Okay, no videos but I've been playing versus Sackbot in Trainin' with Cyclohm (who has the niftiest voice ever).
Here's how I write my attack combos:
if you imagine the keyboard numberpad, from 1-9. 5 is neutral and means you are not pressing any directions. 2 is down, 4 is left, 6 is right, 8 is up etc.
If I say "3A" that means doing the weak attack while pressing down. B is medium and C is strong ofc. j is jump and T is ability (trait).
Numbers that precede a jump means a jump in that direction (4j means backjump, 6j means jump forwards)
Short little Cyclohm tricks:
(5A ,) 4C , T
This is pulled off a bit slower than the normal combo, but there's no black frames. Plus, 4C to Static pushes you back a bit so it gives you a little spacing to pull something else off.
Doing this combo without 5A is optional.
Twister , Thundershock
Needs some good timing, but otherwise a short combo that's easy to pull off thanks to Twister's suction hitbox. Also, any TShock can be used, but obviously the longer you leave it, the lower angle you'll use.
jB , 5B
This is a little harder to pull off due to the nature of Cyclohm's jB, as you have to pull it off during the descent otherwise it whiffs. You have to pull the jB off near the ground, as if you do it higher up, they have a chance of invincibility. I'll try to record this one soon to show you what I mean.
jC , 5B
Cyclohm's 5B is so versatile it's hilarious. Again, unless they're jumping with you, you will want to wait until you're nearer the floor before pulling this one off. It's also a lot harder since you have to make sure you hit the floor as soon as the second hit finishes, and once you hit the floor you have to go into 5B immediately or they get a frame of block in.
Twister , 6jC , Tri-Attack , 6C or Thunder
finally, a long combo!
Yes, this is very absurd, and very visually stunning too. Twister into 6jC is very forgiving in terms of timing, but you will want to hit them while they are as high in the air as possible. This means that there is more time before they fall down, giving you a larger input window for Tri Attack, and then after Tri-Attack you have to time it very carefully or else 6C will miss. There is a bit of a gap between Tri-Attack and 6C actually, so practice is required for that final attack, even though it isn't needed. If you're using Thunder to finish the combo off then tap your downleftright as fast as possible since you need to strike them in mid-air to hit them with more than one Thunder strike.
jB , 2C
Cyclohm's cheap-shot. Again, wait until you're near the ground before launching B.
Twister , jC , jC , Tri-Attack
This is my second favourite combo ever. It's very difficult to pull off, but it doesn't waste a Thunder like the previous one, yet does equal damage. The hard part is getting the second jC at the right timing after the first, since Cyclohm's strong jump attack has a proportional knockback to hitbox rate. That is, if you hit them lower, they go flying up lower. So you need to jump and jC as quickly as possible in order to get them as high as possible. Also, once you've pulled off the second jC, key in Tri-Attack while in-midair, you won't have time to do it on the floor.
Small video of me playing around with the combo idea
from what I find, Cyclohm is a very powerful and flexible character, although be warned if you are going in for a large combo. Most Cyclohm combos will start Twister -> jC, and if your opponent catches on, it may prove difficult later on. However, it's in those short little combos, one or two moves long is where Cyclohm really shines, since you can either trade speed for power, and string a bunch of small hits together or just whack them with two attacks. Keeps the pressure up.
Experiment with Twister -> jC though, see where it takes you and see what you can do.