
Holy crap, how do so many people NOT get freeze clause?

It's not a clause where "you lose". It's only really put in place on the sims in the programming, in that it stops MULTIPLE as in MORE THAN ONE POKEMON from being frozen AT THE SAME TIME. Ok?

It doesn't stop freeze completely, it just physically makes it impossible to freeze MORE. THAN. ONE. POKEMON. AT. A. TIME.

Jesus Christ.
Freeze Clause is actually an official Nintendo clause. I remember there was this tournament (JAA, I believe) where if Blizzard froze both opponents, the person using Blizzard would get automatically disqualified.

Sleep Clause and Self-KO Clause are official Nintendo clauses too.
is self-KO clause where you use explosion on opponents last poke and the exploding poke is yours?

I thought that, if you kill the opponent with that Explosion, you win the battle. At least on Shoddy.

Not sure how Perish Song works though.
I'm pretty sure the Self-KO Clause is something like:

"If you and your opponent are down to your last Pokemon and both faint as a result of Explosion, Selfdestruct, or Perish Song, the user of the move loses."
While luck is a factor in Pokemon games, the general rule if you are playing any game competitively is that reducing luck as much as possible. It's a factor, but Pokemon is NOT a "game of luck" like Poker.

Poker is not a game of luck. Poker is a game of prediction everyone's cards by reading your opponents and their reactions. Watch the games on ESPN sometime, there are plenty of examples where a player had like a 10% chance of winning yet managed to bluff his way out of it.

True "Games of luck" are like Backgammon, Yahtzee... actually, not much >_> They exist, but tend to be less popular than pure skill games. I'd imagine that TCGs like "Magic the Gathering" are also a games of luck, but there is undeniable skill in constructing your deck.

That said, I more or less agree with you.

ThePhantom07 said:
Yeah, a situation like that really should be a draw.
I agree.
fyi, the only reason item clause exists is because it was originally made for the battle tower, where you can only use three pokemon and it would be easier to not violate it. Item clause on six pokemon teams doesn't really work.
I personally find the Freeze Clause stupid. Honestly, who the hell would say "Hey, you used Ice Beam and I already had a frozen Poke! Cheater!" It would be different if they had a move like Hypnosis that actually caused Freeze.

I agree with most of the common clauses, though. OHKO would be broken, especially in Double Battles, imagine a Scarf Articuno paired with No Guard Machamp. And it would just be one more reason to fear Scarf Kyogre in uber battles, and would take care of that Palkia easily. Sleep Clause is a must, or else Yanmega and Scarf Gengars would be in control of entire metagames. Item Clause, well, I dont really agree, who cares if you have Leftovers on both Blissey and Skarmory, or if you have a Choice Band Salamence alongside a Choice Band Staraptor?