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Player Name: Gus2000 (AS Gus)
Timezone: GMT -5
Tiers Interested In Playing: All DPP, All BW (not dou) and SS RU
Able To Be Active Almost Everyday Next Week (Y/N)?: Yes
Player Name: Mr.378
Timezone: - 5
Tiers Interested In Playing: Gen 2: OU, Ubers, UU, NU, DPP Ubers
Able To Be Active Almost Everyday Next Week (Y/N)?: I'll try
Player Name: TopLel TopKek
Timezone: EST
Tiers Interested In Playing: RBY OU / GSC UU / ADV OU / DPP OU / DPP LC / BW OU / ORAS OU / ORAS LC / SM OU / SM LC / SS OU / SS LC
Able To Be Active Almost Everyday Next Week (Y/N)?: Sure
Player Name: benbe
Timezone: -4
Tiers Interested In Playing: DPP Ubers, DPP OU, BW Ubers, ADV Ubers
Able To Be Active Almost Everyday Next Week (Y/N)?: yes
Player Name: Frania
Timezone: GMT +2
Tiers Interested In Playing: BW Doubles, ORAS Doubles, SM Doubles, BW OU, ORAS OU
Able To Be Active Almost Everyday Next Week (Y/N)?: Y