Welcome to the Art Submissions thread for CAP 6! As always, it's very important to read the rules before posting in this thread! We've re-organized and updated this OP to hopefully make things clearer and more readable.
IMPORTANT: Some rules have changed and been added, please read them carefully and see the following hide tag for more information
This thread is open for final submissions, WIPs, and comments for the design of the CAP 6. Important considerations that will come into play over the course of this thread are base stats and abilities. Please see the process guide for clarification on the timing of these decisions and for the timing of the closure of this thread.
***All material in both the main design and supporting material must be your own. Using another piece of art for inspiration is allowed, but blatant plagiarism will result in warnings or bans depending on the severity.***
Collaborative material (such as work made by multiple artists or a vision and art direction by a non-artist and execution by an artist) is not permitted.
Final Submission Post
All artists must make a final submission post conforming to the following rules, including those for the Main Design, in order to be included in the art poll.
By making a final submission, an artist gives the CAP project permission to use the submitted art for CAP and related projects. The artist also consents that the design can be interpreted by other artists for the CAP project and for other promotional purposes.
Artists cannot submit any artwork that has been previously or that is currently used by another project not affiliated with CAP. The winning CAP artist agrees to not later use the winning design for another project or contest not affiliated with CAP.
Main Design
The main design is intended to follow the same general posing and layout as the "Official Art" for existing in-game Pokemon. It must be suitable for display on the CAP PokeDex section of the CAP Website and any other CAP propaganda where a picture of the Pokemon is needed.
The comparison to 'Official Pokemon Art' is only applicable to the basic content of the main design; it does not imply any standards or guidelines regarding artistic style or rendering technique.
The following rules of content must be followed for the Main Design:
The rules for main designs will be strictly enforced. Do not make comparisons to in-game Pokemon designs or to past CAP designs to determine if your design is in compliance with these rules. Some in-game Pokemon designs and past CAP designs do not conform with the current CAP art submission rules, and emulating those designs is not an acceptable excuse for breaking the strict interpretation of the current rules.
Supporting Material
There are almost no rules when it comes to supporting material. Action scenes, movement studies, interaction with other Pokemon, animations, sculptures, and cartoon strips are all allowed. Non-art supporting material is also allowed. This includes detailed descriptions of the art, background data, stories, etc. All supporting art and information must be related to the main design in some way.
Posting Rules
Posting Frequency
Intentionally or unintentionally, thread-hogging tends to be more prevalent in the art submission thread compared to other CAP threads. In order to ensure that everyone has a reasonable chance to showcase their designs and air their opinions, each poster must adhere to the following posting limits:
Posting Rules: Artists
Posting Rules: Commenters
Art Polls
All art polls will contain the Main Design and, if applicable, a link below it titled "Supporting Material". This will link to the artists final submission post, if applicable. All final submissions conforming to the rules above will be slated.
CAP 6 so far:
Typing: Steel / Flying
Ability: Intimidate / Volt Absorb / ??
Stats: 50 HP / 92 Atk / 130 Def / 65 SpA / 75 SpD / 118 Spe
We also know that this CAP will be getting the move Belly Drum.
IMPORTANT: Some rules have changed and been added, please read them carefully and see the following hide tag for more information
The following things have changed:
- Sizes for allowed art: Because the previous limits were confusing and difficult to moderate, we now only allow one full-sized image per post, with a limit of 640 px in either dimension. We've added a filesize restriction of 200kB, and a filetype restriction to jpg, gif and png. These restrictions are partly in consideration for mobile users and partly to clarify the ambiguity of "compressed digital format".
- Collaborations: Collaborations of any kind are now off the table. I don't think we had any successful collabs in the past, so this doesn't really change anything. The intention here is to prevent any potential disputes over the ownership or credit of a submitted piece, and to make sure there are no loopholes available to plagiarists.
- Posting limits: Thread-hogging and spamming the thread has always been disallowed and moderated (as in any other CAP thread) but here we felt we needed clearer and more rigid rules to allow every person's opinion and art to be seen in the most equal light possible. With these rules we can be more fair across the board when moderating. Also, new forum tools should facilitate this change, with liking being an easy way to say "I like your design!" and tagging a good way to alert an artist that you've added a comment to your previous post.
This thread is open for final submissions, WIPs, and comments for the design of the CAP 6. Important considerations that will come into play over the course of this thread are base stats and abilities. Please see the process guide for clarification on the timing of these decisions and for the timing of the closure of this thread.
***All material in both the main design and supporting material must be your own. Using another piece of art for inspiration is allowed, but blatant plagiarism will result in warnings or bans depending on the severity.***
Collaborative material (such as work made by multiple artists or a vision and art direction by a non-artist and execution by an artist) is not permitted.
Final Submission Post
All artists must make a final submission post conforming to the following rules, including those for the Main Design, in order to be included in the art poll.
- The post must have "Final Submission" (in bold) as the first line, with the Main Design at the top, and supporting material (if applicable) below it.
- All supporting art must be included as links or as linked thumbnails no larger than 150 pixels in either dimension. Do not include full images of supporting art in the final submission.
- Only make one (1) final submission post. Artists are welcome to work on multiple designs and get feedback from the community, but only one design can be submitted for final consideration. If you wish to alter any aspect of your final submission, then edit your post. Do not make a new one, even if you delete your original post. Any deleting and re-posting will be treated as bumping and is subject to moderation.
By making a final submission, an artist gives the CAP project permission to use the submitted art for CAP and related projects. The artist also consents that the design can be interpreted by other artists for the CAP project and for other promotional purposes.
Artists cannot submit any artwork that has been previously or that is currently used by another project not affiliated with CAP. The winning CAP artist agrees to not later use the winning design for another project or contest not affiliated with CAP.
Main Design
The main design is intended to follow the same general posing and layout as the "Official Art" for existing in-game Pokemon. It must be suitable for display on the CAP PokeDex section of the CAP Website and any other CAP propaganda where a picture of the Pokemon is needed.
The comparison to 'Official Pokemon Art' is only applicable to the basic content of the main design; it does not imply any standards or guidelines regarding artistic style or rendering technique.
The following rules of content must be followed for the Main Design:
- It must consist of a single Pokemon on a plain white background with no parts of the Pokemon cut off by the canvas.
- No props, action effects, move effects, or additional objects can be rendered on or around the Pokemon. If a prop is part of the Pokemon's basic design (ie. Conkeldurr's pillars), then it is acceptable.
- Any 2D digital or scanned traditional drawing may be used. It must be in full color. 3D media and photos are not allowed.
- It must have a distinguishable outline on the entire subject in contrast to the background. No part of the design can be blurred into the background or blended into the background in any way.
- The maximum allowed image dimension is 640 pixels and the minimum is 320 pixels. The maximum allowed image filesize is 200 kB.
- It must be in jpg, png or gif format and must be hosted on a reliable image hosting service (such as imgur or puush). Do not use the forum's 'Upload a File' feature. Do not use Iaza or Ezimba.
The rules for main designs will be strictly enforced. Do not make comparisons to in-game Pokemon designs or to past CAP designs to determine if your design is in compliance with these rules. Some in-game Pokemon designs and past CAP designs do not conform with the current CAP art submission rules, and emulating those designs is not an acceptable excuse for breaking the strict interpretation of the current rules.
Supporting Material
There are almost no rules when it comes to supporting material. Action scenes, movement studies, interaction with other Pokemon, animations, sculptures, and cartoon strips are all allowed. Non-art supporting material is also allowed. This includes detailed descriptions of the art, background data, stories, etc. All supporting art and information must be related to the main design in some way.
Posting Rules
Posting Frequency
Intentionally or unintentionally, thread-hogging tends to be more prevalent in the art submission thread compared to other CAP threads. In order to ensure that everyone has a reasonable chance to showcase their designs and air their opinions, each poster must adhere to the following posting limits:
- No more than one post in any single 24 hour span
- No more than three posts in a single week span (7 days / 168 hours)
Posting Rules: Artists
- Artists can post any work-in-progress (WIP) artwork in order to solicit feedback or to help develop ideas. WIP artwork does not need to conform to the standards of a Main Design. It can be in any medium or stage of completion, but it must be related to an original art design by the poster.
- Each post should contain no more than one (1) full sized image which is no larger than 640 pixels in either dimension with a filesize no larger than 200 kB . Artists should post links to additional art or use linking thumbnails. Each thumbnail can be no larger than 150 pixels in either dimension. Any number of thumbnails can be included in a post.
- Images must be in jpg, png or gif format and must be hosted on a reliable image hosting service (such as imgur or puush). Do not use the forum's 'Upload a File' feature. Do not use Iaza or Ezimba.
- Out of courtesy to users with lower bandwidth, artists should not post links to images with filesizes exceeding 500 kB. You must include a warning if you do.
- Do not post inconsequential updates to designs. Only if you have made a significant change should you post an update in the thread.
- Do not post to state your intended design. You may not reserve an idea for yourself.
- No bumping or begging, especially for feedback. If your design is any good, people will comment on it. If your design gets no feedback, then your design is not very good. Consider the silence to be your feedback.
- Do not post questions asking for help in making art. For art resources on Smogon, check out Smeargle's Studio.
Posting Rules: Commenters
- Do not post ideas or images to serve as inspiration for artists or attempt to commission an artist in the thread to render your idea.
- Do not declare any artwork as "the winner" or make similar comments to that effect. Such posts are insulting to all the other competing artists.
- Do not post that a design does or does not "look like a Pokemon/Digimon". Such comments are unable to be substantiated or refuted. There is no artistic style guide for Pokemon. If you like or dislike a design, that's fine, just say that.
Art Polls
All art polls will contain the Main Design and, if applicable, a link below it titled "Supporting Material". This will link to the artists final submission post, if applicable. All final submissions conforming to the rules above will be slated.
CAP 6 so far:
Name: Show Me Your Moves!
General Description: A good user of moves with effects not frequently used in the OU metagame.
Justification: There are many moves in Pokémon with great effects, but they often end up unused. Moves such as Gravity, Snatch, and Safeguard have potential in OU, but they are neglected for several reasons: the moves are apparently overshadowed, have poor distribution, or are inefficient compared to another strategy. This CAP uses a combination of typing, ability, and stats to make these underused moves not only feasible, but also capable.
Questions To Be Answered:
- What mechanics of Pokémon determine how viable moves are?--not only the Pokémon's typing, stats, and ability, but also its interaction with playstyles and momentum.
- What new strategies might emerge by giving a new OU Pokémon underused moves?
- What challenges do Pokémon that use lesser-used moves face compared to ones that use a more standard moveset?
- If the Pokémon has options of staple OU moves (high-powered STABs, offensive stat-boosting moves, reliable recovery, Substitute), will those moves be useful to it, even if it's specialized toward a separate and distinct strategy?
- Can underused moves increase other underused moves' viabilities?
- Can one user of a strategy unrecognized in a metagame massively influence a pre-existing playstyle?
Typing: Steel / Flying
Ability: Intimidate / Volt Absorb / ??
Stats: 50 HP / 92 Atk / 130 Def / 65 SpA / 75 SpD / 118 Spe
We also know that this CAP will be getting the move Belly Drum.
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