CAP 4 CAP 4 - Part 3 (Secondary Typing Poll 1)

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Electric - We really need an electric type that is more centered around support (the closest ones now being Ampharos and Zapdos, who are still more offensive than anything). For those turned off by the 4x ground weak, if this gets Gravity it will be at least neutral to ground anyway.

No other type - I'm not really crazy about any of the other options.
Dark would be an interesting type, and if it gets Rapid Spin then I think it could protect itself from the big bad Ghosties. I would also imagine this thing getting moves like Mean Look, Trick Room, Perish Song, Reflect, Light Screen, Toxic, etc.

Dragon would be awesome to have as it would be one of the few times a Dragon poke has not been 4x weak to Ice. Anyways, all the Dragons are too focused on sweeping.
Does anyone know if there's a time limit on this poll?

Also, I editted my second vote from steel to dragon in my old post.
I've been able to start these polls during the high time due to it being the weekend in Aus, but I need to end this one during the down time so the 24hr Clicky Poll ends at a time when I'm awake. If I ended it now I would be at school and people would be looking around saying "The polls ended now where the hell is Sunday?"
I've been able to start these polls during the high time due to it being the weekend in Aus, but I need to end this one during the down time so the 24hr Clicky Poll ends at a time when I'm awake. If I ended it now I would be at school and people would be looking around saying "The polls ended now where the hell is Sunday?"

Ah ok.
It has resistance's to Dark, Ghost, Grass, and Poison. Their's the immunity to Psychic which is very nice because of the strong Psychic type attacks there are. Last it only has one weakness, Ground and it is very easy to predict if someone is going to pull a ground attribute attack because of the high attack power most of them have.

I have no reason for this one i just believe that it would be a great debut for this "Pokemon" type combination.
Not to be Mini-Modding here, but c'mon guys! It's a bold vote. Bold your choices.
There were several large font posts explicitly asking to do so, and some people still missed them.
poison/electric-because dragons and steels are already used to much why add more, and the last poll almost all the votes were electric or poison so why not put them together also the electric type has very few representing it in ou(except for jolt,mag,and vire,but one is all most always a baton passer and the others are sweepers/ trappers) so balancing out the types is a good thing, right?(also see below)

Poison/psyshic- this is soposed to be a supporter, psychic has a boat load of supporting options so why not?
1st: Dark
Poison/Dark only has Ground as a weakness, and also (I know I'll regret saying this later) just seems like a cool typing. >.>

2nd: Psychic
Poison/Psychic has more weaknesses than Poison/Dark, but it keeps its Fighting resistance. Also makes more utility moves viable.
Nice resists, and unique typing. This would make it probably get TWave, TBolt, and/or Zap Cannon (Hey, Forry and Pyroak got it). The ground resist would be predictable, and flying resist could help out a team that also has Revenankh.

SR resist and TWave immunity are great. I would've said steel, but one of poison's main selling points for me was the auto-absorb of Toxic Spikes. Also, if this gets to learn gravity, STAB Earthquake would allow it to support itself in addition to its teammates. This typing reminds me a bit of Forretress.

It's been said, tonnes of resistances but are nicely balanced with a 4x
ground weak and 2x fire weak

I think a poisonous dragon is a really cool concept, kinda like a venomous snake, but with more draconic qualities =/
The support moves are pretty good, plus the art would be nice. The weaknesses aren`t too bad, you can easily predict them and switch out.

The sandstorm immunity, sr and twave resistance is pretty good. The addition of EQ is pretty good too.

edit: First Post x)
I took a look at the resistance table, and out of all the types, the first one that popped out to me was Bug. It resists fighting, poison, grass, etc etc etc and as I was about to make my final decision, I took a second look... and it hit me... Its BUG, it would fall prey to stealth rock unless you have a spinner on your.. wait, this guy is going to be the spinner! LOL so bug is no...

I vote No Type first choice

Blissey is to fighting as Muk is to psychic and ground. We all have said that earthquake can be seen a mile away, so the only thing that will screw you here is a psychic attack. And we are not going "throw" it into his weaknesses (only 2), so I think this poison type alone would do alright. Its egg group would have to be amazing, if we plan to have a hypnosis/trickroom/ explosion/ toxic spkes pokemon

I vote Dragon second chioce

yes, Dragon. Resistance to fighting is the first choice I picked it, plus its unusual resistances (meaning, ability to take hits from certain types) as it sets up. Yes ice is played a lot, if we all plan to have an ice move on every pokemon on our team just to prove that dragon was a bad choice, why we do the same for the other types?

I go Dragon, too many dragon sweepers... I believe first dragon "defensive" right here, along with poison... its a match made in heav- well, in some factory dump, but still! =]

There appears to be a lack of utility moves here, but there are some really amazing dark support moves. Taunt, Knock Off, Switcheroo, Thief, Memento, access to certain similar domain support from hypnosis, perish song, imprison, and psycho shift which could also be seen on a dark pokemon.

If you couple this with baton pass and nasty plot, agility, or other stat up moves or perish song, you've got a great trapper and utility pokemon. Think ARIADOS evolution, with spiderweb and insomnia, ariados's trademarks. An ariados evolution might also get gravity, pulling it's foes close to it.


Some useful features, but I really don't feel as strongly about this one.
Neutral: Normal, Fire, Water, Ice, Bug, Fighting, Rock, Dragon, Steel, Flying, Electric
Resistance: Dark, Ghost, Grass, Poison
Immunities: Psychic
Weakness: Ground

As far as typing goes, this seems solid. An immunity to a move that isnt the most common, and a single weakness to one that is very common, while a couple of neat resistances sprinkled here and there, isn't overpowered and I think that should be what we're aiming for.

Poison gives access to toxic spikes/toxic and possibly haze, while absorbing the foe's T spikes.

Dark gives a lot of neat utility moves... Moonlight, Taunt, Knock off, Memento, Snatch, Thief, Nasty Plot, and perish song to name a few. Moonlight and Perish Song seem to fit flavor wise.

Now, I've talked with Thunderpup, and we've tossed the idea of an Ariados evolution around. Ariados' typing is Bug/Poison, but it isn't far fetched in the least to change it's typing around to fit this. Despite being a pretty bad pokemon, Ariados has access to a lot of utility moves as it is, while having a signature move in Spider Web which functions exactly like Mean Look. In addition to this, Ariados has stuff like Baton Pass, Agility, Sunny Day, and can certainly gain some new moves from it's brand new typing. Spider Web -> Perish Song -> Baton Pass is so much cooler than Mean Look :D

Also, Ariados already has the ability Insomnia, giving it a free switch in to sleepers. An evolution with a Dark typing also gives him a STAB Sucker Punch.

While it's early to discuss whether we want to make this an evolution of a pre-existing pokemon, I think this is definitely something you may want to consider.

Not to mention...
this is an awesome sounding typing.

edit: oh, are evolutions not covered in this sort of CAP project?


I was convinced early in this because of it's interesting features; SR immunity, immune to toxic, sandstorm resistant, thunder wave immunity, etc etc. All in all, it's a cool idea, but I like the concept of a Poison/Dark a whole lot more.
It'd be the first real utility Dragon instead of a sweeper, and can profit from having so many resistances to top off the Poison side, making it a great poke to switch into incoming NVE attacks. It may be weak to Earthquake and Land Power, but 4x resistance to Leaf Storm and 2x resistance to Overheat, Cross Chop, and Mega Horn pleases me. Plus, it would be the first non-uber fully evolved poke to have only a 2x weakness to Ice.

Though it loses resistance to Fighting attacks, it gets a pretty good immunity in exchange. Plus, this makes it stand out more from the other Poison types.
Well, considering that this is Create a Pokemon and not IMPROVE or OUTCLASS a pokemon (cough poison/dark drapion cough cough poison/ground nidos cough) I'm going to vote:

Poison / Dragon - Always a good thing to challenge the other dragons. Plus, this thing can finally be the snake that Seviper and Arbok dreamed of. Will get solid STAB from Dragon, and has many useful resistances. I think it would have a nice new niche in the metagame.
I don't get the reasoning behind a dragon secondary; there is NO dragon utility moves. This limits it to just it's poison side, and maybe a couple things like Rapid Spin if it's a turtle Dragon, which sort of doesnt make sense due to it's primary Poison typing.

Just because something is cool doesn't mean it's practical.
We're going for pure utility, but some of you guys seem to be focusing too much on resistances, and not so much on potential movepool. Poison/Dragon is weak to the boltbeam combination, and that limits the idea of a defensive dragon.
How would this thing learn rapid spin or gravity by being an ariados evolution? It's a really cool idea though.
I'm unsure on how it would go about learning Rapid Spin (i'm guessing it probably wont) but I think that Gravity would be a viable move for it to learn. The concept behind Ariados is a spider, and gravity grounds any flying types or levitaters. This fits in flavor wise with Ariados because it can potentially "pull" down it's prey.
Well, considering that this is Create a Pokemon and not IMPROVE or OUTCLASS a pokemon (cough poison/dark drapion cough cough poison/ground nidos cough) I'm going to vote:

Poison / Dragon - Always a good thing to challenge the other dragons. Plus, this thing can finally be the snake that Seviper and Arbok dreamed of. Will get solid STAB from Dragon, and has many useful resistances. I think it would have a nice new niche in the metagame.

We're doing pure utility, and both drapion and nidoking/queen don't fit these requirements, both being mixed pokemon. The fact that this is a PURE UTILITY pokemon merits that it won't outclass drapion's attacking options, as well as nidoking or nidoqueen's attacking options. It's very likely the final product will have little to no great attacking stats.

We don't have to create a new type of pokemon every time we do a CAP.

Dragon STAB is really cool, but this pokemon probably isn't going to be attacking that much.

EDIT: Not to mention poison/dark is only weak to ground, where the "resistances" given by dragon are very unnecessary because it opens a weakness to dragon moves, and the ever popular bolt-beam combo. Poison/Dark is neutral to both and, with good defenses, shrug off damage from both.
Well, considering that this is Create a Pokemon and not IMPROVE or OUTCLASS a pokemon (cough poison/dark drapion cough cough poison/ground nidos cough) I'm going to vote:

Hey guys, let's make a Steel / Psychic! Bronzong, maybe? Aw, nah, let's not, that'd be just like Metagross...

Also, if you don't include a second vote, your vote won't be counted.
I don't get the reasoning behind a dragon secondary; there is NO dragon utility moves. This limits it to just it's poison side, and maybe a couple things like Rapid Spin if it's a turtle Dragon, which sort of doesnt make sense due to it's primary Poison typing.

There aren't any Dragon utility moves, but that's not to say that a Poison/Dragon couldn't have non-Poison utility moves. Dragonite learns Thunder Wave, Light Screen, Haze, Heal Bell, and Safeguard (Altaria learns a bunch of those moves too), tons of Dragons learn Roar, Sunny Day, and Rain Dance, several of the legendary Dragons learn Heal Block, and there are tons of utility moves that could come from design alone. A snake-like Pokemon could easily have "Knock Off" using it's tail, and there are plenty of moves that could be slapped on regardless of design, like Trick Room, Encore, Memento, Perish Song, Gravity, and plenty more. And that's on top of the very valuable Toxic Spikes.

Not to mention poison/dark is only weak to ground, where the "resistances" given by dragon are very unnecessary because it opens a weakness to dragon moves, and the ever popular bolt-beam combo.
I'd MUCH rather have a Pokemon that can switch into a resisted hit for minimal damage, use <support move>, and then be forced out than a Pokemon that does the same thing but ends up taking more damage because it doesn't resist an attack. More resistances and weaknesses on a utility Pokemon is a very good thing.

There aren't any Dragon utility moves, but that's not to say that a Poison/Dragon couldn't have non-Poison utility moves. Dragonite learns Thunder Wave, Light Screen, Haze, Heal Bell, and Safeguard (Altaria learns a bunch of those moves too), tons of Dragons learn Roar, Sunny Day, and Rain Dance, several of the legendary Dragons learn Heal Block, and there are tons of utility moves that could come from design alone. A snake-like Pokemon could easily have "Knock Off" using it's tail, and there are plenty of moves that could be slapped on regardless of design, like Trick Room, Encore, Memento, Perish Song, Gravity, and plenty more. And that's on top of the very valuable Toxic Spikes.

Well, this goes for most other typings; that they arent limited to just their typed utility moves. Design I'm assuming will be worked with later, but Dragon doesn't bring much on it's own to the table with the exception of resistances and weaknesses. I would probably side with Electric over a Dragon secondary because that has access to a lot of flavor moves, with the screens, TWave, etc. A snake like dragon would probably not learn most of the moves other dragons gain. It just seems like a poor secondary.

Maybe if it was a Dragon Primary, but we're mostly focusing on Poison (I guess?).

I don't think we should be too stylistic right now. I'm sure a Snake Dragon could probably get a good deal of moves that fits with it's designs, but so can most other types. Get a design with a lots of utility moves, that is.

But you are right about a lot of that. Altaria wasn't on my mind when thinking of Dragon Utility.

edit: for design purposes, I don't see a Snake like Dragon working as a utility pokemon. Basilisk, Hydra, Serpent, whatever you think fits, seem more geared towards offense over anything else.
Dragon just sounds like an interesting combination. A Poison/Dragon opens up all kinds of strange combinations. Where did this thing come from? How did it come to be? These sorts of questions make me want to explore this topic further. Plus, being Dragon-type enables some interesting support options, since Dragons tend to learn some strange sets of moves, as Fishin described.

I could see this thing carrying Rapid Spin even as a dragon. I could see so many various options for this creature, it all depends on what design concept ends up winning. That's what makes it so interesting to me.

No Additional Typing
because I think that it would be more interesting to make a single-typed creature than to try to make something with multiple types. Poison isn't a completely terrible typing on its own, and I think depending on the way we go with it, this Pokemon could easily still get the support moves we want it to have.
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