Correct grammar and spelling on the internet

Texting using full words is actually much faster than using all the contractions IMO because of the dictionary.
Well, I mean I can type perfectly, and I am entirely capable of doing so.
When I talk to people in E-mail, AIM, and other forms of communication, I always use correct spelling and grammar.

Yeah, but a lot more recently, I have been avoiding punctuation.

so I make a post like this
and it's not terrible to read

and fragment here

I don't know how anyone feels about my style, but I really don't worry about it anyways.
Usually I feel like the quality of the post is in content and not in presentation.
When people post stupid stuff, especially in my trade thread where we ask that people try to give some effort to spell correctly, it pisses me off. There are just certain things that don't take any more effort to do it correctly than it does to do it incorrectly, and typing is one of them. Once you reach a certain typing speed (around 95 WPM I'm guessing), then it's easier to type correctly. I don't mind when people post "CMT" or "RMT" or something similar, though, because I can tell what it is, but if they don't capatalize it and they can't type anything else right, then it's hard to understand.

I feel pity for Mantyke (:P) because his keyboard is broken. My old one just broke yesterday, so now I'm using some old emachine one that's slowing down my WPM speed from like 115 to 90... I'm hatin' it.
Texting using full words is actually much faster than using all the contractions IMO because of the dictionary.
not really, you generally have to press a greater number of buttons a greater number of times. it also has the advantage of being shorter so you can fit more into a text. if using text language was inferior in every way then it wouldnt have been invented.
I always try to apply valid usage and mechanics to everything. I don't have any aversion to simple abbreviations (like "t-bolt" for the move Thunderbolt) or contractions (like CaptKirby does) most of the time, but there are a few cases I don't use often, like "I've" which I use infrequently. On IRC (and by extension any IM system) I write in pretty much the same way as on a forum except that I don't capitalize nearly as much on IRC. As for texting, I have never owned a cellphone.
Not everyone has English as their first language, so you can't really expect everyone to type in perfect English. I personally have no problems with people who use u and ur as long as the message is understandable. On NB/MSN, I usually don't use proper capitalization and proper punctuation, and I don't see that as particularly important as long as you get the point across.
I wonder how many of the people here extremely adamant about the need for quality written english on the internet find it just as important to speak it correctly in real life. Granted, I suppose I am comparing apples with oranges considering most of these netspellings are meant to sound the same as the regular correctly written words.

What am I saying is, in most internet circles, these sort of netslangs are rampant and very widely used and accepted, you certainly can make a relation with the way slangs develop in dialects irl.
there is very little on the internet that i care about... poor spelling and grammar is definitely not one of them
i hardly use capitalization unless i'm talking about a band or something, but it kind of annoys me when people type in incoherent sentences. i type really fast anyway, so it won't save any time if i replace you with u, but i guess it's a habit that i hardly capitalize anything.
I wonder how many of the people here extremely adamant about the need for quality written english on the internet find it just as important to speak it correctly in real life. Granted, I suppose I am comparing apples with oranges considering most of these netspellings are meant to sound the same as the regular correctly written words.

What am I saying is, in most internet circles, these sort of netslangs are rampant and very widely used and accepted, you certainly can make a relation with the way slangs develop in dialects irl.

I actually get picked on (goodnaturedly) in real life by my buddies for the way I speak. I use bigger words than everyone else, and I usually use phrases and words that no one else even uses or knows.
I get picked on as well. My sincerest apologies that I do not like people saying 'I'm doing good' instead of 'I'm doing well' JERKASSES
In Msn I used to use all the short terms for words like " r u goin 2 twn tommoz" when I was still in School. It was "The Fashion" to talk like that, and in Text Messages.

In NetBattle/Shoddy/Irc and any where I go to chat on, I try and use the best English I can. I'll use capitals on my "I"s and use Apostrophys whenever I can. Not using full stops or beginning a sentence in Capitals, but I do try and make it look decent and worth while.

On forums I'll use everything, just because it looks better. It looks more professional and once you get used to it, it benifits you in real life at School etc.

Yeah, too bad I suck at it >_>
when I get in arguments with people, they invariably go "you are just trying to make yourself sound better than me using big words," when my rhetoric is consistent, and I just use whatever words appeal to me at all times!
I think you mean "when my diction is consistent." Please don't use the word "rhetoric" unless you know what it means.

I don't mind heavy abbreviation in a real-time, and I'm actually pretty lax about what I accept as readable. If it takes me more time to decode your writing than for you to bang it out, it's not acceptable, but usually that isn't an issue. However, in a message board environment, there's really no excuse for lazy writing. Nobody's going to notice if it takes you five minutes to type your message instead of thirty seconds.

What really sets me off is when people go out of their way to make their message harder to read.

However, I do believe that people from different parts of the Internet do have different dialects that they use, which is something you'd also see in RL. If you're doing it consciously, then you're going out of your way to make yourself more cryptic which is just stupid, but there are a lot of mannerisms that I've displayed that have confused a lot of people. Although greeting people with "OMELETTE DU FROMAGE" is a really bad habit that I've tried to break, I'll probably never stop SSN as an abbreviation for Steam ID.
i do try to keep good grammar on the internet, although sometimes i find it difficult. i never use proper punctuation, and man other things are flawed in my grammar/typing.
i taught myself how to type, and when i tried to take computer classes to fix it i couldn't fix how my typing was. so im stuck with typing like this. but the plus side is i type amazingly fast.
but i frown upon horrible grammar and spelling. i can't stand any of the following: ur, u, y r, ppl, and just about any dumbass way someone can find to butcher the english language.
youtube see's alot of bad grammar in flame wars.