[CLOSED] Eisen's Battle Tree Factory

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  • Pokemon Requested: Excadrill
  • Level and gender of the Cutiefly: female, level 12 (Great Ball)
  • IGN: ♪...♥...♪
Thank you very much!!
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Sent to: Voronwé, Oberyth, marilli x2, Anki, lawson33, GRONQ, stellar31, TangoAlphaOscar22, Pr1de x2, yyy, scob97, yyl012, ColdingLight, TobiwanKenobi and shinedwardc

Tyler Winigman : Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find your deposit, maybe it got sniped? If not, did you have to enter Ferrothorn manually on the GTS to request it? I noticed you misspelled it in your request, so this could be the reason if the same happened on the GTS.

renavant : Sorry, the last Charizard was requested right before yours, but it should get restocked tomorrow...!
Hi Eisen,
  • Pokémon requested: Naganadel
  • Level and gender of the Cutiefly: Level 10, Male
  • IGN: Soul
Thank you very much
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Pokemon Requested:

Relaxed | Regenerator | Rocky Helmet

IVs: 31/0/31/30/31/0 [HP Fire] (Hyper trained to 31/0/31/31/31/0)
EVs: 236 HP / 236 Def / 36 SpDef
Rage Powder / Spore / Sludge Bomb / Protect
Egg moves*: Stun Spore, Gastro Acid, Defense Curl, Rollout
In stock: 9

Level and Gender of Cutiefly: 15/Male
IGN: Jack

As always, thank you for everything you do!
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  • Pokémon requested: Celesteela
  • Level and gender of the Cutiefly: Level 1 female
  • IGN: Jiffy

  • Pokémon requested: Mawile
  • Level and gender of the Cutiefly: Level 7 male
  • IGN: Jiffy
  • Pokémon requested: Cresselia
  • Level and gender of the Cutiefly: Level 1, Female, Quick Ball
  • IGN: Voronwé
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Edit: Wow, that was quick, thanks!!

Pokemon Requested: Snorlax
Level and gender of Cutiefly: Lvl 9 male
IGN: Lady Valette

Thanks in advance!! [=
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Sent to: stellar31, Tyler Winigman, Oberyth, Eppie, Jackrah, ColdingLight, Pugalasari, marilli, Fu Rui x2, Dargarok x2, renavant, GRONQ, Voronwé, Mitch.E, Prozart and RazorLeafVGC

lawson33 and marilli (for Ludicolo): Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find your deposits, they may have gotten sniped? :\


My apologies to everyone, I won't be able to refill the stocks for a few more days this week. I'm working on getting the Thundurus which is overwhelmingly winning the poll, and I'm stuck inside that Ultra Wormhole until then :/ I'll do my best to be done with it as soon as possible, but unfortunately, cannot restock until then!
Pokémon requested: blacephalon
Level and gender of the Cutiefly: level 1 female (poke ball)
IGN: Ziomauri
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