Così [peaked 1516]

.: Introduction :.

Hi! I'm posting one of my latest and most successful teams, and one that's very enjoyable to play with. It utilises what I call a Wall Core to put a complete stop to as many threats as possible in the current metagame, supplemented by Sandstorm and the monstrous force that is Substitute + Swords Dance Garchomp.

Before getting to the good stuff, I'm just going to say this; this is quite a slow team, and not just in terms of Speed. In order to counter a few threats, it is necessary to engage in PP wars with them. Some people, such as myself, find PP wars fun and suspenseful, whereas others find them rage-quit worthy. And this team is very rage-quit worthy.

A word on the success of this team; whilst the ranking tends to fluctuate, this current incarnation has peaked at around rank #30 with 1516 points on the Pokemon Online server. I'm very proud with what it has achieved so far, and am currently looking ahead to adapt the team to the ever-transforming metagame.

The team name is from an obscure Australian play, called Cosi. Basically, it's about a young director who goes to a mental asylum to stage a play, but the inmates only want to do an opera and the director finds himself way out of his league. It's a very enjoyable play, and there's a movie adaption; go see it! All my Pokemon are based on inmates from the asylum.

So, without further ado, I introduce to you: Team Cosi!

.: Team Building Process :.

As stated above, I wanted a Wall Core; a core utilising fantastic defensive Pokemon to break down an opponent's team by not allowing them to do anything. My Wall Core went through several incarnations:




But, none of them afforded me too much success. After looking around, thinking outside the box and stealing ideas from successful RMTs, I came up with the current Wall Core I use now, and by far my most successful.


Each of these Pokemon help each other's cause: Quagsire walls the physical threats that Blissey cannot handle; Blissey walls every special threat and heals the team from Status; Forretress spins away the ever-annoying hazards and provides them. I've won games with just these three Pokemon, and Quagsire is without a doubt the most effective rage-inducer known to man. But I digress.
I found that Substitute + Swords Dance Garchomp worked well with these three walls, and everyone knows the best partner to Chompy...


My team was almost complete. I just needed a Pokemon that could handle the few and far between threats; mainly, I needed a Fighting resist and a Pokemon that could deal with Breloom, but also have a chance against Thundurus.


Reuniclus fit the bill perfectly. After playing around with the team a bit more, I realised that I needed a solid Ground-type resist I could just switch in to take Earthquakes, but also something to retain the Fighting-type advantage.


Sigilyph was the member of choice, and it works very well. So this is the current incarnation of the team!

.: At a Glance :.


.: In Depth :.

Cherry (Tyranitar)
  • Item: Choice Scarf​
  • Trait: Sand Stream​
  • EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe​
  • Nature: Jolly ( + Spe, - SpA )​
~Stone Edge​


  • Role:
Tyranitar is the Pokemon I lead with in the team preview. Whilst it most definitely isn't the most ideal Pokemon to start off a match, I find it draws out Fighting-types that Quagsire and Sigilyph can begin pressuring from an early onset.​

For a long while, I used Specially Defensive Tyranitar with Stealth Rock, and I was pleased with the results. It certainly did it's job, and I had no qualms about changing it. But when I began to lose to teams that focused on Taunt Jellicent + Toxic Spikes support, I began to panic. My team, from the beginning of those matches, was simply at too big a disadvantage to have a clear winning situation, and I had to rely on luck and prediction to beat that simple combination. For hours, I fretted on how I was going to adapt the team to this seemingly new threat. Then, one day, it just came to me. Scarf Tyranitar can come in on Jellicent's Taunt, and scare it off with a Crunch or, if it's on low health, trap it with Pursuit. It also patches up a few of the team's more minor weaknesses; those being mixed Thundurus and Reuniclus. This is the set that you all know; it outspeeds everything up and including Starmie, and boasts monstrous power in destroying several key threats. It is a great asset to a defensive team.
Despite Stone Edge being the worst move in the game, I felt the power was needed in dispatching full-health Thundurus and dealing decent damage to Politoed switch-ins. Crunch rounds out the STAB set and is a great move to use on Jellicent and Reuniclus - in the latter's case, it always 2HKOs. Superpower is useful against other Tyranitar, because it seems that ScarfTar is less common nowadays. Pursuit is useful in trapping weakened or frail Pokemon like Latios and Starmie.​

  • EVs and Nature:
Maximum Attack and Speed in order to smack as many things as possible as hard as possible before they possibly hit you.
  • Possible Changes:
There's always the option of going back to good ol' reliable SpDTar, but I think the Speed is needed on the team and this set patches up some major weaknesses. Also, I prefer this to Hippowdon.​
  • Name:
Well, Cherry is a female. So's this Tyranitar. It may not look like Tar is the most feminine Pokemon, but in Cosi Cherry is a sexually ambiguous and very violent young woman with no impulse control and with a crush on the director. Sound familiar?​


Doug (Garchomp)

  • Item: Leftovers
  • Trait: Sand Veil
  • EVs: 252 HP / 16 Atk / 240 Def
  • Nature: Impish ( + Def, - SpA )

~Swords Dance
~Dragon Claw

  • Role:
You've all read KG's RMT. This beauty has been around for a while now, and whilst people are starting to adapt to it there is no adaption to hax. Whilst Garchomp may soon go, I'm here to abuse it till the cows come home. My team excels at providing the right support for Garchomp; prior damage, defensive pivots and paralysis support. I'm not going to say much about the moveset here, since you all know it, and if you want a word on my playstyle with it go read Solum's Core.

Whilst my playstyle with Chomp is similar, the way it handles being played is very different. Take a look at BulkyChomp. To have a little brag about it's bulk, it's Substitutes aren't broken by Ferrothorn's Gyro Ball. It may be lacking in the initial attack department somewhat, but believe me when I tell you that when this Chomp gets going, next to nothing can stop it.
  • EVs and Nature:
This Chomp is more of a tank, so it's EV'd that way; it can take mild abuse all day long. Impish allows it's Substitute to take Gyro Balls from Ferrothorn, and the HP EVs mean that it can take Seismic Tosses as well as Scalds from Chansey and Jellicent, from behind a Substitute.​
  • Possible Changes:
Again, it's always possible to go back to the way it was before, with 252/252 Atk/Spe and Jolly, but this Garchomp handles Jellicent better and can set up on more defensive threats, which this team appreciates. It's really just a judgment call, and I decided to test this one out with great results.​
  • Name:
Doug is the arsonist in the asylum, and the only dangerous one there. He's smart, fast and has an angry sense of humour. I think this fits Sub + SD Garchomp to a tee.​


Henry (Quagsire)

  • Item: Leftovers
  • Trait: Unaware
  • EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
  • Nature: Bold ( + Def, - Atk )


  • Role:
I was perusing the RMT section of Smogon a few weeks ago, when I came upon a very interesting RMT. It had topped the ladder, and featured several Pokemon that seemed out of place not only on a #1 team, but in OU. The most out of place Pokemon was this guy. Quagsire. I actually laughed when I saw it and the set it ran, but then it got me thinking. I ran a few calcs, and I fell in love. Quagsire is the answer to all the physically boosting threats this generation, and my GAWD it works well. Say goodbye to Conkeldurr. SD Scizor issues? No problem. Finding SD Garchomp is just too much to handle? Slap a Quagsire onto a team and Bob's yer oncle. He also handles Cloyster, Excadrill, Gyarados, Dragonite and every single Baton Pass team out there. Alas, people still are unaware of Quagsire's astounding ability (hyuk, hyuk). I laugh when people start Dragon Dancing their Scrafty, thinking they're going to sweep me to hell and back, until they Drain Punch and do 6%. Quagsire also has fantastic typing. Soooo, here's the gist on the obscure moveset.
Stockpile raises both defenses to +3, an easy thing when the opponent is doing the same thing with their attack. At +3, nothing outside a critted Leaf Storm is going to kill. Swagger is the crux of the set; Unaware ignores boosts when used against you, but many Pokemon just up and kill themselves from a +6 confusion hit. Scald helps against switch-ins like Breloom, even though it does crap all damage to anything and everything. Recover is a godsend, keeping Quagsire healthy.​

I have no idea why this guy isn't more used. It's role in my Wall Core is vital.

Credit to the set goes to Dezza Laa.

  • EVs and Nature:
Max HP and Defense for a wall like Quag. Bold makes it virtually impenetrable, and lowers the only stat Quag doesn't use.
  • Possible Changes:
If only Swampert got Unaware...​
  • Name:
Meet Henry. He's a reclusive 40-something former lawyer. He's fairly unintelligent, doesn't speak, and plays with toy soldiers when people speak to him. Making the connection?​


Julie (Blissey)

  • Item: Leftovers
  • Trait: Natural Cure
  • EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
  • Nature: Calm ( + SpD, - Atk )
~Seismic Toss​

~Heal Bell
~Thunder Wave

  • Role:
You all know Blissey. Up until Gen 5, it was the premier special wall, and it is still debatable whether Chansey's better. I prefer Blissey on a Sandstorm team because it does last longer with Leftovers, and I don't really need that extra physical bulk. I'm not going to explain too much here, I mainly use Blissey as a stop to just about every special sweeper there is. Even the mighty Thundurus is worn down with Life Orb recoil + Sandstorm damage + Seismic Toss. The only special threats Blissey can't handle is Reuniclus and Sigilyph, and Quagsire PP stalls both of them to death. The moveset is fairly self-explanatory. Thunder Wave is there to provide great support for Garchomp, and Heal Bell / Aromatherapy really helps in aiding Quagsire; he doesn't like to be poisoned. Seismic Toss is a nice way of damaging things, and Softboiled is self-explanatory.
  • EVs and Nature:
I've gone for a completely specially-defensive variant, because these days there isn't much that Blissey can take on the physical side of things.​
  • Possible Changes:
There's always the option of Chansey, but I find that Sandstorm really hinders it's survivability.​
  • Name:
Julie is the junkie who's the only really sane person in the asylum. She's a hairdresser with a kind heart, and she falls in love with the director.​


Ruth (Forretress)

  • Item: Leftovers
  • Trait: Sturdy
  • EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
  • Nature: Careful ( + SpD, - SpA )
~Stealth Rock


~Rock Tomb
~Rapid Spin

  • Role:
Forretress rounds out my Wall Core as an interesting utility Pokemon that provides useful resistances and the ability to Rapid Spin for my team. It is pivotal in ridding Toxic Spikes from my field and letting Quagsire do its work for as long as it wants, as well as putting pressure on the opponent with Stealth Rock and Spikes, in order to prevent any free switches. Rock Tomb is an interesting move which I put on the set after a few too many Thundurus thought it would be acceptable to set up on me; Rock Tomb deals decent damage and allows them to be revenged by Garchomp. Rapid Spin is vital since every single one of my Pokemon is grounded and hates Spikes, aside from Reuniclus.
  • EVs and Nature:
I've decided to make Forretress bulky on the special side, to let it set up Spikes on Pokemon such as Vaporeon and allow it to take repetitive Draco Meteors by spamming Pain Split.​
  • Possible Changes:
I dunno...Ferrothorn would be a whole lot nicer, but I really, really needed that Spinner.​
  • Name:
Ruth is the heavily OCD'd inmate. She is very neat, and has to have everything crystal-clear before commencing anything. There is a certain steeliness about her, though, that makes her reminiscent of a small Steel-type.​


Roy (Sigilyph)

  • Item: Flame Orb
  • Trait: Magic Guard
  • EVs: 252 HP / 60 Def / 140 SpD / 56 Spe
  • Nature: Bold ( + Def, - Atk )
~Cosmic Power

~Stored Power
~Psycho Shift

  • Role:
Sigilyph is the Pokemon I chose to replace Reuniclus, since I really, really needed a decent Ground immunity and a Pokemon that could check everything Reuniclus could. It's overall usefulness is debatable, but it has performed admirably for my team.

The primary use of Sigilyph is as a counter to all things Fighting. Due to its typing, it can shrug off any Fighting attack aimed at it, and is generally favourable against common types that partner alongside Fighting, such as Grass and Psychic. After a couple of Cosmic Powers, just about any attack will do very little damage to Sigilyph.
This Pokemon tends to lure crits. During a match, it will be taking many, many hits, and this equates to critical hits every so often. So, when using Sigilyph, I'm always certain not to overstay its welcome and attempt a sweep when a crit could easily put one of my pivotal members down.
Stored Power hits amazing attack levels at +6, if I do so choose to attempt a sweep. Psycho Shift is another reason I use Sigilyph over Reuniclus, since passing on status of any kind is a bonus in helping Garchomp set up. Burn also limits the capabilities of common Sigilyph switch-ins Tyranitar and Excadrill. Roost heals off damage, and getting rid of the Flying-type is useful in avoiding KOs by powerful but slow Thunderbolts.

  • EVs and Nature:
I just copied KG's Sigilyph, and it seems to work.
  • Possible Changes:
I could always change it back to Reuniclus, but Sigilyph is actually doing a better job for my team that Reuniclus ever did (maybe not quite so many sweeps).​
  • Name:
Roy is the self-styled leader of the inmates, and is a bipolar man who fancies himself as an actor. He is very colourful and cheerful, but in his down periods, you'd better watch out.​

.: Conclusion :.

Thanks for reading! I hope you gained something from this, and fixes would be very much appreciated. See you soon!
I am disappointed: what about Zac? No lol, he isn't as important. But the actual team is incredibly well-explained. OK, what to say. Hmmm...I have noticed when Forry and TTar go down your team has issues with Grass-types, specifically Nattbutt and Virizion, if Garchomp hasn't set up a couple of times. SubChomp is an absolute monster, though. The team seems very balanced overall though, covering for Fighting and Grass weaknesses with other team members. Rock Tomb is an odd choice though, even for revenge purposes, but it does prevent Taunt baiting I suppose. Love the Cosi reference, and I certainly wouldn't like to be up against you.
Cool team and excellent presentation!

I suggest running Toxic Spikes over Rock Tomb on Forretress - this will help wear down opposing Jellicent, the most common spinblocker in the metagame, which will allow you to eventually get your Rapid Spin off. It will also help wear down Slowbro -this way you can continue subbing with Garchomp as it'll get worn down by the poison. It'll be forced to choose between healing or trying to break your sub, and it's bound to miss an Ice Beam / Scald eventually due to Sand Veil. Another idea for Forretress - have you considered Rest over Pain Split? Blissey's Heal Bell means you can wake up whenever needed, and the guaranteed full HP gain is better than Pain Split's rather shaky recovery, which can be a double-edged sword.

The other thing I had in mind is to run Psyshock and HP Fighting over Psychic and Focus Blast on Reuniclus. Psyshock will give you a way to beat opposing CM Reu besides PP stalling with Quagsire, because you're hitting their defense stat, not their boosted SpD stat. HP Fighting also has perfect accuracy (crucial for hitting Tyranitar switchins) in addition to more PP, which is important on a set that relies on boosting and healing. That's all I can really suggest; great team and good luck!
I am disappointed: what about Zac? No lol, he isn't as important. But the actual team is incredibly well-explained. OK, what to say. Hmmm...I have noticed when Forry and TTar go down your team has issues with Grass-types, specifically Nattbutt and Virizion, if Garchomp hasn't set up a couple of times. SubChomp is an absolute monster, though. The team seems very balanced overall though, covering for Fighting and Grass weaknesses with other team members. Rock Tomb is an odd choice though, even for revenge purposes, but it does prevent Taunt baiting I suppose. Love the Cosi reference, and I certainly wouldn't like to be up against you.

Rock Tomb is kinda odd, but it does work well since Thundurus love to set up on Forry. It's a mix-up over it and Earthquake, really...
Cosi's great, isn't it? Glad to see another person who knows it :3

Blazin Kickin Chicken said:
I suggest running Toxic Spikes over Rock Tomb on Forretress - this will help wear down opposing Jellicent, the most common spinblocker in the metagame, which will allow you to eventually get your Rapid Spin off. It will also help wear down Slowbro -this way you can continue subbing with Garchomp as it'll get worn down by the poison. It'll be forced to choose between healing or trying to break your sub, and it's bound to miss an Ice Beam / Scald eventually due to Sand Veil. Another idea for Forretress - have you considered Rest over Pain Split? Blissey's Heal Bell means you can wake up whenever needed, and the guaranteed full HP gain is better than Pain Split's rather shaky recovery, which can be a double-edged sword.

The other thing I had in mind is to run Psyshock and HP Fighting over Psychic and Focus Blast on Reuniclus. Psyshock will give you a way to beat opposing CM Reu besides PP stalling with Quagsire, because you're hitting their defense stat, not their boosted SpD stat. HP Fighting also has perfect accuracy (crucial for hitting Tyranitar switchins) in addition to more PP, which is important on a set that relies on boosting and healing. That's all I can really suggest; great team and good luck!

Thanks for the rate. I would like Toxic Spikes on there somewhere, but paralysis really helps my team and the lack of attack on Forretress will affect it (I think). I'll definitely test it out though, TSpikes are awesome this meta, and I think I have other ways of dealing with Thundurus.

I'll also test out Psyshock and HP Fighting, although I'm pretty certain I'll run them. PP wars with opposing CM Reu are very annoying. Thanks!
Hey Zangoose,
First off, I use the same team building strategy as you, utilizing a wall core. Congrats for hitting on what I think is one of the best team building strategies out there. :D Ferrothorn/Vaporeon/Gliscor worked for me as a wall core, before I subbed vaporeon for something a bit more offensive. Anyways...I'm liking your wall core. When I first saw it, I did think to sub out Forretress for Ferrothorn, but I suppose a rapid spinner is needed on your team. I would recommend ice beam over seismic toss on blissey, to get rid of those pesky dragons that you don't seem to be walling so well (ttar dies a bit too easily, chomp isn't fast enough, quagsire doesn't have a way of hurting them besides hoping for the burn). Reuniclus looks like it might appreciate a life orb--leftovers recovery is honestly negligible after its possession of recover, and you really want this little blob to be hitting hard. Great team overall, good luck!
oh and don't replace reuniclus with sigilyph. I tried it before--its coverage really, really, really sucks with the cosmic power set.
Hey Zangoose,
First off, I use the same team building strategy as you, utilizing a wall core. Congrats for hitting on what I think is one of the best team building strategies out there. :D Ferrothorn/Vaporeon/Gliscor worked for me as a wall core, before I subbed vaporeon for something a bit more offensive. Anyways...I'm liking your wall core. When I first saw it, I did think to sub out Forretress for Ferrothorn, but I suppose a rapid spinner is needed on your team. I would recommend ice beam over seismic toss on blissey, to get rid of those pesky dragons that you don't seem to be walling so well (ttar dies a bit too easily, chomp isn't fast enough, quagsire doesn't have a way of hurting them besides hoping for the burn). Reuniclus looks like it might appreciate a life orb--leftovers recovery is honestly negligible after its possession of recover, and you really want this little blob to be hitting hard. Great team overall, good luck!

Ice Beam over Toss is a good idea on Blissey, but I generally don't have a problem with Dragon types. Quagsire's Scald is only to prevent it from becoming Taunt bait; the main way of hurting opposing threats is by getting them to +6 with Swagger and eventually having them kill themselves. I'll look into Ice Beam, though.
Life Orb is always an option, especially when I'm now using the Psyshock / HP Fighting set, but the Leftovers recovery can be useful in long PP wars. I'll test it out and get back to you.

There are some issues with the formatting regarding spaces; whenever I fix them, new ones appear.

I'm currently writing up a threat list, so I'll post that soon.
Remove Ttar's Rock Slide for Crunch, and consider giving it an Air Balloon.

Also, lolwtf @ referencing Subchomp as coming from KG's lolteam. It's been around much longer than that, and was fun abusing with Brightpowder. I recommend just giving it Fire Fang over Sub and relying on the good old Yache Berry (or Haban Berry if you'd like).
Lovin' the Blissey / Quagsire combo. I use a nearly identical set for my Quagsire on my team. Nice job! However, be wary: your team has no way of taking down opposing Quagsires. You need a grass move or Toxic to really do some damage.

My only two suggestions would be to give Reuniclus a Life Orb and put Toxic somewhere on the team. I'd recommend Toxic over T-Wave on Blissey so that you can stall better and apply even more pressure. Reuniclus doesn't overly need Leftovers since he isn't taking SR or Sandstorm damage, so you might as well give him some extra oomph!
Remove Ttar's Rock Slide for Crunch, and consider giving it an Air Balloon.

Also, lolwtf @ referencing Subchomp as coming from KG's lolteam. It's been around much longer than that, and was fun abusing with Brightpowder. I recommend just giving it Fire Fang over Sub and relying on the good old Yache Berry (or Haban Berry if you'd like).

I think I will place Crunch instead of Slide; Blissey is a good enough counter to Volcarona and the extra accuracy can save me. Air Balloon is nice, but I generally don't actually lead with Tar, and I like to use his bulk to come in on weak attacks...I'll look into it.

I wasn't saying that SubChomp originated from KG's team, I was saying that I use the same strategy as he does and I don't like to repeat what he's said and most likely everyone's read. Also, I dislike Yache + 3 Attacks because it doesn't give that immediate presence that SubChomp does in taking attacks and dealing back damage.

Lovin' the Blissey / Quagsire combo. I use a nearly identical set for my Quagsire on my team. Nice job! However, be wary: your team has no way of taking down opposing Quagsires. You need a grass move or Toxic to really do some damage.

My only two suggestions would be to give Reuniclus a Life Orb and put Toxic somewhere on the team. I'd recommend Toxic over T-Wave on Blissey so that you can stall better and apply even more pressure. Reuniclus doesn't overly need Leftovers since he isn't taking SR or Sandstorm damage, so you might as well give him some extra oomph!

Opposing Quagsire can be annoying. I'll test out Toxic on Blissey, because it's generally more useful for a slower team such as mine, but paralysis really supports Garchomp's cause...I'll get back to you on that one. Leftovers really does help, and this Reuniclus is played more defensively, as in spamming Recover and switching out a lot more than necessary. I tested Life Orb and I found it just wasn't as helpful. Thanks for the comments!
k, updated the team craploads.

In order to deal with Taunt Jellicent better, which was the primary threat to my team, ScarfTar has made an appearance. Garchomp is now BulkyChomp, and Reuniclus has been replaced by Sigilyph.

Threat list coming soon.
Hi this is a nice team. Bulky SD Chomp is actually not a bad set, especially with spikes which you could abuse a lot better by running Dragon Tail > Dragon Claw on Chomp. This set is a real pain to take down, especially when they miss an attack due to Sand Veil and then have to come back in and take hazard damage once more. I'd also try running less Speed on Garchomp. Dropping down to about 280 speed is good as it allows you to gain a lot of bulk while still outspeeding a majority of the metagame. You could also go to outspeed Jolly Haxorus but most are Adamant if I recall. There's not many base 100s that are running max Speed so this change won't hurt you at all and you'll definitely appreciate the added bulk. Sorry I didn't have much else to say; it's a good team.
I really like this team. Your description has completely sold Quagsire to me, before I wasn't overly convinced but Swagger really sets it apart and I'm definitely gonna be trying one.

I really like your bulky SD Garchomp too, I use a bulky DD Dragonite and have used a bulky Garchomp before and I feel both of these Pokemon's should really abuse their great bulk along with their amazing abilities to set up.

The only thing I would change is Sigilyph, it isn't really doing much damage until it has set up loads and it does draw crits like nothing else. However it does cripple a lot of offensive teams with Burn and he brings that fantastic Fighting and Ground resistance/immunity for your team.

Maybe you could consider a max Def Calm Mind set for Sigilyph. This way his attacks will be devastating after just a couple of boosts and burn and max Def should hold back most physical attackers. It's just a small change to EVs and a change from Cosmic Power to Calm Mind in the moveset to make him a bit more offensively minded. After just two Calm Minds Sigilyph hits 484 SpAtk with a 100BP STAB Stored Power which makes him play less like a boosting wall and more like a bulky sweeper. He can still tank on the special side and if anyone tries to set up on the physical side just run off to Quagsire.

Scarf Tar is a fantastic revenger and late-game cleaner and Forry is arguably still the best utility mon in the game so overall it's looking like a great team.

edit: Have you considered using Waterfall instead of Scald and using an Impish nature on Quagsire? It comes off his greater Attack stat and you've got Burn on Sigilyph. Plus if your primary damage is coming from Swagger then you'd want their attack to be as high as possible. Scald is not a reliable way to reduce their Attack anyway if you want to increase his tanking ability.
Hi this is a nice team. Bulky SD Chomp is actually not a bad set, especially with spikes which you could abuse a lot better by running Dragon Tail > Dragon Claw on Chomp. This set is a real pain to take down, especially when they miss an attack due to Sand Veil and then have to come back in and take hazard damage once more. I'd also try running less Speed on Garchomp. Dropping down to about 280 speed is good as it allows you to gain a lot of bulk while still outspeeding a majority of the metagame. You could also go to outspeed Jolly Haxorus but most are Adamant if I recall. There's not many base 100s that are running max Speed so this change won't hurt you at all and you'll definitely appreciate the added bulk. Sorry I didn't have much else to say; it's a good team.

Thanks for the rate! Dragon Tail does sound like a good idea, I'll definitely test it out.
Lol, I just realised something; the 240 EVs in Garchomp's Speed are meant to be in Defence...a typo by me, sorry. I prefer zero investment because it's Subs aren't broken by 0-investment Gyro Balls from Ferrothorn (I think)...

I really like this team. Your description has completely sold Quagsire to me, before I wasn't overly convinced but Swagger really sets it apart and I'm definitely gonna be trying one.

I really like your bulky SD Garchomp too, I use a bulky DD Dragonite and have used a bulky Garchomp before and I feel both of these Pokemon's should really abuse their great bulk along with their amazing abilities to set up.

The only thing I would change is Sigilyph, it isn't really doing much damage until it has set up loads and it does draw crits like nothing else. However it does cripple a lot of offensive teams with Burn and he brings that fantastic Fighting and Ground resistance/immunity for your team.

Maybe you could consider a max Def Calm Mind set for Sigilyph. This way his attacks will be devastating after just a couple of boosts and burn and max Def should hold back most physical attackers. It's just a small change to EVs and a change from Cosmic Power to Calm Mind in the moveset to make him a bit more offensively minded. After just two Calm Minds Sigilyph hits 484 SpAtk with a 100BP STAB Stored Power which makes him play less like a boosting wall and more like a bulky sweeper. He can still tank on the special side and if anyone tries to set up on the physical side just run off to Quagsire.

Scarf Tar is a fantastic revenger and late-game cleaner and Forry is arguably still the best utility mon in the game so overall it's looking like a great team.

edit: Have you considered using Waterfall instead of Scald and using an Impish nature on Quagsire? It comes off his greater Attack stat and you've got Burn on Sigilyph. Plus if your primary damage is coming from Swagger then you'd want their attack to be as high as possible. Scald is not a reliable way to reduce their Attack anyway if you want to increase his tanking ability.

Max Def Calm Mind...might be a good idea. The fact is, I don't really use Sigilyph as an offensive Pokemon and it's really there only for it's typing and ability to burn things, otherwise it's just switch in, switch out, which it excels at doing...
I will of course test it out, because it looks like a really powerful set.

Waterfall on Quagsire is another great idea, I hadn't really thought of that. Scald wasn't really doing much anyway, it doesn't really mind if the opponent's been burned.
Thanks for the rate!