Claw Sharpen

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the only good CS user i know is zekrom because he counters nattrei and badass at the same time.
Otherwise... meh
By 4/3 (*1.33). Meaning Dynamic Punch would have 66 accuracy, which is still low.

EDIT: and 70 accuracy would have 93.
Blaziken@Leftovers/Passho Berry/Shuca Berry
Speed Boost
-Hone Claws
-Hi Jump Kick
-Stone Edge
-Blaze Kick

The idea here is to come in on a U-Turn, and hope the opponent switches to a Water or Ground user. On that turn, you get a +1 speed boost. Then, (hopefully) survive their Water/Ground attack thanks to your resist berry and use Hone Claws. You're finally at +1 Attack/+1 Accuracy/+2 Speed and you can begin your sweep. HJK is over 100% accuracy, and because of its 130 BP and STAB, it will tear through anything that doesn't resist it. Stone Edge also has over 100% accuracy and has great coverage with HJK. Blaze Kick as the last move is great with STAB and the boosts from Hone Claws. This set may be a bit gimmicky, but it might work to some extent.
Blaziken@Leftovers/Passho Berry/Shuca Berry
Speed Boost
-Hone Claws
-Hi Jump Kick
-Stone Edge
-Blaze Kick

The idea here is to come in on a U-Turn, and hope the opponent switches to a Water or Ground user. On that turn, you get a +1 speed boost. Then, (hopefully) survive their Water/Ground attack thanks to your resist berry and use Hone Claws. You're finally at +1 Attack/+1 Accuracy/+2 Speed and you can begin your sweep. HJK is over 100% accuracy, and because of its 130 BP and STAB, it will tear through anything that doesn't resist it. Stone Edge also has over 100% accuracy and has great coverage with HJK. Blaze Kick as the last move is great with STAB and the boosts from Hone Claws. This set may be a bit gimmicky, but it might work to some extent.
I think HJK reaches 99% accuracy... not over 100.

Edit: NVM, it's + 33% not 10% so Stone Edge would break 100% as well.

HJK, Blaze Kick, Stone Edge = perfect neutral coverage.
Blaziken@Leftovers/Passho Berry/Shuca Berry
Speed Boost
-Hone Claws
-Hi Jump Kick
-Stone Edge
-Blaze Kick

The idea here is to come in on a U-Turn, and hope the opponent switches to a Water or Ground user. On that turn, you get a +1 speed boost. Then, (hopefully) survive their Water/Ground attack thanks to your resist berry and use Hone Claws. You're finally at +1 Attack/+1 Accuracy/+2 Speed and you can begin your sweep. HJK is over 100% accuracy, and because of its 130 BP and STAB, it will tear through anything that doesn't resist it. Stone Edge also has over 100% accuracy and has great coverage with HJK. Blaze Kick as the last move is great with STAB and the boosts from Hone Claws. This set may be a bit gimmicky, but it might work to some extent.

SD is usually better than HC.
Exactly. I think HC is best used when boosting the power and accuracy of Physical moves and the accuracy of inaccurate special moves when the item has to be something other than scope lens. or whatever is called. Or when SD is unavailable. In general then, SD is better
Or when SD is unavailable.
That's the only time I'd use it. The accuracy alone isn't worth the setup turn even for stuff like Fail Blast, and I've never seen a physical move less accurate than Stone Edge used, in which case the extra power will still likely be more useful. The only thing that immediately comes to mind is a gimmicky Aianto+Dugtrio combo.
Does E-Vire get it? its better than meditate because it gives his physical moves extra power and can let him use thunder because of the accuracy boost which gives him more power.
The only reason anyone should use HC is to avoid missing with anything, especially HJK.

Hone Claws:
HJK is 130 x 1.5 boost from HC x 1.5 STAB = 292.5
Blaze Kick is 85 x 1.5 x 1.5 = 191.25
Stone Edge is 100 x 1.5 = 150
Total = 633.75

Swords Dance:
HJK is 130 x 2 boost from SD x 0.9 accuracy x 1.5 STAB= 351
Blaze Kick is 85 x 2 x 1.5 x 0.9= 229.5
Stone Edge is 100 x 2 x 0.8 = 160
Total = 740.5

The difference is pretty substantial, but even one missed HJK will KO him.
Gliscor might be a good user of Hone Claws. Makes me think of it as a defensive Aerodactyl honestly. ^^;

Gliscor-Leftovers (Hyper Cutter)
Adamant (Atk+,SpAtk-)/Jolly (Spd+,SpAtk-)
252 Atk/56 Def/200 Spd
Hone Claws
Stone Edge/Ice Fang
Aqua Tail/Thunder Fang/Fire Fang
Gliscor might be a good user of Hone Claws. Makes me think of it as a defensive Aerodactyl honestly. ^^;

Gliscor-Leftovers (Hyper Cutter)
Adamant (Atk+,SpAtk-)/Jolly (Spd+,SpAtk-)
252 Atk/56 Def/200 Spd
Hone Claws
Stone Edge/Ice Fang
Aqua Tail/Thunder Fang/Fire Fang
Did Gliscor stop being able to learn SD while I wasn't looking? Stone Edge is the only one of those attacks it might be worth it on.
Aerodactyl makes a decent late game sweeper with this.
Aero@Life Orb
Jolly, 252 atk, 252 speed, 6 def
~Hone Claws
~Stone Edge
~Ice Fang
~Earthquake/Thunder Fang
By 4/3 (*1.33). Meaning Dynamic Punch would have 66 accuracy, which is still low.

EDIT: and 70 accuracy would have 93.
Yeah, one Claw Sharpen doesn't make Dynamicpunch usable. :0 66 sucks.
But yeah, 70 > 93 is an impressive improvement, which is where I got the Persian set from. As I said, CS-boosted Hypnosis is the--
Actually, compoundeyes sleep powder (butterfree and others) is the second most accurate sleep move
Oops, that's right. Well still, you can't deny that 93% acc. Hypnosis is pretty damn good.

Aerodactyl makes a decent late game sweeper with this.
Aero@Life Orb
Jolly, 252 atk, 252 speed, 6 def
~Hone Claws
~Stone Edge
~Ice Fang
~Earthquake/Thunder Fang
This assumes Natt/Skarm/Forry are gone, I take it? :0 I personally would run Fire Fang just in case. Stone Edge / Aqua Tail / Fire Fang have fantastic coverage. Also, this set is already listed in the OP, so it's pretty old news. EDIT wait WTF, it was you who suggested that set in the first place. Did you forget or something? LOL.

CS Aero struggles with a lot of common priority, it's true, so it really needs teammates that can compensate for that. There aren't a lot of them that can deal with all priority, so this tends to be difficult, and thus CS Aero is sort of iffy, yeah. Still undoubtedly one of the best Claw Sharpeners, though.
Wouldn't Hypnosis be less than 93% accurate if it starts at only 60% accuracy? From what I've read, Claw Sharpen boosts the accuracy of a 70% accuracy move to 93% (unless they changed Hypnosis' accuracy back to 70?)
Hypnosis "keeps" the 60% accuracy transition, after one Hone Claws it has 80% accuracy.
Oh shit, I forgot. Well... nonetheless, 80% is still pretty good, but... I dunno, that 13% acc drop kind of makes me a little more iffy about that Persian set now. :0
Maybe MAYBE Aggron make good use of Hone Claws on a Trick Room team.

Aggron @ Life Orb
EVs: 252 HP/ 252 atk/ 6 SpD
Nature: Brave
Ability: Rock Head
0 Spe IVs

-Hone Claws
-Head Smash
-Iron Tail
-Dragon Rush... lol, Aqua Tail/Magnet Rise...

I know there's better pokes (like, everything with Swords Dance instead), but i wanted Iron Tail to be finally useful on at least one damn poke after all those generations...
@M_BLADE: The only problem with that set is that TR sweepers only have 4 turns to do their shit before Trick Room ends, and Hone Claws Aggron might not get as many kills as, say, SD Rypherior or Marowak in those 4 turns.

Iron Tail and Head Smash looks delicious though.
durant is a perfect user of hone claws as he has hustle

I would say Durant is definitely the dest user of Hone Claws, cause with hustle it is effectively at normal accuracy and x2.25 Atack after on HC. The only problem is that he usually has to run Stone Edge for coverage which even after HC is still in accurate thanks to hustle, but that's a problem with the Pokemon itself, not the move. And if he ever gets 2 HCs, he can be ridiculous.
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