Closed! For all my RNG abused and SR'd Pokémon, check my new thread.

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Update 27-01-2015


Jolly | Shield Dust
31 | 31 | 31 | 00 | 31 | 31
Weedle Untouched


Jolly | Rock Head
31 | 31 | 31 | 00 | 31 | 31
Aerodactyl Untouched
Whirlwind | Pursuit | Tailwind | Wide Guard


Impish | Immunity
31 | 31 | 31 | 00 | 31 | 31
Gligar Untouched
Agility | Night Slash | Cross Poison | Baton Pass


Rash | Shell Armor
31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31
Oshawott Untouched
Air Slash | Screech | Brine | Detect
Can I get these two helpers?

Smeargle | Sassy | Technician
31 | 31 | 31 | xx | 31 | 00
Speedy 252 Hp / 100 Sp.Def Level 31
Spore | Rock Polish | Recover | Taunt @ Leftovers

Staraptor | Jolly | Reckless
31 | 31 | 31 | xx | 31 | 31
Remy Untouched Level 43
Tackle | Growl | Final Gambit | Fly @ Heart Scale
Hello! I would like the Pokemon you mention in your "legendary SR guide" (it's awesome and thank you for making it!) so I can start using it! :D

I would like the following (if you can still provide them):

Level: 63
Nature: -
IV: 31 Hp
EV: 4 Hp
Stats at 63: 200 Hp
Moves: Final Gambit

Level: 90
Nature: Sassy
IV: 31 | xx | 31 | xx | 31 | 00
EV: 252 | xx | xx | xx | 236 | 20
Stats at 90: 283 | xx | 95 | xx | 183 | 129
Moves: Spore | Rock Polish | Recover | Taunt

Sableye @ Air Balloon
Level: 100
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Prankster
IV: 31 Hp | 31 Spe
EV: 44 Hp | 88 Spe
Stats at 100: 252 Hp | 173 Spe
Moves: Pain Split

Level: 96
Nature: Timid
Ability: Synchronize
Item: Any Power item or Macho Brace
IV: 31 Hp | 00 Spe
EV: 84 Spe
Stats at 96: 212 xx | xx | xx | xx | 174
Moves: Night Shade | Thunder Wave | Tailwind

If you wannot provide one with specific EVs I can EV train them myself :) (and/or level them up)
Would you be interested in a BR timid hydreigon with 6ivs, timid nature, with moves earth power, dark pulse, draco meter, and fire blast. A shiny bold relicanth, or a 6iv modest BR shiny zoroark for a clone of the modest hp ice zapdos?
Been a bit busy with life lately, sorry for the delay!

Hey I'm interested in the beautiful bold fast ball hp ice zapdos

CMT! (Willing to do a 2for1)
Sorry I didn't see anything I wanted. Thanks for stopping by. :)

Can I get these two helpers?

Smeargle | Sassy | Technician
31 | 31 | 31 | xx | 31 | 00
Speedy 252 Hp / 100 Sp.Def Level 31
Spore | Rock Polish | Recover | Taunt @ Leftovers

Staraptor | Jolly | Reckless
31 | 31 | 31 | xx | 31 | 31
Remy Untouched Level 43
Tackle | Growl | Final Gambit | Fly @ Heart Scale
Sorry to bug you, but can I have all three of your Smeargles and your Staraptor? CMT please.
Can you two put them in your trade thread and distribute them?

Hello! I would like the Pokemon you mention in your "legendary SR guide" (it's awesome and thank you for making it!) so I can start using it! :D

I would like the following (if you can still provide them):

Level: 63
Nature: -
IV: 31 Hp
EV: 4 Hp
Stats at 63: 200 Hp
Moves: Final Gambit

Level: 90
Nature: Sassy
IV: 31 | xx | 31 | xx | 31 | 00
EV: 252 | xx | xx | xx | 236 | 20
Stats at 90: 283 | xx | 95 | xx | 183 | 129
Moves: Spore | Rock Polish | Recover | Taunt

Sableye @ Air Balloon
Level: 100
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Prankster
IV: 31 Hp | 31 Spe
EV: 44 Hp | 88 Spe
Stats at 100: 252 Hp | 173 Spe
Moves: Pain Split

Level: 96
Nature: Timid
Ability: Synchronize
Item: Any Power item or Macho Brace
IV: 31 Hp | 00 Spe
EV: 84 Spe
Stats at 96: 212 xx | xx | xx | xx | 174
Moves: Night Shade | Thunder Wave | Tailwind

If you wannot provide one with specific EVs I can EV train them myself :) (and/or level them up)
They'll be the level I listed them in the post on page 1. Not sure when I'm free to trade though.

Would you be interested in a BR timid hydreigon with 6ivs, timid nature, with moves earth power, dark pulse, draco meter, and fire blast. A shiny bold relicanth, or a 6iv modest BR shiny zoroark for a clone of the modest hp ice zapdos?
Sorry, not interested.
Been a bit busy with life lately, sorry for the delay!

Sorry I didn't see anything I wanted. Thanks for stopping by. :)

Can you two put them in your trade thread and distribute them?

They'll be the level I listed them in the post on page 1. Not sure when I'm free to trade though.

Sorry, not interested.
I could distribute them. Also, a few things:
Careful | Thick Fat
31 | 31 | 31 | 00 | 31 | 31
Munchlax Untouched
Whirlwind | Pursuit | Curse | Self-Destruct
Is this Munchlax's OT Alex / 44452 by any chance?

Adamant | Thick Fat
31 | 31 | 31 | 00 | 31 | 31
Tepig Untouched
Curse | Sucker Punch | Body Slam | Heavy Slam

CMT for this
Last edited:
Careful | Thick Fat
31 | 31 | 31 | 00 | 31 | 31
Munchlax Untouched
Whirlwind | Pursuit | Curse | Self-Destruct
Is this Munchlax's OT Alex / 44452 by any chance?
Welcome to my trade thread! Every Pokémon in this thread is RNG abused, bred or soft resetted for carefully by yours truly.
Literally the very first thing in this thread.

Hey Buck, hope everything's going alright IRL. To keep this relevant, CMT for (shiny, nest):

Timid | Pressure
31 | 14 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31
Deoxys Untouched
Taunt | Stealth Rock | Spikes | Knock Off
I could distribute them. Also, a few things:
Careful | Thick Fat
31 | 31 | 31 | 00 | 31 | 31
Munchlax Untouched
Whirlwind | Pursuit | Curse | Self-Destruct
Is this Munchlax's OT Alex / 44452 by any chance?

Adamant | Thick Fat
31 | 31 | 31 | 00 | 31 | 31
Tepig Untouched
Curse | Sucker Punch | Body Slam | Heavy Slam

CMT for this
Lol, check SanjivG his quote. All these Pokémon are obtained by ME. Yes, all ~1,700 Pokémon here are really mine.

Besides that, I don't trade with people that have ICBB status.

Literally the very first thing in this thread.

Hey Buck, hope everything's going alright IRL. To keep this relevant, CMT for (shiny, nest):

Timid | Pressure
31 | 14 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31
Deoxys Untouched
Taunt | Stealth Rock | Spikes | Knock Off

I'll check back later later mate. :)
Hi, I was wondering if I could get these mons from you? I have a trade thread (sig) but I can't clone, so I can't really distribute them... :/
What would you take for them?
Thanks for helping the community with these and your dittos :)

Sassy | Technician
31 | 31 | 31 | xx | 31 | 00
Speedy 252 Hp / 100 Sp.Def Level 31
Spore | Rock Polish | False Swipe | Swords Dance @ Leftovers

Sassy | Technician
31 | 31 | 31 | xx | 31 | 00
Speedy 252 Hp / 100 Sp.Def Level 31
Spore | Rock Polish | Recover | Taunt @ Leftovers

Jolly | Reckless
31 | 31 | 31 | xx | 31 | 31
Remy Untouched Level 43
Tackle | Growl | Final Gambit | Fly @ Heart Scale
Hey man, I've recently started planning a Trick Room team for the Maison which utilizes Carbink as the setter. I was going to go catch my own but only just looked into how to find them, I don't have the time irl to fish for the rare horde and hope the one Carbink that pops up has Sturdy so maybe we could work something out. I'm happy to make a deal like breedable for breedable or something nice for the SV hatched one, so let me know if you're interested :)


Bold | Clear Body
31 | 05 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31
Carbink Untouched
Carbink 252 Hp / 252 Def / 6 Sp.Atk
Light Screen | Reflect | Stealth Rock | Moon Blast


Bold | Sturdy
31 | 00 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31
Carbink Untouched
Carbink 252 Hp / 252 Def / 6 Sp.Atk
Calm Mind | Moonblast | Rest | Sleep Talk
Bred by me, hatched by StoriesForBedtime

CMT for your shiny jolly clear body beldum please. I have some niche shinies that were TSVed by myself that may (or may not) interest you x)
Hello, I'm interested in your Sassy Smeargle and Staraptor (specifically, for capturing Raikou). I do have a trade thread, but it has been very inactive. If you would like me to do a breeding project instead, let me know :) thank you!
Hey man, I've recently started planning a Trick Room team for the Maison which utilizes Carbink as the setter. I was going to go catch my own but only just looked into how to find them, I don't have the time irl to fish for the rare horde and hope the one Carbink that pops up has Sturdy so maybe we could work something out. I'm happy to make a deal like breedable for breedable or something nice for the SV hatched one, so let me know if you're interested :)
So, still in need? xD

CMT for your shiny jolly clear body beldum please. I have some niche shinies that were TSVed by myself that may (or may not) interest you x)
Haven't seen anything, sorry.

Hello, I'm interested in your Sassy Smeargle and Staraptor (specifically, for capturing Raikou). I do have a trade thread, but it has been very inactive. If you would like me to do a breeding project instead, let me know :) thank you!
Not sure if you still need these, but I can trade those somewhere tomorrow evening. I live at GMT + 1.
Excuse me, but I'm also interested in a set of your helpful SR mons (particularly those for Yveltal at the moment, but having them all wouldn't hurt. ^^; )
What should I do to get them? :)
Not sure if you still need these, but I can trade those somewhere tomorrow evening. I live at GMT + 1.

Still do! And that's fine, I live in GMT -8 I believe. I'm not too good with the whole conversion thing, but if I'm correct, you are 9 hours ahead of me. When is a good time to trade with you? Just give me a time, and I'll work around it :)
Timid | Pressure | Moon Ball
31 | 06 | 31 | 30 | 31 | 30
Articuno 252 Sp.Atk / 6 Sp.Def / 252 Spe
Hurricane | Ice Beam | Hidden Power Fire | Roost

Would you do it for:

Timid | Natural Cure | Love Ball
31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31
Hyper Voice | Fire Blast | Refresh | Roost
Excuse me, but I'm also interested in a set of your helpful SR mons (particularly those for Yveltal at the moment, but having them all wouldn't hurt. ^^; )
What should I do to get them? :)
I'll give those for Yveltal for free. Not sure when I'm available to trade, might be in 8/9 hours from now.

Still do! And that's fine, I live in GMT -8 I believe. I'm not too good with the whole conversion thing, but if I'm correct, you are 9 hours ahead of me. When is a good time to trade with you? Just give me a time, and I'll work around it :)
Same as above, I'm free to trade in 8/9 hours from now. :)

Where have you been hiding? :(

Yeah I'd still love to work something out, like I said in my last post; I don't mind working out breedable for breedable, or something nice for the shiny
Life got pretty important haha, lots of personal stuff going on which I need my time for. Also working on my graduation project. You can have it for free since you've been waiting for it a while now. xD And just like above, I can trade in like 8/9 hours from now.

Timid | Pressure | Moon Ball
31 | 06 | 31 | 30 | 31 | 30
Articuno 252 Sp.Atk / 6 Sp.Def / 252 Spe
Hurricane | Ice Beam | Hidden Power Fire | Roost

Would you do it for:

Timid | Natural Cure | Love Ball
31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31
Hyper Voice | Fire Blast | Refresh | Roost
Sorry, not interested.
Life got pretty important haha, lots of personal stuff going on which I need my time for. Also working on my graduation project. You can have it for free since you've been waiting for it a while now. xD And just like above, I can trade in like 8/9 hours from now.

Hope everything is ok now then! That's really generous of you man. Just to clarify, is this the shiny or regular Carbink?
I'll give those for Yveltal for free. Not sure when I'm available to trade, might be in 8/9 hours from now.

Same as above, I'm free to trade in 8/9 hours from now. :)

Life got pretty important haha, lots of personal stuff going on which I need my time for. Also working on my graduation project. You can have it for free since you've been waiting for it a while now. xD And just like above, I can trade in like 8/9 hours from now.

Sorry, not interested.
As of this post, I can trade in 11/12 hours. Sound good? :)
I'll give those for Yveltal for free. Not sure when I'm available to trade, might be in 8/9 hours from now.
OK, let's see...calculate based on timezones...add the difference...
Yeah, it's fine. :)
I'll message you around that time to see if you're available.
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