Approved Change Gluttony’s (long) description to be more informative

Currently, Gluttony’s description reads When this Pokemon has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP, it uses certain Berries early. this doesn't explain what berries exactly Gluttony affects. Something like This Pokemon uses berries normally used at 1/4 or less of its maximum HP when it has 1/2 or less of its maximum HP. would be more precise. That would be too long for the shortdesc I think, but it could be used as the longdesc, and there might be a different wording that I haven't thought of that could be short enough for the shortdesc.
Gluttony doesn't have a long description yet. I rewrote all the move descriptions for every gen two years ago, then started on Abilities and got to Frisk before burning out. When I get back to it again you can be sure Gluttony will get a long description, as will anything else that needs one.
I don't know exactly how you rewrite them and all the process, but would it be possible to help with that in any way?