Hey I would like the HP Fire Bulbasur(female and modest if possible).Pls CMT and let me know if you want something.I hope we can sort something out.
Hey I would like the HP Fire Bulbasur(female and modest if possible).Pls CMT and let me know if you want something.I hope we can sort something out.
Don't worry, whenever you have it ready it's fine. Also, you edited the digglet out and I forgot if you have any preference about its gender
Ok fair enough ^-^Unfortunately I have all the pokes you possess. It seems all your pokes in pokeballs as well, which really doesn't interest me. Plus you asking for a low % female so I would need 2:1 for this to work in your case.
Either gender works.
Got it! :DEither gender works.
Nah you keep your shiny, its cool, my female ain't worth that much (even if its a flawed shiny). ;p
I'm going to focus on breeding my Bulbasaur orders tomorrow, a test on Thursday and this paper have been keeping me busy.
Hey, I'm interested in one of those HP Fire Bulbasaurs of yours. Would you trade for the Digglet in your wants list or do you already have one?
Cool. Unfortunately, I won't be up for trade until tomorrow night or monday, cuz I dont have my 3ds with me at the moment. I'll let you know when I can get online asapYour order is ready:
31/28/31/30/31/30 Modest Male /w Chlorophyll
Hi, I was looking at your thread, and your HP Grass Net Ball Omanyte caught my eye. I could get you a Dream Ball Jolly Spearow with Quick Attack and a 31/31/31/x/31/31 distribution for it. I don't have it listed in my thread because I only list what I have in stock.
Does it have the Sniper ability?
Do you want Modest or Timid?
Swift Swim or Weak Armor?
Don't care for gender, either is fine.
I'll start working on your order after some studying.
I got your Spearow ready. It's a Jolly female with a 31/31/31/x/31/31 IV distribution, Sniper ability and in a Dream Ball. When you're ready, message me so we can trade. :)
Do you care for the egg moves?
Hi, I was looking at your thread, and your HP Grass Net Ball Omanyte caught my eye.
I have a lotad in a nest ball in your wants list for a hp ice iron fist chimchar.