CAP 4 CAP 4 - Part 9 (Ability Poll 1)

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Both are moves that I can easily envision on this Pokemon and have utility purposes. (Again, I want a good hazer *coughs*)
1. Persistent
2. Vital Spirit

Persistent helps those support moves that wouldn't be too beneficial (or nothing at all, like Tailwind) without that small boost. That alone makes it ideal for this pokémon, emphasizing both the utility concept and changes in the metagame via those underused moves.

Vital Spirit will provide it with a really nice immunity if you decide to not use the support options of Persistent.

Persistent seems like a cool ability and will add to its utility, which is what this is all about.

Frisk isn't a great ability, but it's not awful and it fits with the thing having 8 hands.
Poison Point

I like Persistant, I just don't feel like we need this guy to be better. Poison Point and Frisk aren't great abilities, but they aren't awful and they fit him well.
Iron Fist

Persitant seems to be perfect for this pokemon. It's pretty good flavour-wise, as, with it's speed, it could be seen as being persistant in chasing someone, or using it's 8 hands to do so.

Talking of it's 8 fists, Iron Fist seems to be perfect lavour-wise, and could run a gimmicky Physical sweeper, and I think it could learn the elemental punches.
Persistent - because of afformentioned reasons plus Tailwind isn't viable without it.
Vital Spirit - because good Sleep Absorbers are hard to come by and make both brilliant lead pokemon and effective team players.
So many choices, such limitations...

Poison Point

My other two choices would have been Persistent and Vital Spirit for "good" abilities but opted instead for the "mediocre" ability route. Frisk and Poison Point will do fine without making it look like we're putting it in castles in the sky.
Persistent seems a bit contrived to me, anyways. Perhaps we could still make Trick Room/Tail Wind items, though? Or perhaps that would be a topic for the Policy Review.

P.S., Sunday, how is this going to work? Will this be a poll to decide the first ability on its own, exclusive of the second ( potential ) ability, or are we voting for both abilities at once, resulting in choices one and two becoming the abilities? I ask because it doesn't say anything about it in the OP.
1. Persistent- I would like to see more duration moves in the metagame.
2. Klutz- how awesome would it be to trick a Macho Brace onto something setting up, only to Encore it next turn?

"Persistent - When the Pokemon with this ability uses any of the following moves: Trick Room/Gravity/Tailwind/Heal Block/Safeguard, their duration is increased by 2 turns." Is encore included in this?
"Persistent - When the Pokemon with this ability uses any of the following moves: Trick Room/Gravity/Tailwind/Heal Block/Safeguard, their duration is increased by 2 turns." Is encore included in this?

Meh finally time for my votes.

Vital Spirit

Just another support move that shal be viable... and another moveslot taken up.
Vital Spirit would be a nice primary ability, simply for the status protection. Wouldn't make a bad secondary ability either, to give an alternate option to Klutz.
lol Sunday. I just wasn't sure if there were any others that just got left out.

These look good to me. Persistent is an interesting change to the CAP metagame and it would be nice to see something competitive with Unaware.
Vital Spirit

No offense anyone else, but I hate fake abilities. Every aspect of this process that we add that's fake, ups the fanboy quotient exponentially. I say keep things as simple as possible, and play with the Pokemon parts Gamefreak has left us.
Poison Point

I can really see this guys being curious about what the other guy is holding. As a bonus, if a Choice item pops up, then you know not to Encore, and know which Screen to set up. Poison Point seems an okay 'mediocre' ability for this guy, without being totally useless.

I'd be okay with Persistent, but he doesn't really need it.
Iron Fist

Except for
Tail Wind, all of the effected moves already last a decent amount of time. I chose Iron Fist first because even with his S.Atk being higher, there is no way in hell he's not packing punching moves in his arsenal and those fists look pretty damn strong to me. Second choice, Frisk, also makes sense with so many arms how could he not be able to frisk down an opposing pokemon, plus it'll help out Trick immensely should he get it.
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