Hannah seemed pretty blindsided by it lol. From right after the vote:

[12:19 PM] DuckDuckPwn: Anyway hope there’s no hard feelings about the vote; I assume you were the lone other viper vote
[2:33 PM] Hannah: Holy shit
[2:33 PM] Hannah: Wolv got voted out
[2:33 PM] Hannah: Alex and rad voted Wolv out
[2:33 PM] Hannah: I’m floored rn o.o
[2:33 PM] Hannah: But ya Idc I just wanna he voted out f4 so anyone can keep me around till there imo
[2:33 PM] Hannah: Like I’m not harming anyone’s f3 lol
[3:13 PM] Hannah: Ok
[3:13 PM] Hannah: I changed my mind
[3:13 PM] Hannah: Also no hard feelings, you told me ahead of time
[3:13 PM] Hannah: BUT
[3:13 PM] Hannah: who is your f3????
[3:55 PM] DuckDuckPwn: that is a
[3:55 PM] DuckDuckPwn: fantastic question
[3:55 PM] DuckDuckPwn: lmao
Too lazy to reply the normal way so:

Jalmont: "I don't want to make it sound like I'm accusing anyone or criticizing the alliances and relationships people already had/made in the game. But I think that what makes my run to the end remarkable and different from either DLE and Hannah is that I lacked a tight partnership and alliance with anyone in the game (other than RODAN ofc). There were no easy paths for me to get to the end, and the fact that I managed to do so without needing to go on an immunity run suggests my ability in avoiding votes and persuading others to keep me in the game. While I may have wanted to, I didn't need the surefire alliances that others had or timely immunities to avoid what would have been certain elimination. I got to the end by my own merits, not by luck or by needing other people to make subpar decisions."

Uh, I didn’t have any surefire allies besides wolv, and once he got voted out every other ally I thought I trusted had betrayed me and I could no longer trust anyone, hence voting out Rad. Same with Dle. I don’t see how you making it to the end is different from how we made it here?

Jal: "I think I had some really good reads on the game - DLE might try and convince you that he persuaded me to do x, but I can you tell that isn't the truth. I had full autonomy in all my decisions, and they were almost all universally the correct ones. I didn't want to vote Trace because I thought he and I were allies, but voting him turned out to be the correct choice. My intuition that he was drifting away from my side was right. I made the right choice in voting Viper to protect myself at F6. Voting Wolv was probably the most difficult decision I made all game, but I made it because I felt that it would give me the best chance to get far in this game and I think (although I don't know for sure ofc) that it was the right choice, as hard as it was to do. Every vote, I had a general sense of what people wanted to do and what was going to happen. I don't think Hannah and DLE can say the same."

Um, every time I did anything I immediately thought of every outcome and decided which was best for me, which is the same that you’re saying. I knew what was happening at almost every vote, (save for wolv :(((( ) and I played based off whatever was best for my allies and for our game.

Jal: "If I had to sum this up briefly: I deserve to win because of the challenges I faced that largely were out of my control to reach the end. I overcame and defeated the obstacles in front of me without needing certain clutch immunities or having a super tight knit alliance, using instead only my own social skills. I gave it my all in every aspect of the game, socially, strategically, and challenge-wise, and I think the unique characteristics of my game which I hope I have been able to somewhat elucidate here mean that you should vote for me as the sole survivor."

You did need clutch immunities though. If you hadn’t won f4, we would have voted you off and it was 100% the plan to vote you off. I didn’t have a super tight knit alliance after being betrayed, I won no challenges solo, and I still didn’t get voted off, while gaining your trust throughout the final few rounds, Jal. I literally had to get this far socially and convincingly, since I never won a challenge after merge, and you did rely on some wins since multiple times we had “FUCK can’t vote him this round” moments.

DLE: "For the epuzzle, I both was present for multiple practice runs and in both puzzles I contributed to was either the top scorer for tiles placed or second highest (only Hannah I believe scored higher on one puzzle; once again, correct me if I'm wrong). I helped keep spirits up in the call with Hannah/Alore/KoC when the puzzle was a visual nightmare to look at and KoC had little practice with the game and took on most of the directing in terms of who/what should go where on the medium puzzle. I put together the doodle for schedules while people were spending 20 minutes talking about scheduling without actually making any progress that solved that problem, as well, and let us actually focus on the puzzle and on practicing."

1. I beat you in every puzzle, every time. Only person who beat me at all was Wolv.
2. Kept spirits up? Lets be honest, we all sat there swearing, talking about how atrocious it was. All 4 of us. You weren't the one to keep the spirits up since they 100% weren't up.
3. Had any of us known what a doodle was, we could have done it. It doesn't show anything about your game that you thought to use some website to decide when to play?

DLE: "For the pokemon challenge, and for losing challenges, it's worth looking into effort as a metric, since ultimately, we lost, so you just judge whether someone actively made that more or less likely. Viper asking for people to throw the pokemon challenge is news to me, but I don't give that much credit, since:

a. viper won

b. your game was lost on team preview (you had nothing to beat trace's fat stuff)

c. I'm fairly sure if you were told to throw/given a bad team, it was because viper wanted trace to look good in the pokemon challenge such that he could ally with trace later, not off of some macro-level play on trying to push for an overall tribe loss

d. the only other player who might have "thrown" was ifml not switching out on a wood hammer, and I don't think viper and ifml were particularly close at that point, considering ifml ended up being the off-vote that tribal

e. viper (and alore, who viper was closest to) both were trying to organize practice games for me in ubers and did not direct me to throw said challenge, as well as provided an ubers team that was legitimately good. I don't think this was a general case of being on the outs there

f. alore would be too proud to throw lc"

BOYYYY I GOT NEWS FOR YOU. VIPER BEGGGGGGGGED US TO THROW THIS CHALLENGE!!! FOR DAYS. So, he tried multiple times but couldn’t lose his battle (which we all memed about in PMs on PS, because he just couldn't lose.), and he wanted flyhn or Umbreon (I forget which) to not be voted out on the other team, and yeah ifml did throw, because Me/Viper/IFML/Alore/Wolv were allied from D1. We thought that with Alex/IFML/Wolv/Viper all winning we didn’t need to let the rest of the tribe know we wanted to throw (which why would we tell you anyway?). Alex was too proud, which is why he didn’t throw it in the end and begged to not have to since the outcome was a given anyway. But he did try to get us to throw.

DLE: "At f5, Hannah had added me to an f3 chat with Alore. At that point, I was more than confident that neither Hannah nor Alore would vote me out from that point forward, so taking jalmont over rad into f4 didn't make any difference in terms of risk of being voted out at 4, so there wasn't ever really any pressure there."

We added you to an alliance chat b/c I was sick of going back and forth between you and alex lol. However, I was down to vote you off, I just knew Alex wouldn’t (b/c morals) and I didn’t really trust anyone at that point so I went with who would be easiest to vote.

DLE: "[10:27 PM] DuckDuckPwn: yea i think you sorta have to vote wolv here
[10:27 PM] DuckDuckPwn: and i think you and hannah are close enough that she'll get it if you tell her about it, either before or after
[10:27 PM] DuckDuckPwn: i had to tell her before because im not as close to her as you are
[10:27 PM] DuckDuckPwn: i think you could do it after and be fine
[10:30 PM] Alore: lol dude, she will be so pissed
[10:32 PM] DuckDuckPwn: you know hannah better than i do
[10:32 PM] Alore: sorta
[10:32 PM] Alore: i lowkey accidentally ignore her most of the time
[10:32 PM] DuckDuckPwn: lolrip
[10:32 PM] Alore: but i do that to everyone so
[10:32 PM] Alore: lol"

Yes DLE, you convinced a floating vote to vote for someone b/c he goes strongly by morals.

Also, “lol dude, she will be so pissed.” Tfw you knew I'd be mad and did it anyway SMH.

“I lowkey accidentally ignore her most of the time” You suck ;-;

We had to vote out Alore at final 4 because he wouldn't vote DLE, and the other vote was me, and Jal knew he couldn't lead a vote on me, despite telling me I wasn't in an ideal f3.
ALSO I'm letting everyone know now that:

-Last Wednesday at 8:46 AM

What’s your ideal?

Jalmont-Last Wednesday at 8:47 AM

not dle

and i guess not you?

i dont really know how rad is perceived by the jury

i feel like your more likeable in any case itg

-Last Wednesday at 8:49 AM

but yeah

the problem with wanting to vote out dle now is that then i have to win immunity next

for me

so at this point

i'm happy with whatever i can get

and in a way i don't really mind going to the end against the strongest left so

back to reality anyways

i think a rad vote is (unfortunately) the best vote left for everyone?

idk i still do feel like dle may try and sell you a vote on me

Hannah-Last Wednesday at 8:55 AM

Yeah I think rad is the best vote

And no dle and Alex already all want rad

Jalmont-Last Wednesday at 8:55 AM

alright cool let's do it then

Hannah-Last Wednesday at 8:57 AM


After that

It’s me you Alex dle

Say dle wins immunity

I think he and Alex would want to vote you and you’d have to vote me there

Alex wins, you’ll want to vote dle

Wait maybe

Unless you want to go to f3 with dle

Jalmont-Last Wednesday at 9:01 AM

well if dle wins

i would vote either you or alex

to force a tie with whoever would potentially be willing to do so

alex wins yeah dle is my "preferred vote"

but in reality

it's whatever you want to do

or alex i guess

like i said before i think there's a lot of good reasons to want to take me and dle

versus one of me/dle and alex for you

Hannah-Last Wednesday at 9:04 AM

Yeah I kinda want to just to see what would happen

Like I just wanna know how the votes would fall

Jalmont-Last Wednesday at 9:07 AM

haha it certainly would be

very interesting

i am really not too sure how it would end up

but i do think you'd have a decent shot

maybe like 50 30 20

u dle me

We only decided to have the three of us as finalists because it's the most interesting.
If Hannah/jalmont were talking at 5, the fact they didn't vote me out there when they had rad's vote almost assured says something about my social game and illustrates a problem with their f3 argument when I don't think it's unfair to say that I should be viewed as the biggest f3 threat left.

If Hannah/jalmont then additionally didn't vote for me at 4 despite at worst forcing a tie, it says similar (and in fact would have forced me out, since Alore voted Hannah).
Cant really chat atm; but confirm
BOYYYY I GOT NEWS FOR YOU. VIPER BEGGGGGGGGED US TO THROW THIS CHALLENGE!!! FOR DAYS. So, he tried multiple times but couldn’t lose his battle (which we all memed about in PMs on PS, because he just couldn't lose.), and he wanted flyhn or Umbreon (I forget which) to not be voted out on the other team, and yeah ifml did throw, because Me/Viper/IFML/Alore/Wolv were allied from D1. We thought that with Alex/IFML/Wolv/Viper all winning we didn’t need to let the rest of the tribe know we wanted to throw (which why would we tell you anyway?). Alex was too proud, which is why he didn’t throw it in the end and begged to not have to since the outcome was a given anyway. But he did try to get us to throw.
He never asked me to throw. And i faced off against him fwiw.
Sorry everyone, I've just been physically destroyed by that last flight. Planning to do a little tonight but might be too tired. we'll see

THE SCIATIC NERVE you're my homie. and a lot of people are doubting your gameplay, so explain to me why you deserve to win over the other two

I've said a little in that one large post but I'll expand on it here.

In looking back on the game, I think it's safe to say that I was the least fortunate out of everyone here in things going my way. You can argue that "you create your own luck" or what not, but it's not really that grand of a claim to make that I had the most difficulty in reaching the end. Both DLE and Hannah went to 1 pre-merge tribal council. And while undoubtedly both had a role in making sure they only went to 1 pre-merge tribal, it's also pretty fortunate that was the case. As Wolv makes a good case for, there were plenty of people on the original vullabies capable of performing in challenges. They almost won a challenge they were trying to throw lol. Everyone who was on the original rufflets know that me and everyone else worked real hard to win immunities and it just didn't happen. Not my fault, but as things would have it, there were more chances for me to falter and potentially go home. I didn't, and I really didn't come close to doing so. It's true that I didn't really drive a single vote (other than arguably ssr), but I had knowledge about what everyone was thinking for basically every vote and I managed to get that information without burning any bridges or making any unnecessary promises. I even went to the point of voting against the majority just in case Flyhn came back from Redemption Island. I think it's important to consider that I was a prominent player during the pre-merge portion of the game and that not only did I survive additional tribals, but I thrived in them. Hannah and DLE can't say the same; you could even make the case that both (especially dle) were likelier to have gone out had they been to the same tribals as me.

Of course, the bulk of the game is the merge, and I wouldn't want to ask people to vote for me purely on the basis of my pre-merge play. Like I said before, I was always more of a reactive player in this game, looking to work with what people were thinking and planning based off of that rather than trying to make things happen. While making plays looks good at the end, it doesn't get you to the end and puts a huge target on your back. Viper and rodan are two examples of that. So I think that's what I did for the first couple of merge votes. In hindsight, I think it's obvious that I should've probably done more to 1. not blindside AG so early and 2. convince others to keep RODAN. But the reason why I didn't fight harder against either of those events was that I felt pretty confident in my position with everyone else in the game. I felt that I had built strong enough relationships/could take advantage of larger threats than me that I didn't need to put myself out there and necessarily make myself a larger threat than I needed to be. And that feeling proved to be correct because when it came down to me versus trace, the votes were there to save me and send trace home.

F7 I voted Wolv because I felt that fifth was as far as I could make it with him. I needed to keep viper around to play off of the threat he presented the rest of the game. Unfortunately, viper decided to try and backstab me. But I sensed that he was up to something and I made the right vote in going with Hannah+DLE in voting viper off. Was voting viper ideal? No, I would've preferred for him to stick around, but there wasn't anything I could have done. He had decided to go after me and I had to vote in self-preservation.

The theme here should be clear. I managed to save myself multiple times without the help of immunity (until f4). I worked with the people who were convenient for me to work with, not because I had a final 3 deal with anyone. I went from working with someone like Wolv one round to voting him out the next. I worked with viper one round, then proceeded to vote him out. It wasn't anything malicious, and really it's not how I wanted things to go down. But I did what was necessary to continually survive because I was constantly in danger. Unlike DLE, I didn't need immunity at any point until the final 4 (and even then the angle that's been played up so far about me being voted out is highly suspect). Hannah was nowhere near as targeted as I was. Not only was I in danger more often, I was targeted the most, and didn't need luck to bail me out of those situations. I mostly maneuvered myself to this point, without having the luxury of relying on someone. I think that's why I deserve to win over Hannah and DLE.
I didnt know you were in a final 3 alliance with Rodan at that point? You tried to play neutral so much in pms that I just voted for whoever.

I'm not sure this is exactly how it happened. I thought I tried to impress on you that I thought viper would be a better target over RODAN and you weren't convinced. You definitely thought that RODAN was a target that needed to be taken out, I don't think voting him was a "whatever" vote.

Rodan never contacted me at all during his vote out so for all I knew he had put together an alliance of zorbees/you/dle/trace and him and wanted to take out everyone. Which was partially true. Therefore from my position voting rodan was absolutely the best vote to make at the time. I was never made privy to his plans to betray his alliance and vote out dle or zorbees, otherwise I probably would have flipped on the vote. That wasn't good gameplay, you allowed your closest ally to be eliminated and put yourself in greater jeopardy every vote afterwards because you guys didn't communicate your positions well enough. At least you had the chance to save Rodan.
Also I'm pretty sure your second immunity win did save you from being voted out, unless viper always planned to vote one of zorbees or dle out with the rest of us, not 100% sure on that one. Your third immunity win definitely saved you. I'm not upset about this though, because winning challenges is part of survivor so I don't think it makes you a worse player if you had to win challenges to stay in the game.

That is fair criticism. I don't think I "allowed" him to be voted out, but I could've done more yeah. I definitely didn't play a perfect game and I do think I misplayed the early merge out of a desire to fly under the radar. In hindsight, the end game probably would've been easier and more in my favor assuming I did communicate better and RODAN wasn't voted out. At the same time, I wanted you to play your own game and do what was best for you, and I didn't want to necessarily cross paths just for a chance to save RODAN. I felt that I was showing you some loyalty by letting you do what made you feel comfortable. Should I have taken that risk? Yeah, I definitely should have. As things would have it, it ended up working out for me.

My second immunity win came when RODAN was voted out and I don't think my name was ever brought up that tribal so it wasn't really relevant. I will still contend that even if I lost at f4 it wouldn't have made sense for alore/hannah to vote me out, as I think their best play is to vote each other, but obviously the ideal decision is not always made and they are different from I. so yeah, that's reasonable

From my POV you're pretty lucky to be in final 3 because you managed to dodge a tie vote simply because of a player not managing to vote on time. Your lack of allies could have been your downfall if not for strict deadlines. So personally, I think your strategy of not allying anyone came down to a lot of luck in the end.

Not really. A tie vote =/= going home. I would've been favored to break the tie, as rad would've been more likely to flip than hannah or dle I think. Obviously we'll never know what would've happened but the odds were in my favor I would say. I think there's even the possibility Alore missed the deadline on purpose so...I could only control my own vote, not what other people were doing!

You also should realize that I wasn't immune from 9 to 4, so there was plenty of opportunity for people to get rid of me. Is that really luck at that point? That would have to be some hugely improbable amount of luck in my eyes.

Also, can you explain why you chose a f3 that guided you to a spot with DLE? It should be obvious that DLE would be a massive FTC threat and you had opportunities to make moves towards eliminating him earlier in the game.
Same goes for you DLE btw if you actually read this.

The point which solidified DLE in the final 3 was the F5 vote. I had to pick between getting one of hannah/alore to flip and vote dle with RAd. I decided that it was in my best interest to vote out RAD in order to solidify my position and avoid getting myself targeted at 4. My reasoning was that if DLE was taken out then I would have no chance at 4 without winning immunity because RAD would 100% gun for me given the vote at 6. DLE on the other hand I felt I at least had some chance of persuading to take me to the end (and you can see from his posts that that was the case). I think at 4, voting one of me/dle out doesn't make sense for hannah/alore because you basically give up half the votes in the game to whoever you don't vote out (just from analyzing who might vote who). As a result, I felt my best bet to advance without immunity was with DLE in the game. Even if he hadn't been close to the other two, there was no chance to get rid of him at 4. I didn't choose to bring him to the end; it just so happened that it came to the point where I needed him and he needed me. I didn't really plan for him to pick up key immunities when he did and if he didn't he probably goes home at 7 or 6.
THE SCIATIC NERVE explain what happened that led you to vote out alore at f4

I didn't have a choice. Alore asked to be voted out and voted hannah, presumably because he wanted dle to make it to the end. Even voting hannah would have accomplished nothing because Alore would have just thrown the challenge. I decided to save myself the trouble and respect alore's wish to be voted out. That's consistent with how I've played throughout the game - respectfully of the decisions people want to make even if they aren't what's best for me.

Again, if it had been up to me DLE wouldn't have made it to the end. But I needed him around both as someone I could work with, and then someone to shield me from being the biggest threat. If rad hadn't tried to stab me at 6 I would've made a more concerted effort to work with him at 5. I tried to bring up how threatening dle would be in a final scenario to ppl (including hannah) multiple times. I flat out told hannah that dle would win in a f3 without me in it but literally no one was interested in voting him at 5. Given the options on the table, I felt that I had to proceed with working with dle, even though that probably wasn't ideal for my winning prospects. That said, you can't win unless you make it to the end, and so I had to pick between that and losing it all. Maybe that's not what other people would do, but it's what I decided on.
Too lazy to reply the normal way so:

Jalmont: "I don't want to make it sound like I'm accusing anyone or criticizing the alliances and relationships people already had/made in the game. But I think that what makes my run to the end remarkable and different from either DLE and Hannah is that I lacked a tight partnership and alliance with anyone in the game (other than RODAN ofc). There were no easy paths for me to get to the end, and the fact that I managed to do so without needing to go on an immunity run suggests my ability in avoiding votes and persuading others to keep me in the game. While I may have wanted to, I didn't need the surefire alliances that others had or timely immunities to avoid what would have been certain elimination. I got to the end by my own merits, not by luck or by needing other people to make subpar decisions."

Uh, I didn’t have any surefire allies besides wolv, and once he got voted out every other ally I thought I trusted had betrayed me and I could no longer trust anyone, hence voting out Rad. Same with Dle. I don’t see how you making it to the end is different from how we made it here?

You and alex? you alex and dle? Like there wasn't a point in this game I would say where you were actual on your own without allies like I was. DLE's a little different since early merge he was in trouble but late game he latched onto you guys and was virtually pretty safe after that. I was pretty much always in danger post rodan being voted out.

the only alliance i had that didn't backstab me was RODAN. I had to survive every single tribal by myself after that. after wolv was voted out, you still had alex and then dle like a vote later. that's a lot more security than what i had.

DLE was fortunate that he won immunity, forcing the people that recognized him as a threat to turn on each other. imo that's the distinction between us 3.

Jal: "I think I had some really good reads on the game - DLE might try and convince you that he persuaded me to do x, but I can you tell that isn't the truth. I had full autonomy in all my decisions, and they were almost all universally the correct ones. I didn't want to vote Trace because I thought he and I were allies, but voting him turned out to be the correct choice. My intuition that he was drifting away from my side was right. I made the right choice in voting Viper to protect myself at F6. Voting Wolv was probably the most difficult decision I made all game, but I made it because I felt that it would give me the best chance to get far in this game and I think (although I don't know for sure ofc) that it was the right choice, as hard as it was to do. Every vote, I had a general sense of what people wanted to do and what was going to happen. I don't think Hannah and DLE can say the same."

Um, every time I did anything I immediately thought of every outcome and decided which was best for me, which is the same that you’re saying. I knew what was happening at almost every vote, (save for wolv :(((( ) and I played based off whatever was best for my allies and for our game.

I voted correctly on every singe vote in this game - minus the flyhn vote which I voted with him because I knew there was a majority on him, and minus the RODAN vote. Even with the RODAN vote I knew that Trace was throwing away his vote onto alore and I knew it was fairly likely that rad wouldn't vote with us because he had expressed that to me. There were both times that you and dle were blindsided by not being in tune with the game. That's not to detract from either of you, but I think it shows that I was in touch with the game more than both you two, even if it was just a little bit.

Jal: "If I had to sum this up briefly: I deserve to win because of the challenges I faced that largely were out of my control to reach the end. I overcame and defeated the obstacles in front of me without needing certain clutch immunities or having a super tight knit alliance, using instead only my own social skills. I gave it my all in every aspect of the game, socially, strategically, and challenge-wise, and I think the unique characteristics of my game which I hope I have been able to somewhat elucidate here mean that you should vote for me as the sole survivor."

You did need clutch immunities though. If you hadn’t won f4, we would have voted you off and it was 100% the plan to vote you off. I didn’t have a super tight knit alliance after being betrayed, I won no challenges solo, and I still didn’t get voted off, while gaining your trust throughout the final few rounds, Jal. I literally had to get this far socially and convincingly, since I never won a challenge after merge, and you did rely on some wins since multiple times we had “FUCK can’t vote him this round” moments.

That's one. DLE needed two. If the plan was 100% to vote me off at 4, that's a terrible play by both you and Alore I think because you probably lose 3 votes doing that. I guess we'll never know for sure, but I still wouldn't count myself out convincing one of you two. I could be wrong though.
I'm sorta away right now (family event out of state), so sorry that this is so brief.

Da Letter El THE SCIATIC NERVE and Hannahh what would you say your best success was, greatest failure, and toughest rival? For the first two, what do you think your rivals' most accurate answers should be?

My biggest success was making it to the end. I don't think I need to repeat myself but I overcame a lot to make it here and dealt with the most obstacles/sticky situations in reaching the end compared to DLE and Hannah.

I really fucked up on the RODAN vote. I could've made the game a lot easier for myself if I had just worked harder to either convince trace to vote with us or get RODAN to talk to wolv more to get him onboard. That really made things more difficult than they needed to be and I just didn't realize it at the time. Consolation goes to blindsiding you, there was a time and place for that but the first vote of the merge probably was not the right time.

Toughest rival - DLE I think. We both had fairly similar paths in getting to the end, albeit reversed in the sense that his early merge was tougher than mine and his late game easier than mine. We were both comparable in terms of challenge strength, and similar level of social game. Obviously it's not ideal to be sitting next to your rival, but at the same time I have a lot of respect for DLE's game and in some way I enjoy the challenge presented by facing the best at the end.

sorry AG, i'm exhausted so I will get to the last part of your question tomorrow. :x
Alore No, Jal and I went through multiple situations depending on who won immunity, that was just the one that ended up happening, hence why I posted it. Also, I offered to be voted out multiple times to you and ultimately you left the decision up to me. I would have let y'all vote me out had you wanted to be f3, because both Jury and f3 seem to be interesting roles.

THE SCIATIC NERVE "the only alliance i had that didn't backstab me was RODAN. I had to survive every single tribal by myself after that. after wolv was voted out, you still had alex and then dle like a vote later. that's a lot more security than what i had."

First off, I told you about viper and I didn't backstab you once we started talking.

Second, security??? Alex and DLE? They were part of the people who voted Wolv out, so how is that secure for me? Same with RAD, I didn't believe he wouldn't betray me again (after hearing rumours that he was trying to vote me off) so that's 3 people who could be seen as "trustworthy" who I didn't really trust 100% because if they voted Wolv, what kept them from voting me?
I'm going to respond even if you didn't ask, but I think we collapsed because viper admitted he voted out Aj and IFML to fuck us over, and when everyone voted out Wolv. I don't think they had much influence because Wolv WAS a super big threat so anyone who had a brain would vote him out if they really wanted to win. The real alliance was Me/Wolv/Alore/RAD, since we didn't really trust Viper as much?
Second, security??? Alex and DLE? They were part of the people who voted Wolv out, so how is that secure for me? Same with RAD, I didn't believe he wouldn't betray me again (after hearing rumours that he was trying to vote me off) so that's 3 people who could be seen as "trustworthy" who I didn't really trust 100% because if they voted Wolv, what kept them from voting me?

If you really think I was untrustworthy then you didn't listen to me whatsoever, at no point did I lie about who I was voting to anyone. (This doesn't include speculation where I was not decided on a vote yet.)

Tell me why I shouldn't use this as leverage to vote for another user.
THE SCIATIC NERVE Da Letter El how much would you say that you influenced the collapse of the other 5 as a solid alliance
I was the main motivator to breaking up rad from those 5. I'm fairly sure viper/wolv always planned to stab each other at 7, though, so can't claim too much credit there. I just made sure I was on the side of it that benefitted me more and socially positioned myself to work with alore/Hannah in the offset.

Rad logs at 9:

  1. [1:12 PM] DuckDuckPwn: hi
  2. [1:12 PM] DuckDuckPwn: we have
  3. [1:13 PM] DuckDuckPwn: never talked
  4. [1:13 PM] DuckDuckPwn: lol
  5. [1:13 PM] DuckDuckPwn: hit me up when you get the chance
  6. [1:13 PM] DuckDuckPwn: because atm the only f2 you win is vs trace, and you dont win any f3s lol
  7. [1:15 PM] DuckDuckPwn: you're currently sitting behind alore because alore likes to talk about drinking and enjoys kanye west + kid cudi
  8. [2:04 PM] RADicate: Concurring that we have never talked and im probably excluded out of every endgame
  9. [2:05 PM] RADicate: But yeah im definately behind alore atm
  10. [2:05 PM] RADicate: If you got offers im open to hear them tbh
  11. [2:06 PM] DuckDuckPwn: ok so from my read on things
  12. [2:06 PM] DuckDuckPwn: viper/alore/hannah/wolv
  13. [2:06 PM] DuckDuckPwn: literally never vote you out
  14. [2:06 PM] DuckDuckPwn: because
  15. [2:06 PM] DuckDuckPwn: a
  16. [2:06 PM] DuckDuckPwn: they like you
  17. [2:06 PM] DuckDuckPwn: and b
  18. [2:06 PM] DuckDuckPwn: you dont beat any of them
  19. [2:06 PM] DuckDuckPwn: lol
  20. [2:06 PM] RADicate: Pmuch
  21. [2:06 PM] DuckDuckPwn: and if things keep as squo you probably make f3
  22. [2:06 PM] DuckDuckPwn: and then lose
  23. [2:07 PM] DuckDuckPwn: i think this is
  24. [2:07 PM] DuckDuckPwn: not an unfair assessment
  25. [2:07 PM] RADicate: Not at all; the same thougts have ran through my head
  26. [2:08 PM] DuckDuckPwn: i do have an idea but you're free to veto it
  27. [2:08 PM] DuckDuckPwn: and im willing to think of others
  28. [2:08 PM] DuckDuckPwn: but
  29. [2:08 PM] DuckDuckPwn: this is
  30. [2:08 PM] RADicate: Mmk
  31. [2:08 PM] DuckDuckPwn: the first thing
  32. [2:08 PM] DuckDuckPwn: that comes to mind
  33. [2:08 PM] DuckDuckPwn: alright so, if you side with them until f5 and wipe everyone then you're pretty much a guaranteed loss there
  34. [2:08 PM] DuckDuckPwn: i think
  35. [2:09 PM] DuckDuckPwn: the only time you can really make a play
  36. [2:09 PM] DuckDuckPwn: is now
  37. [2:09 PM] DuckDuckPwn: and to vote out one of
  38. [2:09 PM] DuckDuckPwn: hannah/wolv and frame it as
  39. [2:09 PM] DuckDuckPwn: viper snaked
  40. [2:09 PM] DuckDuckPwn: you are welcome to disagree
  41. [2:09 PM] DuckDuckPwn: but
  42. [2:09 PM] DuckDuckPwn: i dont think
  43. [2:09 PM] DuckDuckPwn: anyone else
  44. [2:09 PM] DuckDuckPwn: in that group
  45. [2:09 PM] DuckDuckPwn: is someone you could paint
  46. [2:09 PM] DuckDuckPwn: as stabbing
  47. [2:09 PM] DuckDuckPwn: lol
  48. [2:10 PM] RADicate: Alore never stabs; and wolv/hannah are probably
  49. [2:10 PM] DuckDuckPwn: and viper would never stab alore because he feels alore is in his pocket
  50. [2:10 PM] RADicate: the tightest alliance
  51. [2:10 PM] RADicate: itg
  52. [2:10 PM] RADicate: bar maybe you/zorb
  53. [2:10 PM] RADicate: from what i hear
  54. [2:10 PM] DuckDuckPwn: i mean we werent that close until the aura guardian vote happened lol
  55. [2:10 PM] DuckDuckPwn: we were pretty rag tag until we got left in the dust there
  56. [2:10 PM] DuckDuckPwn: lol
  57. [2:11 PM] RADicate: Yeah myb :sweat_smile:
  58. [2:11 PM] DuckDuckPwn: im not upset about the ag vote though makes total sense why everyone involved did it
  59. [2:11 PM] DuckDuckPwn: he had idol and pronounced to the world he had it
  60. [2:11 PM] DuckDuckPwn: like
  61. [2:11 PM] DuckDuckPwn: what you gonna do
  62. [2:12 PM] RADicate: Pmuch; its survivor
  63. [2:12 PM] DuckDuckPwn: anyway if you have better ideas on how to live out of that group of 5 let me know
  64. [2:12 PM] DuckDuckPwn: and i will
  65. [2:12 PM] DuckDuckPwn: continue to brainstorm
  66. [2:12 PM] DuckDuckPwn: but uh
  67. [2:12 PM] DuckDuckPwn: that's the way that i see off the bat
  68. [2:13 PM] DuckDuckPwn: and i dont think you piss off hannah/wolv all that much if you do it because you can pretty easily say
  69. [2:13 PM] DuckDuckPwn: "im never winning in that f3"
  70. [2:13 PM] DuckDuckPwn: and they still like you anyway
  71. [2:13 PM] RADicate: Wolv already said "lol morals in survivor"
  72. [2:13 PM] RADicate: So pretty sure he isnt hurt by it
  73. [2:13 PM] DuckDuckPwn: anyway as should be
  74. [2:13 PM] DuckDuckPwn: incredibly obvious
  75. [2:13 PM] DuckDuckPwn: i am
  76. [2:13 PM] DuckDuckPwn: not in remote control
  77. [2:13 PM] DuckDuckPwn: of this vote
  78. [2:14 PM] RADicate: Nah i know full well your position
  79. [2:14 PM] RADicate: atm
  80. [2:14 PM] DuckDuckPwn: yeah
  81. [2:14 PM] DuckDuckPwn: and hopefully
  82. [2:14 PM] DuckDuckPwn: you know yours
  83. [2:14 PM] RADicate: Mhm
  84. [2:15 PM] DuckDuckPwn: anyway if you have a preference on a hannah or a wolv vote here, i'm obviously all ears, and if you have a better way to frame some sort of play that gets one of the aforementioned other 4 out
  85. [2:15 PM] DuckDuckPwn: i'm also all ears
  86. [2:15 PM] DuckDuckPwn: you 5 are pretty much in control
  87. [2:15 PM] DuckDuckPwn: of what happens form here on out
  88. [2:15 PM] RADicate: Viper voting off one of them objectively makes
  89. [2:15 PM] RADicate: almost no sense
  90. [2:15 PM] RADicate: which is my only hesitation here
  91. [2:15 PM] DuckDuckPwn: nah viper might feel he gets voted at f5
  92. [2:15 PM] RADicate: Viper is basically
  93. [2:16 PM] RADicate: clinging them for dear life
  94. [2:16 PM] DuckDuckPwn: we voted viper for being the clear weak link in terms of friendship points there
  95. [2:16 PM] DuckDuckPwn: we just didnt realize trace would be an idiot
  96. [2:16 PM] RADicate: Anywho as per a preference; prolly wolv as he is probably a bigger threat in challenges and he is less likely to be hurt by the play
  97. [2:16 PM] DuckDuckPwn: aight
  98. [2:17 PM] RADicate: Anywho i'll hit you up later; im at work atm and i gtg
  99. [2:17 PM] DuckDuckPwn: anyway let's keep in touch since like this is
  100. [2:17 PM] DuckDuckPwn: obviously
  101. [2:17 PM] DuckDuckPwn: a big decision
  102. [2:17 PM] DuckDuckPwn: lol
  103. [2:17 PM] RADicate: Pmuch game defining
  104. [2:17 PM] RADicate: lmao
  105. [2:17 PM] DuckDuckPwn: yeah pretty much
  106. [2:17 PM] DuckDuckPwn: ttyl
  107. [2:17 PM] RADicate: cya
  1. [*][10:32 PM] DuckDuckPwn: Yo
    [*][10:32 PM] DuckDuckPwn: So a wolv vote is obviously
    [*][10:32 PM] DuckDuckPwn: Not possible
    [*][10:32 PM] DuckDuckPwn: Lol
    [*]June 13, 2018
    [*][1:25 AM] DuckDuckPwn: anyway hit me up if you have the chance
    [*][1:53 AM] RADicate: oy
    [*][1:53 AM] DuckDuckPwn: hi
    [*][1:54 AM] DuckDuckPwn: so i would be partial to uh
    [*][1:54 AM] DuckDuckPwn: not being voted off
    [*][1:54 AM] DuckDuckPwn: i assume that is uh
    [*][1:54 AM] DuckDuckPwn: probably what's going on rn?
    [*][1:54 AM] RADicate: Wolv vote is prolly
    [*][1:54 AM] RADicate: not happening
    [*][1:54 AM] RADicate: i concur
    [*][1:54 AM] DuckDuckPwn: wolv vote is not happening considering the uh
    [*][1:54 AM] DuckDuckPwn: immunity thing
    [*][1:54 AM] RADicate: ye
    [*][1:54 AM] RADicate: lmao
    [*][1:54 AM] DuckDuckPwn: lol
    [*][1:54 AM] RADicate: as per you personally
    [*][1:55 AM] RADicate: you are
    [*][1:55 AM] RADicate: not the vote
    [*][1:55 AM] DuckDuckPwn: im actually shocked
    [*][1:55 AM] RADicate: on that end
    [*][1:56 AM] DuckDuckPwn: well i do like not being voted out but mmm
    [*][1:56 AM] DuckDuckPwn: i do not think
    [*][1:56 AM] DuckDuckPwn: i am long for this world anyway
    [*][1:56 AM] DuckDuckPwn: lol
    [*][1:57 AM] DuckDuckPwn: if there's some vote you're willing to jump onto, i'm down to support it and to spin whatever narrative you ask but yea
    [*][1:57 AM] DuckDuckPwn: its like 2 am ive got no energy man
    [*][1:57 AM] DuckDuckPwn: lol
    [*][1:58 AM] DuckDuckPwn: if theres some play you wanna make and it seems fun i'm in, i just dont want this game to be dull
    [*][1:58 AM] DuckDuckPwn: like
    [*][1:58 AM] DuckDuckPwn: once circus 3 got to like
    [*][1:58 AM] DuckDuckPwn: 9
    [*][1:58 AM] DuckDuckPwn: the game was over because it was obvious heal had enough people just pushing for his win
    [*][1:58 AM] DuckDuckPwn: and it was boring af
    [*][1:59 AM] RADicate: Nah its just kinda been lolPScurbstomp
    [*][1:59 AM] RADicate: tbh
    [*][1:59 AM] DuckDuckPwn: yep
    [*][2:00 AM] RADicate: Whose left atm? You, Me, Zorb, Viper, Jal, Trace, Wolv, Hannah, Alore(edited)
    [*][2:00 AM] RADicate: hm
    [*][2:01 AM] RADicate: how close are you
    [*][2:01 AM] DuckDuckPwn: yeah and alore
    [*][2:01 AM] RADicate: to trace
    [*][2:01 AM] DuckDuckPwn: not exceedingly close but he recognizes his position
    [*][2:01 AM] DuckDuckPwn: ive talked with him a bit
    [*][2:01 AM] DuckDuckPwn: and by a bit i mean
    [*][2:01 AM] DuckDuckPwn: "why did you vote alore at 10"
    [*][2:02 AM] DuckDuckPwn: "im so confused"
    [*][2:02 AM] RADicate: Morality reasons
    [*][2:02 AM] RADicate: apparently
    [*][2:02 AM] RADicate: :confused:
    [*][2:02 AM] DuckDuckPwn: :/
    [*][2:02 AM] RADicate: thats what
    [*][2:02 AM] RADicate: viper said anyways
    [*][2:02 AM] RADicate: he was very confident that trace
    [*][2:02 AM] RADicate: would never vote for him
    [*][2:03 AM] RADicate: but at that point
    [*][2:03 AM] RADicate: why not
    [*][2:03 AM] DuckDuckPwn: the dumbest thing is if
    [*][2:03 AM] RADicate: back the other vote
    [*][2:03 AM] DuckDuckPwn: he isnt voting viper
    [*][2:03 AM] DuckDuckPwn: he should
    [*][2:03 AM] RADicate: ????
    [*][2:03 AM] DuckDuckPwn: say something
    [*][2:03 AM] DuckDuckPwn: and say
    [*][2:03 AM] DuckDuckPwn: hey
    [*][2:03 AM] DuckDuckPwn: let's vote alore
    [*][2:03 AM] DuckDuckPwn: and then people go
    [*][2:03 AM] DuckDuckPwn: ok
    [*][2:03 AM] DuckDuckPwn: and do it
    [*][2:03 AM] DuckDuckPwn: ???????????
    [*][2:03 AM] RADicate: "hey lets do something else"
    [*][2:03 AM] DuckDuckPwn: instead he lets rodan who never votes trace
    [*][2:03 AM] DuckDuckPwn: die
    [*][2:03 AM] DuckDuckPwn: lol
    [*][2:03 AM] RADicate: that vote couldve easily
    [*][2:03 AM] RADicate: been 5-5
    [*][2:03 AM] DuckDuckPwn: yeah
    [*][2:03 AM] RADicate: and came down to
    [*][2:03 AM] RADicate: rng
    [*][2:03 AM] RADicate: and we may have been looking at
    [*][2:04 AM] DuckDuckPwn: i would not have backed down lol
    [*][2:04 AM] RADicate: a whole diff game
    [*][2:04 AM] RADicate: Rodan came to me saying hed protect me but vote with them
    [*][2:04 AM] RADicate: if i didnt want rocks
    [*][2:04 AM] RADicate: which is
    [*][2:04 AM] RADicate: a p weak pitch
    [*][2:04 AM] RADicate: tbh
    [*][2:04 AM] DuckDuckPwn: lol
    [*][2:04 AM] DuckDuckPwn: rodan told me all convinced like
    [*][2:04 AM] DuckDuckPwn: "oh i talked to 3p1k he's on board"
    [*][2:04 AM] DuckDuckPwn: i was like
    [*][2:04 AM] DuckDuckPwn: uh ok sure
    [*][2:04 AM] DuckDuckPwn: i did not
    [*][2:05 AM] DuckDuckPwn: bank on that at all
    [*][2:05 AM] DuckDuckPwn: btw
    [*][2:05 AM] RADicate: I told him sure
    [*][2:05 AM] DuckDuckPwn: i just didnt think
    [*][2:05 AM] DuckDuckPwn: trace
    [*][2:05 AM] RADicate: but i wieghed the decision
    [*][2:05 AM] RADicate: for like 5 minutes
    [*][2:05 AM] RADicate: after that
    [*][2:05 AM] DuckDuckPwn: i would say "throw" but
    [*][2:05 AM] RADicate: and it seemed dumb
    [*][2:05 AM] DuckDuckPwn: trace has a hard time
    [*][2:05 AM] DuckDuckPwn: claiming a win in any f#
    [*][2:05 AM] DuckDuckPwn: so
    [*][2:05 AM] DuckDuckPwn: hard to say that
    [*][2:05 AM] RADicate: Yeah idt trace
    [*][2:05 AM] RADicate: ever has a win
    [*][2:05 AM] RADicate: even from like
    [*][2:05 AM] RADicate: F9
    [*][2:06 AM] DuckDuckPwn: he can win in an f2 against alore if he like
    [*][2:06 AM] DuckDuckPwn: does something productive
    [*][2:06 AM] RADicate: alore hasnt done much either
    [*][2:06 AM] RADicate: afaict?
    [*][2:06 AM] DuckDuckPwn: he hasnt
    [*][2:06 AM] DuckDuckPwn: he was busy with end of school stuff iirc
    [*][2:06 AM] DuckDuckPwn: aka
    [*][2:06 AM] DuckDuckPwn: getting wasted
    [*][2:07 AM] RADicate: lmao
    [*][2:07 AM] DuckDuckPwn: which i can respect
    [*][2:07 AM] DuckDuckPwn: this is a man with the right priorities in life
    [*][2:07 AM] RADicate: Indeed
    [*][2:07 AM] DuckDuckPwn: anyway uh, if you have a play that you think can and should be made at 9 to give you better odds, i'm all ears
    [*][2:08 AM] DuckDuckPwn: and if you're just gonna side and vote whatever plans you already have
    [*][2:08 AM] DuckDuckPwn: not like i can stop you
    [*][2:08 AM] DuckDuckPwn: so
    [*][2:08 AM] RADicate: Trace follows you guys as does jal here
    [*][2:08 AM] RADicate: hmm
    [*][2:08 AM] RADicate: i think anyways
    [*][2:09 AM] DuckDuckPwn: we WOULD have 5
    [*][2:09 AM] RADicate: they SHOULD
    [*][2:09 AM] DuckDuckPwn: yeah
    [*][2:09 AM] RADicate: are all of them going to be online? Or have any of them voted
    [*][2:09 AM] RADicate: like timezone wise
    [*][2:09 AM] DuckDuckPwn: i know jalmont will be online and know trace will be
    [*][2:09 AM] DuckDuckPwn: zorbees i do not know
    [*][2:09 AM] DuckDuckPwn: zorbees didnt say who he was voting but
    [*][2:09 AM] DuckDuckPwn: forced tie still means
    [*][2:09 AM] RADicate: if zorb is not; where do you think
    [*][2:10 AM] DuckDuckPwn: it can flip
    [*][2:10 AM] DuckDuckPwn: after said tie
    [*][2:10 AM] DuckDuckPwn: and
    [*][2:10 AM] RADicate: Is it revote--->rocks
    [*][2:10 AM] DuckDuckPwn: if you're playing the angle of "it wasnt me" it doesnt particularly matter anyway
    [*][2:10 AM] RADicate: or is it
    [*][2:10 AM] DuckDuckPwn: it cant go to rocks at 9
    [*][2:10 AM] DuckDuckPwn: but yes
    [*][2:10 AM] DuckDuckPwn: revote first
    [*][2:10 AM] DuckDuckPwn: so zorbees not being on is irrelevant
    [*][2:10 AM] RADicate: mk
    [*][2:11 AM] DuckDuckPwn: i actually cant guarantee trace will be on but like between now and 8 central is uhhh
    [*][2:11 AM] DuckDuckPwn: 8 pm trace's time?
    [*][2:11 AM] RADicate: thats morning for trace but he doesnt
    [*][2:11 AM] RADicate: wait
    [*][2:11 AM] RADicate: thats his evening
    [*][2:11 AM] RADicate: ?
    [*][2:11 AM] DuckDuckPwn: yes
    [*][2:11 AM] DuckDuckPwn: he's indonesia
    [*][2:11 AM] DuckDuckPwn: iirc
    [*][2:11 AM] RADicate: oh
    [*][2:11 AM] RADicate: :myb:(edited)
    [*][2:12 AM] DuckDuckPwn: all good
    [*][2:12 AM] DuckDuckPwn: and trace is on now
    [*][2:12 AM] DuckDuckPwn: so yea
    [*][2:12 AM] DuckDuckPwn: jalmont told me he'd check messages before deadline
    [*][2:12 AM] DuckDuckPwn: so that does make enough
    [*][2:15 AM] RADicate: Admittedly the only thing holding me back atm; is me thinking that i really dont hold a candle to you/jal come FTC after stabbing that faction. Because presumably their votes
    [*][2:15 AM] RADicate: would float to like
    [*][2:15 AM] RADicate: jal
    [*][2:15 AM] RADicate: And im kinda
    [*][2:16 AM] RADicate: much in the same position
    [*][2:16 AM] RADicate: regardless of the side i pick
    [*][2:16 AM] DuckDuckPwn: i can give you your pitch lol
    [*][2:16 AM] DuckDuckPwn: and i dont think
    [*][2:16 AM] DuckDuckPwn: they get that mad about the stab when
    [*][2:16 AM] DuckDuckPwn: you can pretty easily say
    [*][2:16 AM] DuckDuckPwn: i always lose in an f3 with you all
    [*][2:16 AM] DuckDuckPwn: and if i get to an f5 position and wait until then
    [*][2:17 AM] DuckDuckPwn: then jury just sees i was a kingmaker but i didnt do anything special
    [*][2:17 AM] DuckDuckPwn: or i got carried
    [*][2:17 AM] DuckDuckPwn: so i had to do something
    [*][2:19 AM] DuckDuckPwn: anyway i think
    [*][2:19 AM] DuckDuckPwn: even if you never work with me on another vote
    [*][2:19 AM] DuckDuckPwn: working with me here is still in your interest
    [*][2:19 AM] DuckDuckPwn: just so you have
    [*][2:19 AM] DuckDuckPwn: something
    [*][2:19 AM] DuckDuckPwn: to say for a ftc
    [*][2:20 AM] DuckDuckPwn: i wouldnt even be mad if you went and voted me out immediately after if you were worried of me beating you in an ftc
    [*][2:20 AM] RADicate: Voted you out with what numbers? It would go right back to a 4-4 split
    [*][2:21 AM] DuckDuckPwn: thats fair although i think trace might be willing to vote me if viper gave him a pitch lol
    [*][2:22 AM] RADicate: Basically my decision is: Borderline guarenteed survival vs a stronger FTC
    [*][2:22 AM] DuckDuckPwn: yeah
    [*][2:22 AM] DuckDuckPwn: basically
    [*][2:24 AM] RADicate: vote alore
    [*][2:24 AM] RADicate: pull a trace
    [*][2:24 AM] DuckDuckPwn: lol
    [*][2:24 AM] DuckDuckPwn: the conscientious abjector
    [*][2:24 AM] DuckDuckPwn: let it go to rocks
    [*][2:24 AM] DuckDuckPwn: objector*
    [*][2:24 AM] DuckDuckPwn: but yeah nah if only it worked at 9
    [*][2:24 AM] DuckDuckPwn: it'd be funny
    [*][2:24 AM] DuckDuckPwn: "let rng decide the fate of this game"
    [*][2:25 AM] DuckDuckPwn: which tbh might end up happening at 8 depending on how things play out lol
    [*][2:25 AM] RADicate: It prolly does
    [*][2:25 AM] RADicate: tbh
    [*][2:26 AM] DuckDuckPwn: if you wanted and were convinced no one would flip on you, i could put an f8 vote on you
    [*][2:26 AM] DuckDuckPwn: so that you would be
    [*][2:26 AM] DuckDuckPwn: immune
    [*][2:26 AM] DuckDuckPwn: from rocks
    [*][2:26 AM] DuckDuckPwn: but
    [*][2:26 AM] DuckDuckPwn: that would take
    [*][2:26 AM] DuckDuckPwn: serious balls
    [*][2:26 AM] DuckDuckPwn: lol
    [*][2:26 AM] RADicate: Eh thatd be
    [*][2:26 AM] RADicate: a borderline throw
    [*][2:26 AM] RADicate: on your end
    [*][2:26 AM] DuckDuckPwn: yeah
    [*][2:26 AM] DuckDuckPwn: probably
    [*][2:27 AM] DuckDuckPwn: but it is an idea
    [*][2:27 AM] RADicate: Because then its still
    [*][2:27 AM] RADicate: zorb--->you
    [*][2:27 AM] RADicate: idt you
    [*][2:27 AM] RADicate: ever do that
    [*][2:27 AM] DuckDuckPwn: oh i wouldnt do that without you saying
    [*][2:27 AM] DuckDuckPwn: "yes do this"
    [*][2:27 AM] DuckDuckPwn: btw
    [*][2:27 AM] DuckDuckPwn: lol
    [*][2:27 AM] DuckDuckPwn: that was more me saying
    [*][2:27 AM] DuckDuckPwn: if you wanted to make said f8 play to try an immunity play
    [*][2:28 AM] DuckDuckPwn: i would be on board
    [*][2:28 AM] DuckDuckPwn: not that
    [*][2:28 AM] DuckDuckPwn: or well, could be on board
    [*][2:28 AM] DuckDuckPwn: not that it is necessarily
    [*][2:28 AM] DuckDuckPwn: the best play
    [*][2:28 AM] DuckDuckPwn: or what have you
    [*][2:28 AM] RADicate: yea i gotchu
    [*][2:29 AM] DuckDuckPwn: do you want me to try to promise to try to get you f8 immunity in whatever challenge gets posted up
    [*][2:29 AM] DuckDuckPwn: because i'm willing to do that as well
    [*][2:30 AM] RADicate: Nah not necessary. You made your pitch. Its kinda just me pulling my hair out at this point
    [*][2:30 AM] RADicate: tbh
    [*][2:31 AM] DuckDuckPwn: lol
    [*][2:31 AM] DuckDuckPwn: yea
    [*][2:31 AM] DuckDuckPwn: since i dont think it makes any difference, do you mind letting me know what the planned vote here is
    [*][2:31 AM] DuckDuckPwn: actually i guess it could if aura passed zorbees or i the idol but uh
    [*][2:31 AM] DuckDuckPwn: i feel like
    [*][2:31 AM] DuckDuckPwn: ive tipped my hand
    [*][2:32 AM] DuckDuckPwn: that that definitely didnt happen
    [*][2:32 AM] DuckDuckPwn: lol
    [*][2:32 AM] RADicate: Yeah
    [*][2:32 AM] RADicate: Atm im still prolly leaning about 60-40 against yall atm.
    [*][2:32 AM] RADicate: I dont like telling you that
    [*][2:32 AM] RADicate: but i feel like
    [*][2:32 AM] DuckDuckPwn: i'm fine hearing it
    [*][2:32 AM] RADicate: i should be straight forward
    [*][2:32 AM] DuckDuckPwn: i'm well aware that you are
    [*][2:33 AM] DuckDuckPwn: in a tough position
    [*][2:33 AM] DuckDuckPwn: in my very biased opinion i think it's better if you do something here but
    [*][2:33 AM] DuckDuckPwn: absolutely
    [*][2:33 AM] DuckDuckPwn: take that with a grain of salt
    [*][2:33 AM] DuckDuckPwn: lol
    [*][2:33 AM] RADicate: lol
    [*][2:34 AM] RADicate: Anywho if i do wind up making a play here id prefer voting like; alore since lolwolvimmune
    [*][2:34 AM] DuckDuckPwn: yeah
    [*][2:34 AM] RADicate: And i know regardless of my decision you need to start organizing your votes
    [*][2:35 AM] DuckDuckPwn: i slightly worry about getting trace on board if he's working with viper if alore but i definitely can try to pitch an alore vote
    [*][2:35 AM] RADicate: and trace showed a willingness to vote alore in his morality vote
    [*][2:35 AM] DuckDuckPwn: but yeah
    [*][2:35 AM] RADicate: sniped but yea
    [*][2:36 AM] DuckDuckPwn: yeah like i dont intend to paint this in some overly favorable light lol i have 0 guarantees trace votes alore and definitely dont think he votes viper, and you're probably closest to hannah/wolv atm than any other "faction" i suppose
    [*][2:37 AM] DuckDuckPwn: so yeah
    [*][2:38 AM] RADicate: Yeah I can see your situation for what it is. Basically one more hail mary, cross your fingers
    [*][2:38 AM] RADicate: type thing
    [*][2:38 AM] DuckDuckPwn: i think it's a bit more forgiving than a hail mary
    [*][2:38 AM] RADicate: Well ye
    [*][2:39 AM] DuckDuckPwn: i think i've got merit to what i'm saying
    [*][2:39 AM] RADicate: Unlike rodan; you are actually
    [*][2:39 AM] RADicate: getting me to put thought into it
    [*][2:39 AM] RADicate: because there is merit to what you are saying
    [*][2:40 AM] DuckDuckPwn: the jist of my pitch is that you need to do something to give yourself winning chances, and i don't see how you do that without breaking the status quo
    [*][2:40 AM] DuckDuckPwn: but breaking the status quo is awkward and not without risk
    [*][2:40 AM] RADicate: Admittedly i believe i have numbers
    [*][2:40 AM] RADicate: come a f7
    [*][2:40 AM] RADicate: if i wanted to flip the script as well
    [*][2:41 AM] RADicate: (implying the votes are you/zorb)
    [*][2:41 AM] DuckDuckPwn: right; i dont think that eliminating jalmont/trace is what happens though
    [*][2:41 AM] DuckDuckPwn: because i dont think trace gets voted at 8
    [*][2:41 AM] RADicate: tbh
    [*][2:41 AM] RADicate: you get
    [*][2:41 AM] RADicate: voted at 8
    [*][2:41 AM] DuckDuckPwn: yes i do
    [*][2:41 AM] DuckDuckPwn: lol
    [*][2:41 AM] RADicate: lol
    [*][2:42 AM] DuckDuckPwn: after that zorbees probably goes "fuck this" and just does whatever
    [*][2:42 AM] DuckDuckPwn: and trace probably sides with viper
    [*][2:42 AM] DuckDuckPwn: and then 7 becomes a matter of you getting zorbees + you + hannah + wolv to vote out viper
    [*][2:43 AM] DuckDuckPwn: but i think zorbees is a wildcard at 7 there
    [*][2:43 AM] DuckDuckPwn: and realizes he loses no matter what
    [*][2:44 AM] RADicate: pmuch
    [*][2:44 AM] DuckDuckPwn: and i dont see how the game being decided
    [*][2:44 AM] DuckDuckPwn: off a zorbees coin flip
    [*][2:44 AM] DuckDuckPwn: helps you
    [*][2:44 AM] DuckDuckPwn: in ftc
    [*][2:44 AM] DuckDuckPwn: the game is just out of your control at this point and you wouldnt have done enough to win by then
    [*][2:45 AM] RADicate: Question? Did you make an attempt to reach out to viper already
    [*][2:45 AM] DuckDuckPwn: yep
    [*][2:45 AM] DuckDuckPwn: i did
    [*][2:45 AM] RADicate: how did
    [*][2:45 AM] RADicate: that go
    [*][2:45 AM] DuckDuckPwn: i didnt try selling him on a particular vote
    [*][2:45 AM] DuckDuckPwn: we yelled at each other about f10
    [*][2:45 AM] RADicate: Rip
    [*][2:46 AM] DuckDuckPwn: and then i basically was like
    [*][2:46 AM] DuckDuckPwn: "i think you dont win an f3 if you keep working with hannah/wolv"
    [*][2:46 AM] DuckDuckPwn: and viper was like
    [*][2:46 AM] DuckDuckPwn: "i dont think i win an f3 against you so i cant work with you"
    [*][2:46 AM] RADicate: Oof
    [*][2:47 AM] DuckDuckPwn: which like
    [*][2:47 AM] DuckDuckPwn: there's a difference between
    [*][2:47 AM] DuckDuckPwn: working with someone at
    [*][2:47 AM] DuckDuckPwn: 9
    [*][2:47 AM] DuckDuckPwn: and
    [*][2:47 AM] DuckDuckPwn: bringing someone to ftc
    [*][2:47 AM] DuckDuckPwn: lol
    [*][2:47 AM] DuckDuckPwn: but i could tell that
    [*][2:47 AM] DuckDuckPwn: i couldnt sell him on anything here
    [*][2:47 AM] RADicate: thats prolly
    [*][2:47 AM] RADicate: a lost cause
    [*][2:47 AM] DuckDuckPwn: yep
    [*][2:47 AM] RADicate: fypov
    [*][2:47 AM] DuckDuckPwn: i realized there wasnt much i could say here
    [*][2:47 AM] RADicate: tbh i thought
    [*][2:47 AM] RADicate: he would he more open
    [*][2:47 AM] RADicate: which is why i asked
    [*][2:48 AM] DuckDuckPwn: yea i did try but
    [*][2:48 AM] DuckDuckPwn: i think the pitch for viper is harder than the pitch for you
    [*][2:48 AM] DuckDuckPwn: and i think the f10 vote
    [*][2:48 AM] DuckDuckPwn: only made it more awkward
    [*][2:50 AM] DuckDuckPwn: viper might think i side with him at f7 if he votes out jalmont and zorbees in order (or the same with zorbees and my positions flipped) and he tries to get f3 of him/alore/trace
    [*][2:50 AM] DuckDuckPwn: which is wrong but he might have that impression
    [*][2:50 AM] DuckDuckPwn: or think he can flip you at 7 there
    [*][2:52 AM] DuckDuckPwn: which i dont think either are true but
    [*][2:52 AM] RADicate: Nah hannah/wolv/alore have my back
    [*][2:52 AM] DuckDuckPwn: yea
    [*][2:52 AM] RADicate: we have four easily
    [*][2:52 AM] RADicate: in that theoretical 7
    [*][2:52 AM] DuckDuckPwn: this is my issue with convincing viper
    [*][2:52 AM] DuckDuckPwn: he is convinced alore will side with him no matter what
    [*][2:52 AM] RADicate: alore also has
    [*][2:52 AM] DuckDuckPwn: i disagree but i cannot get him to see this
    [*][2:52 AM] RADicate: hannahs back
    [*][2:52 AM] DuckDuckPwn: yeah
    [*][2:52 AM] RADicate: Idk how close wolv/alore are
    [*][2:52 AM] RADicate: but
    [*][2:53 AM] DuckDuckPwn: so this is why the pitch to viper
    [*][2:53 AM] DuckDuckPwn: is hard
    [*][2:53 AM] DuckDuckPwn: slash didnt work
    [*][2:53 AM] DuckDuckPwn: but yes i did attempt it
    [*][2:53 AM] RADicate: viper litterally told me he dreamt of a FTC between me him and alore
    [*][2:53 AM] RADicate: and im like k but in the back of my mind
    [*][2:53 AM] RADicate: i dont see
    [*][2:53 AM] RADicate: how he got there
    [*][2:53 AM] DuckDuckPwn: two things
    [*][2:53 AM] DuckDuckPwn: a. no shit he'd like that, atm he'd probably win that
    [*][2:54 AM] DuckDuckPwn: b. i dont see how gamestate gets there
    [*][2:54 AM] DuckDuckPwn: barring you just throwing to viper
    [*][2:54 AM] DuckDuckPwn: lol
    [*][2:54 AM] DuckDuckPwn: which doesnt make
    [*][2:54 AM] DuckDuckPwn: any sense
    [*][2:54 AM] DuckDuckPwn: from your perspective
    [*][2:54 AM] RADicate: i never
    [*][2:54 AM] RADicate: throw for viper
    [*][2:54 AM] DuckDuckPwn: yea
    [*][2:54 AM] RADicate: lmao
    [*][2:56 AM] DuckDuckPwn: do you think trace buys it if you tell him that viper said
    [*][2:56 AM] DuckDuckPwn: ideal f3
    [*][2:56 AM] DuckDuckPwn: is you/alore/viper
    [*][2:56 AM] DuckDuckPwn: and that convinced him to vote out alore
    [*][2:56 AM] DuckDuckPwn: so that he'd be part of that f3
    [*][2:57 AM] RADicate: Uh maybe? Idk if he buys it from me or not
    [*][2:57 AM] RADicate: i havent spoke to him
    [*][2:57 AM] RADicate: except litterally once
    [*][2:57 AM] RADicate: in OG rufflets
    [*][2:57 AM] RADicate: and he ghosted me
    [*][2:57 AM] RADicate: iirc
    [*][2:57 AM] DuckDuckPwn: dw i didnt talk to him until um
    [*][2:57 AM] DuckDuckPwn: yesterday
    [*][2:57 AM] DuckDuckPwn: lol
    [*][2:57 AM] RADicate: actually he didnt ghost me he just
    [*][2:57 AM] RADicate: didnt say anything important
    [*][2:57 AM] RADicate: when i asked him his thoughts
    [*][2:58 AM] RADicate: which is basically the same thing just with formalities
    [*][2:58 AM] RADicate: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    [*][2:58 AM] DuckDuckPwn: ive gotten the impression that trace mostly likes the puzzles and the games from survivor rather than the social and the winning
    [*][2:58 AM] DuckDuckPwn: lol
    [*][2:58 AM] RADicate: lmao
    [*][2:58 AM] DuckDuckPwn: well he probably likes the social in the sense of
    [*][2:58 AM] DuckDuckPwn: its kinda nice to talk about survivor
    [*][2:58 AM] DuckDuckPwn: but not in the sense of
    [*][2:58 AM] DuckDuckPwn: strategy or w/e
    [*][2:58 AM] DuckDuckPwn: if that makes sense
    [*][2:58 AM] RADicate: yeah i gotcha
    [*][3:21 AM] DuckDuckPwn: anyway if you want to try to talk with trace and figure out where he's at, go for it
    [*][3:21 AM] DuckDuckPwn: i dont have any like
    [*][3:21 AM] DuckDuckPwn: special leverage there
    [*][3:21 AM] DuckDuckPwn: lol
    [*][3:22 AM] DuckDuckPwn: worst case, you're talking with trace which like
    [*][3:22 AM] DuckDuckPwn: can only help later
    [*][3:22 AM] RADicate: hmm mhm
    [*][3:22 AM] RADicate: i'll throw him a dm asking his thoughts on the game
    [*][3:22 AM] DuckDuckPwn: cool
    [*][3:22 AM] DuckDuckPwn: i'll still be up for a while
    [*][3:22 AM] DuckDuckPwn: im addicted to rakugo
    [*][3:22 AM] DuckDuckPwn: lol
    [*][3:22 AM] DuckDuckPwn: great show
    [*][3:23 AM] DuckDuckPwn: would recommend
    [*][3:23 AM] RADicate: i accidently took like a 5 hour nap from like 8pm-1am
    [*][3:23 AM] DuckDuckPwn: lol
    [*][3:23 AM] DuckDuckPwn: i had a nap too
    [*][3:23 AM] RADicate: so like
    [*][3:23 AM] RADicate: im wide awake
    [*][3:23 AM] RADicate: atm
    [*][3:23 AM] DuckDuckPwn: probably about 3 hours
    [*][3:23 AM] DuckDuckPwn: lemme actually check
    [*][3:23 AM] RADicate: i might just all nighter from here
    [*][3:23 AM] DuckDuckPwn: lol
    [*][3:23 AM] RADicate: and take a nap at the campground tommorow
    [*][3:23 AM] DuckDuckPwn: are you going camping tomorrow?
    [*][3:23 AM] RADicate: eh
    [*][3:23 AM] RADicate: "glamping"
    [*][3:23 AM] RADicate: glamour camping
    [*][3:23 AM] DuckDuckPwn: ah
    [*][3:24 AM] RADicate: we have a camper with bed/ac/etc
    [*][3:24 AM] DuckDuckPwn: gotcha
    [*][3:24 AM] RADicate: its fun times tho
    [*][3:24 AM] DuckDuckPwn: thats what matterw
    [*][3:24 AM] DuckDuckPwn: matters*
    [*][3:24 AM] RADicate: ye
    [*][3:24 AM] DuckDuckPwn: have a good time
    [*][3:24 AM] RADicate: thanks!
    [*][3:36 AM] RADicate: you are
    [*][3:36 AM] RADicate: probably screwed
    [*][3:36 AM] RADicate: RADicate - Today at 3:30 AM
    [*]icic uh what about this particular vote
    [*]trace - Today at 3:33 AM
    [*]idk i think i wanna go for the most dangerous person in this game but im not surprised if im getting gunned too
    [*]RADicate - Today at 3:33 AM
    [*]i highly doubt
    [*]you get voted out
    [*]i havent heard of anyone with plans to do so
    [*]trace - Today at 3:34 AM
    [*]yeah not today but
    [*]it could be
    [*]next tribal or so
    [*]im not good at challenges
    [*]so yea
    [*]no way im getting immunity
    [*]RADicate - Today at 3:34 AM
    [*]who is dangerous fypov?
    [*]trace - Today at 3:34 AM
    [*]zorbees maybe?
    [*][3:36 AM] DuckDuckPwn: lol
    [*][3:36 AM] DuckDuckPwn: i spelled things out for him i dont know what else to do
    [*][3:37 AM] RADicate: its hard for me to frame viper for a vote; if i go out of my way to convince somebody
    [*][3:37 AM] RADicate: esp someone that close
    [*][3:37 AM] RADicate: to viper
    [*][3:37 AM] RADicate: lmao
    [*][3:38 AM] RADicate: and even if i do swing; it means litterally nothing if trace doesnt swing as well
    [*][3:38 AM] DuckDuckPwn: i think it's impossible if it's on alore, but you can own that to hannah/wolv and have an argument for it; if it's on hannah, you can argue it, but you're voting someone closer to you
    [*][3:39 AM] DuckDuckPwn: the argument being along the lines of being worried that alore gets taken in an f3 over you
    [*][3:39 AM] DuckDuckPwn: or that youre worried about alore in f7
    [*][3:39 AM] DuckDuckPwn: or both
    [*][3:40 AM] RADicate: wish that was a viable stance; but hannah already said shed take the vote in that f4
    [*][3:40 AM] DuckDuckPwn: oic
    [*][3:40 AM] DuckDuckPwn: then wolv just wins there
    [*][3:40 AM] DuckDuckPwn: lol
    [*][3:40 AM] RADicate: ya pmuch
    [*][3:42 AM] RADicate: (fwiw atm i told trace i was voting zorb; like i said my vote means next to nothing atm seeing as the current numbers are 5-3 if you exclude me)
    [*][3:42 AM] RADicate: idt trace has motivation
    [*][3:42 AM] RADicate: to lie to me
    [*][3:42 AM] DuckDuckPwn: ic
    [*][3:42 AM] RADicate: if he was backing yall's vote he wouldve pitched me someone not named the vote
    [*][3:43 AM] RADicate: hannah and co
    [*][3:43 AM] RADicate: are voting
    [*][3:43 AM] DuckDuckPwn: yea
    [*][3:43 AM] DuckDuckPwn: pretty sure i'm fucked here then lol
    [*][3:43 AM] DuckDuckPwn: if you get me to 7 i can try to do some shit for you but uh
    [*][3:43 AM] DuckDuckPwn: yeah
    [*][3:43 AM] RADicate: idt i will have the capacity
    [*][3:43 AM] RADicate: to save you tmmrw
    [*][3:43 AM] RADicate: tbh
    [*][3:44 AM] RADicate: i can try you to throw you a bone or two during immunity challenges
    [*][3:44 AM] RADicate: on the lowkey
    [*][3:44 AM] RADicate: if thats possible
    [*][3:44 AM] RADicate: depending on the challenge
    [*][3:44 AM] RADicate: but w/o trace my hands are pretty tied
    [*][3:44 AM] DuckDuckPwn: yeah
    [*][3:45 AM] DuckDuckPwn: i was hoping jalmont had done more there, seems he hasnt
    [*][3:45 AM] RADicate: Im sorry :/
    [*][3:45 AM] DuckDuckPwn: all good
    [*][3:45 AM] DuckDuckPwn: was there a reason for zorbees before me btw
    [*][3:45 AM] DuckDuckPwn: lol
    [*][3:46 AM] RADicate: uh not to my knowledge
    [*][3:46 AM] RADicate: they view yall equally
    [*][3:46 AM] RADicate: afaict
    [*][3:46 AM] DuckDuckPwn: yeah seems about right
    [*][3:46 AM] RADicate: they tend to view yall as like
    [*][3:46 AM] RADicate: the same
    [*][3:46 AM] RADicate: well
    [*][3:46 AM] RADicate: at least hannah/wolv do
    [*][3:46 AM] RADicate: idk if other reasons were discussed
    [*][3:46 AM] DuckDuckPwn: ic
    [*][3:46 AM] RADicate: in other chats
    [*][3:47 AM] DuckDuckPwn: im guessing hannah and alore just like me more
    [*][3:47 AM] DuckDuckPwn: so i got that going for me
    [*][3:47 AM] DuckDuckPwn: which is nice
    [*][3:47 AM] RADicate: thats
    [*][3:47 AM] RADicate: something at least
    [*][3:48 AM] DuckDuckPwn: if you have any leverage to salvage me into 7 then as i said, i can try to do something for you there but yeah nah i dont know how i'm supposed to play around someone who just like
    [*][3:48 AM] DuckDuckPwn: isnt playing to win
    [*][3:49 AM] DuckDuckPwn: like idk what else i'm supposed to do about trace here
    [*][3:49 AM] RADicate: i can try; but voting you two the next two days was kinda the plan
    [*][3:49 AM] RADicate: since like right before the last chall
    [*][3:50 AM] RADicate: so idk how id
    [*][3:50 AM] RADicate: approach that
    [*][3:51 AM] DuckDuckPwn: i guess at 8 i can talk to viper again
    [*][3:51 AM] RADicate: they mentioned that you both (dle/zorb) had been radio silent in the me/hann/wolv chat) and theyd be willing to take another route if you were willing to talk
    [*][3:51 AM] RADicate: this is before we talked at all; and afaik they dont know we were talking
    [*][3:51 AM] DuckDuckPwn: we were radio silent because it became obvious we werent a priority
    [*][3:51 AM] RADicate: so that shouldnt be
    [*][3:52 AM] RADicate: lip service
    [*][3:52 AM] RADicate: but whether lip service or not; i would agree you guys are never a priority to wolv/hannah
    [*][3:52 AM] DuckDuckPwn: so it felt
    [*][3:52 AM] DuckDuckPwn: disingenuous
    [*][3:52 AM] DuckDuckPwn: when we're being prodded for votes and talks and stuff
    [*][3:52 AM] DuckDuckPwn: when like i am well aware im not in hannah/wolv's long term plans
    [*][3:53 AM] DuckDuckPwn: it's just silly to play pretend there
    [*][3:53 AM] RADicate: i feel ya
    [*][3:53 AM] RADicate: the same thing
    [*][3:53 AM] RADicate: tends to happen in eimm
    [*][3:53 AM] RADicate: and it bugs me in that too
    [*][3:53 AM] DuckDuckPwn: i'm sure there's some social desire to keep up appearances and that makes things nicer but like
    [*][3:53 AM] DuckDuckPwn: yeah idk
    [*][3:54 AM] RADicate: Covering up something with a new layer of paint
    [*][3:54 AM] RADicate: doesnt change the item
    [*][3:54 AM] RADicate: just the color(edited)
    [*][3:54 AM] RADicate: :/
    [*][3:54 AM] DuckDuckPwn: f10 vote i guess i should have tried to swing for hannah or wolv; i just didnt realize rodan and jalmont had no sway over trace
    [*][3:55 AM] RADicate: fwiw we were also playing
    [*][3:55 AM] RADicate: under the assumption
    [*][3:55 AM] RADicate: trace was with yall
    [*][3:55 AM] RADicate: only viper himself was really convinced
    [*][3:55 AM] RADicate: on that one
    [*][3:55 AM] RADicate: ig neither side really had a read on him :/
    [*][3:55 AM] RADicate: which seems uh
    [*][3:55 AM] RADicate: suboptimal for trace?
    [*][3:56 AM] DuckDuckPwn: ye idk
    [*][3:56 AM] DuckDuckPwn: it certainly makes this game
    [*][3:56 AM] DuckDuckPwn: much less interesting
    [*][3:56 AM] RADicate: yea
    [*][3:56 AM] RADicate: i can predict
    [*][3:56 AM] RADicate: almost every vote
    [*][3:56 AM] RADicate: implying no swings
    [*][3:56 AM] DuckDuckPwn: yeah it's gonna just go
    [*][3:57 AM] DuckDuckPwn: me, then jalmont, then viper, then trace, then hannah
    [*][3:57 AM] DuckDuckPwn: and wolv wins f3
    [*][3:57 AM] RADicate: zorb>you>jal/viper>viper/jal>trace>hannah
    [*][3:57 AM] RADicate: eh id prolly
    [*][3:57 AM] RADicate: put in a word for jal
    [*][3:57 AM] RADicate: i like jal this game
    [*][3:57 AM] RADicate: id try to keep him around
    [*][3:57 AM] DuckDuckPwn: i think at that point optimal play is asking who is the bigger challenge threat
    [*][3:58 AM] RADicate: not like it really matters in the end
    [*][3:58 AM] RADicate: tho
    [*][3:58 AM] DuckDuckPwn: and that's jalmont
    [*][3:58 AM] DuckDuckPwn: but yeah
    [*][3:58 AM] RADicate: fair; optimal play is voting jal there
    [*][3:58 AM] RADicate: but anywho; i dont see much motivation in me flipping and risking my position there if trace isnt gonna play along
    [*][3:58 AM] RADicate: knowing full well
    [*][3:58 AM] DuckDuckPwn: yea
    [*][3:58 AM] DuckDuckPwn: dont
    [*][3:58 AM] RADicate: where he stands
    [*][3:59 AM] RADicate: gonna go ahead and vote zorb
    [*][3:59 AM] DuckDuckPwn: vote zorbees here
    [*][3:59 AM] RADicate: good luck to ya
    [*][3:59 AM] DuckDuckPwn: yep
    [*][3:59 AM] DuckDuckPwn: i'll keep in touch at 8
    [*][3:59 AM] RADicate: 8 what time zone?
    [*][3:59 AM] DuckDuckPwn: not time
    [*][3:59 AM] DuckDuckPwn: 8 people left
    [*][3:59 AM] DuckDuckPwn: lol
    [*][3:59 AM] RADicate: oh
    [*][3:59 AM] RADicate: lmao
    [*][3:59 AM] RADicate: yeah; i'll try to put in a word for ya but honestly
    [*][3:59 AM] RADicate: dont expect
    [*][3:59 AM] RADicate: too much
    [*][4:00 AM] DuckDuckPwn: oh dont die on that sword
    [*][4:00 AM] RADicate: yeah it'll basically be me testing the waters
    [*][4:00 AM] RADicate: and then backing right out
    [*][4:00 AM] RADicate: idt it ever slides
    [*][4:00 AM] RADicate: tbh
    [*][4:00 AM] DuckDuckPwn: probably shouldnt even bother
    [*][4:00 AM] DuckDuckPwn: if i'm you
    [*][4:00 AM] DuckDuckPwn: and it's already been proposed
    [*][4:00 AM] DuckDuckPwn: only play at 8 for you is
    [*][4:00 AM] RADicate: is to ride the wave with hannah and co
    [*][4:01 AM] DuckDuckPwn: hope viper doesnt side with hannah
    [*][4:01 AM] DuckDuckPwn: and that somehow
    [*][4:01 AM] DuckDuckPwn: er
    [*][4:01 AM] RADicate: viper picks me>hannah every day
    [*][4:01 AM] DuckDuckPwn: yeah
    [*][4:01 AM] RADicate: a f7 play isnt impossible
    [*][4:01 AM] RADicate: if i wanted to take that route
    [*][4:01 AM] RADicate: but that also relys on the
    [*][4:01 AM] RADicate: ever so reliable
    [*][4:01 AM] RADicate: trace
    [*][4:01 AM] DuckDuckPwn: i think the issue on f7 is
    [*][4:01 AM] DuckDuckPwn: if you stab wolv there
    [*][4:01 AM] DuckDuckPwn: you need to have
    [*][4:01 AM] DuckDuckPwn: an immunity run
    [*][4:01 AM] DuckDuckPwn: from f5-3
    [*][4:02 AM] DuckDuckPwn: which i guess is better odds than
    [*][4:02 AM] DuckDuckPwn: coasting and losing
    [*][4:02 AM] RADicate: maybe not? F7 is me/jal/wolv/hannah/alore/viper
    [*][4:02 AM] RADicate: oh and trace
    [*][4:02 AM] RADicate: this is at least the 6th time
    [*][4:02 AM] DuckDuckPwn: so if you get uh
    [*][4:02 AM] RADicate: this game
    [*][4:02 AM] RADicate: i forgot trace
    [*][4:02 AM] DuckDuckPwn: you/jal/viper/trace
    [*][4:02 AM] DuckDuckPwn: on wolv
    [*][4:03 AM] RADicate: thatd be the vote
    [*][4:03 AM] RADicate: presumably
    [*][4:03 AM] DuckDuckPwn: yeah
    [*][4:03 AM] DuckDuckPwn: so if you make that happen
    [*][4:03 AM] DuckDuckPwn: then what happens at 6
    [*][4:03 AM] RADicate: Hannah sides with alore every day
    [*][4:03 AM] DuckDuckPwn: yep
    [*][4:03 AM] RADicate: hannah/alore/viper/me/jal/trace
    [*][4:03 AM] RADicate: i side with jal
    [*][4:03 AM] RADicate: every day
    [*][4:03 AM] DuckDuckPwn: you/jal/hannah/alore vote out viper?
    [*][4:04 AM] RADicate: i could see that vote
    [*][4:04 AM] RADicate: then next vote is trace
    [*][4:04 AM] RADicate: if that happens
    [*][4:04 AM] DuckDuckPwn: hmm
    [*][4:04 AM] RADicate: with nobody left advocating for him?
    [*][4:04 AM] RADicate: or is the vote left to trace
    [*][4:04 AM] DuckDuckPwn: no you do
    [*][4:04 AM] RADicate: i might get voted
    [*][4:04 AM] RADicate: act ye
    [*][4:04 AM] DuckDuckPwn: yeah you are a likely vote at 5 but i think you can try
    [*][4:05 AM] DuckDuckPwn: you/jal/trace
    [*][4:05 AM] DuckDuckPwn: vote alore
    [*][4:05 AM] DuckDuckPwn: or
    [*][4:05 AM] DuckDuckPwn: you/hannah/alore vote jal
    [*][4:05 AM] DuckDuckPwn: i think you can win from there
    [*][4:05 AM] DuckDuckPwn: i think keeping trace up is fine since he's not a winning threat
    [*][4:06 AM] RADicate: idk who wins tribal
    [*][4:06 AM] RADicate: between me and jal
    [*][4:06 AM] RADicate: if aloer gets voted there
    [*][4:06 AM] RADicate: and i lose to hannah in tribal
    [*][4:06 AM] DuckDuckPwn: eh
    [*][4:06 AM] DuckDuckPwn: not if you make the f7 play
    [*][4:06 AM] DuckDuckPwn: you've got good arguments there
    [*][4:06 AM] DuckDuckPwn: you're assuming a world where you dont drive the f7/f6 votes
    [*][4:07 AM] DuckDuckPwn: but in a world you do, you probably beat hannah
    [*][4:07 AM] DuckDuckPwn: hannah hasnt done much post-merge besides being a part of the main alliance
    [*][4:07 AM] DuckDuckPwn: from what ive gathered
    [*][4:07 AM] RADicate: i suppose none of us have really
    [*][4:07 AM] RADicate: lmfao
    [*][4:07 AM] DuckDuckPwn: yeah you havent had to
    [*][4:07 AM] DuckDuckPwn: but that's to your benefit
    [*][4:08 AM] RADicate: fair enough
    [*][4:08 AM] DuckDuckPwn: but yeah you have some issues in f5 if you make the f7 play but i think you at least have chances
    [*][4:08 AM] DuckDuckPwn: but you would need to convince viper
    [*][4:08 AM] DuckDuckPwn: not to say shit to alore lol
    [*][4:09 AM] RADicate: thats the main issue here; in terms of priorities
    [*][4:09 AM] RADicate: viper takes alore>me
    [*][4:09 AM] RADicate: every day
    [*][4:09 AM] RADicate: and thus trusts alore far more
    [*][4:09 AM] DuckDuckPwn: sure, but i think you can easily say
    [*][4:09 AM] RADicate: im wondering if this can be done at all
    [*][4:09 AM] RADicate: behind alore
    [*][4:09 AM] DuckDuckPwn: well if you have logs where it's clear
    [*][4:09 AM] DuckDuckPwn: alore is siding with hannah/wolv
    [*][4:09 AM] DuckDuckPwn: or a group chat
    [*][4:10 AM] DuckDuckPwn: that'd be helpful
    [*][4:10 AM] DuckDuckPwn: otherwise
    [*][4:10 AM] RADicate: no GC exists; i only have logs of hannah's end
    [*][4:10 AM] RADicate: only having logs on hannah's side makes it
    [*][4:10 AM] RADicate: harder
    [*][4:10 AM] DuckDuckPwn: yeah
    [*][4:10 AM] RADicate: ig i could go the route
    [*][4:10 AM] DuckDuckPwn: well i guess even if alore finds out
    [*][4:10 AM] DuckDuckPwn: they dont have majority
    [*][4:10 AM] RADicate: of straight up asking alore
    [*][4:10 AM] RADicate: "yo do you care more about hann or viper"
    [*][4:10 AM] RADicate: but that seems
    [*][4:10 AM] RADicate: uh
    [*][4:10 AM] RADicate: suboptimal
    [*][4:10 AM] DuckDuckPwn: lol
    [*][4:11 AM] DuckDuckPwn: idk i dont think anyone would hold it against you
    [*][4:11 AM] DuckDuckPwn: alore isnt gonna, knowing alore
    [*][4:11 AM] RADicate: if people hold a survivor game over my head
    [*][4:11 AM] RADicate: they are lame
    [*][4:11 AM] RADicate: anyways
    [*][4:11 AM] DuckDuckPwn: oh i meant in game terms
    [*][4:11 AM] DuckDuckPwn: not in after-game terms
    [*][4:11 AM] DuckDuckPwn: lol
    [*][4:11 AM] RADicate: oh
    [*][4:11 AM] RADicate: lol
    [*][4:12 AM] DuckDuckPwn: but yeah i dont think asking alore is really a problem tbh
    [*][4:12 AM] DuckDuckPwn: have you talked much with alore btw
    [*][4:12 AM] RADicate: thats the problem here
    [*][4:12 AM] RADicate: i havent spoken to alore
    [*][4:12 AM] RADicate: once
    [*][4:12 AM] DuckDuckPwn: ah
    [*][4:12 AM] RADicate: i am basically
    [*][4:12 AM] RADicate: allied by proxy
    [*][4:13 AM] RADicate: of being in the main alliance
    [*][4:13 AM] RADicate: thats why i suggested alore as the vote
    [*][4:13 AM] RADicate: earlier
    [*][4:13 AM] DuckDuckPwn: yeah
    [*][4:13 AM] DuckDuckPwn: should i protest vote trace here
    [*][4:13 AM] DuckDuckPwn: lmao
    [*][4:13 AM] DuckDuckPwn: i shouldnt that's terrible play
    [*][4:14 AM] RADicate: it would be hilarious
    [*][4:14 AM] RADicate: ngl
    [*][4:14 AM] RADicate: but making trace an enemy is probably worsening your position
    [*][4:14 AM] RADicate: more than it already is
    [*][4:14 AM] RADicate: if trace isnt already an enemy? idk what they are thinking
    [*][4:14 AM] RADicate: tbh
    [*][4:15 AM] DuckDuckPwn: yeah i will not vote trace here
    [*][4:15 AM] DuckDuckPwn: i could vote you for shits and giggles
    [*][4:15 AM] DuckDuckPwn: what do i even vote
    [*][4:15 AM] RADicate: Heh
    [*][4:15 AM] DuckDuckPwn: myself?
    [*][4:15 AM] DuckDuckPwn: hmmm
    [*][4:16 AM] RADicate: Optimal play is probably voting zorb and attempting to reopen comms? But idt even doing that to gain their respect here
    [*][4:16 AM] RADicate: saves you at all
    [*][4:16 AM] RADicate: come f8
    [*][4:16 AM] RADicate: so prolly
    [*][4:16 AM] RADicate: no point
    [*][4:16 AM] DuckDuckPwn: that doesnt do anything besides potentially out that you're talking to me
    [*][4:16 AM] DuckDuckPwn: that's a bad play
    [*][4:16 AM] RADicate: oh; i just realized what that means for me
    [*][4:17 AM] RADicate: yeah lets not do that
    [*][4:17 AM] RADicate: good call lmfao
    [*][4:17 AM] RADicate: who is zorbees/jal voting here?
    [*][4:17 AM] RADicate: imo just do what you
    [*][4:17 AM] RADicate: wouldve done
    [*][4:17 AM] RADicate: anyways
    [*][4:17 AM] DuckDuckPwn: i think zorbees is voting hannah but didnt tell me anything
    [*][4:17 AM] RADicate: sheeping zorbees is prolly the safe/logical play then?
    [*][4:18 AM] RADicate: since it doesnt raise any eyebrows
    [*][4:18 AM] RADicate: self vote is basically saying "lol i give up" and just basically encouraging votes on you
    [*][4:18 AM] RADicate: next phase?
    [*][4:18 AM] DuckDuckPwn: actually
    [*][4:18 AM] DuckDuckPwn: he never said anything about a vot
    [*][4:18 AM] DuckDuckPwn: so he's probably voting viper again
    [*][4:18 AM] DuckDuckPwn: lol
    [*][4:18 AM] RADicate: lol
    [*][4:18 AM] DuckDuckPwn: and i dont want to vote viper here
    [*][4:19 AM] DuckDuckPwn: i want viper at 8 to flip for the hail mary
    [*][4:19 AM] RADicate: just vote any one of me/wolv/(prolly not alore out of a nod to trace?)/hannah
    [*][4:19 AM] DuckDuckPwn: you said my play here at 9 was a hail mary
    [*][4:19 AM] DuckDuckPwn: nah the 8 play
    [*][4:19 AM] DuckDuckPwn: is a hail mary
    [*][4:19 AM] DuckDuckPwn: lol
    [*][4:19 AM] RADicate: lol
    [*][4:20 AM] RADicate: i litterally see no way that happens beyond MAYBE forcing rocks?
    [*][4:20 AM] RADicate: with presumably like
    [*][4:20 AM] RADicate: me/you/jal/trace
    [*][4:20 AM] DuckDuckPwn: as i said
    [*][4:20 AM] DuckDuckPwn: hail mary with viper
    [*][4:21 AM] RADicate: but trace never votes viper; imo the hail mary is more likely to succeed with
    [*][4:21 AM] DuckDuckPwn: oh no
    [*][4:21 AM] DuckDuckPwn: i meant
    [*][4:21 AM] RADicate: hannah/wolv as the targ?
    [*][4:21 AM] DuckDuckPwn: to get him
    [*][4:21 AM] DuckDuckPwn: to side
    [*][4:21 AM] DuckDuckPwn: with
    [*][4:21 AM] DuckDuckPwn: not to vote him
    [*][4:21 AM] DuckDuckPwn: lo
    [*][4:21 AM] DuckDuckPwn: l
    [*][4:21 AM] RADicate: oh
    [*][4:21 AM] RADicate: lol
    [*][4:21 AM] RADicate: that makes
    [*][4:21 AM] RADicate: more sense
    [*][4:21 AM] DuckDuckPwn: i think i vote hannah here
    [*][4:22 AM] DuckDuckPwn: there's no world where i need to work with hannah on a vote in the immediate future
    [*][4:22 AM] DuckDuckPwn: and it's the vote i would be most inclined for
    [*][4:22 AM] RADicate: mmk
    [*][4:22 AM] RADicate: anyways i already submitted
    [*][4:22 AM] RADicate: my zorb vote
    [*][4:22 AM] DuckDuckPwn: cool
    [*][4:23 AM] RADicate: i'll hit you up next phase; but prolly wont be until like the late into the evening before i can talk at length
    [*][4:23 AM] RADicate: but my dms will be open all day
    [*][4:23 AM] DuckDuckPwn: cool
    [*][4:24 AM] RADicate: anywho i'll ttyl imma go figure out what i should be doing since im wide awake at 4:30 in the morning
    [*][4:24 AM] DuckDuckPwn: yea cya
    [*][4:24 AM] RADicate: :GWnanamiKarenWave:
    [*][4:26 AM] DuckDuckPwn: is there really no peace sign discord emote
    [*][4:26 AM] DuckDuckPwn: hol up
    [*][4:26 AM] RADicate: im in like at least 8 global emote servers
    [*][4:26 AM] RADicate: and idt i have one
    [*][4:26 AM] DuckDuckPwn: :v:
    [*][4:26 AM] DuckDuckPwn: nvm
    [*][4:26 AM] DuckDuckPwn: got it
    [*][4:27 AM] DuckDuckPwn: its
    [*][4:27 AM] DuckDuckPwn: :v:
    [*][4:27 AM] DuckDuckPwn: er
    [*][4:27 AM] DuckDuckPwn: that's not helpful
    [*][4:27 AM] DuckDuckPwn: lmao
    [*][4:27 AM] RADicate: :v:
    [*][4:27 AM] DuckDuckPwn: : v :
    [*][4:27 AM] RADicate: i can hover over it
    [*][4:27 AM] DuckDuckPwn: cool
    [*][4:27 AM] RADicate: and it'll show me the uh text
    [*][4:27 AM] DuckDuckPwn: yea its 4:30 i did not think of this
    [*][4:27 AM] DuckDuckPwn: anyway
    [*][4:27 AM] RADicate: oof EST
    [*][4:27 AM] DuckDuckPwn: ye
    [*][4:27 AM] RADicate: anywho cya
    [*][4:27 AM] DuckDuckPwn: pce

Note: these logs are really long lol
I'm sorta away right now (family event out of state), so sorry that this is so brief.

Da Letter El THE SCIATIC NERVE and Hannahh what would you say your best success was, greatest failure, and toughest rival? For the first two, what do you think your rivals' most accurate answers should be?
Greatest success was the maneuvering I did at f8. Every word was that the next vote immediately after zorbees was going to be on me. Debates in Wolv/Hannah camp were over me vs trace, and viper wanted me vs jalmont, so I was looking to be the obvious pick at 8 because the main people in both at that position wanted me out (Wolv and viper). Getting viper to give me his word he would keep me alive until 7, as well as word from Hannah and Alore that they would not vote for me at 8 was huge.

I used the facts that: a. viper didn't know that Rad was willing to flip onto Wolv, b. viper/jalmont were not close at f8 at all, so viper had no idea what jalmont would do at 7, and c. Hannah/Alore both liked talking to me to help leverage both camps into getting the vote off of me. I did not push particularly hard one way or the other on trace/jalmont, because I didn't want to create fears that jalmont and I were particularly close and give any MORE reason for there to be a target on my back (and limit the chances I can work with Hannah and possibly Rad into the future, as well as the fact that either vote at 8 benefitted me

(if jalmont out at 8, wolv out at 7 because trace follows viper + I know rad is willing to flip even if Alore refuses to vote for wolv; I get alore to vote for trace at 6 after a probable tie where alore doesn't care about trace as much as risking going out to rocks -- assuming I can't convince alore to vote for trace before that point. Then at 5, I've either done a good enough job socially to work with 2/3 of Hannah/Alore/Rad to be able to get a viper or rad vote at 5, or I'm just forced to get two immunities in a row. Considering I was seen by the vast majority of the game as the biggest threat at that point, needing 2-3 immunities at the end is not a bad worst case scenario)

[6:56 PM] viper: hey
[6:56 PM] viper: are u down to talk about what happened in that previous vote
[6:56 PM] viper: in circus surv that is
[7:34 PM] DuckDuckPwn: yeah should be obvious but
[7:34 PM] DuckDuckPwn: the 5 of
[7:35 PM] DuckDuckPwn: you/alore/hannah/wolv/3p1k being up at 10
[7:35 PM] DuckDuckPwn: is super problematic
[7:35 PM] DuckDuckPwn: i kept trying at 11
[7:35 PM] DuckDuckPwn: to get you to vote one there
[7:35 PM] DuckDuckPwn: so i wouldnt have to vote you at 10
[7:35 PM] DuckDuckPwn: but you didnt
[7:35 PM] DuckDuckPwn: so
[7:35 PM] DuckDuckPwn: yea
[7:35 PM] DuckDuckPwn: and then idk what happened for the off-vote lol
[7:35 PM] viper: i wasnt planning
[7:35 PM] viper: on going with those 3
[7:35 PM] viper: in f5
[7:35 PM] viper: take it as lip service if u want
[7:36 PM] DuckDuckPwn: then you probably should communicate a bit better because
[7:36 PM] DuckDuckPwn: just
[7:36 PM] DuckDuckPwn: shutting down
[7:36 PM] DuckDuckPwn: "i dont wanna vote 3p1k"
[7:36 PM] DuckDuckPwn: "i wanna keep hannah and wolv around longer"
[7:36 PM] DuckDuckPwn: is
[7:36 PM] DuckDuckPwn: not helpful
[7:36 PM] viper: maybe ur right, i didnt think it needed to be said
[7:36 PM] viper: i tried
[7:36 PM] viper: expressing it
[7:36 PM] viper: by saying i would help u both
[7:36 PM] viper: get immune
[7:36 PM] viper: as i find actions better than words
[7:36 PM] viper: in these senarios
[7:36 PM] DuckDuckPwn: but immunity there didnt matter
[7:36 PM] DuckDuckPwn: we were never the vote
[7:36 PM] DuckDuckPwn: lol
[7:36 PM] viper: but i got logs that you both wanted me out
[7:36 PM] viper: you were gonna be
[7:36 PM] viper: the vote
[7:37 PM] DuckDuckPwn: yeah ofc we didnt
[7:37 PM] DuckDuckPwn: hide that we were voting you
[7:37 PM] DuckDuckPwn: i was well aware word would get to you
[7:37 PM] DuckDuckPwn: and when you went
[7:37 PM] DuckDuckPwn: radio silent
[7:37 PM] DuckDuckPwn: instead of
[7:37 PM] DuckDuckPwn: trying to talk to me
[7:37 PM] DuckDuckPwn: that made me
[7:37 PM] DuckDuckPwn: even more confident
[7:37 PM] DuckDuckPwn: that i was making the right decision
[7:37 PM] viper: yea i guess that was a bad move on my end
[7:38 PM] viper: i thought at this point
[7:38 PM] viper: if i said smth
[7:38 PM] viper: it would be used against me later
[7:38 PM] viper: and it would lead to a bad jury game
[7:38 PM] DuckDuckPwn: if you say something then i consider voting any of the others in said list i made earlier
[7:38 PM] DuckDuckPwn: and puts you in a good position
[7:38 PM] DuckDuckPwn: to be in the middle
[7:38 PM] viper: i wanted to vote
[7:38 PM] viper: 3p1k
[7:38 PM] viper: at f10
[7:38 PM] viper: and i understand it was mb
[7:38 PM] DuckDuckPwn: the problem there is that
[7:38 PM] viper: for after hearing uwanted me gone
[7:38 PM] DuckDuckPwn: selling a 3p1k vote
[7:38 PM] DuckDuckPwn: to rufflets
[7:38 PM] viper: not talking to you
[7:39 PM] DuckDuckPwn: is not the right play
[7:39 PM] DuckDuckPwn: at 10
[7:39 PM] viper: zorbees mentioned it to me
[7:39 PM] DuckDuckPwn: we would not have the votes
[7:39 PM] viper: so i wanted to
[7:39 PM] viper: make it happen
[7:39 PM] viper: so you all would trust me more
[7:39 PM] viper: i didnt pull it out of my ass
[7:39 PM] viper: zorbees said he wanted to do it
[7:39 PM] viper: i expressed my concerns
[7:39 PM] viper: he said he still wanted to do it
[7:39 PM] viper: so i decided to join in and hope it worked out
[7:39 PM] viper: my concerns were never just i dont want to vote them out
[7:39 PM] viper: i felt they were justified
[7:40 PM] DuckDuckPwn: it's justified in a world where you think you can sneak into an f3 but like
[7:40 PM] DuckDuckPwn: a
[7:40 PM] DuckDuckPwn: alore is way closer to hannah/wolv than to you
[7:40 PM] DuckDuckPwn: and b
[7:40 PM] viper: that A is not true
[7:40 PM] viper: oo
[7:40 PM] DuckDuckPwn: sticking with that group makes the game boring as shit
[7:40 PM] DuckDuckPwn: and jury
[7:40 PM] DuckDuckPwn: hates you for it
[7:40 PM] DuckDuckPwn: and picks alore in that f3
[7:41 PM] DuckDuckPwn: because he likes kanye
[7:41 PM] DuckDuckPwn: lmao
[7:41 PM] viper: then why did u
[7:41 PM] viper: tell me you wanted it make it
[7:41 PM] viper: less boring
[7:41 PM] viper: you wanted
[7:41 PM] viper: to push a vote on a rufflet
[7:41 PM] viper: i woulda joined you
[7:41 PM] viper: on any vote
[7:41 PM] viper: that wasnt me
[7:41 PM] viper: as long as we discussed
[7:41 PM] viper: the pros and cons
[7:41 PM] viper: it seemed like whenever i said a con
[7:41 PM] viper: you thought i was 100% against it
[7:42 PM] DuckDuckPwn: ok well i am literally always voting wolv here
[7:42 PM] DuckDuckPwn: you're free to join
[7:42 PM] viper: (also i like kanye)
[7:42 PM] DuckDuckPwn: wolv is in the driver's seat to win
[7:42 PM] viper: :weary:
[7:42 PM] DuckDuckPwn: and needs to go
[7:42 PM] DuckDuckPwn: so
[7:42 PM] DuckDuckPwn: shrug
[7:42 PM] viper: how is he in
[7:42 PM] viper: drivers seat
[7:42 PM] DuckDuckPwn: because his social game has been good
[7:43 PM] DuckDuckPwn: and if game continues as squo
[7:43 PM] DuckDuckPwn: he coasts to f3 without much trouble
[7:43 PM] viper: in a f7
[7:43 PM] viper: with vullabies only
[7:43 PM] DuckDuckPwn: i mean i always
[7:43 PM] viper: we win
[7:43 PM] viper: O_O
[7:43 PM] DuckDuckPwn: i really
[7:43 PM] DuckDuckPwn: dont think
[7:43 PM] DuckDuckPwn: alore
[7:43 PM] DuckDuckPwn: votes wolv
[7:43 PM] viper: alore votes
[7:43 PM] viper: 3p1k tho
[7:43 PM] viper: oo
[7:43 PM] viper: alore should vote with me
[7:43 PM] viper: on all of these
[7:44 PM] viper: ive talked with him so much
[7:44 PM] DuckDuckPwn: alore and hannah talk
[7:44 PM] DuckDuckPwn: about literally everything
[7:44 PM] DuckDuckPwn: ok so
[7:44 PM] DuckDuckPwn: at f10
[7:44 PM] DuckDuckPwn: i was talking to alore about drinking
[7:44 PM] DuckDuckPwn: hannah
[7:44 PM] DuckDuckPwn: immediately goes
[7:44 PM] DuckDuckPwn: oh hey
[7:44 PM] DuckDuckPwn: you're talking to alore about drinking
[7:44 PM] DuckDuckPwn: let's talk about drinking
[7:44 PM] viper: i dont see
[7:44 PM] DuckDuckPwn: they are
[7:44 PM] viper: the issue
[7:44 PM] DuckDuckPwn: super close
[7:45 PM] viper: alore has told me he is close with hannahh
[7:45 PM] viper: i know this
[7:45 PM] viper: he is closer with me still
[7:45 PM] viper: O_O
[7:45 PM] DuckDuckPwn: if that were the case
[7:45 PM] DuckDuckPwn: then
[7:45 PM] DuckDuckPwn: why
[7:45 PM] DuckDuckPwn: would you
[7:45 PM] DuckDuckPwn: never
[7:45 PM] DuckDuckPwn: add
[7:45 PM] DuckDuckPwn: alore
[7:45 PM] DuckDuckPwn: to
[7:45 PM] DuckDuckPwn: our
[7:45 PM] DuckDuckPwn: alliance chat
[7:45 PM] viper: the man told me
[7:45 PM] viper: he didnt want
[7:45 PM] viper: to talk about survivor
[7:45 PM] viper: in any more group chats
[7:45 PM] DuckDuckPwn: .
[7:45 PM] viper: he said
[7:46 PM] viper: he was done with playing for a bit
[7:46 PM] viper: and was gonna take a break
[7:46 PM] viper: so i said sure
[7:46 PM] viper: and that he should just vote with me
[7:46 PM] viper: for the time he is gone
[7:46 PM] viper: it makes no sense
[7:46 PM] viper: adding him into our gc
[7:46 PM] viper: when he doesnt want to contribute
[7:47 PM] DuckDuckPwn: contribution hardly matters, what matters is presence and awareness
[7:47 PM] DuckDuckPwn: when he's not there, it communicates
[7:47 PM] DuckDuckPwn: 2 things
[7:47 PM] DuckDuckPwn: either 1
[7:47 PM] DuckDuckPwn: this chat is not a priority for alore because he doesnt buy in
[7:47 PM] DuckDuckPwn: or 2
[7:47 PM] DuckDuckPwn: it is not a priority for you to even see whether or not he's in said chat
[7:47 PM] viper: ok
[7:47 PM] viper: then take away
[7:48 PM] viper: what i said earlier
[7:48 PM] viper: he asked me
[7:48 PM] viper: specifically
[7:48 PM] viper: not to
[7:48 PM] viper: yet
[7:48 PM] viper: on the rodan vote
[7:48 PM] viper: he only talked to me
[7:48 PM] DuckDuckPwn: then why is he clearly in some chat with hannah
[7:48 PM] viper: also
[7:48 PM] viper: if u wanted him
[7:48 PM] viper: in the chat
[7:48 PM] viper: tell me please
[7:48 PM] viper: :weary:
[7:48 PM] viper: that is the simplest fix
[7:49 PM] viper: i just didnt want to ask him
[7:49 PM] viper: to do smth he didnt do
[7:49 PM] viper: and didnt think it was a big deal
[7:49 PM] DuckDuckPwn: no; his presence is not the problem here
[7:49 PM] DuckDuckPwn: it's a symptom of the problem
[7:49 PM] DuckDuckPwn: fuck lagging
[7:49 PM] DuckDuckPwn: did that send
[7:49 PM] viper: he isnt in a chat
[7:49 PM] viper: with only wolv and hannahh
[7:49 PM] viper: i have rlly good reason to believe that
[7:49 PM] viper: and ye lag is bad
[7:50 PM] DuckDuckPwn: anyway the problem with me just saying "hey add alore" is that
[7:50 PM] DuckDuckPwn: if i'm trying to assess
[7:50 PM] DuckDuckPwn: buy in
[7:50 PM] DuckDuckPwn: from you and alore
[7:50 PM] DuckDuckPwn: i should not
[7:50 PM] DuckDuckPwn: have to do this
[7:50 PM] viper: fair enough
[7:50 PM] viper: i didnt think
[7:51 PM] viper: you and zorbees were invested in the alliance as well ig
[7:51 PM] DuckDuckPwn: who actually wants to work with me
[7:51 PM] DuckDuckPwn: me then saying "hey add alore" doesnt solve the problem of me figuring out
[7:51 PM] viper: rodan jalmont trace
[7:51 PM] viper: O_O
[7:51 PM] viper: lag is bad oml
[7:51 PM] viper: trying to start conversation was tough
[7:51 PM] DuckDuckPwn: and who does not
[7:51 PM] viper: ^ that dindt sent
[7:51 PM] DuckDuckPwn: bleh
[7:51 PM] DuckDuckPwn: lag sux
[7:51 PM] viper: ye
[7:51 PM] viper: deffo
[7:52 PM] viper: my social game
[7:52 PM] viper: is so shitty
[7:52 PM] viper: and its not on purpose
[7:53 PM] viper: holy
[7:53 PM] DuckDuckPwn: anyway i wasnt invested because i got no sense of investment from you at f11 and going to make the "remove the aura idol" play behind my back communicates literally 0 things that i should be inspired by
[7:53 PM] DuckDuckPwn: lol
[7:53 PM] DuckDuckPwn: add in the alore stuff and
[7:53 PM] DuckDuckPwn: f10 vote was not hard for me to decide on
[7:53 PM] DuckDuckPwn: if this is all a matter of
[7:53 PM] viper: i tried explaining about aura vote
[7:53 PM] DuckDuckPwn: misunderstandings
[7:53 PM] DuckDuckPwn: then that's fine
[7:53 PM] DuckDuckPwn: i'm not gunning for you personally
[7:53 PM] viper: i dont think
[7:54 PM] DuckDuckPwn: i voted you at f10 because it seemed like the easiest sell to rodan's camp
[7:54 PM] viper: im a threat anymore LOL
[7:54 PM] viper: my social game
[7:54 PM] DuckDuckPwn: since i hadnt interacted with them much
[7:54 PM] viper: will get worse from here
[7:54 PM] viper: no matter what i do it seems
[7:55 PM] DuckDuckPwn: anyway i am way too scared of, even if you're working with me, some hannah/wolv/3p1k/alore nonsense that
[7:55 PM] DuckDuckPwn: i always vote wolv here
[7:55 PM] DuckDuckPwn: if you and alore
[7:55 PM] DuckDuckPwn: actually want to hop on board to vote wolv
[7:55 PM] DuckDuckPwn: then feel free
[7:55 PM] DuckDuckPwn: but my game
[7:55 PM] DuckDuckPwn: is basically shot
[7:55 PM] DuckDuckPwn: if that isnt broken up
[7:55 PM] DuckDuckPwn: if you're honestly not trying to be part of that then thats fine
[7:55 PM] viper: lemme put it
[7:55 PM] viper: this way
[7:55 PM] viper: based on what im thinking about rn
[7:56 PM] viper: if we get
[7:56 PM] viper: wolv hannahh here
[7:56 PM] viper: in that order
[7:56 PM] viper: it becomes
[7:56 PM] viper: you zorbees me jalmont trace alore 3p1k
[7:56 PM] DuckDuckPwn: right
[7:56 PM] viper: idt
[7:56 PM] viper: i win that
[7:56 PM] viper: 1 bit
[7:57 PM] DuckDuckPwn: so what f3s do you win
[7:57 PM] DuckDuckPwn: if i keep doing snakey shit like this you have some arg against me lol
[7:57 PM] DuckDuckPwn: but uh
[7:57 PM] viper: i see
[7:57 PM] DuckDuckPwn: assuming i beat you
[7:57 PM] viper: 2 f3s
[7:57 PM] viper: i win
[7:57 PM] viper: as of rn
[7:57 PM] DuckDuckPwn: you win vs trace
[7:57 PM] DuckDuckPwn: you win vs 3p1k
[7:58 PM] DuckDuckPwn: alore is a 50/50 based on how mad jury is
[7:58 PM] viper: ye LOL
[7:58 PM] viper: i hope jury isnt that mad
[7:58 PM] viper: oml
[7:58 PM] viper: i didnt vote animus
[7:58 PM] viper: last season
[7:58 PM] viper: i hope that favor is returned
[7:58 PM] viper: from the survivor gods
[7:58 PM] viper: assuming i make f3
[7:58 PM] DuckDuckPwn: i voted heal too
[7:58 PM] viper: lel
[7:58 PM] DuckDuckPwn: lol
[7:58 PM] DuckDuckPwn: i would have voted animus before i voted flyhn
[7:58 PM] DuckDuckPwn: heal's ftc was
[7:59 PM] DuckDuckPwn: so bad
[7:59 PM] DuckDuckPwn: lol
[7:59 PM] viper: what im worried about
[7:59 PM] DuckDuckPwn: anyway pretty much everything ive done so far has been a
[7:59 PM] DuckDuckPwn: massive failure
[7:59 PM] viper: is 1) in a
[7:59 PM] viper: me you zorbees alore f4
[7:59 PM] DuckDuckPwn: besides a pointless koc vote
[7:59 PM] DuckDuckPwn: LOL
[7:59 PM] viper: im always out
[7:59 PM] viper: unless i win challenge
[7:59 PM] viper: after that last vote
[8:00 PM] viper: i really want to find a f3
[8:00 PM] DuckDuckPwn: i look so bad after that f10 lol
[8:00 PM] viper: i can get with you and zorbees
[8:01 PM] DuckDuckPwn: i also dont think you beat either of hannah or wolv atm btw lol
[8:01 PM] DuckDuckPwn: esp wolv
[8:01 PM] viper: ye
[8:01 PM] viper: i see that
[8:01 PM] viper: trust me
[8:02 PM] viper: i think ud win
[8:02 PM] viper: most f3s
[8:02 PM] viper: tbh
[8:02 PM] DuckDuckPwn: if there's an f3 of me/you/alore
[8:02 PM] DuckDuckPwn: the arguments are basically
[8:02 PM] DuckDuckPwn: alore is out
[8:02 PM] DuckDuckPwn: and then its a matter of
[8:02 PM] DuckDuckPwn: does me fucking up at f10 and being completely caught off guard at f11
[8:02 PM] DuckDuckPwn: outweigh some bad jury stuff
[8:03 PM] viper: i dont think i have played too bad of a jury game as of rn, but i deffo will in the future
[8:03 PM] viper: i voted aura and rodan
[8:03 PM] viper: cause i had a motive
[8:03 PM] viper: and there was clear reason
[8:03 PM] viper: as they voted me out
[8:03 PM] DuckDuckPwn: idt aura holds that against you
[8:03 PM] DuckDuckPwn: rodan does
[8:03 PM] viper: well
[8:03 PM] viper: when i get logs
[8:03 PM] DuckDuckPwn: aura's p logical
[8:03 PM] viper: that rodan wants me dead
[8:03 PM] viper: and that you want me dead
[8:03 PM] viper: i dont just sit there
[8:03 PM] viper: O_O
[8:04 PM] viper: im sure i coulda
[8:04 PM] viper: played around differently
[8:04 PM] viper: but not at all could i have changed rodans vote
[8:04 PM] DuckDuckPwn: rodan was in on believing in the 5 of
[8:04 PM] DuckDuckPwn: you/alore/hannah/wolv/3p1k
[8:04 PM] DuckDuckPwn: was a thing
[8:04 PM] DuckDuckPwn: and could have been persuaded
[8:04 PM] DuckDuckPwn: for just about any of those
[8:04 PM] DuckDuckPwn: he just preferred you
[8:05 PM] DuckDuckPwn: lol
[8:05 PM] viper: ofc he did LOL
[8:05 PM] viper: he was pissing me off ngl
[8:05 PM] viper: he kept on saying
[8:05 PM] viper: "you have to vote for me, you have no power in this game"
[8:05 PM] viper: :weary:
[8:05 PM] viper: with me*
[8:05 PM] viper: not for me
[8:05 PM] viper: x
[8:06 PM] viper: dle, how much would you hate me if i didnt vote with you here
[8:06 PM] viper: O_O
[8:07 PM] DuckDuckPwn: i'm not particularly vindictive
[8:07 PM] viper: im really having trouble seeing a way to vote with you while still keeping a ok jury game and not getting fucked in f3
[8:07 PM] viper: (or before f3)
[8:07 PM] viper: after that last vote
[8:08 PM] DuckDuckPwn: anyway i think you probably overestimate me this game lol
[8:08 PM] DuckDuckPwn: my accomplishments are:
[8:08 PM] DuckDuckPwn: an easy koc vote
[8:09 PM] DuckDuckPwn: a "vullaby alliance" that didnt stick at all
[8:09 PM] DuckDuckPwn: making some alliance with aura + you + alore + zorbees and not trusting that aura wouldnt then go
[8:09 PM] DuckDuckPwn: lemme tell
[8:09 PM] DuckDuckPwn: the whole world
[8:09 PM] DuckDuckPwn: i have idol and am working with dle
[8:09 PM] DuckDuckPwn: getting blindsided at f11
[8:10 PM] DuckDuckPwn: and fucking up at f10
[8:10 PM] DuckDuckPwn: oh and trying in most of the challenges, i guess i have that going for me
[8:10 PM] DuckDuckPwn: am i missing something ive done
[8:11 PM] viper: not rlly ig
[8:11 PM] viper: but ur good at challenges
[8:11 PM] DuckDuckPwn: challenges barely mean shit besides people thinking about tiebreakers on who tried more
[8:12 PM] DuckDuckPwn: or matter to get into an f3 in the first place with an immunity streak
[8:13 PM] DuckDuckPwn: whens the last time someone won a ftc because they won a lot of challenges vs
[8:13 PM] DuckDuckPwn: "this person had a good social game"
[8:13 PM] DuckDuckPwn: it doesnt happen
[8:13 PM] viper: its a plus
[8:13 PM] viper: when ur opp
[8:13 PM] viper: sucks
[8:13 PM] DuckDuckPwn: as i said
[8:13 PM] DuckDuckPwn: it is
[8:13 PM] DuckDuckPwn: a tiebreaker
[8:13 PM] DuckDuckPwn: or useful to literally place you in ftc
[8:13 PM] DuckDuckPwn: if you get enough in a row
[8:14 PM] DuckDuckPwn: this is the only time challenges matter
[8:15 PM] DuckDuckPwn: anyway im glad you seem to respect me but uh
[8:15 PM] DuckDuckPwn: my f3 is gonna have to be
[8:15 PM] DuckDuckPwn: a lot of bullshitting
[8:15 PM] DuckDuckPwn: on how i didnt really fuck things up after merge
[8:15 PM] DuckDuckPwn: lol
[8:16 PM] viper: lol
[8:16 PM] DuckDuckPwn: me being a stereotypically "good player" or being talkative or what have you doesnt matter when uh
[8:16 PM] DuckDuckPwn: your talking amounts to negative shit
[8:17 PM] DuckDuckPwn: anyway i am
[8:17 PM] DuckDuckPwn: obviously biased in explaining all the ways i lose an f3
[8:17 PM] DuckDuckPwn: because obviously it's useful for me to do so
[8:17 PM] DuckDuckPwn: so take this all with a grain of salt
[8:17 PM] DuckDuckPwn: but i legitimately think you're overestimating my f3 position
[8:18 PM] DuckDuckPwn: like, i dont think i beat wolv here, and idk how i stack up against zorbees tbh lol
[8:18 PM] DuckDuckPwn: i probably lose to jalmont if he makes a miracle run to f3
[8:19 PM] DuckDuckPwn: because there's no way that should happen after this vote went to shit LOL
[8:19 PM] DuckDuckPwn: i beat alore/trace/3p1k
[8:20 PM] DuckDuckPwn: i'm probably at a slight advantage against hannah but any f3 against her would have a fantastic jury for her
[8:20 PM] DuckDuckPwn: i dont know how i stack vs you or zorbees
[8:22 PM] DuckDuckPwn: but yea you need to come to your own decision on how you get to an f3 that you can win
[8:23 PM] viper: ur deffo right on that
[8:23 PM] viper: and trust me, this isnt an easy choice at all
[8:23 PM] viper: O_O
[8:23 PM] DuckDuckPwn: anyway if you decide to side against me
[8:23 PM] DuckDuckPwn: do me the dignity of telling me beforehad
[8:23 PM] DuckDuckPwn: it'll do you favors for ftc
[8:24 PM] viper: ook
June 12, 2018
[8:57 PM] viper: i dont think i can vote with u guys
[8:58 PM] DuckDuckPwn: mmkay
[8:58 PM] viper: im sorry buddy
[8:58 PM] viper: i wish u luck
[8:58 PM] viper: in the game
[8:58 PM] viper: hope u understand O_O
[8:59 PM] DuckDuckPwn: npnp
June 13, 2018
[12:18 PM] DuckDuckPwn: yo
[12:18 PM] DuckDuckPwn: hmu when you get the chance
[3:13 PM] viper: hi
[3:16 PM] viper: im here
[3:24 PM] DuckDuckPwn: hey i have some work to do rn and only had free time to snipe a bid in lol
[3:24 PM] DuckDuckPwn: i'll talk after work is done
[3:24 PM] viper: oook
[6:48 PM] viper: bump
[6:48 PM] DuckDuckPwn: give me 5 mins i'm sending off an email i just got out of a meeting
[6:48 PM] viper: kk
[6:54 PM] DuckDuckPwn: ok
[6:54 PM] DuckDuckPwn: hi
[6:54 PM] viper: hi
[6:54 PM] DuckDuckPwn: aight so
[6:54 PM] DuckDuckPwn: im pretty sure that
[6:54 PM] DuckDuckPwn: at f7
[6:54 PM] DuckDuckPwn: you're gonna need
[6:54 PM] DuckDuckPwn: one of me or jalmont's help
[6:55 PM] DuckDuckPwn: for you to be able to win
[6:55 PM] viper: this is mostly true, ye
[6:55 PM] DuckDuckPwn: so i'm down to just outright tell you i'll help at f7 if you keep me alive here at 8
[6:56 PM] DuckDuckPwn: and i understand
[6:56 PM] DuckDuckPwn: full well
[6:56 PM] DuckDuckPwn: it means you probably try to get me out at 6 or 5
[6:56 PM] viper: hm ok
[7:00 PM] viper: i may regret this later
[7:01 PM] viper: but i do want to be open about this cause it feels bad not being open about it
[7:01 PM] viper: i was planning on taking jalmont cause he is closer with trace
[7:01 PM] viper: if i voted out jalmont idk if trace would work with me
[7:03 PM] DuckDuckPwn: jalmont doesnt seem remotely close to trace at all, jalmont was blindsided by the f10 vote and pretty fucked by it lol
[7:03 PM] DuckDuckPwn: and trace ghosted him at f9
[7:03 PM] DuckDuckPwn: so
[7:03 PM] DuckDuckPwn: shrug
[7:03 PM] viper: going by what trace has told me
[7:03 PM] viper: they are close
[7:03 PM] viper: idk tbh
[7:04 PM] viper: i need to figure out a way
[7:04 PM] viper: to not get trace to hate me tho
[7:04 PM] viper: and vote with me
[7:04 PM] DuckDuckPwn: i mean hes gonna follow you regardless here
[7:04 PM] DuckDuckPwn: wolv/hannah havent talked with him at all
[7:04 PM] DuckDuckPwn: i dont think
[7:05 PM] DuckDuckPwn: pitch him something like you/him/alore f3 and he'll buy it (since that's probably the f3 you most want anyway)
[7:17 PM] viper: oh mb just saw this
[7:17 PM] viper: when i saw u typing
[7:17 PM] DuckDuckPwn: Anyway I think your bigger issue than what side trace falls on is where jalmont does
[7:17 PM] DuckDuckPwn: Lol
[7:17 PM] DuckDuckPwn: Trace is gonna work with you anyway
[7:18 PM] viper: my biggest issue
[7:18 PM] DuckDuckPwn: Jalmont was mad about the rodan vote and has no idea wtf trace is doing
[7:18 PM] viper: is that
[7:18 PM] viper: i think your more likely
[7:18 PM] viper: to work with wolv and hannahh
[7:18 PM] DuckDuckPwn: No, the game ends
[7:18 PM] viper: than jalmont
[7:18 PM] DuckDuckPwn: Wolv just wins there
[7:18 PM] DuckDuckPwn: That’s stupid
[7:19 PM] viper: think about it like this tho
[7:19 PM] viper: i think you could get
[7:19 PM] viper: 3p1k and trace with you
[7:19 PM] viper: in a f5 situation
[7:19 PM] DuckDuckPwn: i cant get trace lol
[7:19 PM] DuckDuckPwn: and ive barely talked to 3p1k
[7:19 PM] DuckDuckPwn: so probably cant get him either
[7:20 PM] viper: fair nuff
[7:20 PM] viper: ill deffo consider it
[7:20 PM] viper: trust me i want to take you over jalmont
[7:20 PM] viper: but i think
[7:20 PM] viper: jalmont is less of a threat
[7:20 PM] DuckDuckPwn: i think youre risking shit you dont need to w taking jalmont
[7:20 PM] DuckDuckPwn: the odds i win like
[7:21 PM] DuckDuckPwn: 3 immunity challenges in a row
[7:21 PM] DuckDuckPwn: are way lower
[7:21 PM] DuckDuckPwn: than the odds jalmont votes with wolv
[7:21 PM] DuckDuckPwn: and i would need 3 in a row
[7:21 PM] DuckDuckPwn: because i'm always gunned for at 6
[7:22 PM] viper: ur not wrong
[7:22 PM] viper: O_O
[7:23 PM] viper: there is a lot to think about ofc
[7:24 PM] DuckDuckPwn: viper i swear to you i will side with you at 7

[7:24 PM] DuckDuckPwn: i do not lie about this in this position lol
[7:24 PM] DuckDuckPwn: and not in this manner
[7:24 PM] DuckDuckPwn: i dont make empty promises by saying "i promise x" because that's shitty and lame
[7:25 PM] viper: i really feel like you have smth planned based on the way that you started this convo
[7:25 PM] viper: but ill work the others
[7:25 PM] DuckDuckPwn: wtf can i even have planned lol
[7:25 PM] viper: not to vote you
[7:25 PM] DuckDuckPwn: the only plan i have is
[7:25 PM] DuckDuckPwn: knowing that
[7:25 PM] DuckDuckPwn: i need to live at 8
[7:25 PM] DuckDuckPwn: and that im the obvious next target
[7:25 PM] DuckDuckPwn: if you dont decide otherwise
[7:26 PM] viper: ye
[7:26 PM] viper: ill work the others
[7:26 PM] viper: not to vote you
[7:26 PM] DuckDuckPwn: cool
[7:27 PM] viper: also
[7:27 PM] viper: i think that
[7:27 PM] viper: you have 2 possible plans here
[7:27 PM] viper: although both are risky
[7:28 PM] DuckDuckPwn: i mean you're welcome to tell me those plans
[7:28 PM] DuckDuckPwn: plans are good
[7:28 PM] viper: lol
[7:28 PM] DuckDuckPwn: definitely give me ideas
[7:28 PM] DuckDuckPwn: !
[7:28 PM] viper: im thinking
[7:28 PM] viper: there is an idol play
[7:28 PM] viper: that could happen
[7:28 PM] viper: and a
[7:28 PM] viper: f4 gamble
[7:28 PM] DuckDuckPwn: i dont ever get to f4 barring extreme challenge luck
[7:28 PM] viper: or
[7:28 PM] viper: you flip wolv and hannahh
[7:28 PM] viper: against me and alore
[7:28 PM] viper: :thinking:
[7:29 PM] DuckDuckPwn: there's no world where even if the next 3 votes are
[7:29 PM] DuckDuckPwn: jalmont/you/alore in some order
[7:29 PM] DuckDuckPwn: where they take
[7:29 PM] DuckDuckPwn: me
[7:29 PM] DuckDuckPwn: over trace
[7:29 PM] DuckDuckPwn: to f4
[7:29 PM] DuckDuckPwn: lol
[7:29 PM] viper: there are ways
[7:29 PM] viper: to get them
[7:29 PM] viper: to go against trace
[7:29 PM] viper: 1) win immunity
[7:29 PM] viper: 2) fake logs
[7:29 PM] DuckDuckPwn: as i said, i need challenge luck
[7:29 PM] viper: 3) make it seem like trace is a f3 threat
[7:29 PM] DuckDuckPwn: and 2 doesnt help lol
[7:30 PM] DuckDuckPwn: trace is no f3 threat lmao
[7:30 PM] DuckDuckPwn: everyone knows this
[7:30 PM] viper: lol
[7:30 PM] viper: ok
[7:30 PM] viper: then win immunity
[7:30 PM] viper: flip 3p1k
[7:30 PM] viper: all viable plans
[7:30 PM] viper: :thiink
[7:30 PM] viper: f
[7:30 PM] viper: :thinking:
[7:30 PM] viper: or idol
[7:30 PM] DuckDuckPwn: my play is winning immunity 3 times, 2 times if i am extremely lucky
[7:30 PM] viper: idfk
[7:30 PM] viper: ur deffo not out
[7:30 PM] viper: rn
[7:31 PM] DuckDuckPwn: no i am by all intents and purposes out
[7:31 PM] DuckDuckPwn: lol
[7:32 PM] viper: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[7:32 PM] viper: like i said
[7:32 PM] viper: im gonna take you
[7:32 PM] viper: to f7

[7:32 PM] viper: also
[7:32 PM] viper: sorry about zorbees vote
[7:32 PM] DuckDuckPwn: its fine
[7:32 PM] DuckDuckPwn: dont blame you
[7:32 PM] viper: was getting pressure from wolv and trace
[7:32 PM] viper: for that one
[7:32 PM] DuckDuckPwn: as said
[7:32 PM] DuckDuckPwn: dont blame you
[7:32 PM] DuckDuckPwn: its fine
[7:32 PM] viper: ik
[7:32 PM] viper: still feel like
[7:32 PM] viper: explaining is good
My biggest mistake/regret was how I handled my Wolv interactions in particular. He was generally the one reaching out to me to talk, and I should have done a much better job of reaching out to him and giving him reason to believe I wouldn't gun for him. The zorbees vote at 9 very possibly could have been me if I had done any worse with the interactions I had with Wolv (and Hannah, to a degree, although Hannah only really hit me up once or twice when a vote was occurring, or when I talked to Alore about drinking and Alore immediately told her. (ps those logs are great, jalmont and everyone else I shared them with can confirm) I put the game in a position at 9 where I was not in control because of how I handled those interactions. While I think I later made use of this weakness at f8 really well, I probably could have been in a much more solid position if I had reached out to Wolv more especially.

I've posted earlier about perceiving that I wasn't a priority to Wolv leading to my actions, but even if there's a perception of potentially being on the outs, that doesn't mean that remaining largely disengaged is the correct play. There's better ways to handle situations where you might like the user, but you may have to go in opposite directions. I learned from this and handled this much better with viper and Hannah going forward, but this aspect of my game wasn't helpful.