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CaP Prevos - CaP 28 Prevo - Name Submissions

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A combination of "grub" and "gnaw"

Pronounced: GrubNAW
IPA: grəbnɑ

Reasoning behind the name is pretty simple, grub is another word for insect larva and gnaw means to, well, gnaw. I figured since Miasmaw is probably gonna be taking chunks out of its prey with that massive maw, its prevo can only "gnaw" at what the parents bring back.


Smog + Gum

Pronounced “SMAH-gum”.

Smog is a lighter form of miasma, and gum is there to indicate that it’s teeth haven’t grown in yet.


Mini + Pest + Gas

Pronounced: MIN-est-as

It is a prevo, so it will be a mini creature, it is a pest, and gas is self explanatory.
Final Submission


Combination of "nymph" and "maw". The latter half is taken from Miasmaw's name for theming. Since it's the baby form of Miasmaw, it's fitting enough. The pronunciation would be different given the structure, though. I think it fits together fine, but a lot of people took the better stuff already :psynervous:

Pronounced: Nee-maw
IPA: nimɔ


Nymph (a growth stage of an insect prior to pupating and emerging as an imago) + Niff (meaning bad odor, due to the smoke)

Pronounced: NIMF
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Oof, every time. Every time someone doesn't read the rule banning Final Subs until they are opened, and then 1-2 people follow up and also get their submissions banned. RIP.
WIP (1/3):


Aroma + maw

Pronounced: "uh-ROE-maw"
IPA: əɹoʊmɔ

It's cohesive to have names in an evolutionary line preserve some of the naming structure, like the "hat" part of Hattena -> Hattrem -> Hatterene. Here, I kept the "maw" part of the name. In addition, an aroma evolving into a miasma makes thematic sense and wordplay sense. This leads to the pair Aromaw -> Miasmaw. :)


WIP (2/3):


mug (slang for face) + mite + bug bite

Pronounced: "MUG-mite"
IPA: mʌɡmaɪt

I thought it was fun how you could swap the "b"s for "m"s in the phrase "bug bite" and still get a name that matches the design. :) As a bonus, you get a lot of repetition with the "m" sound with Mugmite -> Miasmaw, which is fun to say.
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And we change the evo’s name to Magarchomp. But yeah I’d avoid any pokemon name that contains a pokemon name.
I didn't know, I've been taking a day off of looking at Smogon and I guess i missed something. Plus, if it sounds like the name it's not a crime(i my opinion I think it'll make the name better)
I didn't know, I've been taking a day off of looking at Smogon and I guess i missed something. Plus, if it sounds like the name it's not a crime(i my opinion I think it'll make the name better)

Nah just personal preference. Gabite already exists as a pokemon, so I personally won’t support a name with Gabite in it.
out of the three WIPs (Larajaw, Magabite, and Dractickie) which one was your favorite.

Please comment to this, I'm interested in your guys opinion!
out of the three WIPs (Larajaw, Magabite, and Dractickie) which one was your favorite.

Please comment to this, I'm interested in your guys opinion!
Yeah, I'd definitely go with Larajaw.

As an aside though, you may want to slow down on your post frequency so as not so incur any sort of infraction. Perhaps consider waiting until final subs open up, or chatting with the peeps over on the Discord channel with your options? It's pretty active over there if you want some answers without flooding the thread. :)
Final Submission


A combination of "wyrm" and "mite". It's also pronounced similarly to "termite".

Pronounced: wurm-mahyt
Final Submission


Maw + full = Awful

Pronounced: "MAH-fuhl"

If you step in the trap, it has its maw full. It also sounds kinda like mouthful.
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