Ciran draws Pokemon


took a break from drawing something else to do a 15min quickie
And there is my entry for the PS! Art Room's 'Create an Alolan Pokemon' contest.


Chose Sawsbuck because I like deer and the poor seasons feature has been ignored since gen5. Many tropical areas have 2 seasons, wet and dry. Plumeria are a Hawaiian-themed flower with distinct wet and dry seasonal differences. Went with the Ghost/Grass typing because they're grown in cemeteries in many Polynesian cultures. There are also 2 species of deer that were introduced to Hawaii, so I took elements of what they look like into the design.
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Some of the highlights of the mass giveaway in the Wi-Fi room today.


Anubis colored the Swalot, but didn't sign their name with mine

Too cute to hide from the world.

Cleaned them up a little bit


Realized I messed up smeargle's design, it should have a flesh-scarf thing on its neck and a paw print on its back.
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Thanks, J!

I was given a new tablet as a gift, so been having a fun time getting used to the difference in sensitivity. I don't think I can do line art (well) yet, but my sketches are getting less messy.

Swing by the PS! Wi-Fi room today for a mass wrestler themed giveaway.
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Honestly surprised Komala and the Log Song is not a meme, didn't even see something for it on youtube from a quick search. Beartic had such potential but a sadly plain design. I like the snot ice beard fine, but it doesn't have enough character. The proportions need to be exaggerated more, eviler looking, something.

Sketches for the last Wi-Fi room GTS ga. Cheated a little and digitized the Araquanid sketch I did. Ended up doing a different sketch for the Ariados.

Nihilego w/ a Life Orb and bonus non-shiny. Has transparent bits so looks better on a colored background.
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Those sketches you keep posting are great! You really have a hand for accurate/realistic proportions and dynamic postures, which is refreshing to see for traditionally cartoonish characters like Pokemon. I'd even say it's better than the official art in many cases :P
Guess that proves that using simple geometric objects as a base helps regardless of skill level. I'll definitely try to utilize that more intensively myself, seeing as how it works wonders for your art.

When it comes to coloring your sketches, you could try giving hard shading / cel shading a shot. I believe that would complement your strong and expressive lines perfectly, and also emphasize your intuitive grasp of 3d shapes. hngmn's thread is a great resource if your looking for inspiration. ^^

Btw, I love your choice of Pokemon. Keep up the good work!
Those sketches you keep posting are great! You really have a hand for accurate/realistic proportions and dynamic postures, which is refreshing to see for traditionally cartoonish characters like Pokemon. I'd even say it's better than the official art in many cases :P
Guess that proves that using simple geometric objects as a base helps regardless of skill level. I'll definitely try to utilize that more intensively myself, seeing as how it works wonders for your art.

When it comes to coloring your sketches, you could try giving hard shading / cel shading a shot. I believe that would complement your strong and expressive lines perfectly, and also emphasize your intuitive grasp of 3d shapes. hngmn's thread is a great resource if your looking for inspiration. ^^

Btw, I love your choice of Pokemon. Keep up the good work!

Thanks for commenting!

Yeah, I just like sketching so much more than anything else. I stopped drawing for awhile because I felt compelled to complete anything I started and then ended up doing nothing. But I've been trying to color more lately because I can tell I've gotten pretty out of practice. I've been working on ways to speed color and it's had various success results. Like the Krookodile and Scolipede didn't benefit well from the shading brush with the soft edges, a hard edge for a true cell shade and removing unneeded detail probably would have been better. The Ariados did better with it, probably because it has a more simple body shape so it didn't get the over detail, the areas in shadow just need improvement.

I love hngmn's stuff, his thread is one of the few I have watched. He's very good at color choice which is something I have always struggled with on a computer.
Drew this back in November for a 1v1 Smogon thing, don't know if they ever used it, but it's been long enough that I'm just going to post it here now and wrap up things I drew last year.



Flipped them so the 'V' was more visible.


Also removed the issue of mimikyu giving a rude gesture.
PS!Wi-Fi Jan. giveaway this time; it's today 1/13! Sometimes when I draw I make silly side sketches of what I'm doing.
I did the Genesect after the Stakataka and still had the brush up that I usually use to paint with. Thought it gave an interesting effect with sketching/lines so I opted to go with it.
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