• Snag some vintage SPL team logo merch over at our Teespring store before January 12th!


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Drawing a line from here, going to add these people to see if they added me already (which I asked in my rules).

ShinyespeonPvP - Hasty - 5284-1517-4761
Hollywood - Modest - 5429-7186-3594
Professor Birch - Timid - 1091-8916-7829
Chill - Impish - 4871-5560-4602
Logic. - Timid - 4957-4285-3087

Izaya-Gamer - Ice - 4098-4937-6868
DoomBringer413 - Naive - 2981-7523-2952

SolarHatesPie - Ice - 4442-0158-0252
MisterX - Fire - 4098-3772-1233
Brother Spark - Brave - 2251-5856-3197
VGreenGoblinV - Ground - 4038-6790-6368
Mr.Schulle - Fire - 4270-2271-5157
Tatertot - Ground - 2852-7424-7447

The Avalanches - Fighting - 2423-3361-8280
SoulSapphire - Naive - 5129-1953-9102

mhykah - Modest - 5000-3480-2121
cam-o-flage20 - Hasty - 3282-4316-6857

Giveaway is still open! Please don't post more than once, thanks. :) Striked names haven't added me yet, I will keep you on this list but make sure you add my FC, which is in my rules. I do not want to wait. :)
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Adamant | Limber
31 | 31 | 31 | 01 | 31 | 31
Ditto Untouched
May I have this one?
Sorry about that, just a little sleepy, you do still have me added but 2724-0177-2635 sorry for not filling it in first, thanks for it again
Hi Buckert, just letting you know that I have read your rules. I left civilization earlier today so I probably won't be able to add you until I'm back in the city and have internet.

I'll try using my phone as a hotspot and seeing if I can connect that way. In any case, if you can't wait for me you can give the Ditto to someone else.
Hi Buckert, just letting you know that I have read your rules. I left civilization earlier today so I probably won't be able to add you until I'm back in the city and have internet.

I'll try using my phone as a hotspot and seeing if I can connect that way. In any case, if you can't wait for me you can give the Ditto to someone else.
I'm not in a rush mate, I've added you so just let me know when you are available to receive the Ditto. :)
Hi, awesome giveaway! I really need a good Ditto for my breeding. :D

I added you and have read the rules. Could I please have the shiny one:
Jolly | Limber
31 | 31 | 31 | 00 | 31 | 31
Ditto Untouched

IGN is Britt
FC is 4725-9394-6536

Edit: ~20:30 I would be available to trade it the next couple of hours.
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Are there any 6 iv left? I don't care what nature. 4957 4391 2291 is my friend code, IGN Josie. Thank you :)
Edit: I added you, so ill wait until youre on :)
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I'm having trouble deciding can I have two?

Timid | Limber
31 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 31 | 31
Water Untouched

We are still friends from our last trade :)
Me please! Could I have the 6IV one?

Modest | Limber
31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31
Ditto Untouched

My Friend Code is 1564-3497-3573, name Kei Chan. I won't be able to connect to Wifi to add you until later tonight. I am so keen, though! Thank you!
I think that modest was already taken

Edit: Oh, I didn't know we had to collect now, I thought we had to wait until saturday, I'm at school now but coming home in 2 hours, and sorry didn't know you had infinite dittos.

Only thought that because of what was said in the rules:
- The Giveaway will end in 48 hours from the point I'm posting, as listed in the Giveaway rules. After those 48 hours have passed, I will distribute the Ditto's to all the participants.

But I'll get on in two hours like I said
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I think that modest was already taken

Edit: Oh, I didn't know we had to collect now, I thought we had to wait until saturday, I'm at school now but coming home in 2 hours, and sorry didn't know you had infinite dittos.

Only thought that because of what was said in the rules:
- The Giveaway will end in 48 hours from the point I'm posting, as listed in the Giveaway rules. After those 48 hours have passed, I will distribute the Ditto's to all the participants.

But I'll get on in two hours like I said
No problem. :) Will be on in 2 hours myself as well.

To all the other participants who have added me, please Post on my Wall when you see me online so you can collect your Ditto! I'd really like to help you guys out but I don't want to chase everyone so they get their Ditto. To all the people from post #27 and further, will make another list later, no worries. Giveaway will end Saturday night, distribution will end the Monday after!
Timid | Limber
Ice Untouched
31 | 31 | 31 | 30 | 30 | 31

IGN Asphalizo
FC: 2750-1425-8071

Thanks alot!!
I won't be online till after 5pm CST.
I would like to have a:

Modest | Limber
31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31
Ditto Untouched

My FC is 2062 9326 7676
IGN: Kurt

Thank you very much!

I made a conversation about this, I didn't get a response so I'm posting here.

I never made it onto that list of yours, even though I posted before Chill.
If it's because of FC, I'm going to copy/paste my previous post:

I don't care, won't be using it for its nature | Limber
31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31
Ditto Untouched

FC and IGN are in sig

Friend Code: 2836 - 1506 - 3346 IGN: John

Sorry I made another post, didn't know a better way of getting your attention.
The following people have added my FC, please contact me to pickup your Ditto! Since I got way more replies than I had imagined, I won't be taking more participants until I distributed all the Ditto's.

ShinyespeonPvP - Hasty - 5284-1517-4761
Hollywood - Modest - 5429-7186-3594

Professor Birch - Timid - 1091-8916-7829
Brother Spark - Brave - 2251-5856-3197
VGreenGoblinV - Ground - 4038-6790-6368
cam-o-flage20 - Hasty - 3282-4316-6857
Arhan - Adamant - 2724-0177-2635
Jezabel Wrote - ZERO - 2294-4754-5776
SoulBlazer - Fire - 2681-0963-1560
LadyBee - Jolly - 4725-9394-6536
Quanyails - Relaxed - 0946-3474-1095
JMach - Jolly - 0318-9138-5535
Artic - Brave - 2036-7622-1628
Raymon - Careful - 0920-0839-9239
Strip19 - Naughty - 2423-4242-6401

cant say - Water - Already added
Kei Chan - Modest - 1564-3497-3573
Mkurt - Modest - 2062-9326-7676
SkylarGreen - Fighting - 4699-7754-1605
sunny004 - Calm - 2836-1506-3346
MisterX - Fire - 4098-3772-1233
Izaya-Gamer - Ice - 4098-4937-6868
Asphalizo - Ice - 2750-1425-8071

You got until Monday to collect your Ditto!
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