
Base Stats: 80 HP / 120 ATK / 80 DEF / 90 SPA / 65 SPD / 135 SPE
Abilities: Sword of Ruin
Notable Moves:
- Icicle Crash
- Ice Spinner
- Ice Shard
- Throat Chop
- Crunch
- Sacred Sword
- Sucker Punch
- Psychic Fangs
- Tera Blast
- Ruination
- Swords Dance
- Taunt
Level Up
Spite @ Lv. 1
Powder Snow @ Lv. 1
Mean Look @ Lv. 1
Icy Wind @ Lv. 5
Payback @ Lv. 10
Mist @ Lv. 15
Haze @ Lv. 15
Ice Shard @ Lv. 20
Swords Dance @ Lv. 25
Snowscape @ Lv. 30
Night Slash @ Lv. 35
Dark Pulse @ Lv. 40
Icicle Crash @ Lv. 45
Ruination @ Lv. 50
Sucker Punch @ Lv. 55
Sacred Sword @ Lv. 60
Recover @ Lv. 65
Throat Chop @ Lv. 70
Sheer Cold @ Lv. 75
TM Moves
Swords Dance, Take Down, Blizzard, Hyper Beam, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Icy Wind, Endure, False Swipe, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Crunch, Facade, Taunt, Brick Break, Aerial Ace, Dark Pulse, Giga Impact, Avalanche, Ice Fang, Hex, Acrobatics, Snarl, Psychic Fangs, Tera Blast, Ice Spinner, Snowscape
Spite @ Lv. 1
Powder Snow @ Lv. 1
Mean Look @ Lv. 1
Icy Wind @ Lv. 5
Payback @ Lv. 10
Mist @ Lv. 15
Haze @ Lv. 15
Ice Shard @ Lv. 20
Swords Dance @ Lv. 25
Snowscape @ Lv. 30
Night Slash @ Lv. 35
Dark Pulse @ Lv. 40
Icicle Crash @ Lv. 45
Ruination @ Lv. 50
Sucker Punch @ Lv. 55
Sacred Sword @ Lv. 60
Recover @ Lv. 65
Throat Chop @ Lv. 70
Sheer Cold @ Lv. 75
TM Moves
Swords Dance, Take Down, Blizzard, Hyper Beam, Rest, Substitute, Protect, Scary Face, Icy Wind, Endure, False Swipe, Sleep Talk, Rain Dance, Crunch, Facade, Taunt, Brick Break, Aerial Ace, Dark Pulse, Giga Impact, Avalanche, Ice Fang, Hex, Acrobatics, Snarl, Psychic Fangs, Tera Blast, Ice Spinner, Snowscape
New Move:
Ruination | 90% Accuracy |

New Ability:
Sword of Ruin - The Defense stat of all other active Pokémon is reduced by 25%.
- Very neat offensive typing; being able to spam a near unresisted STAB combo
- It's revenge killing capabilities are good due to its 135 base Speed stat and STAB Sucker Punch and Ice Shard
- Sword of Ruin can soften up counters and checks to it due to it lowering Defense stats on the field
- Very frail and prone to revenge killing such as Bullet Punch and Mach Punch from Scizor and Breloom respectively
- Stealth Rock weakness can wear it down; but this can be negated by using Heavy-Duty Boots
Terastal Potential:
- Tera Dark and Ice can give Chien-Pao an extra boost to its strong STAB Dark- and Ice-type moves
- Tera Fire or Ground can let it break through Pokémon that can sit on it such as Scizor and Iron Treads
Potential Sets:
Chien-Pao @ Heavy-Duty Boots / Life Orb
Ability: Sword of Ruin
Tera Type: Fire / Ground / Dark / Ice
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Throat Chop / Crunch / Sucker Punch
- Sacred Sword / Tera Blast / Recover
- Ice Shard / Icicle Crash / Ice Spinner
Swords Dance on Chien-Pao is straightforward; being able to destroy offense once boosted and more defensive builds if hazards are present. You can use either Ice Shard or Sucker Punch as priority depending on what Pokémon to hit, and can customize your Tera Blast typing to hit Pokémon like Scizor and Iron Treads. Recover can be used for healing from Life Orb recoil, but I would only use this is you are sticking with your Dark-type and Ice-type STAB. There is nothing else to elaborate about here, but I would not recommend using double priority, as you need a usable STAB attack that is high in power or not having to be activated by other Pokémon attacking.
Chien-Pao @ Choice Band
Ability: Sword of Ruin
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Icicle Crash
- Throat Chop / Crunch
- Sacred Sword
- Ice Shard / Sucker Punch
Choice Band can escalate Chien-Pao's power to high levels, being able to dent a hefty amount of Pokémon due to the power boost Choice Band gives it and the Defense-lowering effect of Sword of Ruin.
Chien-Pao @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Sword of Ruin
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Icicle Crash
- Throat Chop
- Sacred Sword
- Sucker Punch / Facade
Choice Scarf gives Chien-Pao very high opportunities to revenge kill Pokémon such as Flutter Mane, Roaring Moon, and Houndstone in Sand. Sucker Punch can be used as emergency priority, while Facade is a niche pick which can benefit from Pokémon that status it such as Toxic Spikes from Glimmora.
Overall, Chien-Pao is a very potent offensive Pokémon that can easily shred through teams if they are unprepared for it. Now, I would like to hear what you think about the icy weasel. Is it overpowered? Broken? Potentially meta defining? To me, it has been very good so far in my experience, so I would like to hear about experiences from others!