a Xerneas in the first place. Rock Slide is solely for the purpose of getting rid of Ho-Oh. Adjust your coverage to what you need. One of the cons of this version is that Yveltal not flee from this Xerneas once revealed that it is not a common set.
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Latias (F) @ Soul Dew
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 80 HP / 252 SpA / 176 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Recover
- Psyshock
- Dragon Pulse

Very underrated, exelent check to most special attackers. Enough speed to beat base100 252+.

Shuckle @

Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Impish Nature
- Sticky Web
- Stealth Rock / Toxic
- Encore
- Gyro Ball / Rest

The pokemon who are lucky enough to have Sturdy as skill may surprise attack, not only defending themselves or wearing. I put a template with two options, but looks better Ubers me first, Custap Berry + Gyro Ball. With this Diancie Mega may fall if the berry is activated and is worn enough to weaken. The downside is that instead other users of Magic Bounce as it would MSableye easier. Quick Taunt users can harm and be a problem because it could not fit Encore. The option Chesto Berry + Rest is interesting, although more passive and continuous.
dont you fucking laugh at me

subsd pdon

Groudon @ Red Orb
Ability: Desolate Land
EVs: 168 Atk / 144 SpD / 196 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Substitute
- Swords Dance
- Precipice Blades
- Stone Edge

so a long time ago I asked for someone in ubers room to rmt and somewhere along the way they said "now you can run double dance pdon, but (x person(think it was sweep?)) really likes sub. the team was fine and all but I was intrigued forever by the idea of subsd, and the more I thought about it the more it seemed cool, and trust me it is. shit like waterceus hits the panic button on sub and gets smacked by +2 pblades which is always fun to watch. lugia cant do shit and it's really nice and easy to pair it with another sweeper like sd arc to just overload each others checks and sweep unimpeded, plus pdon forces so many switches that its not too hard to get off a sub

evs can be changed but I like the sr+sd spread with this set

its not a meme I swear
Yveltal @ Choice Band
Ability: Dark Aura
EVs: 28 HP / 252 Atk / 228 Spe
Adamant Nature
- U-turn
- Knock Off
- Foul Play
- Sucker Punch / Steel Wing

cb is strong. use with gengar to trap bulky arceus et al. you can opt out of a lot of moves which lets u justifiably use uturn without it seeming like a waste of a slot. knock off does a lot of dmg e.g. ohkoing standard ho-oh, doing 60% min to klefki, etc. foul play even 2hkos all groudons without any recoil. it's pretty solid at maintaining momentum, opening for partners like xerneas, and being a big damage threat to any type of team. definitely the best yveltal set i've ever used tbh
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Does/Has anyone considered a CroCune version of Primal Kyogre. Admittedly, Primal Groudon has to be out of the match to begin with, and Zekrom does still OHKO it, but does anyone think it would be as useful in ubers as Crocune is in UU