Gen 5 Clash of Genesect! (BW Tournament) [Won by Kebabe]

Activity win:
Evuelf - opp didn't respond.

WreckDra Tomahawk Get your last game done asap plz (within few days)

ROUND 3: (DEADLINE: October 25)

1. Rolaz vs. (WreckDra vs. Tomahawk)
2. Kebabe vs. SparksBlade
3. Haunted.Shadow vs. ZoroDark
4. Fireburn vs. Evuelf
5. Problems vs. Level 56
6. jackm vs. Steeljackal<3 vs. Hack

jackm, steel, and hack are in a round tobin, and all the rules remain the same with the slight change in format. Sorry to make you guys play twice the amount of games. :(

I know that I made the deadline pretty short, but I'll be very liberal with extensions. I'm sorry for being a shitty TO this week.
'ggs' dont talk that shit to me, getting outplayed pretty much every turn of every match even when i have to play around the rng fucking me but obviously this is pokemon and the better player wins zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
(didnt't even give you permission to post replays)
Sorry guys, I'm out. Something has come up. GL to everyone still in, Hack and Steeljackal can go ahead and play for the round.

also Majistrate calm down jeez
no response from Kebabe as of now, and though i don't want to pull an activity win, but...

also just 3 days doesn't seem enough, and my timezone(+0530) being in general conflict with the western one doesn't help either
won in 2 vs steel. g1 came down to a 36 % chance which I took and g2 I got a crit. Don't know how much it mattered as with hazard pressure+healing wish latias my ekiller was maybe able to come out on top but o well. sorry for that
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I don't have much will to play for this tour anymore and I have know idea when I will see Tomahawk next. I am giving him the win.
Kebabe vs Evuelf
(Rolaz vs Tomahawk) vs Zorodark Rolaz did beat steel at the open and is backed by hack and kebabe, so certainly not a pushover
Level 56 vs Hack