Circuit Tournament Administrative Decisions

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RE: bratpun

Situation: bratpun made an alt, Anorita, and joined both USUM AG Cup and Galar AG Cup with his main account and Anorita. Joining a tournament more than once is forbidden and will lead to the disqualification of both accounts.

Result: bratpun and Anorita will both be disqualified from the AG Grand Prix. bratpun will be tournament banned for 1 year as well and the alt has been banned already.
RE: SiceXV

Situation: SiceXV made an alt, syzgy, and joined a couple of circuit tournaments including the official SM and ORAS Seasonals with his main account and syzgy. Joining a tournament more than once is forbidden and will lead to the disqualification of both accounts.

Result: SiceXV and syzgy will both be disqualified from all tours they are currently playing in, SiceXV will be tournament banned for 1 year, and the alt has been banned already.
RE: eternal ocean

Situation: eternal ocean aka RXG1 eternal ocean asked various users to forfeit against them on their ladder climb, resulting in several undeserved wins. This made even worse by the fact that the top 8 of the tour will qualify for reqs for the upcoming LC suspect test. Thankfully, all of these games happened against people not involved in the LC ladder tour, meaning eternal ocean is the only party here that cheated. Had someone on a RXG1 account forfeited against them, they'd be tourbanned too.

Result: eternal ocean is tournament banned for 3 months.
RE: Sharow, Carmin, Starfire06 and luludzn

Situation: We have been given irrefutable evidence that Sharow has been playing in call with Carmin, Starfire06 and luludzn for multiple tour games from various past metagame circuits. Our rules are pretty clear: do not engage in any calls with other Smogon users when you are playing for any tournament.

Result: The following users have been tourbanned for 1 year: Sharow, Carmin, Starfire06 and luludzn
RE: Ortheore

Situation: Ortheore joined various tournaments under multiple alts, though he never entered any single tournament more than once. With one of them, Kimchi Starducks, he reached the Grand Finals of the RBY Seasonal, then dropped out on purpose to disturb the normal course of the tournament. While dropping out of seasonals for other reasons is generally allowed, there is clear malicious intent here and we will treat this like we would treat a case of intentional throwing. The length of the ban is extended due to using alternate accounts.

Result: Ortheore will be tourbanned for 9 months. His alt accounts have already been permabanned.
RE: Ghosting in UULT v2

The TD team received a report and initially tourbanned a handful of individuals due to an upcoming game in an official tournament. As of this point, we've finished reviewing the information provided and will also be handing out the following punishments:

- Ewin's original tourban will be extended by 6 months for boosting in UULT;
- Amukamara will be tourbanned for 3 months for encouraging banned users to alt for official tournaments;
- juan123juan will be permanently tourbanned due to repeated offenses.
RE : Pierrick, OLT, and PULT

This post is both an administrative decision for PULT and addressing the situation in OLT, as they are extremely similar situations.

Pierrick's qualification in OLT was nullified on the premise that there was an ongoing tiebreak that he could easily join, and that it would "replace" the legitimate game he would have gotten had Pheo' not forfeited. Luigi's post explains pretty well why this is extremely abusable; allowing people to purposefully remove people from playoffs by forfeiting immediately (often without consequence if they don't happen to be on their OLT alt) is an extremely dangerous precedent to set. For purposes of precedent, the TD team does not stand by our earlier decision. I apologize directly to Pierrick, who should not have had to play that tiebreak.

With that in mind, a very similar situation has occurred in PULT. Heracross2.0, not on his PULT account, forfeited on preview to Wingless near the end of the cycle, giving him enough points to qualify. There is no evidence to suggest this was arranged or purposeful boosting, and so neither player will suffer consequences.
RE: Skooma

Skooma dropped out of the finals of the OM Grand Slam playoffs (and r8 winners of Ubers seasonal). This is already very disruptive to an official tournament, especially at opt-in sections of larger tournaments such as a slam playoffs, but evidence was brought to the TD team that shows Skooma had decided to drop out specifically to troll. Malicious intent like this is something we are absolutely unwilling to allow in official tournaments, and the TD team has determined that we will treat this like we would treat a case of intentional throwing.

Result: Skooma will be tourbanned for 3 months.
RE: Nael222

The TD team has received evidence that Nael222 attempted to convince another user to throw against them during the Ubers Ladder Tournament IV so they could qualify for playoffs. Attempts of collusion like this are explicitly not allowed by tournament rules.

Result: Nael222 is tournament banned for 3 months.
RE: XxLazzerpenguinxX

In his Round 8 match of the Balanced Hackmons Seasonal, XxLazzerpenguinxX forfeited Game 2 at preview, presumably due to unwillingness to play a stall mirror. He continued to attempt to win the series in game 3.

As the tournament is part of the OM Circuit - an official circuit which awards a ribbon - all players are expected to give each game an earnest attempt, especially in the late stages of a tournament. However, this was only a qualifying tournament, and though this is definitely intentional throwing, it is not malicious as the player did continue to attempt to win the series.

Result: XxLazzerpenguinxX will be infracted for Unsportsmanlike Conduct.
RE: Crowlignt

The TD team has received evidence that Crowlignt asked an opponent to forfeit against them during the PU Ladder Tournament. Attempts of collusion like this are explicitly not allowed by tournament rules.

Result: Crowlignt is tournament banned for 3 months.
Re: CritHitCubone

CritHitCubone made two alts, DeadDrawDrednaw and DedDrawDrednaw, and joined ADV OU Seasonal with all three of their accounts. Joining a tournament more than once is strictly forbidden and will result in the disqualification of all three accounts.

Result: CritHitCubone, DeadDrawDrednaw, and DedDrawDrednaw are all disqualified from ADV OU Seasonal. The most active of these accounts, CritHitCubone, is tournament banned for one year, while the other two accounts will be forum banned.
Re: Fardin

It was discovered that Fardin utilized the account JellyIO to participate in circuit tournaments while they were banned, as well as entering several tournaments under both accounts. Utilizing an alt to get around a ban and entering tournaments on multiple accounts are both against tournament rules.

Result: Fardin will be tournament banned for 1 year.
Re: Free Mew

The TD team conducted an investigation in which it was discovered that Free Mew was an alt of the user mien. This account was used to participate in a circuit tournament. Joining a tournament on an alt is strictly forbidden and will result in the disqualification of the alt account.

Result: mien is tournament banned for three months, while Free Mew will be forum banned.
re: amyayayy

The TD team has received evidence that amyayayy was provided assistance during games in the Draft League Winter Seasonal, including receiving advice and calcs from external sources.

Result: Because she came forward herself, amyayayy will be tourbanned for three months.
re: yogo896

yogo896 joined multiple circuit tournaments on an alt. While they did not enter the tournament on their main account in addition to the alt, this is still against tournament rules.

Result: yogo896 will be tourbanned for 3 months.
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