So apparently Psych Up Hydreigon wasn't good enough to be kept on this thread (smh haters gonna hate). I am here again (with replays this time!) to share with you all the pure sex set that is known as
Psych Up HydreiGOAT
Hydreigon @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 248 HP / 124 SpD / 136 Spe
Calm Nature
- Dragon Pulse/Draco Meteor
- Dark Pulse
- Psych Up
- Roost
EVs allow you to outspeed Jolly Tyrantrums and KO with DPulse. The rest is poured into special bulk so you can handle Reuniclus' focus blasts. You can roost stall out focus blasts since Lefties + Roost recovery is more than a max roll focus blast from Lefties Reuniclus. Anyway, as you may have guessed, Psych Up Hydra is the ultimate Reuniclus lure for stall, which struggles mightily against the green blob. I like to let it get to +6 on my Forry, then Volt Switch out on the last CM into Hydra. Proceed to copy its stat boosts and sweep the opponent's team (of course, you can't sweep if they have a Shao in the back or something). You may ask, why use this one trick pony just to beat Reuniclus when I can use something like Curse Quagsire? Well, to that I say Hydreigon is NOT a one trick pony. Choice Chandy + Rotoms are a pain for stall since they can cripple one mon with trick, and Hydra can sponge all their STABs and doesn't mind getting a Choice Specs tricked onto it. Another huge threat to stall is SubCM Chandelure, which again, is destroyed by this set. Krookodile? Ez switch. Feraligatr can't OHKO it unless SD ICe Punch which is uncommon, so Hydreigon can revenge it. It also walls Curselax since it copies the defense boosts (although this shouldn't be your curselax check lol). CroCune also is walled by Psych Up Hydra and can kill it with a crit, and it has like a 75% chance to get a crit assuming all your attacks have max pp. Other things you check are Entei, Swampert, CM Slowking, Stallbreaker Jellicent, and more!
Oh and don't use this outside of Stall. Please.
4 SpA Reuniclus Focus Blast vs. 248 HP / 124+ SpD Hydreigon: 182-216 (47 - 55.8%) -- 76.2% chance to 2HKO
Turn 14 Hydreigon copies Reuniclus' boosts and punches huge holes in his team. Ampharos dies, and he is forced to bring out Haxorus and click Outrage. This is huge since Forry can Gyro Ball it and get off massive damage, allowing Blissey to kill it Turn 85. I did misplay by sending Forry in on +2 Reuniclus, but I got lucky and it missed FB.
Hydreigon walls Sub Willo Chandlure.
Turn 53 Hydra gets to +6 on Reuniclus. Florges can't break +6 hydra and nothing can revenge it, giving me the win. He had Shadow Ball so I could stay in on Reuniclus the entire time, not fearing Focus Blast.
Final thing to say is its best to switch in Hydreigon ASAP on reuniclus and not let it get to +6 unless you can sweep the remainder of the opponent's team since you shouldn't risk it attacking whatever mon you have in. I don't do this in the first replay cause yolo, but its effectiveness is still shown in the later turns by keeping Reuniclus at bay despite missing all its HP EVs.