Clefable analysis VGC regulation H [QC 0/2]

Bulky Redirector Sitrus berry / Safety goggles
Ability: Unaware
Level: 50
Tera Type: Water / Poison
EV’s: 244hp / 212 def / 52 SpD
Bold nature
IV’s: 31 / 0 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31
-Follow Me
-Life Dew / Icy Wind / Skill Swap


-Clefable is mainly used as a redirector that can support the team with follow me and utility moves like Life Dew, Icy Wind or Skill Swap. The access to these utility moves in combination with good defensive stats, its ability unaware and Clefable’s relatively uncommon fairy typing and STAB make it stand out in comparison to other redirectors.

-Safety goggles can be used to enhance the matchup against Amoonguss, Vivillion and Jumpluff. Sitrus Berry is a good item to heal up some hp so that you can stay alive to support for longer

-For the 4th move slot, Life Dew, Icy Wind and Skill Swap are the most common options. Life Dew provides healing to your team and works generally best on teams with bulky Pokemon that can take advantage of the healing such as Volcarona, Corviknight and Kommo-o. Icy Wind is a good way to get some extra speed control and ice coverage. Skill Swap can be used as a move option to give Clefable’s ability unaware to another Pokemon to counter Dondozo and other setup sweepers more easily.

-Tera water provides a better matchup against sun teams, Primarina and Gholdengo because it resists the most powerful moves on teams containing these modes/pokemon. If you need more redirecting capability against Sneasler and Rillaboom, tera poison is a good option since it resists their STAB types.

-With the provided EV spread Clefable can survive a tera stellar dire claw from jolly Sneasler, Wood hammer from max adamant miracle seed Rillaboom and make it rain from bulky leftovers Gholdengo sets.




-Clefable synergizes best with setup Pokemon or generally strong attackers that want redirection support.

-Some good partners for Clefable are Volcarona, Gholdengo, Kingambit and Annihilape.

-The main weakness of Clefable is the vulnerability to powerful attackers with spread moves or ways to hit Clefable hard or supereffectively; A good example is Gholdengo, that threathens to OHKO Clefable with a single spread move, ignoring redirection in the process. Additionally, Clefable is also weak to taunt, especially the non-icy wind sets get pretty much shut down with a single taunt.

Strategy comments


-Clefable’s main job is to redirect attacks away from allied Pokemon so that those allied Pokemon can use that turn to perform an action that is otherwise hard to safely achieve, such as setting up a Bulk Up or a Quiver dance without taking too much damage.

-The easiest and most straightforward way to position your Clefable next to a setup Pokemon to make optimal use of Clefable’s support is by protecting the setup Pokemon and switching in Clefable. Clefable’s formidable defensive stats make it a Pokemon that is generally easy to switch in and position straight next to your setup Pokemon. Clefable is a Pokemon best suited for the early-game and mid-game, when there are still allied Pokemon alive to support. Against beat up teams it is good to consider leading Clefable since that allows you to easily redirect a possible turn 1 beat up into Annihilape or Archaludon.

-Clefable does not want to stand in front of Pokemon with strong spread moves, strong super effective attacks or taunt. When Clefable faces these Pokemon Clefable either needs to protect while an ally Pokemon switches in that can neutralize these threats by KO’ing them first or taunting them, or Clefable will have to switch out and let other Pokemon deal with these threats before Clefable comes back on the field.


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Standard support Clefable set
Ability: Unaware
Level: 50
Item: Safety Goggles / Rocky Helmet / Sitrus Berry
Tera Type: Poison / Water / Steel / Dragon
EV’s: 244hp / 212 def / 52 SpD
Bold nature
IV’s: 31 / 0 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31
-Follow Me

-Life Dew / Icy Wind / Skill Swap / Helping Hand
Supporr (Clefable) @ Safety Goggles / Sitrus Berry
Ability: Unaware
Level: 50
Tera Type: Water / Poison
EVs: 244 HP / 212 Def / 52 SpD
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moonblast
- Follow Me
- Protect
- Life Dew / Skill Swap / Icy Wind
(Rocky Helmet isnt on the set and hasnt seen much play, neither have Tera Steel nor Tera Dragon. Helping Hand also isnt too common, also edited formatting errors [u had the format wrong])


Clefable is mainly used as a redirector that can support the team with follow me and utility moves like Life Dew, Icy Wind or Skill Swap. The access to these utility moves in combination with Clefable’s fairy typing and good defensive stats make it stand out in comparison to other redirectors. In regulation H Clefable has more usage than its usually more popular pre-evolution Clefairy. While Clefairy has access to friend guard, the main selling points of using Clefable for fairy type redirection over Clefairy are the ability unaware that make it good against Dondozo and all the other stat boosting sweepers in the current metagame, and the open item slot that can be used to get a more stable gameplan into specific matchups. (this needs to but cut down. Everything after the first sentence is pretty unnecessary, but add mention to Unaware. Everything else can go, DM me on discord if you have question)

Safety goggles can be used to enhance the matchup against Amoonguss, Smeargle and Toedscruel, (irrelevant) while Rocky helmet can be used to punish all the contact making attackers in the metagame, most notably Sneasler, Basculegion and Rillaboom. Sitrus Berry is a good item in general if you do not desire to improve any of the above stated matchups. (First of all, Sitrus Berry is not for this! Sitrus Berry can heal up Clefable, allowing it to support for longer. Second, items go AFTER moves)

- For the 4th move slot, Life Dew and Icy Wind are the most common options. Life Dew provides healing to your team and works generally best on more defensively oriented teams with bulky Pokemon that can take advantage of the healing such as Volcarona, Corviknight and Kommo-o. Icy Wind is a good way to get some extra speed control and ice coverage. Icy Wind is often the best option on teams with middling speed Pokemon that can take great advantage of the speed drop on opposing teams, such as Rillaboom, Gholdengo and fast Ursaluna-Bloodmoon sets. Skill Swap can be used as a more niche move option to give Clefable’s ability unaware to another Pokemon, this is mainly used as a strategy to beat Dondozo. The receiver of unaware is often a bulky attacker that can out-damage Dondozo on its own. Helping Hand is also a viable move choice, in particular when the team doesn’t take much advantage of any of the other three 4th move slot options. Helping Hand is most effective when combined with fast attackers or attackers holding a choice item. (A lot of this is just fluff, give 1-2 sentences on moves you think deserve it and that's it. Think about what's important and what isn't, Like the sentence about the receiver of unaware [example of unnecessary])

The best tera type for Clefable is really dependent on your team’s needs. If you need more redirecting capability against Sneasler and Rillaboom, tera poison is a good option. Tera water provides a better matchup against sun teams, Primarina and Gholdengo. (Switch order, remove first sentence and make beginning of second sentence read better) With tera steel Clefable gains a very solid defensive type with a lot of resists and can now play mindgames with Sneasler. Tera Dragon is a decent option to gain a better matchup against both sun teams and Rillaboom while also being decent against most rain teams.

With the provided EV set spread, Clefable can survive a tera stellar jolly dire claw (from what?) and has only 31% chance to get OHKO’d by Bloodmoon from Modest Ursaluna-Bloodmoon (aim for guaranteed survivals, if you need a better spread ask on the discord server try to include more examples as well, 2 isn't really enough). This specific CLefable set gets good interactions with almost all Pokemon in the current meta and I would recommend it on most teams.
Do note that this is the Clefable set I built and use, and while I am really confident in its effectiveness this doesn’t have to be the most used set nor a regionals winning one. This is why it isn’t advised to expect your opponents to use this same Clefable set.

Clefable synergizes best with setup Pokemon that want redirection support. Think of like Volcarona, Gholdengo, Kommo-o, Kingambit, Annihilape and similar Pokemon.

(missing paragraph about good specific partners)

The main weakness of Clefable is the vulnerability to powerful attackers with spread moves or ways to hit Clefable hard or supereffectively; A good example is Gholdengo, that threathens to OHKO Clefable with a single spread move, ignoring redirection in the process. Additionally, Clefable is also weak to taunt, especially the non-icy wind sets get pretty much shut down with a single taunt. (Can probably get shaven down a bit, also talk about specific partners that help with these weaknesses)

Strategy Comments
Clefable is usually played as a support Pokemon. (Fluff) Clefable wants to redirect attacks away from allied Pokemon so that those allied Pokemon can use that turn to perform an action that is otherwise hard to safely achieve, such as setting up a Bulk Up or a Quiver dance without taking too much damage. (again can probably get shaven down)

The easiest and most straightforward way to position your Clefable next to a setup Pokemon to make optimal use of Clefable’s support is by protecting the setup Pokemon and switching in Clefable. Clefable’s formidable defensive stats make it a Pokemon that is generally easy to switch in and position straight next to your setup Pokemon.

Clefable is a Pokemon best suited for the early-game and mid-game, where there are still a lot of allied Pokemon alive that can be supported with redirection or the 4th moveslot support move.

Because of Clefable’s bulk Clefable is easy to switch into attacks and thus works well when brought in the back. However, Clefable can also be lead so that it threathens an immediate follow me, allowing the partner Pokemon to safely set up turn 1 of the game, gaining you momentum.

Against beat up teams it is especially recommended to lead Clefable since that allows you to easily redirect a possible turn 1 beat up into Annihilape or Archaludon, preventing that scary strategy from directly starting to tear apart your team and giving you much more flexibility in the other slot than when you would have to take account for this lead matchup in another way.

Clefable does not want to stand in front of Pokemon with strong spread moves, strong super effective attacks or taunt. When Clefable faces these Pokemon Clefable either needs to protect while an ally Pokemon switches in that can neutralize these threats by KO’ing them first or taunting them, or Clefable will have to switch out and let other Pokemon deal with these threats before Clefable comes back on the field. (this needs to get condensed into 2 paragraphs, the first about the playstyle, and the second about checks and counters; see this for help: )


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Standard support Clefable set

Ability: Unaware
Level: 50
Item: Safety Goggles / Rocky Helmet / Sitrus Berry
Tera Type: Poison / Water / Steel / Dragon
EV’s: 244hp / 212 def / 52 SpD
Bold nature
IV’s: 31 / 0 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31
-Follow Me

-Life Dew / Icy Wind / Skill Swap / Helping Hand
Supporr Bulky Redirector (Clefable) @ Safety Goggles / Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry / Safety Goggles Updated to reflect current usage stats
Ability: Unaware
Level: 50
Tera Type: Water / Poison
EVs: 244 HP / 212 Def / 52 SpD
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moonblast
- Follow Me
- Protect
- Life Dew / Skill Swap / Icy Wind
(Rocky Helmet isnt on the set and hasnt seen much play, neither have Tera Steel nor Tera Dragon. Helping Hand also isnt too common, also edited formatting errors [u had the format wrong])


Clefable is mainly used as a redirector that can support the team with follow me and utility moves like Life Dew, Icy Wind or Skill Swap. The access to these utility moves in combination with Clefable’s fairy typing and good defensive stats make it stand out in comparison to other redirectors. In regulation H Clefable has more usage than its usually more popular pre-evolution Clefairy. While Clefairy has access to friend guard, the main selling points of using Clefable for fairy type redirection over Clefairy are the ability unaware that make it good against Dondozo and all the other stat boosting sweepers in the current metagame, and the open item slot that can be used to get a more stable gameplan into specific matchups. (this needs to but cut down. Everything after the first sentence is pretty unnecessary, but add mention to Unaware. Everything else can go, DM me on discord if you have question) Mention that Clefable provides good Fairy-type offensive in a metagame where Fairy-type damage is scarce too

Safety goggles can be used to enhance the matchup against Amoonguss, Smeargle and Toedscruel, (irrelevant) while Rocky helmet can be used to punish all the contact making attackers in the metagame, most notably Sneasler, Basculegion and Rillaboom. Sitrus Berry is a good item in general if you do not desire to improve any of the above stated matchups. (First of all, Sitrus Berry is not for this! Sitrus Berry can heal up Clefable, allowing it to support for longer. Second, items go AFTER moves) Mention Sitrus Berry before Safety Goggles to match the set order

- For the 4th move slot, Life Dew and Icy Wind are the most common options. Life Dew provides healing to your team and works generally best on more defensively oriented teams with bulky Pokemon that can take advantage of the healing such as Volcarona, Corviknight and Kommo-o. Icy Wind is a good way to get some extra speed control and ice coverage. Icy Wind is often the best option on teams with middling speed Pokemon that can take great advantage of the speed drop on opposing teams, such as Rillaboom, Gholdengo and fast Ursaluna-Bloodmoon sets. Skill Swap can be used as a more niche move option to give Clefable’s ability unaware to another Pokemon, this is mainly used as a strategy to beat Dondozo. The receiver of unaware is often a bulky attacker that can out-damage Dondozo on its own. Helping Hand is also a viable move choice, in particular when the team doesn’t take much advantage of any of the other three 4th move slot options. Helping Hand is most effective when combined with fast attackers or attackers holding a choice item. (A lot of this is just fluff, give 1-2 sentences on moves you think deserve it and that's it. Think about what's important and what isn't, Like the sentence about the receiver of unaware [example of unnecessary]) Talking about Life Dew, Skill Swap and Icy Wind is fine, just cut down the fluff. You don't need to mention Protect, Moonblast you can talk about if you include a point about it threatening a relevant threat like Dragonite

The best tera type for Clefable is really dependent on your team’s needs. If you need more redirecting capability against Sneasler and Rillaboom, tera poison is a good option Explain why Tera Poison is good against Sneasler and Rillaboom . Tera water provides a better matchup against sun teams, Primarina and Gholdengo Explain why Tera Water is good against Primarina and Gholdengo too . (Switch order, remove first sentence and make beginning of second sentence read better) With tera steel Clefable gains a very solid defensive type with a lot of resists and can now play mindgames with Sneasler. Tera Dragon is a decent option to gain a better matchup against both sun teams and Rillaboom while also being decent against most rain teams.

With the provided EV set spread, Clefable can survive a tera stellar jolly dire claw (from what?) and has only 31% chance to get OHKO’d by Bloodmoon from Modest Ursaluna-Bloodmoon (aim for guaranteed survivals, if you need a better spread ask on the discord server try to include more examples as well, 2 isn't really enough). This specific CLefable set gets good interactions with almost all Pokemon in the current meta and I would recommend it on most teams.
Do note that this is the Clefable set I built and use, and while I am really confident in its effectiveness this doesn’t have to be the most used set nor a regionals winning one. This is why it isn’t advised to expect your opponents to use this same Clefable set.

Clefable synergizes best with setup Pokemon that want redirection support. Think of like Volcarona, Gholdengo, Kommo-o, Kingambit, Annihilape and similar Pokemon. Mention that Clefable pairs well with glass cannons appreciating redirection too

(missing paragraph about good specific partners)

The main weakness of Clefable is the vulnerability to powerful attackers with spread moves or ways to hit Clefable hard or supereffectively; A good example is Gholdengo, that threathens to OHKO Clefable with a single spread move, ignoring redirection in the process. Additionally, Clefable is also weak to taunt, especially the non-icy wind sets get pretty much shut down with a single taunt. (Can probably get shaven down a bit, also talk about specific partners that help with these weaknesses)

Strategy Comments
Clefable is usually played as a support Pokemon. (Fluff) Clefable wants to redirect attacks away from allied Pokemon so that those allied Pokemon can use that turn to perform an action that is otherwise hard to safely achieve, such as setting up a Bulk Up or a Quiver dance without taking too much damage. (again can probably get shaven down)

The easiest and most straightforward way to position your Clefable next to a setup Pokemon to make optimal use of Clefable’s support is by protecting the setup Pokemon and switching in Clefable. Clefable’s formidable defensive stats make it a Pokemon that is generally easy to switch in and position straight next to your setup Pokemon.

Clefable is a Pokemon best suited for the early-game and mid-game, where there are still a lot of allied Pokemon alive that can be supported with redirection or the 4th moveslot support move.

Because of Clefable’s bulk Clefable is easy to switch into attacks and thus works well when brought in the back. However, Clefable can also be lead so that it threathens an immediate follow me, allowing the partner Pokemon to safely set up turn 1 of the game, gaining you momentum.

Against beat up teams it is especially recommended to lead Clefable since that allows you to easily redirect a possible turn 1 beat up into Annihilape or Archaludon, preventing that scary strategy from directly starting to tear apart your team and giving you much more flexibility in the other slot than when you would have to take account for this lead matchup in another way.

Clefable does not want to stand in front of Pokemon with strong spread moves, strong super effective attacks or taunt. When Clefable faces these Pokemon Clefable either needs to protect while an ally Pokemon switches in that can neutralize these threats by KO’ing them first or taunting them, or Clefable will have to switch out and let other Pokemon deal with these threats before Clefable comes back on the field. (this needs to get condensed into 2 paragraphs, the first about the playstyle, and the second about checks and counters; see this for help: )


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Bulky Redirector (Clefable) @ Sitrus Berry / Safety Goggles Removed all the spaces between the name and items
Ability: Unaware
Level: 50
Tera Type: Water / Poison
EVs: 244hp HP / 212 Def / 52 SpD
Bold nature
IVs: 31 / 0 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 0 Atk
-Follow Me
-Life Dew / Icy Wind / Skill Swap To ensure you have the set formatting correct, try copypasting this into showdown to see if it produces this exact set


-Clefable is mainly used as a redirector that can additionally support the team with follow me and utility moves like Life Dew, Icy Wind or Skill Swap. The access to these utility moves in combination with good defensive stats, its ability unaware and Clefable’s relatively uncommon fairy typing and STAB make it stand out in comparison to other redirectors.

-Safety goggles can be used to enhance the matchup against Amoonguss, Vivillion and Jumpluff Mention how Safety Goggles does this . Sitrus Berry is a good item to heal up some hp HP so that you can stay alive to support for longer.

-For the 4th move slot, Life Dew, Icy Wind and Skill Swap are the most common options. Life Dew provides healing to your team and works generally best on teams with bulky Pokemon that can take advantage of the healing such as Volcarona, Corviknight and Kommo-o. Icy Wind is a good way to get some extra speed control and ice coverage Icy Wind is a very weak attack, mention that it breaks Focus Sashes instead . Skill Swap can be used as a move option to give Clefable’s ability unaware to another Pokemon to counter Dondozo and other setup sweepers more easily.

-Tera water provides a better matchup against sun teams Mention the specific types instead like Fire-, Water- and Steel-types and examples of them, Primarina and Gholdengo because it resists the most powerful moves on teams containing these modes/pokemon. If you need more redirecting capability against Sneasler and Rillaboom, tera poison is a good option since it resists their STAB types.

-With the provided EV spread Clefable can survive a tera stellar dire claw from jolly Sneasler, Wood hammer from max adamant miracle seed Rillaboom and make it rain from bulky leftovers Gholdengo sets.


Teambuilding Remove the bold formatting


-Clefable synergizes best with setup Pokemon or generally strong attackers All the examples you've listed are setup sweepers, mention Glass Cannons instead that want redirection support like Volcarona, Gholdengo, Kingambit, Annihilape Mention only two examples rather than four and similar Pokemon.

- Add a bullet point for specific partners and how they help Clefable

-The main weakness of Clefable is the vulnerability to powerful attackers with spread moves or ways to hit Clefable hard or supereffectively; A good example is Gholdengo, that threathens to OHKO Clefable with a single spread move Make It Rain, ignoring redirection in the process. Additionally, Clefable is also weak to taunt, especially the non-icy wind sets get pretty much shut down with a single taunt.

Strategy comments Remove formatting


-Clefable’s main job is to redirect attacks away from allied Pokemon so that those allied Pokemon can use that turn to perform an action that is otherwise hard to safely achieve, such as setting up a Bulk Up or a Quiver dance without taking too much damage. This reads like fluff, simplify this to say redirection allows allies to safely set up or frail partners to attack multiple times

-The easiest and most straightforward way to position your Clefable next to a setup Pokemon to make optimal use of Clefable’s support is by protecting the setup Pokemon and switching in Clefable. Clefable’s formidable defensive stats make it a Pokemon that is generally easy to switch in and position straight next to your setup Pokemon. Clefable is a Pokemon best suited for the early-game and mid-game, when there are still allied Pokemon alive to support. Against beat up teams it is good to consider leading Clefable since that allows you to easily redirect a possible turn 1 beat up into Annihilape or Archaludon This is too specific and not common enough to mention in this manner, instead generally mention redirecting opponents attacks that are targeted at their partners such as Pollen Puff.

-Clefable does not want to stand in front of Pokemon with strong spread moves, strong super effective attacks or taunt. When Clefable faces these Pokemon Clefable either needs to protect while an ally Pokemon switches in that can neutralize these threats by KOing them first or taunting them, or Clefable will have to switch out and let other Pokemon deal with these threats before Clefable comes back on the field.


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Bulky Redirector (Clefable) @ Sitrus Berry / Safety Goggles
Ability: Unaware
Level: 50
Tera Type: Water / Poison
EVs: 244 HP / 212 Def / 52 SpD
Bold Nature
- Moonblast
- Follow Me
- Protect
- Life Dew / Icy Wind / Skill Swap


-Clefable is mainly used as a redirector that can additionally support the team with utility moves like Life Dew, Icy Wind or Skill Swap. The access to these utility moves in combination with good defensive stats, its ability unaware and Clefable’s relatively uncommon fairy typing and STAB make it stand out in comparison to other redirectors.

-Safety goggles can be used to enhance the matchup against Amoonguss, Vivillion and Jumpluff since it makes Clefable immune to powder moves such as Sleep Powder and Spore. Sitrus Berry is a good item to heal up some HP so that you can stay alive to support for longer.

-For the 4th move slot, Life Dew, Icy Wind and Skill Swap are the most common options. Life Dew provides healing to your team and works generally best on teams with bulky Pokemon that can take advantage of the healing such as Volcarona, Corviknight and Kommo-o. Icy Wind is a good way to get some extra speed control and break sashes. Skill Swap can be used as a move option to give Clefable’s ability unaware to another Pokemon to counter Dondozo and other setup sweepers more easily.

-Tera water provides a better matchup against fire type Pokemon, Primarina and Gholdengo because it resists the most powerful STAB moves of these Pokemon. If you need more redirecting capability against Sneasler and Rillaboom, tera poison is a good option since it resists their STAB types.

-With the provided EV spread Clefable can survive a tera stellar dire claw from jolly Sneasler, Wood hammer from miracle seed Rillaboom and make it rain from bulky Gholdengo sets.




-Clefable synergizes best with setup Pokemon or nukes that want redirection support like Volcarona and Gholdengo

-The main weakness of Clefable is the vulnerability to powerful attackers with spread moves or ways to hit Clefable hard or supereffectively; A good example is Gholdengo, that threathens to OHKO Clefable with Make It Rain, ignoring redirection in the process. Additionally, Clefable is also weak to taunt, especially the non-icy wind sets get pretty much shut down with a single taunt.

Strategy comments


-Clefable’s main job is to redirect attacks away from allied Pokemon so that those allied Pokemon can use that turn to perform a valuable action like setting up a Bulk Up or a Quiver dance without taking too much damage.

-The easiest and most straightforward way to position your Clefable next to a setup Pokemon to make optimal use of Clefable’s support is by protecting the setup Pokemon and switching in Clefable. Clefable’s formidable defensive stats make it a Pokemon that is generally easy to switch in and position straight next to your setup Pokemon. Clefable is a Pokemon best suited for the early-game and mid-game, when there are still allied Pokemon alive to support. When facing opponents using moves that can be used to great advantage when side-targeted, follow me can be used to redirect that move away.

-Clefable does not want to stand in front of Pokemon with strong spread moves, strong super effective attacks or taunt. When Clefable faces these Pokemon Clefable either needs to protect while an ally Pokemon switches in that can neutralize these threats by KOing them first or taunting them, or Clefable will have to switch out and let other Pokemon deal with these threats before Clefable comes back on the field.


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